/* * Copyright 2009, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @fileoverview This file contains various functions and classes for rendering * gpu based particles. * * TODO: Add 3d oriented particles. */ o3djs.provide('o3djs.particles'); o3djs.require('o3djs.math'); /** * A Module with various GPU particle functions and classes. * Note: GPU particles have the issue that they are not sorted per particle * but rather per emitter. * @namespace */ o3djs.particles = o3djs.particles || {}; /** * Enum for pre-made particle states. * @enum */ o3djs.particles.ParticleStateIds = { BLEND: 0, ADD: 1, BLEND_PREMULTIPLY: 2, BLEND_NO_ALPHA: 3, SUBTRACT: 4, INVERSE: 5}; /** * Particle Effect strings * @type {!Array.<{name: string, fxString: string}>} */ o3djs.particles.FX_STRINGS = [ { name: 'particle3d', fxString: '' + 'float4x4 worldViewProjection : WORLDVIEWPROJECTION;\n' + 'float4x4 world : WORLD;\n' + 'float3 worldVelocity;\n' + 'float3 worldAcceleration;\n' + 'float timeRange;\n' + 'float time;\n' + 'float timeOffset;\n' + 'float frameDuration;\n' + 'float numFrames;\n' + '\n' + '// We need to implement 1D!\n' + 'sampler rampSampler;\n' + 'sampler colorSampler;\n' + '\n' + 'struct VertexShaderInput {\n' + ' float4 uvLifeTimeFrameStart : POSITION; // uv, lifeTime, frameStart\n' + ' float4 positionStartTime : TEXCOORD0; // position.xyz, startTime\n' + ' float4 velocityStartSize : TEXCOORD1; // velocity.xyz, startSize\n' + ' float4 accelerationEndSize : TEXCOORD2; // acceleration.xyz, endSize\n' + ' float4 spinStartSpinSpeed : TEXCOORD3; // spinStart.x, spinSpeed.y\n' + ' float4 orientation : TEXCOORD4; // orientation\n' + ' float4 colorMult : COLOR; //\n' + '};\n' + '\n' + 'struct PixelShaderInput {\n' + ' float4 position : POSITION;\n' + ' float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;\n' + ' float1 percentLife : TEXCOORD1;\n' + ' float4 colorMult: TEXCOORD2;\n' + '};\n' + '\n' + 'PixelShaderInput vertexShaderFunction(VertexShaderInput input) {\n' + ' PixelShaderInput output;\n' + '\n' + ' float2 uv = input.uvLifeTimeFrameStart.xy;\n' + ' float lifeTime = input.uvLifeTimeFrameStart.z;\n' + ' float frameStart = input.uvLifeTimeFrameStart.w;\n' + ' float3 position = input.positionStartTime.xyz;\n' + ' float startTime = input.positionStartTime.w;\n' + ' float3 velocity = mul(float4(input.velocityStartSize.xyz, 0),\n' + ' world).xyz + worldVelocity;\n' + ' float startSize = input.velocityStartSize.w;\n' + ' float3 acceleration = mul(float4(input.accelerationEndSize.xyz, 0),\n' + ' world).xyz + worldAcceleration;\n' + ' float endSize = input.accelerationEndSize.w;\n' + ' float spinStart = input.spinStartSpinSpeed.x;\n' + ' float spinSpeed = input.spinStartSpinSpeed.y;\n' + '\n' + ' float localTime = fmod((time - timeOffset - startTime), timeRange);\n' + ' float percentLife = localTime / lifeTime;\n' + '\n' + ' float frame = fmod(floor(localTime / frameDuration + frameStart),\n' + ' numFrames);\n' + ' float uOffset = frame / numFrames;\n' + ' float u = uOffset + (uv.x + 0.5) * (1 / numFrames);\n' + '\n' + ' output.texcoord = float2(u, uv.y + 0.5);\n' + ' output.colorMult = input.colorMult;\n' + '\n' + ' float size = lerp(startSize, endSize, percentLife);\n' + ' size = (percentLife < 0 || percentLife > 1) ? 