/* * Copyright 2009, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @fileoverview This file contains classes that implement several * forms of 2D and 3D manipulation. */ o3djs.provide('o3djs.manipulators'); o3djs.require('o3djs.material'); o3djs.require('o3djs.math'); o3djs.require('o3djs.picking'); o3djs.require('o3djs.primitives'); o3djs.require('o3djs.quaternions'); /** * A module implementing several forms of 2D and 3D manipulation. * @namespace */ o3djs.manipulators = o3djs.manipulators || {}; /** * Creates a new manipulator manager, which maintains multiple * manipulators in the same scene. The manager is implicitly * associated with a particular O3D client via the Pack which is * passed in, although multiple managers can be created for a given * client. The manipulators are positioned in world coordinates and * are placed in the scene graph underneath the parent transform which * is passed in. * @param {!o3d.Pack} pack Pack in which manipulators' geometry and * materials will be created. * @param {!o3d.DrawList} drawList The draw list against which * internal materials are created. * @param {!o3d.Transform} parentTransform The parent transform under * which the manipulators' geometry should be parented. * @param {!o3d.RenderNode} parentRenderNode The parent render node * under which the manipulators' draw elements should be placed. * @param {number} renderNodePriority The priority that the * manipulators' geometry should use for rendering. * @return {!o3djs.manipulators.Manager} The created manipulator * manager. */ o3djs.manipulators.createManager = function(pack, drawList, parentTransform, parentRenderNode, renderNodePriority) { return new o3djs.manipulators.Manager(pack, drawList, parentTransform, parentRenderNode, renderNodePriority); } // // Some linear algebra classes. // TODO(kbr): find a better home for these. // /** * Creates a new Line object, which implements projection and * closest-point operations. * @constructor * @private * @param {o3djs.math.Vector3} opt_direction The direction of the * line. Does not need to be normalized but must not be the zero * vector. Defaults to [1, 0, 0] if not specified. * @param {o3djs.math.Vector3} opt_point A point through which the * line goes. */ o3djs.manipulators.Line_ = function(opt_direction, opt_point) { if (opt_direction) { this.direction_ = o3djs.math.copyVector(opt_direction); } else { this.direction_ = [1, 0, 0]; } if (opt_point) { this.point_ = o3djs.math.copyVector(opt_point); } else { this.point_ = [0, 0, 0]; } // Helper for computing projections along the line this.alongVec_ = [0, 0, 0]; this.recalc_(); } /** * Sets the direction of this line. * @private * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} direction The new direction of the * line. Does not need to be normalized but must not be the zero * vector. */ o3djs.manipulators.Line_.prototype.setDirection = function(direction) { this.direction_ = o3djs.math.copyVector(direction); this.recalc_(); } /** * Gets the direction of this line. * @private * @return {!o3djs.math.Vector3} The direction of the line. */ o3djs.manipulators.Line_.prototype.getDirection = function() { return this.direction_; } /** * Sets one point through which this line travels. * @private * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} point A point which through the line * will travel. */ o3djs.manipulators.Line_.prototype.setPoint = function(point) { this.point_ = o3djs.math.copyVector(point); this.recalc_(); } /** * Gets one point through which this line travels. * @private * @return {!o3djs.math.Vector3} A point which through the line * travels. */ o3djs.manipulators.Line_.prototype.getPoint = function() { return this.point_; } /** * Projects a point onto the line. * @private * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} point Point to be projected. * @return {!o3djs.math.Vector3} Point on the line closest to the * passed point. */ o3djs.manipulators.Line_.prototype.projectPoint = function(point) { var dotp = o3djs.math.dot(this.direction_, point); return o3djs.math.addVector(this.alongVec_, o3djs.math.mulScalarVector(dotp, this.direction_)); } o3djs.manipulators.EPSILON = 0.00001; o3djs.manipulators.X_AXIS = [1, 0, 0]; /** * Returns the closest point on this line to the given ray, which is * specified by start and end points. If the ray is parallel to the * line, returns null. * @private * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} startPoint Start point of ray. * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} endPoint End point of ray. * @return {o3djs.math.Vector3} The closest point on the line to the * ray, or null if the ray is parallel to the line. */ o3djs.manipulators.Line_.prototype.closestPointToRay = function(startPoint, endPoint) { var rayDirection = o3djs.math.subVector(endPoint, startPoint); var ddrd = o3djs.math.dot(this.direction_, rayDirection); var A = [[-o3djs.math.lengthSquared(this.direction_), ddrd], [ddrd, -o3djs.math.lengthSquared(rayDirection)]]; var det = o3djs.math.det2(A); if (Math.abs(det) < o3djs.manipulators.EPSILON) { return null; } var Ainv = o3djs.math.inverse2(A); var b = [o3djs.math.dot(this.point_, this.direction_) - o3djs.math.dot(startPoint, this.direction_), o3djs.math.dot(startPoint, rayDirection) - o3djs.math.dot(this.point_, rayDirection)]; var x = o3djs.math.mulMatrixVector(Ainv, b); if (x[1] < 0) { // Means that start point is closest point to this line return startPoint; } else { return o3djs.math.addVector(this.point_, o3djs.math.mulScalarVector( x[0], this.direction_)); } } /** * Performs internal recalculations when the parameters of the line change. * @private */ o3djs.manipulators.Line_.prototype.recalc_ = function() { var denom = o3djs.math.lengthSquared(this.direction_); if (denom == 0.0) { throw 'Line_.recalc: ERROR: direction was the zero vector (not allowed)'; } this.alongVec_ = o3djs.math.subVector(this.point_, o3djs.math.mulScalarVector( o3djs.math.dot(this.point_, this.direction_), this.direction_)); } o3djs.manipulators.DEFAULT_COLOR = [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0]; o3djs.manipulators.HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR = [0.9, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0]; /** * Constructs a new manipulator manager. Do not call this directly; * use o3djs.manipulators.createManager instead. * @constructor * @param {!o3d.Pack} pack Pack in which manipulators' geometry and * materials will be created. * @param {!o3d.DrawList} drawList The draw list against which * internal materials are created. * @param {!o3d.Transform} parentTransform The parent transform under * which the manipulators' geometry should be parented. * @param {!o3d.RenderNode} parentRenderNode The parent render node * under which the manipulators' draw elements should be placed. * @param {number} renderNodePriority The priority that the * manipulators' geometry should use for rendering. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manager = function(pack, drawList, parentTransform, parentRenderNode, renderNodePriority) { this.pack = pack; this.drawList = drawList; this.parentTransform = parentTransform; this.parentRenderNode = parentRenderNode; this.renderNodePriority = renderNodePriority; this.lightPosition = [10, 10, 10]; // Create the default and highlighted materials. this.defaultMaterial = this.createPhongMaterial_(o3djs.manipulators.DEFAULT_COLOR); this.highlightedMaterial = this.createPhongMaterial_(o3djs.manipulators.HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR); // This is a map from the manip's parent Transform clientId to the manip. this.manipsByClientId = []; // Presumably we need a TransformInfo for the parentTransform. this.transformInfo = o3djs.picking.createTransformInfo(this.parentTransform, null); /** * The currently-highlighted manipulator. * @type {o3djs.manipulators.Manip} */ this.highlightedManip = null; /** * The manipulator currently being dragged. * @private * @type {o3djs.manipulators.Manip} */ this.draggedManip_ = null; } /** * Creates a phong material based on the given single color. * @private * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector4} baseColor A vector with 4 entries, the * R,G,B, and A components of a color. * @return {!o3d.Material} A phong material whose overall pigment is baseColor. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manager.prototype.createPhongMaterial_ = function(baseColor) { // Create a new, empty Material object. var material = this.pack.createObject('Material'); o3djs.effect.attachStandardShader( this.pack, material, this.lightPosition, 'phong'); material.drawList = this.drawList; // Assign parameters to the phong material. material.getParam('emissive').value = [0, 0, 0, 1]; material.getParam('ambient').value = o3djs.math.mulScalarVector(0.1, baseColor); material.getParam('diffuse').value = baseColor; material.getParam('specular').value = [.2, .2, .2, 1]; material.getParam('shininess').value = 20; return material; } /** * Creates a new Translate1 manipulator. A Translate1 moves along the * X axis in its local coordinate system. * @return {!o3djs.manipulators.Translate1} A new Translate1 manipulator. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manager.prototype.createTranslate1 = function() { var manip = new o3djs.manipulators.Translate1(this); this.add_(manip); return manip; } /** * Adds a manipulator to this manager's set. * @private * @param {!o3djs.manipulators.Manip} manip The manipulator to add. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manager.prototype.add_ = function(manip) { // Generate draw elements for the manipulator's transform manip.getTransform().createDrawElements(this.pack, null); // Add the manipulator's transform to the parent transform manip.getBaseTransform_().parent = this.parentTransform; // Add the manipulator into our managed list this.manipsByClientId[manip.getTransform().clientId] = manip; } /** * Event handler for multiple kinds of mouse events. * @private * @param {number} x The x coordinate of the mouse event. * @param {number} y The y coordinate of the mouse event. * @param {!o3djs.math.Matrix4} view The current view matrix. * @param {!o3djs.math.Matrix4} projection The current projection matrix. * @param {number} width The width of the viewport. * @param {number} height The height of the viewport. * @param {!function(!o3djs.manipulators.Manager, * o3djs.picking.PickInfo, o3djs.manipulators.Manip): void} func * Callback function. Always receives the manager as argument; if * a manipulator was picked, receives non-null PickInfo and Manip * arguments, otherwise receives null for both of these arguments. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manager.prototype.handleMouse_ = function(x, y, view, projection, width, height, func) { this.transformInfo.update(); // Create the world ray var worldRay = o3djs.picking.clientPositionToWorldRayEx(x, y, view, projection, width, height); // Pick against all of the manipulators' geometry var pickResult = this.transformInfo.pick(worldRay); if (pickResult != null) { // Find which manipulator we picked. // NOTE this assumes some things about the transform graph // structure of the manipulators. var manip = this.manipsByClientId[pickResult.shapeInfo.parent.transform.clientId]; func(this, pickResult, manip); } else { func(this, null, null); } } /** * Callback handling the mouse-down event on a manipulator. * @private * @param {!o3djs.manipulators.Manager} manager The manipulator * manager owning the given manipulator. * @param {o3djs.picking.PickInfo} pickResult The picking information * associated with the mouse-down event. * @param {o3djs.manipulators.Manip} manip The manipulator to be * selected. */ o3djs.manipulators.mouseDownCallback_ = function(manager, pickResult, manip) { if (manip != null) { manager.draggedManip_ = manip; manip.makeActive(pickResult); } } /** * Callback handling the mouse-over event on a manipulator. * @private * @param {!o3djs.manipulators.Manager} manager The manipulator * manager owning the given manipulator. * @param {o3djs.picking.PickInfo} pickResult The picking information * associated with the mouse-over event. * @param {o3djs.manipulators.Manip} manip The manipulator to be * highlighted. */ o3djs.manipulators.hoverCallback_ = function(manager, pickResult, manip) { if (manager.highlightedManip != null && manager.highlightedManip != manip) { // Un-highlight the previously highlighted manipulator manager.highlightedManip.clearHighlight(); manager.highlightedManip = null; } if (manip != null) { manip.highlight(pickResult); manager.highlightedManip = manip; } } /** * Method which should be called by end user code upon receiving a * mouse-down event. * @param {number} x The x coordinate of the mouse event. * @param {number} y The y coordinate of the mouse event. * @param {!o3djs.math.Matrix4} view The current view matrix. * @param {!o3djs.math.Matrix4} projection The current projection matrix. * @param {number} width The width of the viewport. * @param {number} height The height of the viewport. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manager.prototype.mousedown = function(x, y, view, projection, width, height) { this.handleMouse_(x, y, view, projection, width, height, o3djs.manipulators.mouseDownCallback_); } /** * Method which should be called by end user code upon receiving a * mouse motion event. * @param {number} x The x coordinate of the mouse event. * @param {number} y The y coordinate of the mouse event. * @param {!o3djs.math.Matrix4} view The current view matrix. * @param {!o3djs.math.Matrix4} projection The current projection matrix. * @param {number} width The width of the viewport. * @param {number} height The height of the viewport. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manager.prototype.mousemove = function(x, y, view, projection, width, height) { if (this.draggedManip_ != null) { var worldRay = o3djs.picking.clientPositionToWorldRayEx(x, y, view, projection, width, height); this.draggedManip_.drag(worldRay.near, worldRay.far); } else { this.handleMouse_(x, y, view, projection, width, height, o3djs.manipulators.hoverCallback_); } } /** * Method which should be called by end user code upon receiving a * mouse-up event. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manager.prototype.mouseup = function() { if (this.draggedManip_ != null) { this.draggedManip_.makeInactive(); this.draggedManip_ = null; } } /** * Method which should be called by end user code, typically in * response to mouse move events, to update the transforms of * manipulators which might have been moved either because of * manipulators further up the hierarchy, or programmatic changes to * transforms. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manager.prototype.updateInactiveManipulators = function() { for (var ii in this.manipsByClientId) { var manip = this.manipsByClientId[ii]; if (!manip.isActive()) { manip.updateBaseTransformFromAttachedTransform_(); } } } /** * Base class for all manipulators. * @constructor * @param {!o3djs.manipulators.Manager} manager The manager of this * manipulator. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip = function(manager) { this.manager_ = manager; var pack = manager.pack; // This transform holds the local transformation of the manipulator, // which is either applied to the transform to which it is attached, // or (see below) consumed by the user in the manipulator's // callbacks. After each interaction, if there is an attached // transform, this local transform is added in to it and reset to // the identity. // TODO(kbr): add support for user callbacks on manipulators. this.localTransform_ = pack.createObject('Transform'); // This transform provides an offset, if desired, between the // manipulator's geometry and the transform (and, implicitly, the // shape) to which it is attached. This allows the manipulator to be // easily placed below an object, for example. this.offsetTransform_ = pack.createObject('Transform'); // This transform is the one which is actually parented to the // manager's parentTransform. It is used to place the manipulator in // world space, regardless of the world space location of the // parentTransform supplied to the manager. If this manipulator is // attached to a given transform, then upon completion of a // particular drag interaction, this transform is adjusted to take // into account the attached transform's new value. this.baseTransform_ = pack.createObject('Transform'); // Hook up these transforms this.localTransform_.parent = this.offsetTransform_; this.offsetTransform_.parent = this.baseTransform_; // This is the transform in the scene graph to which this // manipulator is conceptually "attached", and whose local transform // we are modifying. this.attachedTransform_ = null; this.active_ = false; } /** * Adds shapes to the internal transform of this manipulator. * @private * @param {!Array.} shapes Array of shapes to add. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.addShapes_ = function(shapes) { for (var ii = 0; ii < shapes.length; ii++) { this.localTransform_.addShape(shapes[ii]); } } /** * Returns the "base" transform of this manipulator, which places the * origin of the manipulator at the local origin of the attached * transform. * @private * @return {!o3d.Transform} The base transform of this manipulator. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.getBaseTransform_ = function() { return this.baseTransform_; } /** * Returns the "offset" transform of this manipulator, which allows * the manipulator's geometry to be moved or rotated with respect to * the local origin of the attached transform. * @return {!o3d.Transform} The offset transform of this manipulator. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.getOffsetTransform = function() { return this.offsetTransform_; } /** * Returns the local transform of this manipulator, which contains the * changes that have been made in response to the current drag * operation. Upon completion of the drag, this transform's effects * are composed in to the attached transform, and this transform is * reset to the identity. * @return {!o3d.Transform} The local transform of this manipulator. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.getTransform = function() { return this.localTransform_; } /** * Sets the translation component of the offset transform. This is * useful for moving the manipulator's geometry with respect to the * local origin of the attached transform. * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} translation The offset translation for * this manipulator. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setOffsetTranslation = function(translation) { this.getOffsetTransform().localMatrix = o3djs.math.matrix4.setTranslation(this.getOffsetTransform().localMatrix, translation); } /** * Sets the rotation component of the offset transform. This is useful * for orienting the manipulator's geometry with respect to the local * origin of the attached transform. * @param {!o3djs.quaternions.Quaternion} quaternion The offset * rotation for this manipulator. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setOffsetRotation = function(quaternion) { var rot = o3djs.quaternions.quaternionToRotation(quaternion); this.getOffsetTransform().localMatrix = o3djs.math.matrix4.setUpper3x3(this.getOffsetTransform().localMatrix, rot); } /** * Explicitly sets the local translation of this manipulator. * (TODO(kbr): it is not clear that this capability should be in the * API.) * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} translation The local translation for * this manipulator. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setTranslation = function(translation) { this.getTransform().localMatrix = o3djs.math.matrix4.setTranslation(this.getTransform().localMatrix, translation); } /** * Explicitly sets the local rotation of this manipulator. (TODO(kbr): * it is not clear that this capability should be in the API.) * @param {!o3djs.quaternions.Quaternion} quaternion The local * rotation for this manipulator. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setRotation = function(quaternion) { var rot = o3djs.quaternions.quaternionToRotation(quaternion); this.getTransform().localMatrix = o3djs.math.matrix4.setUpper3x3(this.getTransform().localMatrix, rot); } /** * Attaches this manipulator to the given transform. Interactions with * the manipulator will cause this transform's local matrix to be * modified appropriately. * @param {!o3d.Transform} transform The transform to which this * manipulator should be attached. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.attachTo = function(transform) { this.attachedTransform_ = transform; // Update our base transform to place the manipulator at exactly the // location of the attached transform. this.updateBaseTransformFromAttachedTransform_(); } /** * Highlights this manipulator according to the given pick result. * @param {o3djs.picking.PickInfo} pickResult The pick result which * caused this manipulator to become highlighted. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.highlight = function(pickResult) { } /** * Clears any highlight for this manipulator. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.clearHighlight = function() { } /** * Activates this manipulator according to the given pick result. In * complex manipulators, picking different portions of the manipulator * may result in different forms of interaction. * @param {o3djs.picking.PickInfo} pickResult The pick result which * caused this manipulator to become active. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.makeActive = function(pickResult) { this.active_ = true; } /** * Deactivates this manipulator. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.makeInactive = function() { this.active_ = false; } /** * Drags this manipulator according to the world-space ray specified * by startPoint and endPoint. makeActive must already have been * called with the initial pick result causing this manipulator to * become active. This method exists only to be overridden. * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} startPoint Start point of the * world-space ray through the current mouse position. * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector3} endPoint End point of the world-space * ray through the current mouse position. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.drag = function(startPoint, endPoint) { } /** * Indicates whether this manipulator is active. * @return {boolean} Whether this manipulator is active. */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.isActive = function() { return this.active_; } /** * Updates the base transform of this manipulator from the state of * its attached transform, resetting the local transform of this * manipulator to the identity. * @private */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.updateBaseTransformFromAttachedTransform_ = function() { if (this.attachedTransform_ != null) { var attWorld = this.attachedTransform_.worldMatrix; var parWorld = this.manager_.parentTransform.worldMatrix; var parWorldInv = o3djs.math.matrix4.inverse(parWorld); this.baseTransform_.localMatrix = o3djs.math.matrix4.mul(attWorld, parWorldInv); // Reset the manipulator's local matrix to the identity. this.localTransform_.localMatrix = o3djs.math.matrix4.identity(); } } /** * Updates this manipulator's attached transform based on the values * in the local transform. * @private */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.updateAttachedTransformFromLocalTransform_ = function() { if (this.attachedTransform_ != null) { // Compute the composition of the base and local transforms. // The offset transform is skipped except for transforming the // local matrix's translation by the rotation component of the // offset transform. var base = this.baseTransform_.worldMatrix; var local = this.localTransform_.localMatrix; var xlate = o3djs.math.matrix4.getTranslation(local); var transformedXlate = o3djs.math.matrix4.transformDirection( this.offsetTransform_.localMatrix, o3djs.math.matrix4.getTranslation(local)); o3djs.math.matrix4.setTranslation(local, transformedXlate); var totalMat = o3djs.math.matrix4.mul(base, local); // Set this into the attached transform, taking into account its // parent's transform, if any. // Note that we can not query the parent's transform directly, so // we compute it using a little trick. var attWorld = this.attachedTransform_.worldMatrix; var attLocal = this.attachedTransform_.localMatrix; var attParentMat = o3djs.math.matrix4.mul(attWorld, o3djs.math.matrix4.inverse(attLocal)); // Now we can take the inverse of this matrix var attParentMatInv = o3djs.math.matrix4.inverse(attParentMat); totalMat = o3djs.math.matrix4.mul(attParentMatInv, totalMat); this.attachedTransform_.localMatrix = totalMat; } } /** * Sets the material of the given shape's draw elements. * @private */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setMaterial_ = function(shape, material) { var elements = shape.elements; for (var ii = 0; ii < elements.length; ii++) { var drawElements = elements[ii].drawElements; for (var jj = 0; jj < drawElements.length; jj++) { drawElements[jj].material = material; } } } /** * Sets the materials of the given shapes' draw elements. * @private */ o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.setMaterials_ = function(shapes, material) { for (var ii = 0; ii < shapes.length; ii++) { this.setMaterial_(shapes[ii], material); } } /** * A manipulator allowing an object to be dragged along a line. * @constructor * @extends {o3djs.manipulators.Manip} * @param {!o3djs.manipulators.Manager} manager The manager for the * new Translate1 manipulator. */ o3djs.manipulators.Translate1 = function(manager) { o3djs.manipulators.Manip.call(this, manager); var pack = manager.pack; var material = manager.defaultMaterial; var shape = manager.translate1Shape_; if (!shape) { // Create the geometry for the manipulator, which looks like a // two-way arrow going from (-1, 0, 0) to (1, 0, 0). var matrix4 = o3djs.math.matrix4; var zRot = matrix4.rotationZ(Math.PI / 2); var verts = o3djs.primitives.createTruncatedConeVertices( 0.15, // Bottom radius. 0.0, // Top radius. 0.3, // Height. 4, // Number of radial subdivisions. 1, // Number of vertical subdivisions. matrix4.mul(matrix4.translation([0, 0.85, 0]), zRot)); verts.append(o3djs.primitives.createCylinderVertices( 0.06, // Radius. 1.4, // Height. 4, // Number of radial subdivisions. 1, // Number of vertical subdivisions. zRot)); verts.append(o3djs.primitives.createTruncatedConeVertices( 0.0, // Bottom radius. 0.15, // Top radius. 0.3, // Height. 4, // Number of radial subdivisions. 1, // Number of vertical subdivisions. matrix4.mul(matrix4.translation([0, -0.85, 0]), zRot))); shape = verts.createShape(pack, material); manager.translate1Shape_ = shape; } this.addShapes_([ shape ]); this.transformInfo = o3djs.picking.createTransformInfo(this.getTransform(), manager.transformInfo); // Add a parameter to our transform to be able to change the // material's color for highlighting. this.colorParam = this.getTransform().createParam('diffuse', 'ParamFloat4'); this.clearHighlight(); /** Dragging state */ this.dragLine = new o3djs.manipulators.Line_(); } o3djs.base.inherit(o3djs.manipulators.Translate1, o3djs.manipulators.Manip); o3djs.manipulators.Translate1.prototype.highlight = function(pickResult) { // We can use instanced geometry for the entire Translate1 since its // entire color changes during highlighting. // TODO(kbr): support custom user geometry and associated callbacks. this.colorParam.value = o3djs.manipulators.HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR; } o3djs.manipulators.Translate1.prototype.clearHighlight = function() { this.colorParam.value = o3djs.manipulators.DEFAULT_COLOR; } o3djs.manipulators.Translate1.prototype.makeActive = function(pickResult) { o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.makeActive.call(this, pickResult); this.highlight(pickResult); var worldMatrix = this.getTransform().worldMatrix; this.dragLine.setDirection( o3djs.math.matrix4.transformDirection(worldMatrix, o3djs.manipulators.X_AXIS)); this.dragLine.setPoint(pickResult.worldIntersectionPosition); } o3djs.manipulators.Translate1.prototype.makeInactive = function() { o3djs.manipulators.Manip.prototype.makeInactive.call(this); this.clearHighlight(); this.updateAttachedTransformFromLocalTransform_(); this.updateBaseTransformFromAttachedTransform_(); } o3djs.manipulators.Translate1.prototype.drag = function(startPoint, endPoint) { // Algorithm: Find closest point of ray to dragLine. Subtract this // point from the line's point to find difference vector; transform // from world to local coordinates to find new local offset of // manipulator. var closestPoint = this.dragLine.closestPointToRay(startPoint, endPoint); if (closestPoint == null) { // Drag axis is parallel to ray. Punt. return; } // Need to do a world-to-local transformation on the difference vector. // Note that we also incorporate the translation portion of the matrix. var diffVector = o3djs.math.subVector(closestPoint, this.dragLine.getPoint()); var worldToLocal = o3djs.math.matrix4.inverse(this.getTransform().worldMatrix); this.getTransform().localMatrix = o3djs.math.matrix4.setTranslation( this.getTransform().localMatrix, o3djs.math.matrix4.transformDirection(worldToLocal, diffVector)); this.updateAttachedTransformFromLocalTransform_(); }