/* * Copyright 2009, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @fileoverview This file contains various dumping functions for o3d. It * puts them in the "dump" module on the o3djs object. * * Note: This library is only a sample. It is not meant to be some official * library. It is provided only as example code. * */ o3djs.provide('o3djs.dump'); /** * A Module for dumping information about o3d objects. * @namespace */ o3djs.dump = o3djs.dump || {}; /** * Dump the 3 elements of an array of numbers. * @private * @param {string} label Label to put in front of dump. * @param {!Array.<number>} object Array. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpXYZ_ = function(label, object, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dump(opt_prefix + label + ' : ' + object[0] + ', ' + object[1] + ', ' + object[2] + '\n'); }; /** * Dump the 4 elements of an array of numbers. * @private * @param {string} label Label to put in front of dump. * @param {!Array.<number>} object Array. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpXYZW_ = function(label, object, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dump(opt_prefix + label + ' : ' + object[0] + ', ' + object[1] + ', ' + object[2] + ', ' + object[3] + '\n'); }; /** * Get the name of a function. * @private * @param {!function(...): *} theFunction Function. * @return {string} The function name. */ o3djs.dump.getFunctionName_ = function(theFunction) { if (theFunction.name) { return theFunction.name; } // try to parse the function name from the definition var definition = theFunction.toString(); var name = definition.substring(definition.indexOf('function') + 8, definition.indexOf('(')); if (name) { return name; } // sometimes there won't be a function name // like for dynamic functions return '*anonymous*'; }; /** * Get the signature of a function. * @private * @param {!function(...): *} theFunction Function. * @return {string} The function signature. */ o3djs.dump.getSignature_ = function(theFunction) { var signature = o3djs.dump.getFunctionName_(theFunction); signature += '('; for (var x = 0; x < theFunction.arguments.length; x++) { // trim long arguments var nextArgument = theFunction.arguments[x]; if (nextArgument.length > 30) { nextArgument = nextArgument.substring(0, 30) + '...'; } // apend the next argument to the signature signature += "'" + nextArgument + "'"; // comma separator if (x < theFunction.arguments.length - 1) { signature += ', '; } } signature += ')'; return signature; }; /** * Prints a value the console or log or wherever it thinks is appropriate * for debugging. * @param {string} string String to print. */ o3djs.dump.dump = function(string) { o3djs.BROWSER_ONLY = true; if (window.dump) { window.dump(string); } else if (window.console && window.console.log) { window.console.log(string); } }; /** * Gets the value of a matrix as a string. * @param {!o3djs.math.Matrix4} matrix Matrix4 to get value of. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. * @return {string} Value of param. */ o3djs.dump.getMatrixAsString = function(matrix, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; var result = opt_prefix + '['; for (var i = 0; 1; ++i){ var mi = matrix[i]; result += '['; for (var j = 0; 1; ++j) { result += mi[j]; if (j < mi.length - 1) { result += ', '; } else { result += ']'; break; } } if (i < matrix.length - 1) { result += '\n'; result += opt_prefix; } else { break; } } result += ']'; return result; }; /** * Dumps a float3 * @param {string} label Label to put in front of dump. * @param {!o3d.Float3} float3 Float3 to dump. * @param {string} opt_prefix optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpFloat3 = function(label, float3, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dumpXYZ_(label, float3, opt_prefix); }; /** * Dumps a float4 * @param {string} label Label to put in front of dump. * @param {!o3d.Float4} float4 Float4 to dump. * @param {string} opt_prefix optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpFloat4 = function(label, float4, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dumpXYZW_(label, float4, opt_prefix); }; /** * Dumps a vector4 * @param {string} label Label to put in front of dump. * @param {!Array.<number>} vector4 vector to dump. * @param {string} opt_prefix optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpVector4 = function(label, vector4, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dumpXYZW_(label, vector4, opt_prefix); }; /** * Dumps a matrix * @param {string} label Label to put in front of dump. * @param {!o3djs.math.Matrix4} matrix Matrix to dump. * @param {string} opt_prefix optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpMatrix = function(label, matrix, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dump( opt_prefix + label + ' :\n' + o3djs.dump.getMatrixAsString(matrix, opt_prefix + ' ') + '\n'); }; /** * Dump a bounding box. * @param {string} label Label to put in front of dump. * @param {!o3d.BoundingBox} boundingBox BoundingBox to dump. * @param {string} opt_prefix optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpBoundingBox = function(label, boundingBox, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dump(opt_prefix + label + ' :\n'); o3djs.dump.dumpFloat3('min : ', boundingBox.minExtent, opt_prefix + ' '); o3djs.dump.dumpFloat3('max : ', boundingBox.maxExtent, opt_prefix + ' '); }; /** * Gets the value of a parameter as a string. * @param {!o3d.Param} param Parameter to get value of. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. * @return {string} Value of param. */ o3djs.dump.getParamValueAsString = function(param, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; var value = '*unknown*'; if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamFloat')) { value = param.value.toString(); } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamFloat2')) { value = '[' + param.value[0] + ', ' + param.value[1] + ']'; } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamFloat3')) { value = '[' + param.value[0] + ', ' + param.value[1] + ', ' + param.value[2] + ']'; } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamFloat4')) { value = '[' + param.value[0] + ', ' + param.value[1] + ', ' + param.value[2] + ', ' + param.value[3] + ']'; } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamInteger')) { value = param.value.toString(); } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamBoolean')) { value = param.value.toString(); } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamMatrix4')) { value = '\n' + o3djs.dump.getMatrixAsString(param.value, opt_prefix + ' '); } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamString')) { value = param.value; } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamTexture')) { value = param.value; value = 'texture : "' + (value ? value.name : 'NULL') + '"'; } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamSampler')) { value = param.value; value = 'sampler : "' + (value ? value.name : 'NULL') + '"'; } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamMaterial')) { value = param.value; value = 'material : "' + (value ? value.name : 'NULL') + '"'; } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamEffect')) { value = param.value; value = 'effect : "' + (value ? value.name : 'NULL') + '"'; } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamState')) { value = param.value; value = 'state : "' + (value ? value.name : 'NULL') + '"'; } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamTransform')) { value = param.value; value = 'transform : "' + (value ? value.name : 'NULL') + '"'; } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamDrawList')) { value = param.value; value = 'drawlist : "' + (value ? value.name : 'NULL') + '"'; } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamRenderSurface')) { value = param.value; value = 'renderSurface : "' + (value ? value.name : 'NULL') + '"'; } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamRenderDepthStencilSurface')) { value = param.value; value = 'renderDepthStencilSurface: "' + (value ? value.name : 'NULL') + '"'; } else if (param.isAClassName('o3d.ParamDrawContext')) { value = param.value; value = 'drawcontext : "' + (value ? value.name : 'NULL') + '"'; } return value; }; /** * Dumps an single parameter * @param {!o3d.Param} param Param to dump. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpParam = function(param, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dump ( opt_prefix + param.className + ' : "' + param.name + '" : ' + o3djs.dump.getParamValueAsString(param, opt_prefix) + '\n'); }; /** * Given a ParamObject dumps all the Params on it. * @param {!o3d.ParamObject} param_object ParamObject to dump Params of. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpParams = function(param_object, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; // print params var params = param_object.params; for (var p = 0; p < params.length; p++) { o3djs.dump.dumpParam(params[p], opt_prefix); } }; /** * Given a ParamObject dumps it and all the Params on it. * @param {!o3d.ParamObject} param_object ParamObject to dump. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpParamObject = function(param_object, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dump ( opt_prefix + param_object.className + ' : "' + param_object.name + '"\n'); o3djs.dump.dumpParams(param_object, opt_prefix + ' '); }; /** * Given a Stream dumps it and all the Params on it. * @param {!o3d.Stream} stream Stream to dump. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpStream = function(stream, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dump( opt_prefix + 'semantic: ' + stream.semantic + ', index: ' + stream.semanticIndex + ', dataType: ' + stream.dataType + ', field: ' + stream.field.name + '\n'); }; /** * Given a element dumps its name, all the Params and DrawElements on * it. * @param {!o3d.Element} element Element to dump. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpElement = function(element, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dump (opt_prefix + '------------ Element --------------\n'); // get type o3djs.dump.dump ( opt_prefix + 'Element: "' + element.name + '"\n'); // print params o3djs.dump.dump (opt_prefix + ' --Params--\n'); o3djs.dump.dumpParams (element, opt_prefix + ' '); // print elements. o3djs.dump.dump (opt_prefix + ' --DrawElements--\n'); var drawElements = element.drawElements; for (var g = 0; g < drawElements.length; g++) { var drawElement = drawElements[g] o3djs.dump.dumpParamObject(drawElement, opt_prefix + ' '); } if (element.isAClassName('o3d.Primitive')) { o3djs.dump.dump ( opt_prefix + ' primitive type: ' + element.primitiveType + '\n'); o3djs.dump.dump ( opt_prefix + ' number vertices: ' + element.numberVertices + '\n'); o3djs.dump.dump ( opt_prefix + ' number primitives: ' + element.numberPrimitives + '\n'); var streamBank = element.streamBank; if (streamBank) { var streams = streamBank.vertexStreams; for (var ss = 0; ss < streams.length; ss++) { var stream = streams[ss]; o3djs.dump.dump(opt_prefix + ' stream ' + ss + ': '); o3djs.dump.dumpStream(stream); } } } }; /** * Given a shape dumps its name, all the Params and Primitves on * it. * @param {!o3d.Shape} shape Shape to dump. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpShape = function(shape, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dump (opt_prefix + '------------ Shape --------------\n'); // get type o3djs.dump.dump ( opt_prefix + 'Shape: "' + shape.name + '"\n'); // print params o3djs.dump.dump (opt_prefix + ' --Params--\n'); o3djs.dump.dumpParams (shape, opt_prefix + ' '); // print elements. o3djs.dump.dump (opt_prefix + ' --Elements--\n'); var elements = shape.elements; for (var p = 0; p < elements.length; p++) { var element = elements[p]; o3djs.dump.dumpElement(element, opt_prefix + ' '); } }; /** * Given a texture dumps its name and other info. * it. * @param {!o3d.Texture} texture Texture to dump. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpTexture = function(texture, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; var uri = ''; var param = texture.getParam('uri'); if (param) { uri = param.value; } o3djs.dump.dump ( opt_prefix + texture.className + ' : "' + texture.name + '" uri : "' + uri + '" width: ' + texture.width + ' height: ' + texture.height + ' alphaIsOne: ' + texture.alphaIsOne + '\n'); }; /** * Given a transform dumps its name and all the Params and Shapes on it. * @param {!o3d.Transform} transform Transform to dump. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpTransform = function(transform, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dump (opt_prefix + '----------- Transform -------------\n'); // get type o3djs.dump.dump ( opt_prefix + 'Transform: ' + transform.name + '"\n'); // print params o3djs.dump.dump (opt_prefix + ' --Local Matrix--\n'); o3djs.dump.dump ( o3djs.dump.getMatrixAsString(transform.localMatrix, opt_prefix + ' ') + '\n'); // print params o3djs.dump.dump (opt_prefix + ' --Params--\n'); o3djs.dump.dumpParams (transform, opt_prefix + ' '); // print shapes. o3djs.dump.dump (opt_prefix + ' --Shapes--\n'); var shapes = transform.shapes; for (var s = 0; s < shapes.length; s++) { var shape = shapes[s]; o3djs.dump.dumpNamedObjectName(shape, opt_prefix + ' '); } }; /** * Dumps an entire transform graph tree. * @param {!o3d.Transform} transform Transform to start dumping from. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpTransformTree = function(transform, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dumpTransform(transform, opt_prefix); var child_prefix = opt_prefix + ' '; var children = transform.children; for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) { o3djs.dump.dumpTransformTree(children[c], child_prefix); } }; /** * Dumps a list of Transforms. * @param {!Array.<!o3d.Transform>} transform_list Array of Transforms to dump. */ o3djs.dump.dumpTransformList = function(transform_list) { o3djs.dump.dump (transform_list.length + ' transforms in list!!!\n'); for (var i = 0; i < transform_list.length; i++) { o3djs.dump.dumpTransform(transform_list[i]); } }; /** * Dumps the name and class of a NamedObject. * @param {!o3d.NamedObject} namedObject to use. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpNamedObjectName = function(namedObject, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dump ( opt_prefix + namedObject.className + ' : "' + namedObject.name + '"\n'); }; /** * Dumps a RenderNode and all its paramaters. * @param {!o3d.RenderNode} render_node RenderNode to use. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpRenderNode = function(render_node, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dump (opt_prefix + '----------- Render Node -----------\n'); // get type o3djs.dump.dumpNamedObjectName(render_node, opt_prefix); // print params o3djs.dump.dump (opt_prefix + ' --Params--\n'); o3djs.dump.dumpParams(render_node, opt_prefix + ' '); }; /** * Dumps an entire RenderGraph tree. * @param {!o3d.RenderNode} render_node RenderNode to start dumping from. * @param {string} opt_prefix Optional prefix for indenting. */ o3djs.dump.dumpRenderNodeTree = function(render_node, opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = opt_prefix || ''; o3djs.dump.dumpRenderNode(render_node, opt_prefix); var child_prefix = opt_prefix + ' '; // Get the list of children sorted by priority. var children = render_node.children.sort(function(a, b) { return a.priority - b.priority; }); for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) { o3djs.dump.dumpRenderNodeTree(children[c], child_prefix); } }; /** * Dumps a javascript stack track. */ o3djs.dump.dumpStackTrace = function() { o3djs.dump.dump('Stack trace:\n'); var nextCaller = arguments.callee.caller; while (nextCaller) { o3djs.dump.dump(o3djs.dump.getSignature_(nextCaller) + '\n'); nextCaller = nextCaller.caller; } o3djs.dump.dump('\n\n'); };