0 : size;\n' + ' float s = sin(spinStart + spinSpeed * localTime);\n' + ' float c = cos(spinStart + spinSpeed * localTime);\n' + '\n' + ' float4 rotatedPoint = float4((uv.x * c + uv.y * s) * size, 0,\n' + ' (uv.x * s - uv.y * c) * size, 1);\n' + ' float3 center = velocity * localTime +\n' + ' acceleration * localTime * localTime + \n' + ' position;\n' + ' \n' + ' float4 q2 = input.orientation + input.orientation;\n' + ' float4 qx = input.orientation.xxxw * q2.xyzx;\n' + ' float4 qy = input.orientation.xyyw * q2.xyzy;\n' + ' float4 qz = input.orientation.xxzw * q2.xxzz;\n' + ' \n' + ' float4x4 localMatrix = float4x4(\n' + ' (1.0f - qy.y) - qz.z, \n' + ' qx.y + qz.w, \n' + ' qx.z - qy.w,\n' + ' 0,\n' + ' \n' + ' qx.y - qz.w, \n' + ' (1.0f - qx.x) - qz.z, \n' + ' qy.z + qx.w,\n' + ' 0,\n' + ' \n' + ' qx.z + qy.w, \n' + ' qy.z - qx.w, \n' + ' (1.0f - qx.x) - qy.y,\n' + ' 0,\n' + ' \n' + ' center.x, center.y, center.z, 1);\n' + ' rotatedPoint = mul(rotatedPoint, localMatrix);\n' + ' output.position = mul(rotatedPoint, worldViewProjection);\n' + ' output.percentLife = percentLife;\n' + ' return output;\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'float4 pixelShaderFunction(PixelShaderInput input): COLOR {\n' + ' float4 colorMult = tex2D(rampSampler, \n' + ' float2(input.percentLife, 0.5)) *\n' + ' input.colorMult;\n' + ' float4 color = tex2D(colorSampler, input.texcoord) * colorMult;\n' + ' return color;\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + '// #o3d VertexShaderEntryPoint vertexShaderFunction\n' + '// #o3d PixelShaderEntryPoint pixelShaderFunction\n' + '// #o3d MatrixLoadOrder RowMajor\n'}, { name: 'particle2d', fxString: '' + 'float4x4 viewProjection : VIEWPROJECTION;\n' + 'float4x4 world : WORLD;\n' + 'float4x4 viewInverse : VIEWINVERSE;\n' + 'float3 worldVelocity;\n' + 'float3 worldAcceleration;\n' + 'float timeRange;\n' + 'float time;\n' + 'float timeOffset;\n' + 'float frameDuration;\n' + 'float numFrames;\n' + '\n' + '// We need to implement 1D!\n' + 'sampler rampSampler;\n' + 'sampler colorSampler;\n' + '\n' + 'struct VertexShaderInput {\n' + ' float4 uvLifeTimeFrameStart : POSITION; // uv, lifeTime, frameStart\n' + ' float4 positionStartTime : TEXCOORD0; // position.xyz, startTime\n' + ' float4 velocityStartSize : TEXCOORD1; // velocity.xyz, startSize\n' + ' float4 accelerationEndSize : TEXCOORD2; // acceleration.xyz, endSize\n' + ' float4 spinStartSpinSpeed : TEXCOORD3; // spinStart.x, spinSpeed.y\n' + ' float4 colorMult : COLOR; //\n' + '};\n' + '\n' + 'struct PixelShaderInput {\n' + ' float4 position : POSITION;\n' + ' float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;\n' + ' float1 percentLife : TEXCOORD1;\n' + ' float4 colorMult: TEXCOORD2;\n' + '};\n' + '\n' + 'PixelShaderInput vertexShaderFunction(VertexShaderInput input) {\n' + ' PixelShaderInput output;\n' + '\n' + ' float2 uv = input.uvLifeTimeFrameStart.xy;\n' + ' float lifeTime = input.uvLifeTimeFrameStart.z;\n' + ' float frameStart = input.uvLifeTimeFrameStart.w;\n' + ' float3 position = input.positionStartTime.xyz;\n' + ' float startTime = input.positionStartTime.w;\n' + ' float3 velocity = mul(float4(input.velocityStartSize.xyz, 0),\n' + ' world).xyz + worldVelocity;\n' + ' float startSize = input.velocityStartSize.w;\n' + ' float3 acceleration = mul(float4(input.accelerationEndSize.xyz, 0),\n' + ' world).xyz + worldAcceleration;\n' + ' float endSize = input.accelerationEndSize.w;\n' + ' float spinStart = input.spinStartSpinSpeed.x;\n' + ' float spinSpeed = input.spinStartSpinSpeed.y;\n' + '\n' + ' float localTime = fmod((time - timeOffset - startTime), timeRange);\n' + ' float percentLife = localTime / lifeTime;\n' + '\n' + ' float frame = fmod(floor(localTime / frameDuration + frameStart),\n' + ' numFrames);\n' + ' float uOffset = frame / numFrames;\n' + ' float u = uOffset + (uv.x + 0.5) * (1 / numFrames);\n' + '\n' + ' output.texcoord = float2(u, uv.y + 0.5);\n' + ' output.colorMult = input.colorMult;\n' + '\n' + ' float3 basisX = viewInverse[0].xyz;\n' + ' float3 basisZ = viewInverse[1].xyz;\n' + '\n' + ' float size = lerp(startSize, endSize, percentLife);\n' + ' size = (percentLife < 0 || percentLife > 1) ? 