/* * Copyright 2009, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ namespace o3d { typedef ObjectBase[] ObjectArray; %[ A Pack object functions as a container for O3D objects. The Pack is used to control the lifetime scope of a collection of objects in bulk. The Pack object achieves this by simply storing a set of references to its contained objects, which ensures that the ref-counts for those objects never reach zero while the pack is alive. \sa o3d.Pack.removeObject \sa o3d.Pack.destroy %] [nocpp, include="core/cross/pack.h"] class Pack : NamedObject { %[ Removes all internal references to the Pack from the client. The pack, and all objects contained in it are permitted to be destroyed after the pack's destruction. Objects will only be destroyed after all references to them have been removed. NOTE: Calling pack.destroy does NOT free your resources. It justs releases the pack's reference to those resources. An example should hopefully make it clearer. pack.destroy() is effectively almost the same as this. \code var objectsInPack = pack.getObjectsByClassName('o3d.ObjectBase'); for (var ii = 0; ii < objectsInPack.length; ++ii) { pack.removeObject(objectsInPack[ii]); } \endcode The only difference is that after all the objects are removed the pack itself will be released from the client. See documenation on pack.removeObject for why this is important. It's important to note that many objects are only referenced by the pack. Textures, Effects, Materials, for example. That means the moment you call pack.destroy() those objects will be freed. If the client then tries to render and some objects are missing you'll immediately get an error. \return True if the pack was successfully deleted. %] void Destroy(); %[ Removes a pack's reference to an object. Any object created from pack.create___ function can be removed. This releases the pack's reference to that object so if nothing else is referencing that object it will be deleted. NOTE: Calling pack.removeObject does NOT automatically free your resource. It just releases the pack's reference to that resource. An example should hopefully make it clearer. Suppose you make a transform like this: \code var myTransform = pack.createObject('Transform'); myTransform.parent = g_client.root; pack.removeObject(myTransform); \endcode In the code above, myTransform is referenced twice. Once by the pack, and again by g_client.root So in this case, calling pack.removeObject() only releases the pack's reference leaving the reference by g_client.root. \code myTransform.parent = null; \endcode Now the last reference has been removed and myTransform will be freed. \param object Object to remove. \return True if the object was successfully removed. False if the object is not part of this pack. \sa o3d.Pack.destroy %] bool RemoveObject(ObjectBase object); %[ Creates an Object by Class name. Note: You may omit the 'o3d.'. \param type_name name of Class to create. Valid type names are: \li o3d.Canvas \li o3d.CanvasLinearGradient \li o3d.CanvasPaint \li o3d.ClearBuffer \li o3d.Counter \li o3d.Curve \li o3d.DrawContext \li o3d.DrawElement \li o3d.DrawList \li o3d.DrawPass \li o3d.Effect \li o3d.FunctionEval \li o3d.IndexBuffer \li o3d.Material \li o3d.ParamArray \li o3d.ParamObject \li o3d.Primitive \li o3d.RenderFrameCounter \li o3d.RenderNode \li o3d.RenderSurfaceSet \li o3d.Sampler \li o3d.SecondCounter \li o3d.Shape \li o3d.Skin \li o3d.SkinEval \li o3d.SourceBuffer \li o3d.State \li o3d.StateSet \li o3d.StreamBank \li o3d.Texture2D \li o3d.TextureCUBE \li o3d.TickCounter \li o3d.Transform \li o3d.TreeTraversal \li o3d.VertexBuffer \li o3d.Viewport \li o3d.Matrix4AxisRotation \li o3d.Matrix4Composition \li o3d.Matrix4Scale \li o3d.Matrix4Translation \li o3d.ParamOp2FloatsToFloat2 \li o3d.ParamOp3FloatsToFloat3 \li o3d.ParamOp4FloatsToFloat4 \li o3d.ParamOp16FloatsToMatrix4 \li o3d.TRSToMatrix4 \return The created object. %] ObjectBase? CreateObject(String type_name); %[ Creates a new Texture2D object of the specified size and format and reserves the necessary resources for it. Note: If enable_render_surfaces