# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # PLEASE NOTE: This file contains the targets for generating the # plugin two different ways -- once as a shared library, and once as a # static library. The static library is only built if we are inside # of a Chrome tree, and it gets built with different defined symbols, # and without the packaging code on the Mac. The shared library gets # built in an o3d tree, or in a chrome tree when built by an o3d # developer (someone who has added the .gclient stanza to include # DEPS_chrome). This results in having two targets in this file which # are largely identical, but still significantly different. # # Please be sure and synchronize these two targets so that we can # continue to build both the standalone plugin and the Chrome-embedded # plugin. { 'variables': { 'chromium_code': 1, 'plugin_sources': [ 'cross/async_loading.cc', 'cross/async_loading.h', 'cross/blacklist.cc', 'cross/config.h', 'cross/config_common.cc', 'cross/download_stream.h', 'cross/main.cc', 'cross/main.h', 'cross/main_thread_task_poster.cc', 'cross/main_thread_task_poster.h', 'cross/marshaling_utils.h', 'cross/np_v8_bridge.cc', 'cross/np_v8_bridge.h', 'cross/out_of_memory.cc', 'cross/out_of_memory.h', 'cross/plugin_logging.h', 'cross/plugin_main.h', 'cross/stream_manager.cc', 'cross/stream_manager.h', 'cross/texture_static_glue.cc', ], 'plugin_depends': [ '../../<(jpegdir)/libjpeg.gyp:libjpeg', '../../<(pngdir)/libpng.gyp:libpng', '../../<(zlibdir)/zlib.gyp:zlib', '../../base/base.gyp:base', '../../skia/skia.gyp:skia', '../../v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8', '../core/core.gyp:o3dCore', '../core/core.gyp:o3dCorePlatform', '../gpu_plugin/gpu_plugin.gyp:np_utils', '../import/archive.gyp:o3dArchive', '../utils/utils.gyp:o3dUtils', '../../native_client/src/shared/imc/imc.gyp:google_nacl_imc', 'idl/idl.gyp:o3dPluginIdl', ], }, 'includes': [ '../build/common.gypi', ], 'target_defaults': { 'include_dirs': [ '..', '../..', '../../<(gtestdir)', ], 'defines': [ 'O3D_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION="