# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

# PLEASE NOTE: This file contains the targets for generating the
# plugin two different ways -- once as a shared library, and once as a
# static library.  The static library is only built if we are inside
# of a Chrome tree, and it gets built with different defined symbols,
# and without the packaging code on the Mac.  The shared library gets
# built in an o3d tree, or in a chrome tree when built by an o3d
# developer (someone who has added the .gclient stanza to include
# DEPS_chrome).  This results in having two targets in this file which
# are largely identical, but still significantly different.
# Please be sure and synchronize these two targets so that we can
# continue to build both the standalone plugin and the Chrome-embedded
# plugin.

  'variables': {
    'chromium_code': 1,
    'plugin_sources': [
    'plugin_depends': [
    # A comma-separated list of strings, each double-quoted.
    'plugin_domain_whitelist%': '',
  'includes': [
  'target_defaults': {
    'include_dirs': [
    'defines': [
      'O3D_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION="<!(python version_info.py --set_name="<(plugin_name)" --set_npapi_mimetype="<(plugin_npapi_mimetype)" --description)"',
      'O3D_PLUGIN_VERSION="<!(python version_info.py --version)"',
    'conditions': [
      # The funky quoting here is so that GYP doesn't shoot itself in the foot
      # when expanding a quoted variable which itself contains quotes.
      ["""'<(plugin_domain_whitelist)' != ''""",
          'defines': [
  'targets': [
      # This is the shared library version of the plugin.
      'variables': {
        # Default values. Can be overridden with GYP_DEFINES for ease of
        # repackaging.
        'plugin_rpath%'         : '/opt/google/o3d/lib',      # empty => none
        'plugin_env_vars_file%' : '/opt/google/o3d/envvars',  # empty => none
      'target_name': '<(plugin_npapi_filename)',
      'type': 'loadable_module',
      'dependencies': [
      'sources': [
      'conditions' : [
        ['OS != "linux"',
            'dependencies': [
        ['renderer == "gl"',
            'dependencies': [
        ['renderer == "gles2"',
            'dependencies': [
        ['OS == "mac"',
            'mac_bundle': 1,
            'product_extension': 'plugin',
            'product_name': 'O3D',
            'dependencies': [
            'xcode_settings': {
              'INFOPLIST_FILE': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/plugin/Info.plist',
            'mac_bundle_resources': [
            'sources': [
            'mac_framework_dirs': [
            'include_dirs': [
            'defines': [
            'link_settings': {
              'libraries': [
            'postbuilds': [
                'variables': {
                  # Define install_name in a variable ending in _path
                  # so that gyp understands it's a path and performs proper
                  # relativization during dict merging.
                  'install_name_path': 'mac/plugin_fix_install_names.sh',
                'postbuild_name': 'Fix Framework Paths',
                'action': ['<(install_name_path)'],
                'variables': {
                  # Define copy_frameworks in a variable ending in _path
                  # so that gyp understands it's a path and performs proper
                  # relativization during dict merging.
                  'copy_frameworks_path': 'mac/plugin_copy_frameworks.sh',
                'postbuild_name': 'Copy Frameworks',
                'action': ['<(copy_frameworks_path)'],
                'postbuild_name': 'Process Resource File',
                'action': ['python',
                'postbuild_name': 'Compile Resource File',
                'action': ['/usr/bin/Rez',
        ['OS == "linux"',
            'sources': [
            'ldflags': [
              '<!@(pkg-config --libs-only-L xt)',
              # The Cg libs use three other libraries without linking to them,
              # which breaks --as-needed, so we have to specify them here before
              # the --as-needed flag.
              '-lGL',       # Used by libCgGL
              '-lpthread',  # Used by libCg
              '-lm',        # Used by libCg
              # GYP dumps all static and shared libraries into one archive group
              # on the command line in arbitrary order, which breaks
              # --as-needed, so we have to specify the out-of-order ones before
              # the --as-needed flag.
              # Directs the linker to only generate dependencies on libraries
              # that we actually use. Must come last.
            'libraries': [
              '<!@(pkg-config --libs-only-l xt)',
            'conditions' : [
              ['plugin_rpath != ""',
                  'ldflags': [
                    '-Wl,-rpath', '-Wl,<(plugin_rpath)',
              ['plugin_env_vars_file != ""',
                  'defines': [
        ['OS == "win"',
            'dependencies': [
            'sources': [
            'link_settings': {
              'libraries': [
        ['OS == "win" and renderer == "d3d9"',
