/* * Copyright 2009, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @fileoverview This file contains sample code for controlling the camera * (ie view matrix) using the mouse and keyboard. */ o3djs.provide('o3djs.cameracontroller'); o3djs.require('o3djs.math'); /** * A Module for user control of the camera / view matrix. * @namespace */ o3djs.cameracontroller = o3djs.cameracontroller || {}; /** * The possible modes that a CameraController can be in. * One of these is usually set when a mouse button is pressed down, * and then NONE is set when the mouse button is released. * When the mouse is moved, the DragMode determines what effect the mouse move * has on the camera parameters (such as position and orientation). * If the DragMode is NONE, mouse moves have no effect. * @enum {number} */ o3djs.cameracontroller.DragMode = { /** * Dragging the mouse has no effect. */ NONE: 0, /** * Dragging left or right changes rotationAngle, * dragging up or down changes heightAngle. */ SPIN_ABOUT_CENTER: 1, /** * Dragging up or down changes the backpedal. */ DOLLY_IN_OUT: 2, /** * Dragging up or down changes the fieldOfViewAngle. */ ZOOM_IN_OUT: 3, /** * Dragging up or down changes the amount of perspective. * Perspective is focused on the centerPos. * If backpedal is negative or zero, there is no effect. */ DOLLY_ZOOM: 4, /** * Dragging moves the centerPos around the plane perpendicular to * the camera view direction. */ MOVE_CENTER_IN_VIEW_PLANE: 5, }; /** * Creates a CameraController. * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} centerPos The position that the camera is * looking at and rotating around; or if backpedal is zero, the location * of the camera. In world space. * @param {number} backpedal The distance the camera moves back from the * centerPos. * @param {number} heightAngle The angle the camera rotates up or down * (about the x axis that passes through the centerPos). In radians. * @param {number} rotationAngle The angle the camera rotates left or right * (about the y axis that passes through the centerPos). In radians. * @param {number} fieldOfViewAngle The vertical angle of the viewing frustum. * In radians, between 0 and PI/2. This does not affect the view matrix, * but it can still be useful to let the CameraController control the * field of view. * @param {function(!o3djs.cameracontroller.CameraController): void} * opt_onChange Pointer to a callback to call when the camera changes. * @return {!o3djs.cameracontroller.CameraController} The created * CameraController. */ o3djs.cameracontroller.createCameraController = function(centerPos, backpedal, heightAngle, rotationAngle, fieldOfViewAngle, opt_onChange) { return new o3djs.cameracontroller.CameraController(centerPos, backpedal, heightAngle, rotationAngle, fieldOfViewAngle, opt_onChange); }; /** * Class to hold user-controlled camera information and handle user events. * It can control and output a view matrix, and can also control some aspects * of a projection matrix. * * Most of the parameters it controls affect the view matrix, and it can * generate a view matrix based on its parameters. * It can also control certain parameters that affect the projection matrix, * such as field of view. Rather than deal with all the parameters needed for * a projection matrix, this class leaves generation of the projection matrix * up to the user code, and simply exposes the parameters it has. * @constructor * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} centerPos The position that the camera is * looking at and rotating around; or if backpedal is zero, the location * of the camera. In world space. * @param {number} backpedal The distance the camera moves back from the * centerPos. * @param {number} heightAngle The angle the camera rotates up or down * (about the x axis that passes through the centerPos). In radians. * @param {number} rotationAngle The angle the camera rotates left or right * (about the y axis that passes through the centerPos). In radians. * @param {number} fieldOfViewAngle The