/* * Copyright 2009, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @fileoverview This file contains various functions related to effects. * It puts them in the "effect" module on the o3djs object. * * Note: This library is only a sample. It is not meant to be some official * library. It is provided only as example code. * */ o3djs.provide('o3djs.effect'); o3djs.require('o3djs.io'); /** * A Module for dealing with effects. * @namespace */ o3djs.effect = o3djs.effect || {}; /** * The name of standard 2 color checker effect. * @type {string} */ o3djs.effect.TWO_COLOR_CHECKER_EFFECT_NAME = 'o3djs.effect.twoColorCheckerEffect'; /** * An object containing string constants and functions which are specific to * the o3d shading language. When setLanguage gets called the properties of * this object get coppied into the o3djs.effect namespace and then get used * in shader generation code. * @namespace */ o3djs.effect.o3d = { FLOAT2: 'float2', FLOAT3: 'float3', FLOAT4: 'float4', MATRIX4: 'float4x4', MATRIX3: 'float3x3', MOD: 'fmod', ATTRIBUTE: ' ', ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX: 'input.', VARYING: ' ', VARYING_DECLARATION_PREFIX: '', VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX: 'output.', PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX: 'input.', TEXTURE: 'tex', BEGIN_IN_STRUCT: 'struct InVertex {\n', BEGIN_OUT_STRUCT: 'struct OutVertex {\n', END_STRUCT: '};\n' }; /** * An object containing string constants and functions which are specific to * the o3d shading language. When setLanguage gets called the properties of * this object get coppied into the o3djs.effect namespace and then get used * in shader generation code. * @namespace */ o3djs.effect.glsl = { FLOAT2: 'vec2', FLOAT3: 'vec3', FLOAT4: 'vec4', MATRIX4: 'mat4', MATRIX3: 'mat3', MOD: 'mod', ATTRIBUTE: 'attribute ', ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX: '', VARYING: 'varying ', VARYING_DECLARATION_PREFIX: 'v_', VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX: 'v_', PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX: 'v_', TEXTURE: 'texture', BEGIN_IN_STRUCT: '', BEGIN_OUT_STRUCT: '', END_STRUCT: '', // Only used in GLSL version of getAttributeName_. semanticNameMap: { 'POSITION' : 'position', 'NORMAL' : 'normal', 'TANGENT' : 'tangent', 'BINORMAL' : 'binormal', 'COLOR' : 'color', 'TEXCOORD0' : 'texCoord0', 'TEXCOORD1' : 'texCoord1', 'TEXCOORD2' : 'texCoord2', 'TEXCOORD3' : 'texCoord3', 'TEXCOORD4' : 'texCoord4', 'TEXCOORD5' : 'texCoord5', 'TEXCOORD6' : 'texCoord6', 'TEXCOORD7' : 'texCoord7' } }; /** * The string that goes between the stream name and the semicolon to indicate * the semantic. * @param {string} name Name of the semantic. * @return {string} */ o3djs.effect.glsl.semanticSuffix = function(name) { return ''; }; /** * The string that goes between the stream name and the semicolon to indicate * the semantic. * @param {string} name Name of the semantic. * @return {string} */ o3djs.effect.o3d.semanticSuffix = function(name) { return ' : ' + name; }; /** * Attribute variables in GLSL need to be named by their semantic in * order for the implementation to hook them up correctly. * @private */ o3djs.effect.glsl.getAttributeName_ = function(name, semantic) { var p = o3djs.effect; return p.semanticNameMap[semantic]; }; /** * This passes through the name in the Cg implementation. * @private */ o3djs.effect.o3d.getAttributeName_ = function(name, semantic) { return name; }; /** * Generates code to multiply two things. * @param {string} a One multiplicand. * @param {string} b The other multiplicand. * @return {string} */ o3djs.effect.glsl.mul = function(a, b) { return '(' + b + ' * ' + a + ')'; }; /** * Generates code to multiply two things. * @param {string} a One multiplicand. * @param {string} b The other multiplicand. * @return {string} */ o3djs.effect.o3d.mul = function(a, b) { return 'mul(' + a + ', ' + b + ')'; }; /** * Generates code for some utility functions * (functions defined in cg but not glsl). * @return {string} The code for the utility functions. */ o3djs.effect.glsl.utilityFunctions = function() { return 'vec4 lit(float l ,float h, float m) {\n' + ' return vec4(1.0,\n' + ' max(l, 0.0),\n' + ' (l > 0.0) ? pow(max(0.0, h), m) : 0.0,\n' + ' 1.0);\n' + '}\n'; }; /** * Generates code for some utility functions * (functions defined in cg but not glsl). * @return {string} The code for the utility functions. */ o3djs.effect.o3d.utilityFunctions = function() { return ''; } /** * The string that starts the vertex shader main function. * @return {string} The effect code for the start of the main. */ o3djs.effect.glsl.beginVertexShaderMain = function() { return 'void main() {\n'; }; /** * The string that starts the vertex shader main function. * @return {string} The effect code for the start of the main. */ o3djs.effect.o3d.beginVertexShaderMain = function() { return 'OutVertex vertexShaderFunction(InVertex input) {\n' + ' OutVertex output;\n'; }; /** * The string that ends the vertex main function. * @return {string} */ o3djs.effect.glsl.endVertexShaderMain = function() { return ' gl_Position = ' + o3djs.effect.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'position;\n}\n'; }; /** * The string that ends the vertex main function. * @return {string} */ o3djs.effect.o3d.endVertexShaderMain = function() { return ' return output;\n}\n'; }; /** * The string that goes infront of the pixel shader main. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect. * @param {boolean} diffuse Whether to include stuff for diffuse calculations. * @param {boolean} specular Whether to include stuff for diffuse * calculations. * @param {boolean} bumpSampler Whether there is a bump sampler. * @return {string} The header. */ o3djs.effect.glsl.pixelShaderHeader = function(material, diffuse, specular, bumpSampler) { return '\n// #o3d SplitMarker\n'; }; /** * The string that goes infront of the pixel shader main. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect. * @param {boolean} diffuse Whether to include stuff for diffuse calculations. * @param {boolean} specular Whether to include stuff for diffuse * calculations. * @param {boolean} bumpSampler Whether there is a bump sampler. * @return {string} The header. */ o3djs.effect.o3d.pixelShaderHeader = function(material, diffuse, specular, bumpSampler) { return ''; }; /** * Repeats the declarations for the varying parameters if necessary. * @param {string} opt_decls The declarations if you know them already. * @return {string} Code for the parameter declarations. */ o3djs.effect.glsl.repeatVaryingDecls = function(opt_decls) { return (opt_decls || o3djs.effect.varying_decls_ || o3djs.buildVaryingDecls()) + '\n'; }; /** * Repeats the declarations for the varying parameters if necessary. * @param {string} opt_decls The declarations if you know them already. * @return {string} Code for the parameter declarations. */ o3djs.effect.o3d.repeatVaryingDecls = function(opt_decls) { return ''; }; /** * The string that goes infront of the pixel shader main. * @return {string} The effect code for the start of the main. */ o3djs.effect.glsl.beginPixelShaderMain = function() { return 'void main() {\n'; }; /** * The string that goes infront of the pixel shader main. * @return {string} The effect code for the start of the main. */ o3djs.effect.o3d.beginPixelShaderMain = function() { return 'float4 pixelShaderFunction(OutVertex input) : COLOR {\n'; }; /** * The string that goes at the end of the pixel shader main. * @param {string} color The code for the color to return. * @return {string} The effect code for the end of the main. */ o3djs.effect.o3d.endPixelShaderMain = function(color) { return ' return ' + color + ';\n}\n'; }; /** * The string that goes at the end of the pixel shader main. * @param {string} color The code for the color to return. * @return {string} The effect code for the end of the main. */ o3djs.effect.glsl.endPixelShaderMain = function(color) { return ' gl_FragColor = ' + color + ';\n}\n'; }; /** * The vertex and fragment shader entry point in the format that * o3d parses. * @return {string} */ o3djs.effect.o3d.entryPoints = function() { return '// #o3d VertexShaderEntryPoint vertexShaderFunction\n' + '// #o3d PixelShaderEntryPoint pixelShaderFunction\n'; }; /** * The vertex and fragment shader entry points. In glsl, this is unnecessary. * @return {string} */ o3djs.effect.glsl.entryPoints = function() { return ''; }; o3djs.effect.glsl.matrixLoadOrder = o3djs.effect.o3d.matrixLoadOrder = function() { return '// #o3d MatrixLoadOrder RowMajor\n'; }; /** * Sets the shader language used. Passing 'glsl' will cause all generated * shader code to be in glsl. Passing anything else will result in the * default o3d hlsl/cg based shader language. * @param {string} language Shader language to use. */ o3djs.effect.setLanguage = function(language) { var language_namespace = o3djs.effect.o3d; if (language == 'glsl') { language_namespace = o3djs.effect.glsl; } for (var f in o3djs.effect.glsl) { o3djs.effect[f] = language_namespace[f]; } o3djs.effect.TWO_COLOR_CHECKER_FXSTRING = o3djs.effect.buildCheckerShaderString(); } /** * Builds the vertex attribute declarations for a given material. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect. * @param {boolean} diffuse Whether to include stuff for diffuse calculations. * @param {boolean} specular Whether to include stuff for diffuse * calculations. * @param {boolean} bumpSampler Whether there is a bump sampler. * @return {string} The code for the declarations. */ o3djs.effect.buildAttributeDecls = function(material, diffuse, specular, bumpSampler) { var str = o3djs.effect.BEGIN_IN_STRUCT + o3djs.effect.ATTRIBUTE + o3djs.effect.FLOAT4 + ' ' + 'position' + o3djs.effect.semanticSuffix('POSITION') + ';\n'; if (diffuse || specular) { str += o3djs.effect.ATTRIBUTE + o3djs.effect.FLOAT3 + ' ' + 'normal' + o3djs.effect.semanticSuffix('NORMAL') + ';\n'; } str += o3djs.effect.buildTexCoords(material, false) + o3djs.effect.buildBumpInputCoords(bumpSampler) + o3djs.effect.END_STRUCT; return str; }; /** * Caches the varying parameter declarations to be repeated in the case that * we're in glsl and need to declare the varying parameters in both shaders. * @type {string} */ o3djs.effect.varying_decls_ = ''; /** * Builds the varying parameter declarations for a given material. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect. * @param {boolean} diffuse Whether to include stuff for diffuse calculations. * @param {boolean} specular Whether to include stuff for diffuse * calculations. * @param {boolean} bumpSampler Whether there is a bump sampler. * @return {string} The code for the declarations. */ o3djs.effect.buildVaryingDecls = function(material, diffuse, specular, bumpSampler) { var p = o3djs.effect; var str = p.BEGIN_OUT_STRUCT + p.VARYING + p.FLOAT4 + ' ' + p.VARYING_DECLARATION_PREFIX + 'position' + p.semanticSuffix('POSITION') + ';\n' + p.buildTexCoords(material, true) + p.buildBumpOutputCoords(bumpSampler); if (diffuse || specular) { str += p.VARYING + p.FLOAT3 + ' ' + p.VARYING_DECLARATION_PREFIX + 'normal' + p.semanticSuffix('TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++ + '') + ';\n' + p.VARYING + p.FLOAT3 + ' ' + p.VARYING_DECLARATION_PREFIX + 'surfaceToLight' + p.semanticSuffix( 'TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++ + '') + ';\n'; } if (specular) { str += p.VARYING + p.FLOAT3 + ' ' + p.VARYING_DECLARATION_PREFIX + 'surfaceToView' + p.semanticSuffix( 'TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++ + '') + ';\n'; } str += p.END_STRUCT; p.varying_decls_ = str; return str; }; /** * An integer value which keeps track of the next available interpolant. * @type {number} * @private */ o3djs.effect.interpolant_ = 0; /** * Builds the texture coordinate declaration for a given color input * (usually emissive, ambient, diffuse or specular). If the color * input does not have a sampler, no TEXCOORD declaration is built. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect. * @param {boolean} varying Whether these vertex declarations should * be written as varying values. * @param {string} name The name of the color input. * @return {string} The code for the texture coordinate declaration. */ o3djs.effect.buildTexCoord = function(material, varying, name) { var p = o3djs.effect; // In the GLSL version we need to name the incoming attributes by // the semantic name in order for them to get hooked up correctly. if (material.getParam(name + 'Sampler')) { if (varying) { return ' ' + p.VARYING + p.FLOAT2 + ' ' + p.VARYING_DECLARATION_PREFIX + name + 'UV' + p.semanticSuffix( 'TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++ + '') + ';\n'; } else { var desiredName = name + 'UV'; var semantic = 'TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++; var outputName = p.getAttributeName_(desiredName, semantic); if (p.semanticNameMap) { p.nameToSemanticMap_[desiredName] = semantic; } return ' ' + p.ATTRIBUTE + p.FLOAT2 + ' ' + outputName + p.semanticSuffix(semantic) + ';\n'; } } else { return ''; } }; /** * Builds all the texture coordinate declarations for a vertex attribute * declaration. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect. * @param {boolean} varying Whether these vertex declarations should * be written as varying values. * @return {string} The code for the texture coordinate declarations. */ o3djs.effect.buildTexCoords = function(material, varying) { var p = o3djs.effect; p.interpolant_ = 0; if (!varying) { p.nameToSemanticMap_ = {}; } return p.buildTexCoord(material, varying, 'emissive') + p.buildTexCoord(material, varying, 'ambient') + p.buildTexCoord(material, varying, 'diffuse') + p.buildTexCoord(material, varying, 'specular'); }; /** * Builds the texture coordinate passthrough statement for a given * color input (usually emissive, ambient, diffuse or specular). These * assigments are used in the vertex shader to pass the texcoords to be * interpolated to the rasterizer. If the color input does not have * a sampler, no code is generated. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect. * @param {string} name The name of the color input. * @return {string} The code for the texture coordinate passthrough statement. */ o3djs.effect.buildUVPassthrough = function(material, name) { var p = o3djs.effect; if (material.getParam(name + 'Sampler')) { var sourceName = name + 'UV'; var destName = sourceName; var semantic = p.nameToSemanticMap_[sourceName]; if (semantic) { sourceName = p.getAttributeName_(sourceName, semantic); } return ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + destName + ' = ' + p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + sourceName + ';\n'; } else { return ''; } }; /** * Builds all the texture coordinate passthrough statements for the * vertex shader. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect. * @return {string} The code for the texture coordinate passthrough * statements. */ o3djs.effect.buildUVPassthroughs = function(material) { var p = o3djs.effect; // TODO(petersont): in the GLSL implementation we need to generate // the code for these attributes before we can pass their values // through, because in this implementation their names must be their // semantics (i.e., "texCoord4") rather than these chosen names. // Currently bumpUV is the only one which does not obey this rule. return p.buildUVPassthrough(material, 'emissive') + p.buildUVPassthrough(material, 'ambient') + p.buildUVPassthrough(material, 'diffuse') + p.buildUVPassthrough(material, 'specular') + p.buildUVPassthrough(material, 'bump'); }; /** * Builds bump input coords if needed. * @param {boolean} bumpSampler Whether there is a bump sampler. * @return {string} The code for bump input coords. */ o3djs.effect.buildBumpInputCoords = function(bumpSampler) { var p = o3djs.effect; return bumpSampler ? (' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' tangent' + p.semanticSuffix('TANGENT') + ';\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' binormal' + p.semanticSuffix('BINORMAL') + ';\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT2 + ' bumpUV' + p.semanticSuffix( 'TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++) + ';\n') : ''; }; /** * Builds bump output coords if needed. * @param {boolean} bumpSampler Whether there is a bump sampler. * @return {string} The code for bump input coords. */ o3djs.effect.buildBumpOutputCoords = function(bumpSampler) { var p = o3djs.effect; return bumpSampler ? (' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' tangent' + p.semanticSuffix( 'TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++) + ';\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' binormal' + p.semanticSuffix('TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++) + ';\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT2 + ' bumpUV' + p.semanticSuffix( 'TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++) + ';\n') : ''; }; /** * Builds vertex and fragment shader string for a 2-color checker effect. * @return {string} The effect code for the shader, ready to be parsed. */ o3djs.effect.buildCheckerShaderString = function() { var p = o3djs.effect; var varyingDecls = p.BEGIN_OUT_STRUCT + p.VARYING + p.FLOAT4 + ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'position' + p.semanticSuffix('POSITION') + ';\n' + p.VARYING + p.FLOAT2 + ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'texCoord' + p.semanticSuffix('TEXCOORD0') + ';\n' + p.VARYING + p.FLOAT3 + ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'normal' + p.semanticSuffix('TEXCOORD1') + ';\n' + p.VARYING + p.FLOAT3 + ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'worldPosition' + p.semanticSuffix('TEXCOORD2') + ';\n' + p.END_STRUCT; return 'uniform ' + p.MATRIX4 + ' worldViewProjection' + p.semanticSuffix('WORLDVIEWPROJECTION') + ';\n' + 'uniform ' + p.MATRIX4 + ' worldInverseTranspose' + p.semanticSuffix('WORLDINVERSETRANSPOSE') + ';\n' + 'uniform ' + p.MATRIX4 + ' world' + p.semanticSuffix('WORLD') + ';\n' + '\n' + p.BEGIN_IN_STRUCT + p.ATTRIBUTE + p.FLOAT4 + ' position' + p.semanticSuffix('POSITION') + ';\n' + p.ATTRIBUTE + p.FLOAT3 + ' normal' + p.semanticSuffix('NORMAL') + ';\n' + p.ATTRIBUTE + p.FLOAT2 + ' texCoord0' + p.semanticSuffix('TEXCOORD0') + ';\n' + p.END_STRUCT + '\n' + varyingDecls + '\n' + p.beginVertexShaderMain() + ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'position = ' + p.mul(p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'position', 'worldViewProjection') + ';\n' + ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'normal = ' + p.mul(p.FLOAT4 + '(' + p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'normal, 0.0)', 'worldInverseTranspose') + '.xyz;\n' + ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'worldPosition = ' + p.mul(p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'position', 'world') + '.xyz;\n' + ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'texCoord = ' + p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'texCoord0;\n' + p.endVertexShaderMain() + '\n' + p.pixelShaderHeader() + 'uniform ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' color1;\n' + 'uniform ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' color2;\n' + 'uniform float checkSize;\n' + 'uniform ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' lightWorldPos;\n' + 'uniform ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' lightColor;\n' + '\n' + p.repeatVaryingDecls(varyingDecls) + p.FLOAT4 + ' checker(' + p.FLOAT2 + ' uv) {\n' + ' float fmodResult = ' + p.MOD + '(' + ' floor(checkSize * uv.x) + \n' + ' floor(checkSize * uv.y), 2.0);\n' + ' return (fmodResult < 1.0) ? color1 : color2;\n' + '}\n\n' + p.beginPixelShaderMain() + ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' surfaceToLight = \n' + ' normalize(lightWorldPos - ' + p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'worldPosition);\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' worldNormal = normalize(' + p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'normal);\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' check = checker(' + p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'texCoord);\n' + ' float directionalIntensity = \n' + ' clamp(dot(worldNormal, surfaceToLight), 0.0, 1.0);\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' outColor = directionalIntensity * check;\n' + p.endPixelShaderMain( p.FLOAT4 + '(outColor.rgb, check.a)') + '\n' + p.entryPoints() + p.matrixLoadOrder(); }; /** * The name of the parameter on a material if it's a collada standard * material. * * NOTE: This parameter is just a string attached to a material. It has no * meaning to the plugin, it is passed from the conditioner to the * javascript libraries so that they can build collada like effects. * * @type {string} */ o3djs.effect.COLLADA_LIGHTING_TYPE_PARAM_NAME = 'collada.lightingType'; /** * The collada standard lighting types. * @type {!Object} */ o3djs.effect.COLLADA_LIGHTING_TYPES = {phong: 1, lambert: 1, blinn: 1, constant: 1}; /** * The FCollada standard materials sampler parameter name prefixes. * @type {!Array.<string>} */ o3djs.effect.COLLADA_SAMPLER_PARAMETER_PREFIXES = ['emissive', 'ambient', 'diffuse', 'specular', 'bump']; /** * Check if lighting type is a collada lighting type. * @param {string} lightingType Lighting type to check. * @return {boolean} true if it's a collada lighting type. */ o3djs.effect.isColladaLightingType = function(lightingType) { return o3djs.effect.COLLADA_LIGHTING_TYPES[lightingType.toLowerCase()] == 1; }; /** * Returns the collada lighting type of a collada standard material. * @param {!o3d.Material} material Material to get lighting type from. * @return {string} The lighting type or "" if it's not a collada standard * material. */ o3djs.effect.getColladaLightingType = function(material) { var lightingTypeParam = material.getParam( o3djs.effect.COLLADA_LIGHTING_TYPE_PARAM_NAME); if (lightingTypeParam) { var lightingType = lightingTypeParam.value.toLowerCase(); if (o3djs.effect.isColladaLightingType(lightingType)) { return lightingType; } } return ''; }; /** * Get the number of TEXCOORD streams needed by this material. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material MUST be a standard * collada material. * @return {number} The number oc TEXCOORD streams needed. */ o3djs.effect.getNumTexCoordStreamsNeeded = function(material) { var p = o3djs.effect; var lightingType = p.getColladaLightingType(material); if (!p.isColladaLightingType(lightingType)) { throw 'not a collada standard material'; } var colladaSamplers = p.COLLADA_SAMPLER_PARAMETER_PREFIXES; var numTexCoordStreamsNeeded = 0 for (var cc = 0; cc < colladaSamplers.length; ++cc) { var samplerPrefix = colladaSamplers[cc]; var samplerParam = material.getParam(samplerPrefix + 'Sampler'); if (samplerParam) { ++numTexCoordStreamsNeeded; } } return numTexCoordStreamsNeeded; }; /** * Loads shader source from an external file and creates shaders for an effect. * @param {!o3d.Effect} effect The effect to create the shaders in. * @param {string} url The url of the shader source. */ o3djs.effect.loadEffect = function(effect, url) { var fxString = o3djs.io.loadTextFileSynchronous(url); effect.loadFromFXString(fxString); }; /** * Creates an effect from a file. * If the effect already exists in the pack that effect will be returned. * @param {!o3d.Pack} pack Pack to create effect in. * @param {string} url Url for effect file. * @return {!o3d.Effect} The effect. */ o3djs.effect.createEffectFromFile = function(pack, url) { var p = o3djs.effect; var effect = pack.getObjects(url, 'o3d.Effect')[0]; if (!effect) { effect = pack.createObject('Effect'); p.loadEffect(effect, url); effect.name = url; } return effect; }; /** * Builds a shader string for a given standard COLLADA material type. * * @param {!o3d.Material} material Material for which to build the shader. * @param {string} effectType Type of effect to create ('phong', 'lambert', * 'constant'). * @return {{description: string, shader: string}} A description and the shader * string. */ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material, effectType) { var p = o3djs.effect; var bumpSampler = material.getParam('bumpSampler'); var bumpUVInterpolant; /** * Extracts the texture type from a texture param. * @param {!o3d.ParamTexture} textureParam The texture parameter to * inspect. * @return {string} The texture type (1D, 2D, 3D or CUBE). */ var getTextureType = function(textureParam) { var texture = textureParam.value; if (!texture) return '2D'; // No texture value, have to make a guess. switch (texture.className) { case 'o3d.Texture1D' : return '1D'; case 'o3d.Texture2D' : return '2D'; case 'o3d.Texture3D' : return '3D'; case 'o3d.TextureCUBE' : return 'CUBE'; default : return '2D'; } } /** * Extracts the sampler type from a sampler param. It does it by inspecting * the texture associated with the sampler. * @param {!o3d.ParamTexture} samplerParam The texture parameter to * inspect. * @return {string} The texture type (1D, 2D, 3D or CUBE). */ var getSamplerType = function(samplerParam) { var sampler = samplerParam.value; if (!sampler) return '2D'; var textureParam = sampler.getParam('Texture'); if (textureParam) return getTextureType(textureParam); else return '2D'; }; /** * Builds uniform variables common to all standard lighting types. * @return {string} The effect code for the common shader uniforms. */ var buildCommonVertexUniforms = function() { return 'uniform ' + p.MATRIX4 + ' worldViewProjection' + p.semanticSuffix('WORLDVIEWPROJECTION') + ';\n' + 'uniform ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' lightWorldPos;\n'; }; /** * Builds uniform variables common to all standard lighting types. * @return {string} The effect code for the common shader uniforms. */ var buildCommonPixelUniforms = function() { return 'uniform ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' lightColor;\n'; }; /** * Builds uniform variables common to lambert, phong and blinn lighting types. * @return {string} The effect code for the common shader uniforms. */ var buildLightingUniforms = function() { return 'uniform ' + p.MATRIX4 + ' world' + p.semanticSuffix('WORLD') + ';\n' + 'uniform ' + p.MATRIX4 + ' viewInverse' + p.semanticSuffix('VIEWINVERSE') + ';\n' + 'uniform ' + p.MATRIX4 + ' worldInverseTranspose' + p.semanticSuffix('WORLDINVERSETRANSPOSE') + ';\n'; }; /** * Builds uniform parameters for a given color input. If the material * has a sampler parameter, a sampler uniform is created, otherwise a * float4 color value is created. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect. * @param {!Array.<string>} descriptions Array to add descriptions too. * @param {string} name The name of the parameter to look for. Usually * emissive, ambient, diffuse or specular. * @param {boolean} opt_addColorParam Whether to add a color param if no * sampler exists. Default = true. * @return {string} The effect code for the uniform parameter. */ var buildColorParam = function(material, descriptions, name, opt_addColorParam) { if (opt_addColorParam === undefined) { opt_addColorParam = true; } var samplerParam = material.getParam(name + 'Sampler'); if (samplerParam) { var type = getSamplerType(samplerParam); descriptions.push(name + type + 'Texture'); return 'uniform sampler' + type + ' ' + name + 'Sampler;\n' } else if (opt_addColorParam) { descriptions.push(name + 'Color'); return 'uniform ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' ' + name + ';\n'; } else { return ''; } }; /** * Builds the effect code to retrieve a given color input. If the material * has a sampler parameter of that name, a texture lookup is done. Otherwise * it's a no-op, since the value is retrieved directly from the color uniform * of that name. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect. * @param {string} name The name of the parameter to look for. Usually * emissive, ambient, diffuse or specular. * @return {string} The effect code for the uniform parameter retrieval. */ var getColorParam = function(material, name) { var samplerParam = material.getParam(name + 'Sampler'); if (samplerParam) { var type = getSamplerType(samplerParam); return ' ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' ' + name + ' = ' + p.TEXTURE + type + '(' + name + 'Sampler, ' + p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + name + 'UV);\n' } else { return ''; } }; /** * Builds vertex and fragment shader string for the Constant lighting type. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material for which to build * shaders. * @param {!Array.<string>} descriptions Array to add descriptions too. * @return {string} The effect code for the shader, ready to be parsed. */ var buildConstantShaderString = function(material, descriptions) { descriptions.push('constant'); return buildCommonVertexUniforms() + buildVertexDecls(material, false, false) + p.beginVertexShaderMain() + positionVertexShaderCode() + p.buildUVPassthroughs(material) + p.endVertexShaderMain() + p.pixelShaderHeader(material, false, false, bumpSampler) + buildCommonPixelUniforms() + p.repeatVaryingDecls() + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'emissive') + p.beginPixelShaderMain() + getColorParam(material, 'emissive') + p.endPixelShaderMain('emissive') + p.entryPoints() + p.matrixLoadOrder(); }; /** * Builds vertex and fragment shader string for the Lambert lighting type. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material for which to build * shaders. * @param {!Array.<string>} descriptions Array to add descriptions too. * @return {string} The effect code for the shader, ready to be parsed. */ var buildLambertShaderString = function(material, descriptions) { descriptions.push('lambert'); return buildCommonVertexUniforms() + buildLightingUniforms() + buildVertexDecls(material, true, false) + p.beginVertexShaderMain() + p.buildUVPassthroughs(material) + positionVertexShaderCode() + normalVertexShaderCode() + surfaceToLightVertexShaderCode() + bumpVertexShaderCode() + p.endVertexShaderMain() + p.pixelShaderHeader(material, true, false) + buildCommonPixelUniforms() + p.repeatVaryingDecls() + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'emissive') + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'ambient') + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'diffuse') + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'bump', false) + p.utilityFunctions() + p.beginPixelShaderMain() + getColorParam(material, 'emissive') + getColorParam(material, 'ambient') + getColorParam(material, 'diffuse') + getNormalShaderCode() + ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' surfaceToLight = normalize(' + p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'surfaceToLight);\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' litR = lit(dot(normal, surfaceToLight), 0.0, 0.0);\n' + p.endPixelShaderMain(p.FLOAT4 + '((emissive +\n' + ' lightColor *' + ' (ambient * diffuse + diffuse * litR.y)).rgb,\n' + ' diffuse.a)') + p.entryPoints() + p.matrixLoadOrder(); }; /** * Builds vertex and fragment shader string for the Blinn lighting type. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material for which to build * shaders. * @param {!Array.<string>} descriptions Array to add descriptions too. * @return {string} The effect code for the shader, ready to be parsed. * TODO: This is actually just a copy of the Phong code. * Change to Blinn. */ var buildBlinnShaderString = function(material, descriptions) { descriptions.push('phong'); return buildCommonVertexUniforms() + buildLightingUniforms() + buildVertexDecls(material, true, true) + p.beginVertexShaderMain() + p.buildUVPassthroughs(material) + positionVertexShaderCode() + normalVertexShaderCode() + surfaceToLightVertexShaderCode() + surfaceToViewVertexShaderCode() + bumpVertexShaderCode() + p.endVertexShaderMain() + p.pixelShaderHeader(material, true, true) + buildCommonPixelUniforms() + p.repeatVaryingDecls() + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'emissive') + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'ambient') + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'diffuse') + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'specular') + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'bump', false) + 'uniform float shininess;\n' + 'uniform float specularFactor;\n' + p.utilityFunctions() + p.beginPixelShaderMain() + getColorParam(material, 'emissive') + getColorParam(material, 'ambient') + getColorParam(material, 'diffuse') + getColorParam(material, 'specular') + getNormalShaderCode() + ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' surfaceToLight = normalize(' + p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'surfaceToLight);\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' surfaceToView = normalize(' + p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'surfaceToView);\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' halfVector = normalize(surfaceToLight + ' + p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'surfaceToView);\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' litR = lit(dot(normal, surfaceToLight), \n' + ' dot(normal, halfVector), shininess);\n' + p.endPixelShaderMain( p.FLOAT4 + '((emissive +\n' + ' lightColor *' + ' (ambient * diffuse + diffuse * litR.y +\n' + ' + specular * litR.z *' + ' specularFactor)).rgb,\n' + ' diffuse.a)') + p.entryPoints() + p.matrixLoadOrder(); }; /** * Builds vertex and fragment shader string for the Phong lighting type. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material for which to build * shaders. * @param {!Array.<string>} descriptions Array to add descriptions too. * @return {string} The effect code for the shader, ready to be parsed. */ var buildPhongShaderString = function(material, descriptions) { descriptions.push('phong'); return buildCommonVertexUniforms() + buildLightingUniforms() + buildVertexDecls(material, true, true) + p.beginVertexShaderMain() + p.buildUVPassthroughs(material) + positionVertexShaderCode() + normalVertexShaderCode() + surfaceToLightVertexShaderCode() + surfaceToViewVertexShaderCode() + bumpVertexShaderCode() + p.endVertexShaderMain() + p.pixelShaderHeader(material, true, true) + buildCommonPixelUniforms() + p.repeatVaryingDecls() + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'emissive') + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'ambient') + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'diffuse') + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'specular') + buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'bump', false) + 'uniform float shininess;\n' + 'uniform float specularFactor;\n' + p.utilityFunctions() + p.beginPixelShaderMain() + getColorParam(material, 'emissive') + getColorParam(material, 'ambient') + getColorParam(material, 'diffuse') + getColorParam(material, 'specular') + getNormalShaderCode() + ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' surfaceToLight = normalize(' + p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'surfaceToLight);\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' surfaceToView = normalize(' + p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'surfaceToView);\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' halfVector = normalize(surfaceToLight + surfaceToView);\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' litR = lit(dot(normal, surfaceToLight), \n' + ' dot(normal, halfVector), shininess);\n' + p.endPixelShaderMain(p.FLOAT4 + '((emissive +\n' + ' lightColor * (ambient * diffuse + diffuse * litR.y +\n' + ' + specular * litR.z *' + ' specularFactor)).rgb,\n' + ' diffuse.a)') + p.entryPoints() + p.matrixLoadOrder(); }; /** * Builds the position code for the vertex shader. * @return {string} The code for the vertex shader. */ var positionVertexShaderCode = function() { return ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'position = ' + p.mul(p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'position', 'worldViewProjection') + ';\n'; }; /** * Builds the normal code for the vertex shader. * @return {string} The code for the vertex shader. */ var normalVertexShaderCode = function() { return ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'normal = ' + p.mul(p.FLOAT4 + '(' + p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'normal, 0)', 'worldInverseTranspose') + '.xyz;\n'; }; /** * Builds the surface to light code for the vertex shader. * @return {string} The code for the vertex shader. */ var surfaceToLightVertexShaderCode = function() { return ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'surfaceToLight = lightWorldPos - \n' + ' ' + p.mul(p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'position', 'world') + '.xyz;\n'; }; /** * Builds the surface to view code for the vertex shader. * @return {string} The code for the vertex shader. */ var surfaceToViewVertexShaderCode = function() { return ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'surfaceToView = (viewInverse[3] - ' + p.mul(p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'position', 'world') + ').xyz;\n'; }; /** * Builds the normal map part of the vertex shader. * @param {boolean} opt_bumpSampler Whether there is a bump * sampler. Default = false. * @return {string} The code for normal mapping in the vertex shader. */ var bumpVertexShaderCode = function(opt_bumpSampler) { return bumpSampler ? (' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'binormal = ' + p.mul(p.FLOAT4 + '(' + p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'binormal, 0)', 'worldInverseTranspose') + '.xyz;\n' + ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'tangent = ' + p.mul(p.FLOAT4 + '(' + p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'tangent, 0)', 'worldInverseTranspose') + '.xyz;\n') : ''; }; /** * Builds the normal calculation of the pixel shader. * @return {string} The code for normal computation in the pixel shader. */ var getNormalShaderCode = function() { return bumpSampler ? (p.MATRIX3 + ' tangentToWorld = ' + p.MATRIX3 + '(' + p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'tangent,\n' + ' ' + p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'binormal,\n' + ' ' + p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'normal);\n' + p.FLOAT3 + ' tangentNormal = tex2D(bumpSampler, ' + p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'bumpUV.xy).xyz -\n' + ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + '(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n' + p.FLOAT3 + ' normal = ' + p.mul('tangentNormal', 'tangentToWorld') + ';\n' + 'normal = normalize(' + p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'normal);\n') : ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' normal = normalize(' + p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'normal);\n'; }; /** * Builds the vertex declarations for a given material. * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect. * @param {boolean} diffuse Whether to include stuff for diffuse * calculations. * @param {boolean} specular Whether to include stuff for diffuse * calculations. * @return {string} The code for the vertex declarations. */ var buildVertexDecls = function(material, diffuse, specular) { return p.buildAttributeDecls( material, diffuse, specular, bumpSampler) + p.buildVaryingDecls( material, diffuse, specular, bumpSampler); }; // Create a shader string of the appropriate type, based on the // effectType. var str; var descriptions = []; if (effectType == 'phong') { str = buildPhongShaderString(material, descriptions); } else if (effectType == 'lambert') { str = buildLambertShaderString(material, descriptions); } else if (effectType == 'blinn') { str = buildBlinnShaderString(material, descriptions); } else if (effectType == 'constant') { str = buildConstantShaderString(material, descriptions); } else { throw ('unknown effect type "' + effectType + '"'); } return {description: descriptions.join('_'), shader: str}; }; /** * Gets or builds a shader for given standard COLLADA material type. * * Looks at the material passed in and assigns it an Effect that matches its * Params. If a suitable Effect already exists in pack it will use that Effect. * * @param {!o3d.Pack} pack Pack in which to create the new Effect. * @param {!o3d.Material} material Material for which to build the shader. * @param {string} effectType Type of effect to create ('phong', 'lambert', * 'constant'). * @return {o3d.Effect} The created effect. */ o3djs.effect.getStandardShader = function(pack, material, effectType) { var record = o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString(material, effectType); var effects = pack.getObjectsByClassName('o3d.Effect'); for (var ii = 0; ii < effects.length; ++ii) { if (effects[ii].name == record.description && effects[ii].source == record.shader) { return effects[ii]; } } var effect = pack.createObject('Effect'); if (effect) { effect.name = record.description; if (effect.loadFromFXString(record.shader)) { return effect; } pack.removeObject(effect); } return null; }; /** * Attaches a shader for a given standard COLLADA material type to the * material. * * Looks at the material passed in and assigns it an Effect that matches its * Params. If a suitable Effect already exists in pack it will use that Effect. * * @param {!o3d.Pack} pack Pack in which to create the new Effect. * @param {!o3d.Material} material Material for which to build the shader. * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} lightPos Position of the default light. * @param {string} effectType Type of effect to create ('phong', 'lambert', * 'constant'). * @return {boolean} True on success. */ o3djs.effect.attachStandardShader = function(pack, material, lightPos, effectType) { var effect = o3djs.effect.getStandardShader(pack, material, effectType); if (effect) { material.effect = effect; effect.createUniformParameters(material); // Set a couple of the default parameters in the hopes that this will // help the user get something on the screen. We check to make sure they // are not connected to something otherwise we'll get an error. var param = material.getParam('lightWorldPos'); if (!param.inputConnection) { param.value = lightPos; } var param = material.getParam('lightColor'); if (!param.inputConnection) { param.value = [1, 1, 1, 1]; } return true; } else { return false; } }; /** * Creates the uniform parameters needed for an Effect on the given ParamObject. * @param {!o3d.Pack} pack Pack to create extra objects in like Samplers and * ParamArrays. * @param {!o3d.Effect} effect Effect. * @param {!o3d.ParamObject} paramObject ParamObject on which to create Params. */ o3djs.effect.createUniformParameters = function(pack, effect, paramObject) { effect.createUniformParameters(paramObject); var infos = effect.getParameterInfo(); for (var ii = 0; ii < infos.length; ++ii) { var info = infos[ii]; if (info.sasClassName.length == 0) { if (info.numElements > 0) { var paramArray = pack.createObject('ParamArray'); var param = paramObject.getParam(info.name); param.value = paramArray; paramArray.resize(info.numElements, info.className); if (info.className == 'o3d.ParamSampler') { for (var jj = 0; jj < info.numElements; ++jj) { var sampler = pack.createObject('Sampler'); paramArray.getParam(jj).value = sampler; } } } else if (info.className == 'o3d.ParamSampler') { var sampler = pack.createObject('Sampler'); var param = paramObject.getParam(info.name); param.value = sampler; } } } }; /** * Creates an effect that draws a 2 color procedural checker pattern. * @param {!o3d.Pack} pack The pack to create the effect in. If the pack * already has an effect with the same name that effect will be returned. * @return {!o3d.Effect} The effect. */ o3djs.effect.createCheckerEffect = function(pack) { var effects = pack.getObjects(o3djs.effect.TWO_COLOR_CHECKER_EFFECT_NAME, 'o3d.Effect'); if (effects.length > 0) { return effects[0]; } var effect = pack.createObject('Effect'); effect.loadFromFXString(o3djs.effect.TWO_COLOR_CHECKER_FXSTRING); effect.name = o3djs.effect.TWO_COLOR_CHECKER_EFFECT_NAME; return effect; }; // For compatability with o3d code, the default language is o3d shading // language. o3djs.effect.setLanguage('o3d');