0 : size;\n' + ' float s = sin(spinStart + spinSpeed * localTime);\n' + ' float c = cos(spinStart + spinSpeed * localTime);\n' + '\n' + ' float2 rotatedPoint = float2(uv.x * c + uv.y * s, \n' + ' -uv.x * s + uv.y * c);\n' + ' float3 localPosition = float3(basisX * rotatedPoint.x +\n' + ' basisZ * rotatedPoint.y) * size +\n' + ' velocity * localTime +\n' + ' acceleration * localTime * localTime + \n' + ' position;\n' + '\n' + ' output.position = mul(float4(localPosition + world[3].xyz, 1), \n' + ' viewProjection);\n' + ' output.percentLife = percentLife;\n' + ' return output;\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'float4 pixelShaderFunction(PixelShaderInput input): COLOR {\n' + ' float4 colorMult = tex2D(rampSampler, \n' + ' float2(input.percentLife, 0.5)) *\n' + ' input.colorMult;\n' + ' float4 color = tex2D(colorSampler, input.texcoord) * colorMult;\n' + ' return color;\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + '// #o3d VertexShaderEntryPoint vertexShaderFunction\n' + '// #o3d PixelShaderEntryPoint pixelShaderFunction\n' + '// #o3d MatrixLoadOrder RowMajor\n'}]; /** * Corner values. * @private * @type {!Array.>} */ o3djs.particles.CORNERS_ = [ [-0.5, -0.5], [+0.5, -0.5], [+0.5, +0.5], [-0.5, +0.5]]; /** * Creates a particle system. * You only need one of these to run multiple emitters of different types * of particles. * @param {!o3d.Pack} pack The pack for the particle system to manage resources. * @param {!o3djs.rendergraph.viewInfo} viewInfo A viewInfo so the particle * system can do the default setup. The only thing used from viewInfo * is the zOrderedDrawList. If that is not where you want your particles, * after you create the particleEmitter use * particleEmitter.material.drawList = myDrawList to set it to something * else. * @param {!o3d.ParamFloat} opt_clockParam A ParamFloat to be the default * clock for emitters of this particle system. * @param {!function(): number} opt_randomFunction A function that returns * a random number between 0.0 and 1.0. This allows you to pass in a * pseudo random function if you need particles that are reproducable. * @return {!o3djs.particles.ParticleSystem} The created particle system. */ o3djs.particles.createParticleSystem = function(pack, viewInfo, opt_clockParam, opt_randomFunction) { return new o3djs.particles.ParticleSystem(pack, viewInfo, opt_clockParam, opt_randomFunction); }; /** * An Object to manage Particles. * @constructor * @param {!o3d.Pack} pack The pack for the particle system to manage resources. * @param {!o3djs.rendergraph.ViewInfo} viewInfo A viewInfo so the particle * system can do the default setup. The only thing used from viewInfo * is the zOrderedDrawList. If that is not where you want your particles, * after you create the particleEmitter use * particleEmitter.material.drawList = myDrawList to set it to something * else. * @param {!o3d.ParamFloat} opt_clockParam A ParamFloat to be the default * clock for emitters of this particle system. * @param {!function(): number} opt_randomFunction A function that returns * a random number between 0.0 and 1.0. This allows you to pass in a * pseudo random function if you need