vertical angle of the viewing frustum. * In radians, between 0 and PI/2. This does not affect the view matrix, * but it can still be useful to let this class control the field of view. * @param {function(!o3djs.cameracontroller.CameraController): void} * opt_onChange Pointer to a callback to call when the camera changes. */ o3djs.cameracontroller.CameraController = function(centerPos, backpedal, heightAngle, rotationAngle, fieldOfViewAngle, opt_onChange) { /** * The position that the camera is looking at and rotating around. * Or if backpedal is zero, the location of the camera. In world space. * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3} */ this.centerPos = centerPos; /** * The distance the camera moves back from the centerPos. * @type {number} */ this.backpedal = backpedal; /** * The angle the camera rotates up or down. * @type {number} */ this.heightAngle = heightAngle; /** * The angle the camera rotates left or right. * @type {number} */ this.rotationAngle = rotationAngle; /** * The vertical angle of the perspective viewing frustum. * In radians, between 0 and PI/2. This does not affect the view matrix. * The user code can access this value and use it to construct a * projection matrix, or it can simply ignore it. * @type {number} */ this.fieldOfViewAngle = fieldOfViewAngle; /** * Points to a callback to call when the camera changes. * @type {function(!o3djs.cameracontroller.CameraController): void} */ this.onChange = opt_onChange || null; /** * The current mouse-drag mode, ie what happens when you move the mouse. * @private * @type {o3djs.cameracontroller.DragMode} */ this.dragMode_ = o3djs.cameracontroller.DragMode.NONE; /** * The last X coordinate of the mouse. * @private * @type {number} */ this.mouseX_ = 0; /** * The last Y coordinate of the mouse. * @private * @type {number} */ this.mouseY_ = 0; // Some variables to control how quickly the camera changes when you // move the mouse a certain distance. Feel free to modify these. // Mouse pixels are converted into arbitrary "units" (for lack of // a better term), and then "units" are converted into an angle, // or a distance, etc as the case may be. /** * Controls how quickly the mouse moves the camera (in general). * Used to convert pixels into "units". * @type {number} */ this.pixelsPerUnit = 300.0; /** * Controls how quickly the mouse affects rotation angles. * Used to convert "units" into radians. * @type {number} */ this.radiansPerUnit = 1.0; /** * Controls how quickly the mouse affects camera translation. * Used to convert "units" into world space units of distance. * @type {number} */ this.distancePerUnit = 10.0; /** * Controls how quickly the mouse affects zooming. * Used to convert "units" into zoom factor. * @type {number} */ this.zoomPerUnit = 1.0; }; /** * Calculates the center point and backpedal which will make the * camera view the entire supplied bounding box, assuming a symmetric * perspective projection. The heightAngle and rotationAngle are * unchanged. * @param {!o3d.BoundingBox} The bounding box to enclose in the view * volume. * @param {number} aspectRatio The aspect ratio of the viewing plane. */ o3djs.cameracontroller.CameraController.prototype.viewAll = function(boundingBox, aspectRatio) { // Form a view matrix facing in the correct direction but whose // origin is at the center of the bounding box var minExtent = boundingBox.minExtent; var maxExtent = boundingBox.maxExtent; var centerPos = o3djs.math.divVectorScalar( o3djs.math.addVector(minExtent, maxExtent), 2.0); var viewMatrix = this.calculateViewMatrix_(centerPos, 0); var maxBackpedal = 0; var vertFOV = this.fieldOfViewAngle; var tanVertFOV = Math.tan(vertFOV); var horizFOV = Math.atan(aspectRatio * tanVertFOV); var tanHorizFOV = Math.tan(horizFOV); var extents = [minExtent, maxExtent]; for (var zi = 0; zi < 2; zi++) { for (var yi = 0; yi < 2; yi++) { for (var xi = 0; xi < 2; xi++) { // Form world space vector of this corner var vec = [extents[xi][0], extents[yi][1], extents[zi][2], 1]; // Transform by the temporary