is true, then the dimensions must be a power of two. \param width The width of the texture area in texels (max = 2048) \param height The height of the texture area in texels (max = 2048) \param format The memory format of each texel \param levels The number of mipmap levels. Use zero to create the compelete mipmap chain. \param enable_render_surfaces: If true, the texture object will expose RenderSurface objects through GetRenderSurface(...). \return The Texture2D object. %] Texture2D? CreateTexture2D(int width, int height, Texture::Format format, int levels, bool enable_render_surfaces); %[ Creates a new TextureCUBE object of the specified size and format and reserves the necessary resources for it. Note: If enable_render_surfaces is true, then the dimensions must be a power of two. \param edge_length The edge of the texture area in texels (max = 2048) \param format The memory format of each texel \param levels The number of mipmap levels. Use zero to create the compelete mipmap chain. \param enable_render_surfaces If true, the texture object will expose RenderSurface objects through GetRenderSurface(...). \return The TextureCUBE object. %] TextureCUBE? CreateTextureCUBE(int edge_length, Texture::Format format, int levels, bool enable_render_surfaces); %[ Creates a new RenderDepthStencilSurface object of a format suitable for use as a depth-stencil render target. Note: The dimensions of the RenderDepthStencilSurface must be a power of two. \param width The width of the RenderSurface in pixels \param height The height of the RenderSurface in pixels \return The RenderSurface object. %] RenderDepthStencilSurface? CreateDepthStencilSurface(int width, int height); %[ Search the pack for all objects of a certain class with a certain name. Note that modifications to this array [e.g. push()] will not affect the underlying Pack, while modifications to the array's members will affect them. \param name Name to look for \param class_type_name the Class of the object. It is okay to pass base types for example "o3d.RenderNode" will return ClearBuffers, DrawPasses, etc... \returns Array of Objects. %] [const] ObjectArray GetObjects(String name, String class_type_name); %[ Search the pack for all objects of a certain class Note that modifications to this array [e.g. push()] will not affect the underlying Pack, while modifications to the array's members will affect them. \param class_type_name the Class of the object. It is okay to pass base types for example "o3d.RenderNode" will return ClearBuffers, DrawPasses, etc... \returns Array of Objects. %] [const] ObjectArray GetObjectsByClassName(String class_type_name); %[ All the objects managed by this pack. Each access to this field gets the entire list so it is best to get it just once. For example: \code var objects = pack.objects; for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { var object = objects[i]; } \endcode Note that modifications to this array [e.g. push()] will not affect the underlying Pack, while modifications to the array's members will affect them. %] [userglue_getter, getter] ObjectBaseArray objects_; %[ Creates a FileRequest to be used to asynchronously load a Texture. \param type Must be "TEXTURE" \returns a FileRequest %] [noccp, userglue] FileRequest? CreateFileRequest(String type); [verbatim=cpp_glue, include="core/cross/file_request.h"] %{ o3d::FileRequest *userglue_method_CreateFileRequest( o3d::Pack *pack, const o3d::String &type) { return pack->CreateFileRequest(type); } o3d::ObjectBaseArray userglue_getter_objects_( o3d::Pack* self) { return self->GetByClass(); } %} %[ Creates an ArchiveRequest so we can stream in assets from an archive \returns an ArchiveRequest %] [noccp, userglue] ArchiveRequest CreateArchiveRequest(); [verbatim=cpp_glue, include="import/cross/archive_request.h"] %{ o3d::ArchiveRequest *userglue_method_CreateArchiveRequest( o3d::Pack *pack) { return pack->CreateArchiveRequest(); } %} %[ Creates a Texture given a RawData object \returns the Texture %] Texture? CreateTextureFromRawData(RawData raw_data, bool generate_mips); }; // Pack } // namespace o3d