particles that are reproducable. */ o3djs.particles.ParticleSystem = function(pack, viewInfo, opt_clockParam, opt_randomFunction) { var o3d = o3djs.base.o3d; var particleStates = []; var effects = []; for (var ee = 0; ee < o3djs.particles.FX_STRINGS.length; ++ee) { var info = o3djs.particles.FX_STRINGS[ee]; var effect = pack.createObject('Effect'); effect.name = info.name; effect.loadFromFXString(info.fxString); effects.push(effect); } var stateInfos = {}; stateInfos[o3djs.particles.ParticleStateIds.BLEND] = { 'SourceBlendFunction': o3djs.base.o3d.State.BLENDFUNC_SOURCE_ALPHA, 'DestinationBlendFunction': o3djs.base.o3d.State.BLENDFUNC_INVERSE_SOURCE_ALPHA}; stateInfos[o3djs.particles.ParticleStateIds.ADD] = { 'SourceBlendFunction': o3djs.base.o3d.State.BLENDFUNC_SOURCE_ALPHA, 'DestinationBlendFunction': o3djs.base.o3d.State.BLENDFUNC_ONE}; stateInfos[o3djs.particles.ParticleStateIds.BLEND_PREMULTIPLY] = { 'SourceBlendFunction': o3djs.base.o3d.State.BLENDFUNC_ONE, 'DestinationBlendFunction': o3djs.base.o3d.State.BLENDFUNC_INVERSE_SOURCE_ALPHA}; stateInfos[o3djs.particles.ParticleStateIds.BLEND_NO_ALPHA] = { 'SourceBlendFunction': o3djs.base.o3d.State.BLENDFUNC_SOURCE_COLOR, 'DestinationBlendFunction': o3djs.base.o3d.State.BLENDFUNC_INVERSE_SOURCE_COLOR}; stateInfos[o3djs.particles.ParticleStateIds.SUBTRACT] = { 'SourceBlendFunction': o3djs.base.o3d.State.BLENDFUNC_SOURCE_ALPHA, 'DestinationBlendFunction': o3djs.base.o3d.State.BLENDFUNC_INVERSE_SOURCE_ALPHA, 'BlendEquation': o3djs.base.o3d.State.BLEND_REVERSE_SUBTRACT}; stateInfos[o3djs.particles.ParticleStateIds.INVERSE] = { 'SourceBlendFunction': o3djs.base.o3d.State.BLENDFUNC_INVERSE_DESTINATION_COLOR, 'DestinationBlendFunction': o3djs.base.o3d.State.BLENDFUNC_INVERSE_SOURCE_COLOR}; for (var key in o3djs.particles.ParticleStateIds) { var state = pack.createObject('State'); var id = o3djs.particles.ParticleStateIds[key]; particleStates[id] = state; state.getStateParam('ZWriteEnable').value = false; state.getStateParam('CullMode').value = o3d.State.CULL_NONE; var info = stateInfos[id]; for (var stateName in info) { state.getStateParam(stateName).value = info[stateName]; } } var colorTexture = pack.createTexture2D(8, 8, o3d.Texture.ARGB8, 1, false); var pixelBase = [0, 0.20, 0.70, 1, 0.70, 0.20, 0, 0]; var pixels = []; for (var yy = 0; yy < 8; ++yy) { for (var xx = 0; xx < 8; ++xx) { var pixel = pixelBase[xx] * pixelBase[yy]; pixels.push(pixel, pixel, pixel, pixel); } } colorTexture.set(0, pixels); var rampTexture = pack.createTexture2D(3, 1, o3d.Texture.ARGB8, 1, false); rampTexture.set(0, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 1, 1, 1, 0]); if (!opt_clockParam) { this.counter_ = pack.createObject('SecondCounter'); opt_clockParam = this.counter_.getParam('count'); } this.randomFunction_ = opt_randomFunction || function() { return Math.random(); }; /** * The states for the various blend modes. * @type {!Array.} */ this.particleStates = particleStates; /** * The default ParamFloat to use as the clock for emitters created by * this system. * @type {!o3d.ParamFloat} */ this.clockParam = opt_clockParam; /** * The pack used to manage particle system resources. * @type {!o3d.Pack} */ this.pack = pack; /** * The viewInfo that is used to get drawLists. * @type {!o3djs.rendergraph.ViewInfo} */ this.viewInfo = viewInfo; /** * The effects for particles. * @type {!Array.} */ this.effects = effects; /** * The default color texture for particles. * @type {!o3d.Texture2D} */ this.defaultColorTexture = colorTexture; /** * The default ramp texture for particles. * @type {!o3d.Texture2D} */ this.defaultRampTexture = rampTexture; }; /** * A ParticleSpec specifies how to emit particles. * * NOTE: For all particle functions you can specific a ParticleSpec as a * Javascript object, only specifying the fields that you care about. * *