view matrix vec = o3djs.math.mulVectorMatrix(vec, viewMatrix); // Consider only points on the +z side of the origin if (vec[2] >= 0.0) { // Figure out the backpedal based on the horizontal and // vertical view angles, and the z coordinate of the // corner maxBackpedal = Math.max(maxBackpedal, vec[2] + vec[0] / tanHorizFOV); maxBackpedal = Math.max(maxBackpedal, vec[2] + vec[1] / tanVertFOV); } } } } // Now set up the center point, backpedal and distancePerUnit this.centerPos = centerPos; this.backpedal = maxBackpedal; // This is heuristic based on some experimentation this.distancePerUnit = maxBackpedal / 5.0; }; /** * Calculates the view matrix for this camera. * @return {!o3djs.math.Matrix4} The view matrix. */ o3djs.cameracontroller.CameraController.prototype.calculateViewMatrix = function() { return this.calculateViewMatrix_(this.centerPos, this.backpedal); }; /** * Calculates the view matrix for this camera given the specified * center point and backpedal. * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} centerPoint Center point for the * camera. * @param {number} backpedal Backpedal from the center point for the * camera. */ o3djs.cameracontroller.CameraController.prototype.calculateViewMatrix_ = function(centerPoint, backpedal) { var matrix4 = o3djs.math.matrix4; var view = matrix4.translation(o3djs.math.negativeVector(centerPoint)); view = matrix4.mul(view, matrix4.rotationY(this.rotationAngle)); view = matrix4.mul(view, matrix4.rotationX(this.heightAngle)); view = matrix4.mul(view, matrix4.translation([0, 0, -backpedal])); return view; }; /** * Change the current mouse-drag mode, ie what happens when you move the mouse. * Usually you would set it to something when a mouse button is pressed down, * and then set it to NONE when the button is released. * @param {o3djs.cameracontroller.DragMode} dragMode The new DragMode. * @param {number} x The current mouse X coordinate. * @param {number} y The current mouse Y coordinate. */ o3djs.cameracontroller.CameraController.prototype.setDragMode = function(dragMode, x, y) { this.dragMode_ = dragMode; this.mouseX_ = x; this.mouseY_ = y; }; /** * Method which should be called by end user code upon receiving a * mouse-move event. * @param {number} x The new mouse X coordinate. * @param {number} y The new mouse Y coordinate. */ o3djs.cameracontroller.CameraController.prototype.mouseMoved = function(x, y) { var deltaX = (x - this.mouseX_) / this.pixelsPerUnit; var deltaY = (y - this.mouseY_) / this.pixelsPerUnit; this.mouseX_ = x; this.mouseY_ = y; if (this.dragMode_ == o3djs.cameracontroller.DragMode.SPIN_ABOUT_CENTER) { this.rotationAngle += deltaX * this.radiansPerUnit; this.heightAngle += deltaY * this.radiansPerUnit; } if (this.dragMode_ == o3djs.cameracontroller.DragMode.DOLLY_IN_OUT) { this.backpedal += deltaY * this.distancePerUnit; } if (this.dragMode_ == o3djs.cameracontroller.DragMode.ZOOM_IN_OUT) { var width = Math.tan(this.fieldOfViewAngle); width *= Math.pow(2, deltaY * this.zoomPerUnit); this.fieldOfViewAngle = Math.atan(width); } if (this.dragMode_ == o3djs.cameracontroller.DragMode.DOLLY_ZOOM) { if (this.backpedal > 0) { var oldWidth = Math.tan(this.fieldOfViewAngle); this.fieldOfViewAngle += deltaY * this.radiansPerUnit; this.fieldOfViewAngle = Math.min(this.fieldOfViewAngle, 0.98 * Math.PI/2); this.fieldOfViewAngle = Math.max(this.fieldOfViewAngle, 0.02 * Math.PI/2); var newWidth = Math.tan(this.fieldOfViewAngle); this.backpedal *= oldWidth / newWidth; } } if (this.dragMode_ == o3djs.cameracontroller.DragMode.MOVE_CENTER_IN_VIEW_PLANE) { var matrix4 = o3djs.math.matrix4; var translationVector = [-deltaX * this.distancePerUnit, deltaY * this.distancePerUnit, 0]; var inverseViewMatrix = matrix4.inverse(this.calculateViewMatrix()); translationVector = matrix4.transformDirection( inverseViewMatrix, translationVector); this.centerPos = o3djs.math.addVector(this.centerPos, translationVector); } if (this.onChange != null && this.dragMode_ != o3djs.cameracontroller.DragMode.NONE) { this.onChange(this); } };