            'link_settings': {
              'libraries': [
  'conditions': [
    ['o3d_in_chrome == "True"',
        # Only use the "static_library" plugin target if we're
        # building in a chrome tree, since we don't need it in an O3D
        # tree.
        'targets': [
            'variables': {
              # By default the built-in Chrome version does not read an env
              # vars file, but this can be overridden by giving a different
              # value for this.
              'plugin_env_vars_file%' : '',
            'target_name': 'o3dPlugin',
            'type': 'static_library',
            'dependencies': [
            'sources': [
            'conditions' : [
              ['OS != "linux"',
                  'dependencies': [
              ['renderer == "gl"',
                  'dependencies': [
              ['renderer == "gles2"',
                  'dependencies': [
              ['OS == "mac"',
                  'mac_bundle': 1,
                  'product_extension': 'plugin',
                  'product_name': 'O3D',
                  'dependencies': [
                  'xcode_settings': {
                    'INFOPLIST_FILE': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/plugin/Info.plist',
                  'mac_bundle_resources': [
                  'sources': [
                  'mac_framework_dirs': [
                  'include_dirs': [
                  'defines': [
                  'link_settings': {
                    'libraries': [
              ['OS == "linux"',
                  'sources': [
                  'link_settings': {
                    'libraries': [
                  # On Linux, shared library targets aren't copied to the
                  # product dir automatically.  Filed GYP issue #74 to address this.
                  # TODO(gspencer): Remove when issue #74 is resolved.
                  'copies': [
                      'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
                      'files': [
                  'conditions' : [
                    ['plugin_env_vars_file != ""',
                        'defines': [
              ['OS == "win"',
                  'dependencies': [
                  'sources': [
                  'link_settings': {
                    'libraries': [
              ['OS == "win" and renderer == "d3d9"',
                  'link_settings': {
                    'libraries': [
              ['OS == "win" and renderer == "d3d9"',
                  'link_settings': {
                    'libraries': [
    ['OS != "linux"',
        'targets': [
            'target_name': 'o3dPluginLogging',
            'type': 'static_library',
            'conditions': [
                  'sources': [
                  'sources': [
            'target_name': 'add_version',
            'type': 'none',
            'actions': [
                'action_name': 'add_version_rc',
                'inputs': [
                'conditions': [
                      'inputs': [
                      'outputs': [
                      'action': ['python',
                      'inputs': [
                      'outputs': [
                      'action': ['python',
            'conditions': [
                  'actions': [
                      'action_name': 'add_version_def',
                      'inputs': [
                      'outputs': [
                      'action': ['python',
        'targets': [
            'target_name': 'gen_host_control_rgs',
            'type': 'none',
            'actions': [
                'action_name': 'gen_host_control_rgs',
                'inputs': [
                'outputs': [
                'action': ['python',
                  '--set_activex_hostcontrol_clsid=' +
                  '--set_activex_hostcontrol_name=' +
            'target_name': 'gen_npapi_host_control_idl',
            'type': 'none',
            'actions': [
                'action_name': 'gen_npapi_host_control_idl',
                'inputs': [
                'outputs': [
                'action': ['python',
                  '--set_activex_hostcontrol_clsid=' +
                  '--set_activex_hostcontrol_name=' +
            'target_name': 'o3d_host',
            'type': 'shared_library',
            'dependencies': [
            'include_dirs': [
            'sources': [
            'link_settings': {
              'libraries': [
            'defines': [
            'msvs_settings': {
              'VCLinkerTool': {
              'VCCLCompilerTool': {
                'CompileAs': '2', # Build all the files as C++, since
                                  # ATL requires that.
            'msvs_configuration_attributes': {
              'UseOfATL': '1', # 1 = static link to ATL, 2 = dynamic link
    # If compiling with re-branding, we alias the branded NPAPI target name to
    # the unbranded one so that targets depending on it can just refer to it
    # by a constant name.
    ['"<(plugin_npapi_filename)" != "npo3dautoplugin"', 
        'targets': [
            'target_name': 'npo3dautoplugin',
            'type': 'none',
            'dependencies': [

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