* emitter.setParameters({ * numParticles: 40, * lifeTime: 2, * timeRange: 2, * startSize: 50, * endSize: 90, * positionRange: [10, 10, 10], * velocity:[0, 0, 60], velocityRange: [15, 15, 15], * acceleration: [0, 0, -20], * spinSpeedRange: 4} * ); ** * Many of these parameters are in pairs. For paired paramters each particle * specfic value is set like this * * particle.field = value + Math.random() - 0.5 * valueRange * 2; * * or in English * * particle.field = value plus or minus valueRange. * * So for example, if you wanted a value from 10 to 20 you'd pass 15 for value * and 5 for valueRange because * * 15 + or - 5 = (10 to 20) * * @constructor */ o3djs.particles.ParticleSpec = function() { /** * The number of particles to emit. * @type {number} */ this.numParticles = 1; /** * The number of frames in the particle texture. * @type {number} */ this.numFrames = 1; /** * The frame duration at which to animate the particle texture in seconds per * frame. * @type {number} */ this.frameDuration = 1; /** * The initial frame to display for a particular particle. * @type {number} */ this.frameStart = 0; /** * The frame start range. * @type {number} */ this.frameStartRange = 0; /** * The life time of the entire particle system. * To make a particle system be continuous set this to match the lifeTime. * @type {number} */ this.timeRange = 99999999; /** * The startTime of a particle. * @type {?number} */ this.startTime = null; // TODO: Describe what happens if this is not set. I still have some // work to do there. /** * The lifeTime of a particle. * @type {number} */ this.lifeTime = 1; /** * The lifeTime range. * @type {number} */ this.lifeTimeRange = 0; /** * The starting size of a particle. * @type {number} */ this.startSize = 1; /** * The starting size range. * @type {number} */ this.startSizeRange = 0; /** * The ending size of a particle. * @type {number} */ this.endSize = 1; /** * The ending size range. * @type {number} */ this.endSizeRange = 0; /** * The starting position of a particle in local space. * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3} */ this.position = [0, 0, 0]; /** * The starting position range. * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3} */ this.positionRange = [0, 0, 0]; /** * The velocity of a paritcle in local space. * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3} */ this.velocity = [0, 0, 0]; /** * The velocity range. * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3} */ this.velocityRange = [0, 0, 0]; /** * The acceleration of a particle in local space. * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3} */ this.acceleration = [0, 0, 0]; /** * The accleration range. * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3} */ this.accelerationRange = [0, 0, 0]; /** * The starting spin value for a particle in radians. * @type {number} */ this.spinStart = 0; /** * The spin start range. * @type {number} */ this.spinStartRange = 0; /** * The spin speed of a particle in radians. * @type {number} */ this.spinSpeed = 0; /** * The spin speed range. * @type {number} */ this.spinSpeedRange = 0; /** * The color multiplier of a particle. * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector4} */ this.colorMult = [1, 1, 1, 1]; /** * The color