<!-- Copyright 2009, Google Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --> <!-- Full-Screen Mode Example In this tutorial, we load and display a scene in O3D. --> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title> Full-Screen Mode Example </title> <!-- Include sample javascript library functions--> <script type="text/javascript" src="o3djs/base.js"></script> <!-- Our javascript code --> <script type="text/javascript" id="o3dscript"> o3djs.require('o3djs.util'); o3djs.require('o3djs.math'); o3djs.require('o3djs.rendergraph'); o3djs.require('o3djs.camera'); o3djs.require('o3djs.pack'); o3djs.require('o3djs.scene'); o3djs.require('o3djs.primitives'); // Events // init() once the page has finished loading. window.onload = init; window.onunload = uninit; // global variables var g_o3d; var g_math; var g_client; var g_viewInfo; var g_pack; var g_finished = false; // for selenium testing var g_teapotRoot; var g_orthoRoot; var g_bannerTexture; var g_o3dElement; /** * Creates the polygon and texture that will display the fullscreen banner, and * makes a clickable region to match that will trigger the transition. * @param {!number} clientHeight the height of the plugin region in pixels. * @param {!o3djs.rendergraph.viewInfo} viewInfo the view corresponding to the * orthographic projection on which we'll be displaying the banner. */ function createBannerSurfaceAndClickableRegion(clientHeight, viewInfo) { // Create a material. var material = o3djs.material.createMaterialFromFile( g_pack, 'shaders/texture-only.shader', viewInfo.zOrderedDrawList); // Create a 2d plane for images. createPlane makes an XZ plane by default // so we pass in matrix to rotate it to an XY plane. We could do // all our manipulations in XZ but most people seem to like XY for 2D. var planeShape = o3djs.primitives.createPlane( g_pack, material, 1, 1, 1, 1, [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0,-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]); // Load our banner. var url = o3djs.util.getCurrentURI() + 'assets/fullscreen.png'; o3djs.io.loadTexture(g_pack, url, function(texture, exception) { if (exception) { alert(exception); } else { var sampler = g_pack.createObject('Sampler'); sampler.addressModeU = g_o3d.Sampler.CLAMP; sampler.addressModeV = g_o3d.Sampler.CLAMP; var paramSampler = g_orthoRoot.createParam('texSampler0', 'ParamSampler'); paramSampler.value = sampler; g_bannerTexture = sampler.texture = texture; g_orthoRoot.addShape(planeShape); // Convert to a top-left-corner-based coordinate system from the // center-based default. g_orthoRoot.translate(texture.width / 2, texture.height / 2, 0); // Place the banner 10 pixels in from the bottom-left corner. g_orthoRoot.translate(10, clientHeight - texture.height - 10, 0); // Adjust the scale such that the above adjustment is in pixels; we could // alternatively make the order work out by doing the scaling and // transformation in separate transforms, with the translation in the // parent and the scaling in the child. g_orthoRoot.scale(texture.width, -texture.height, 1); o3djs.event.addEventListener(g_o3dElement, 'resize', handleResizeEvent); updateBanner(); } g_finished = true; // for selenium testing. }); } /** * Creates an orthographic projection view that will overlay the main display, * and places on it the fullscreen banner. Also creates the corresponding * clickable region that triggers the fullscreen transition. * @param {!number} width the width of the plugin region. * @param {!number} height the height of the plugin region. * @param {!o3djs.rendergraph.viewInfo} viewInfo the view corresponding to the * orthographic projection on which we'll be displaying the banner. */ function setupBanner(width, height, viewInfo) { g_orthoRoot = g_pack.createObject('Transform'); // Create a view for the orthographic display of the fullscreen banner. var orthoViewInfo = o3djs.rendergraph.createBasicView( g_pack, g_orthoRoot, g_client.renderGraphRoot); // Make sure the orthographic view gets drawn after the 3d stuff orthoViewInfo.root.priority = g_viewInfo.root.priority + 1; // Turn off clearing the color for the orthographic view, since that would // erase the 3d parts. Leave clearing the depth and stencil, so it's // unaffected by anything done by the 3d parts. orthoViewInfo.clearBuffer.clearColorFlag = false; // Set culling to none so we can flip images using rotation or negative scale. orthoViewInfo.zOrderedState.getStateParam('CullMode').value = g_o3d.State.CULL_NONE; orthoViewInfo.zOrderedState.getStateParam('ZWriteEnable').value = false; // Create an orthographic matrix for the banner. // The area we're using for display is width by height pixels. // If we change the size of the client area after setup, everything will get // scaled to match, but we don't have to change any of our code. orthoViewInfo.drawContext.projection = g_math.matrix4.orthographic( 0 + 0.5, width + 0.5, height + 0.5, 0 + 0.5, 0.001, 1000); orthoViewInfo.drawContext.view = g_math.matrix4.lookAt( [0, 0, 1], // eye [0, 0, 0], // target [0, 1, 0]); // up createBannerSurfaceAndClickableRegion(g_client.height, orthoViewInfo); } /** * Sets