/* * Copyright 2010, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * A namespace to hold the list of all clients. * @namespace */ o3d.Renderer = {}; /** * @type {number} */ o3d.Renderer.InitStatus = goog.typedef; /** * The initialization status of the renderer. * * InitStatus, * UNINITIALIZED, * SUCCESS, The renderer is initialized. * GPU_NOT_UP_TO_SPEC, The renderer determined the user's machine cannot * run O3D. * OUT_OF_RESOURCES, The user's machine does not have enough graphic * resources available to start another instance of the O3D renderer. * INITIALIZATION_ERROR, Some unknown error such as e.g. drivers not * being installed correctly. */ o3d.Renderer.UNINITIALIZED = 0; o3d.Renderer.SUCCESS = 1; o3d.Renderer.GPU_NOT_UP_TO_SPEC = 2; o3d.Renderer.OUT_OF_RESOURCES = 3; o3d.Renderer.INITIALIZATION_ERROR = 4; /** * @type {number} */ o3d.Renderer.DisplayMode = goog.typedef; /** * This is used in SetFullscreenClickRegion to request the current display * mode, such that the change to full-screen mode won't change the screen * resolution or refresh rate. * * DisplayModes, * DISPLAY_MODE_DEFAULT */ o3d.Renderer.DISPLAY_MODE_DEFAULT = 0; /** * The interval timer for the render callback. * @type {Object} */ o3d.Renderer.render_callback_interval_ = null; /** * Global private list of all clients to be rendered every frame. * @type {!Array.<!o3d.Client>} */ o3d.Renderer.clients_ = []; /** * Renders all clients associated with this renderer. */ o3d.Renderer.renderClients = function() { for (var i = 0; i < o3d.Renderer.clients_.length; ++i) { var client = o3d.Renderer.clients_[i]; var renderEvent = new o3d.RenderEvent; var now = (new Date()).getTime() * 0.001; if(client.then_ == 0.0) renderEvent.elapsedTime = 0.0; else renderEvent.elapsedTime = now - client.then_; if (client.render_callback) { client.render_callback(renderEvent); } client.then_ = now; client.renderTree(client.renderGraphRoot); } }; /** * Sets a timer to traverse the rendergraph every sixtieth of a second. */ o3d.Renderer.installRenderInterval = function() { o3d.Renderer.render_callback_interval_ = setInterval( "o3d.Renderer.renderClients()", 1000.0 / 60.0); }; /** * The ClientInfo is used to get information about the client. * @constructor */ o3d.ClientInfo = function() { o3d.NamedObject.call(this); }; o3d.inherit('ClientInfo', 'NamedObject'); /** * The number of objects the client is currently tracking. * You can use this to check that you are correctly freeing resources. * @type {number} */ o3d.ClientInfo.prototype.num_objects = 0; /** * The amount of texture memory used. * @type {number} */ o3d.ClientInfo.prototype.texture_memory_used = 0; /** * The amount of texture memory used. * @type {number} */ o3d.ClientInfo.prototype.buffer_memory_used = 0; /** * Whether or not O3D is using the software renderer. * * For testing purposes you can force O3D to use the software renderer * by setting the environment variable O3D_FORCE_SOFTWARE_RENDERER to * anything. * * * set O3D_FORCE_SOFTWARE_RENDERER=foo * * or * * export O3D_FORCE_SOFTWARE_RENDERER=foo * * * You can set it at a system level if you want to set it for all * browser instances or set it from a command line and start your * browser from that same command line if you want to effect just * that instance of the browser. * * Note that many browers require special command line options to * run in a separate process, otherwise they default to finding * the browser process already running and using that. For example * firefox requires the option -no-remote. * * @type {boolean} */ o3d.ClientInfo.prototype.software_renderer = false; /** * Whether or not the GPU supports non power of two textures. * NOTE: O3D always allows non power of two textures. * * The only reason to look at this flag is for things like video that are * updating the texture every frame. In that case, you might want to know * that you could run faster if you used a power of 2 texture instead of * a non power of 2 texture. * * @type {boolean} */ o3d.ClientInfo.prototype.non_power_of_two_textures = true; /** * The Client class is the main point of entry to O3D. It defines methods * for creating and deleting packs. Each new object created by the Client is * assigned a unique ID. * * The Client has a root transform for the transform graph and a root render * node for the render graph. * @constructor */ o3d.Client = function() { o3d.NamedObject.call(this); this.root = new o3d.Transform; this.renderGraphRoot = new o3d.RenderNode; this.root = new o3d.Transform; this.clientId = o3d.Client.nextId++; if (o3d.Renderer.clients_.length == 0) o3d.Renderer.installRenderInterval(); o3d.Renderer.clients_.push(this); }; o3d.inherit('Client', 'NamedObject'); /** * @type {function(!o3d.RenderEvent): void} */ o3d.Client.RenderCallback = goog.typedef; /** * @type {function(!o3d.TickEvent): void} */ o3d.Client.TickCallback = goog.typedef; /** * @type {function(string): void} */ o3d.Client.ErrorCallback = goog.typedef; /** * The root of the render graph. * @type {o3d.RenderNode} */ o3d.Client.prototype.renderGraphRoot = null; /** * Global counter to give the client a unique ID number. * @type {number} */ o3d.Client.nextId = 0; /** * The time of the last render in seconds. * @type {number} */ o3d.Client.prototype.then_ = 0; /** * The transform graph root. * @type {o3d.Transform} */ o3d.Client.prototype.root = null; /** * Function that gets called when the client encounters an error. */ o3d.Client.prototype.error_callback = function(error_message) { alert(error_message); }; /** * Function that gets called right before the client renders. */ o3d.Client.prototype.render_callback = function(render_event) {}; /** * Function that gets called every tick. */ o3d.Client.prototype.tick_callback = function(tick_event) {}; /** * Call this function from window.onunload to ensure the browser does not * continue to call callbacks (like the render callback) after the page is * unloaded. It is possible that during unload the browser unloads all the * javascript code, but then, after that, still asks the plugin to render. The * browser then calls javascript functions that no longer exist which causes an * error. To prevent that situation you need to clear all your callbacks on * unload. cleanup handles that for you so you don't have to dispose each and * every callback by hand. */ o3d.Client.prototype.cleanup = function () { this.clearRenderCallback(); this.clearTickCallback(); this.clearErrorCallback(); }; /** * Creates a pack object. * A pack object. * @return {!o3d.Pack} A new pack object. */ o3d.Client.prototype.createPack = function() { var pack = new o3d.Pack; pack.gl = this.gl; return pack; }; /** * Searches the Client for an object matching the given id. * * @param {number} id The id of the object to look for. * @return {o3d.ObjectBase} The object or null if a object * with the given id is not found. */ o3d.Client.prototype.getObjectById = function(id) { o3d.notImplemented(); }; /** * Searches the Client for objects of a particular name and type. * @param {string} name name of object to look for. * @param {string} class_name name of class to look for. * @return {!Array.<!o3d.ObjectBase>} Array of objects found. */ o3d.Client.prototype.getObjects = function(name, class_name) { o3d.notImplemented(); return []; }; /** * Searches the Client for objects of a particular type. * @param {string} class_name name of class to look for. * @return {!Array.<!Object>} Array of objects found. */ o3d.Client.prototype.getObjectsByClassName = function(class_name) { o3d.notImplemented(); return []; }; /** * @type {number} */ o3d.Client.RenderMode = goog.typedef; /** * RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUS, Draw as often as possible up to refresh rate. * RENDERMODE_ON_DEMAND, Draw once then only when the OS requests it * (like uncovering part of a window.) */ o3d.Client.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUS = 0; o3d.Client.RENDERMODE_ON_DEMAND = 1; /** * The current render mode. The default mode is RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUS.\n * Valid values are: * RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUS, Draw as often as possible up to refresh rate. * RENDERMODE_ON_DEMAND, Draw when the OS requests it (like uncovering * part of a window.) * @type {o3d.Client.RenderMode} */ o3d.Client.prototype.renderMode = o3d.Client.