up the view and protection matrices, given a transform holding camera * parameters. * @param {!o3d.Transform} camera Transform with camera information on it. */ function setupCamera(camera) { // Get a CameraInfo (an object with a view and projection matrix) // using our javascript library function var cameraInfo = o3djs.camera.getViewAndProjectionFromCameras( camera, g_client.width, g_client.height); // Copy the view and projection to the draw context. g_viewInfo.drawContext.view = cameraInfo.view; g_viewInfo.drawContext.projection = cameraInfo.projection; } /** * Loads a scene into the transform graph. * @param {!o3d.Pack} pack Pack to load scene into. * @param {string} fileName filename of the scene. * @param {!o3d.Transform} parent parent node in the transform graph to * which to load the scene into. */ function loadScene(pack, fileName, parent) { // Get our full path to the scene var scenePath = o3djs.util.getCurrentURI() + fileName; // Load the file given the full path, and call the callback function // when its done loading. o3djs.scene.loadScene(g_client, pack, parent, scenePath, callback); /** * Our callback is called once the scene has been loaded into memory * from the web or locally. * @param {!o3d.Pack} pack The pack that was passed in above. * @param {!o3d.Transform} parent The parent that was passed in above. * @param {*} exception null if loading succeeded. */ function callback(pack, parent, exception) { if (exception) { alert('Could not load: ' + fileName + '\n' + exception); return; } setupCamera(parent); // Generate draw elements and setup material draw lists. o3djs.pack.preparePack(pack, g_viewInfo); setupBanner(g_client.width, g_client.height, g_viewInfo); } } /** * Creates the client area. */ function init() { o3djs.util.makeClients(initStep2); } /** * Initializes O3D and loads the scene into the transform graph. * @param {Array} clientElements Array of o3d object elements. */ function initStep2(clientElements) { // Initializes global variables and libraries. g_o3dElement = clientElements[0]; g_o3d = g_o3dElement.o3d; g_math = o3djs.math; g_client = g_o3dElement.client; // Creates a pack to manage our resources/assets g_pack = g_client.createPack(); // Create the render graph for a view. g_viewInfo = o3djs.rendergraph.createBasicView( g_pack, g_client.root, g_client.renderGraphRoot); // Creates a transform to put our data on. g_teapotRoot = g_pack.createObject('Transform'); // Connects our root to the client root. g_teapotRoot.parent = g_client.root; // Load the scene into the transform graph as a child g_teapotRoot loadScene(g_pack, 'assets/teapot.o3dtgz', g_teapotRoot); } /** * Finds a good, large display mode that the current screen supports. */ function getFullscreenModeId() { var displayModes = g_client.getDisplayModes(); var bestMode; for (var index in displayModes) { var mode = displayModes[index]; if (!bestMode || (mode.width > bestMode.width && mode.height > bestMode.height)) { bestMode = mode; } } if (bestMode) { return bestMode.id; } else { // getDisplayModes isn't implemented on all platforms yet. return g_o3d.Renderer.DISPLAY_MODE_DEFAULT; } } var timeoutId; function handleResizeEvent(event) { // Only show the fullscreen banner if we're in plugin mode. g_orthoRoot.visible = !event.fullscreen && document.getElementById("show_banner").checked; setupCamera(g_teapotRoot); // Set a timer to pop us back out of full-screen mode, just to show how easy // it is to cancel. You need a user action [a mouse click] to get into // full-screen mode, but you can revert back to a plugin without asking. if (event.fullscreen && document.getElementById("cancel_fullscreen").checked) { timeoutId = setTimeout( function () { g_client.cancelFullscreenDisplay() }, 5000); } else { if (timeoutId) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = null; } } } function updateBanner() { if (document.getElementById("show_banner").checked) { g_client.setFullscreenClickRegion(10, g_client.height - g_bannerTexture.height - 10, g_bannerTexture.width, g_bannerTexture.height, getFullscreenModeId()); g_orthoRoot.visible = true; } else { g_client.clearFullscreenClickRegion(); g_orthoRoot.visible = false; } } function uninit() { if (timeoutId) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = null; } } </script> </head> <body> <h1>Full-screen mode.</h1> This tutorial shows how to toggle between plugin and full-screen display. <p>It's built on top of helloworld.html; diff the two to see what changes were necessary. <p>Shortly after transitioning to full-screen mode, the teapot will automatically revert back to plugin mode, to demonstrate how programs can cancel full-screen mode on demand. <br/> <!-- Start of O3D plugin --> <div id="o3d" style="width: 600px; height: 600px;"></div> <!-- End of O3D plugin --> <input type="checkbox" id="show_banner" checked onclick=updateBanner()> Show full-screen banner when not full-screen.</input> <br> <input type="checkbox" id="cancel_fullscreen" checked> Revert back to plugin mode automatically after a few seconds of full-screen mode.</input> </body> </html>