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUS; /** * Forces a render of the current scene if the current render mode is * RENDERMODE_ON_DEMAND. */ o3d.Client.prototype.render = function() { this.renderTree(); }; /** * Renders a render graph. * * Normally the client calls this function automatically for you effectively * doing a client.renderTree(client.renderGraphRoot) but there are cases * where it is beneficial to be able to call this yourself and pass it * different roots when you need to manipulate something between calls. * * This function can only be called from inside a render callback. If you call * it the client will not do its default call as mentioned above. * * @param {!o3d.RenderNode} render_node root RenderNode to start rendering from. */ o3d.Client.prototype.renderTree = function(render_node) { render_node.render(); }; /** * Returns an array of DisplayModes which are available for use in full-screen * mode. * An array of DisplayModes. * @type {!Array.<!o3d.Client.DispalyMode>} */ o3d.Client.prototype.getDisplayModes = []; /** * Makes a region of the plugin area that will invoke full-screen mode if * clicked. The developer is responsible for communicating this to the user, * as this region has no visible marker. The developer is also responsible for * updating this region if the plugin gets resized, as we don't know whether or * how to scale it. There can be only one full-screen click region at a time; * calling this again will override any previous call. * * @param {number} x x position in pixels. * @param {number} y y position in pixels. * @param {number} width width in pixels. * @param {number} height height in pixels. * @param {number} mode_id Id of mode to use. */ o3d.Client.prototype.setFullscreenClickRegion = function(x, y, width, height, mode_id) { }; /** * Deactivates the plugin click region that was previously created with * SetFullscreenClickRegion(). */ o3d.Client.prototype.clearFullscreenClickRegion = function() { o3d.notImplemented(); }; /** * Cancels full-screen display, reverting to displaying content only in the * plugin region. If the plugin is already not in full-screen mode, this has * no effect. This does not deactivate the plugin click region--if the user * clicks there again, we'll go back to full-screen display. */ o3d.Client.prototype.cancelFullscreenDisplay = function() { render_node.render(); }; /** * Gets info about the client. * @type {!o3d.ClientInfo} */ o3d.Client.prototype.client_info = null; /** * Whether content is displayed in full-screen mode or in a plugin window. The * default is false [not full-screen]. * @type {boolean} */ o3d.Client.prototype.fullscreen = false; /** * Returns the width of the current drawing area [plugin or full-screen] in * pixels. */ o3d.Client.prototype.__defineGetter__('width', function() { return this.gl.canvas.width; } ); o3d.Client.prototype.__defineSetter__('width', function(x) { this.gl.canvas.width = x; } ); /** * Returns the height of the current drawing area [plugin or full-screen] in * pixels. */ o3d.Client.prototype.__defineGetter__('height', function() { return this.gl.canvas.height; } ); o3d.Client.prototype.__defineSetter__('height', function(x) { this.gl.canvas.height = x; } ); /** * Initializes this client using the canvas. * @param {Canvas} */ o3d.Client.prototype.initWithCanvas = function(canvas) { var gl; var standard_attributes = { alpha : true, depth : true, stencil : true, antialias : true, premultipliedAlpha : true }; try {gl = canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl", standard_attributes) } catch(e) { } if (!gl) try {gl = canvas.getContext("moz-webgl") } catch(e) { } if (!gl) { alert("No WebGL context found"); return null; } this.gl = gl; gl.client = this; gl.displayInfo = {width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height}; }; /** * Sets the per frame render callback. * * Note: The callback will not be called recursively. When your callback is * called if you somehow manage to cause the client to render more frames * before you've returned from the callback you will not be called for those * frames. * * g_client.setRenderCallback(onrender); * * function onrender(render_event) { * var elapsedTime = render_event.elapsedTime; * } * * @param {!o3d.RenderCallback} render_callback The callback to call * each frame. */ o3d.Client.prototype.setRenderCallback = function(render_callback) { if (this.render_callback) { this.clearRenderCallback(); } this.render_callback = render_callback; }; /** * Clears the per frame render callback. */ o3d.Client.prototype.clearRenderCallback = function() { clearInterval(this.render_callback_interval_); this.render_callback = null; }; /** * Sets a render callback to be called at the end of the * rendering cycle of each frame. * * Note: The callback will not be called recursively. When your callback is * called if you somehow manage to cause the client to render more frames * before you've returned from the callback you will not be called for those * frames. * * * g_client.setPostRenderCallback(onpostrender); * * function onpostrender(render_event) { * var elapsedTime = render_event.elapsedTime; * } * * @param {!o3d.RenderCallback} post_render_callback The callback to call * each frame. */ o3d.Client.prototype.setPostRenderCallback = function(post_render_callback) { this.postRenderCallback = post_render_callback; }; /** * Clears the post render callback. */ o3d.Client.prototype.clearPostRenderCallback = function() { this.postRenderCallback = null; }; /** * Sets the lost resources callback. * * The contents of certain resources, RenderSurfaces, can get discarded by the * system under certain circumstances. If you application needs that contents * to be in a certain state then you can set a callback giving your program the * opportunity to restore that state if and when it is lost. * * @param {!o3d.LostResourcesCallback} lost_resources_callback The callback when * resources are lost. */ o3d.Client.prototype.setLostResourcesCallback = function(lost_resources_callback) { this.lostResourcesCallback = lost_resources_callback; }; /** * Clears the lost resources callback. */ o3d.Client.prototype.clearLostResourcesCallback = function() { this.lostResourcesCallback = null; }; /** * Sets a callback for a given event type. * types. * There can be only one callback for a given event type at a time; setting a * new one deletes the old one. * * @param {string} type Type of event to set callback for. * @param {!o3d.EventCallback} handler Function to call on event. */ o3d.Client.prototype.setEventCallback = function(type, handler) { var listener = this.gl.canvas; // TODO(petersont): Figure out a way for a canvas to listen to a key event // directly. if (type.substr(0, 3) == 'key') { listener = document; } listener.addEventListener(type, handler, true); }; /** * Removes the previously-registered callback for an event of the given type. * @param {string} type Type of event to clear callback for. */ o3d.Client.prototype.clearEventCallback = function(type) { if (type.substr(0, 3) == 'key') { listener = document; } listener.removeEventListener(type); }; /** * Sets the texture to use when a Texture or Sampler is missing while * rendering. The default is a red texture with a yellow no symbol. * <span style="color:yellow; background-color: red;">Ø. * If you set it to null you'll get an error if you try to render something * that is missing a needed Texture, Sampler or ParamSampler. * * For example if you don't care about missing textures, setting it to a black * texture would be one option. Another example is if you want to write all * your shaders to expect a texture then set this to a white texture. If you * want to make sure you are not missing any textures set it null and see if * you get any errors using Client.setErrorCallback or Client.lastError. * * var t = g_pack.createTexture2D('', 1, 1, g_o3d.Texture.XRGB8, 1); * t.set(0, [0, 0, 0]); * g_client.setErrorTexture(t); * * @param {o3d.Texture} texture texture to use for missing textures or null. */ o3d.Client.prototype.setErrorTexture = function(texture) { o3d.notImplemented(); }; /** * Sets a callback for when the client ticks. The client processes some things * like animation timers at up to 100hz. This callback will get called before * each of those process ticks. * * NOTE: The client takes ownership of the TickCallback you * pass in. It will be deleted if you call SetTickCallback a * second time or if you call clearTickCallback. * * Note: The callback will not be called recursively. * * @param {o3d.TickCallback} tick_callback TickCallback to call when the * Client ticks. */ o3d.Client.prototype.setTickCallback = function(tick_callback) { this.tickCallback = tick_callback; }; /** * Clears the tick callback * * NOTE: The client takes ownership of the TickCallback you * pass in. It will be deleted if you call SetTickCallback a second * time or if you call clearTickCallback */ o3d.Client.prototype.clearTickCallback = function() { this.tickCallback = null; }; /** * Sets a callback for when the client gets an error. For example when a shader * is compiled and there is an error or if you attempt to bind a param to a * param of an incompatible type. * * NOTE: The client takes ownership of the ErrorCallback you * pass in. It will be deleted if you call SetErrorCallback a * second time or if you call ClearErrorCallback. * * NOTE: The callback will not be called recursively. If you are in a * callback, and do something that causes another error before you have * returned from the callback, your callback will not be called a second time. * * NOTE: If you put up an alert in response to an error it is best if you * clear the error callback before you put up the alert. Otherwise you'll get * an alert everytime the client tries to render which is every time you close * the current alert which means you'll be in an infinite loop of alerts. * * @param {o3d.ErrorCallback} error_callback ErrorCallback to call when the * Client gets an error. */ o3d.Client.prototype.setErrorCallback = function(error_callback) { // Other code expects to not see a null error callback. if (error_callback) { this.error_callback = error_callback; } else { this.error_callback = function(string) {}; } }; /** * Clears the Error callback * * NOTE: The client takes ownership of the ErrorCallback you * pass in. It will be deleted if you call SetErrorCallback a second * time or if you call ClearErrorCallback. */ o3d.Client.prototype.clearErrorCallback = function() { this.setErrorCallback(null); }; /** * Makes all parameters get re-evaluated. */ o3d.Client.prototype.invalidateAllParameters = function() { o3d.notImplemented(); }; /** * Gets a copy of the current backbuffer of O3D as a data: url. * @param {string} mime_type The type of data url you want. * Currently O3D only supports image/png. See HTML5 canvas tag * for info about toDataURL. * @return {string} A Data URL for the backbuffer. */ o3d.Client.prototype.toDataURL = function(opt_mime_type) { o3d.notImplemented(); }; /** * Returns the status of initializing the renderer so we can display the * appropriate message. We require a certain minimum set of graphics * capabilities. If the user's computer does not have his minimum * set this will be GPU_NOT_UP_TO_SPEC. If the user is out of graphics * resources this will be OUT_OF_RESOURCES. If some other error happened this * will be INITIALIZATION_ERROR. Otherwise it will be SUCCESS. */ o3d.Client.prototype.renderer_init_status = 0; /** * Gets / Sets the cursor's shape. * * @type {o3d.Cursor} */ o3d.Client.prototype.cursor = null; /** * The last error reported by the plugin. * * @type {string} */ o3d.Client.prototype.last_error_ = ''; /** * All the objects managed by this client. * * Each access to this field gets the entire list so it is best to get it * just once. For example: * * var objects = client.objects; * for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { * var object = objects[i]; * } * * * Note that modifications to this array [e.g. push()] will not affect * the underlying Client, while modifications to the array's members * will affect them. * * @type {!Array.<!o3d.ObjectBase>} */ o3d.Client.prototype.objects = []; /** * Clears the error returned in lastError. */ o3d.Client.prototype.clearLastError = function () { o3d.notImplemented(); }; /** * Resets the profiling information. */ o3d.Client.prototype.profileReset = function() { o3d.notImplemented(); }; /** * Returns the profiling information as a string. * The profiling info. * @return {string} */ o3d.Client.prototype.profileToString = function() { o3d.notImplemented(); }; /** * A unique id for this client. * @type {number} */ o3d.Client.prototype.clientId = 0; /** * The canvas associated with this client. * @type {Element} */ o3d.Client.prototype.canvas = null;