multiplier range. * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector4} */ this.colorMultRange = [0, 0, 0, 0]; /** * The velocity of all paritcles in world space. * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3} */ this.worldVelocity = [0, 0, 0]; /** * The acceleration of all paritcles in world space. * @type {!o3djs.math.Vector3} */ this.worldAcceleration = [0, 0, 0]; /** * Whether these particles are oriented in 2d or 3d. true = 2d, false = 3d. * @type {boolean} */ this.billboard = true; /** * The orientation of a particle. This is only used if billboard is false. * @type {!o3djs.quaternions.Quaterinion} */ this.orientation = [0, 0, 0, 1]; }; /** * Creates a particle emitter. * @param {!o3d.Texture} opt_texture The texture to use for the particles. * If you don't supply a texture a default is provided. * @param {!o3d.ParamFloat} opt_clockParam A ParamFloat to be the clock for * the emitter. * @return {!o3djs.particles.ParticleEmitter} The new emitter. */ o3djs.particles.ParticleSystem.prototype.createParticleEmitter = function(opt_texture, opt_clockParam) { return new o3djs.particles.ParticleEmitter(this, opt_texture, opt_clockParam); }; /** * Creates a Trail particle emitter. * You can use this for jet exhaust, etc... * @param {!o3d.Transform} parent Transform to put emitter on. * @param {number} maxParticles Maximum number of particles to appear at once. * @param {!o3djs.particles.ParticleSpec} parameters The parameters used to * generate particles. * @param {!o3d.Texture} opt_texture The texture to use for the particles. * If you don't supply a texture a default is provided. * @param {!function(number, !o3djs.particles.ParticleSpec): void} * opt_perParticleParamSetter A function that is called for each particle to * allow it's parameters to be adjusted per particle. The number is the * index of the particle being created, in other words, if numParticles is * 20 this value will be 0 to 19. The ParticleSpec is a spec for this * particular particle. You can set any per particle value before returning. * @param {!o3d.ParamFloat} opt_clockParam A ParamFloat to be the clock for * the emitter. * @return {!o3djs.particles.Trail} A Trail object. */ o3djs.particles.ParticleSystem.prototype.createTrail = function( parent, maxParticles, parameters, opt_texture, opt_perParticleParamSetter, opt_clockParam) { return new o3djs.particles.Trail( this, parent, maxParticles, parameters, opt_texture, opt_perParticleParamSetter, opt_clockParam); }; /** * A ParticleEmitter * @constructor * @param {!o3djs.particles.ParticleSystem} particleSystem The particle system * to manage this emitter. * @param {!o3d.Texture} opt_texture The texture to use for the particles. * If you don't supply a texture a default is provided. * @param {!o3d.ParamFloat} opt_clockParam A ParamFloat to be the clock for * the emitter. */ o3djs.particles.ParticleEmitter = function(particleSystem, opt_texture, opt_clockParam) { opt_clockParam = opt_clockParam || particleSystem.clockParam; var o3d = o3djs.base.o3d; var pack = particleSystem.pack; var viewInfo = particleSystem.viewInfo; var material = pack.createObject('Material'); material.name = 'particles'; material.drawList = viewInfo.zOrderedDrawList; material.effect = particleSystem.effects[1]; particleSystem.effects[1].createUniformParameters(material); material.getParam('time').bind(opt_clockParam); var rampSampler = pack.createObject('Sampler'); rampSampler.texture = particleSystem.defaultRampTexture; rampSampler.addressModeU = o3d.Sampler.CLAMP; var colorSampler = pack.createObject('Sampler'); colorSampler.texture = opt_texture || particleSystem.defaultColorTexture; colorSampler.addressModeU = o3d.Sampler.CLAMP; colorSampler.addressModeV = o3d.Sampler.CLAMP; material.getParam('rampSampler').value = rampSampler; material.getParam('colorSampler').value = colorSampler; var vertexBuffer = pack.createObject('VertexBuffer'); var uvLifeTimeFrameStartField = vertexBuffer.createField('FloatField', 4); var positionStartTimeField = vertexBuffer.createField('FloatField', 4); var velocityStartSizeField = vertexBuffer.createField('FloatField', 4); var accelerationEndSizeField = vertexBuffer.createField('FloatField', 4); var spinStartSpinSpeedField = vertexBuffer.createField('FloatField', 4); var orientationField = vertexBuffer.createField('FloatField', 4); var colorMultField = vertexBuffer.createField('FloatField', 4); var indexBuffer = pack.createObject('IndexBuffer'); var streamBank = pack.createObject('StreamBank'); streamBank.setVertexStream(o3d.Stream.POSITION, 0, uvLifeTimeFrameStartField, 0); streamBank.setVertexStream(o3d.Stream.TEXCOORD, 0, positionStartTimeField, 0); streamBank.setVertexStream(o3d.Stream.TEXCOORD, 1, velocityStartSizeField, 0); streamBank.setVertexStream(o3d.Stream.TEXCOORD, 2, accelerationEndSizeField, 0); streamBank.setVertexStream(o3d.Stream.TEXCOORD, 3, spinStartSpinSpeedField, 0); streamBank.setVertexStream(o3d.Stream.TEXCOORD, 4, orientationField, 0); streamBank.setVertexStream(o3d.Stream.COLOR, 0, colorMultField, 0); var shape = pack.createObject('Shape'); var primitive = pack.createObject('Primitive'); primitive.material = material; primitive.owner = shape; primitive.streamBank = streamBank; primitive.indexBuffer = indexBuffer; primitive.primitiveType = o3d.Primitive.TRIANGLELIST; primitive.createDrawElement(pack, null); this.vertexBuffer_ = vertexBuffer; this.uvLifeTimeFrameStartField_ = uvLifeTimeFrameStartField; this.positionStartTimeField_ = positionStartTimeField; this.velocityStartSizeField_ = velocityStartSizeField; this.accelerationEndSizeField_ = accelerationEndSizeField; this.spinStartSpinSpeedField_ = spinStartSpinSpeedField; this.orientationField_ = orientationField; this.colorMultField_ = colorMultField; this.indexBuffer_ = indexBuffer; this.streamBank_ = streamBank; this.primitive_ = primitive; this.rampSampler_ = rampSampler; this.rampTexture_ = particleSystem.defaultRampTexture; this.colorSampler_ = colorSampler; /** * The particle system managing this emitter. * @type {!o3djs.particles.ParticleSystem} */ this.particleSystem = particleSystem; /** * The Shape used to render these particles. * @type {!o3d.Shape} */ this.shape = shape; /** * The material used by this emitter. * @type {!o3d.Matrerial} */ this.material = material; /** * The param that is the source for the time for this emitter. * @type {!o3d.ParamFloat} */ this.clockParam = opt_clockParam; }; /** * Sets the blend state for the particles. * You can use this to set the emitter to draw with BLEND, ADD, SUBTRACT, etc. * @param {o3djs.particles.ParticleStateIds} stateId The state you want. */ o3djs.particles.ParticleEmitter.prototype.setState = function(stateId) { this.material.state = this.particleSystem.particleStates[stateId]; }; /** * Sets the colorRamp for the particles. * The colorRamp is used as a multiplier for the texture. When a particle * starts it is multiplied by the first color, as it ages to progressed * through the colors in the ramp. * *
* particleEmitter.setColorRamp([ * 1, 0, 0, 1, // red * 0, 1, 0, 1, // green * 1, 0, 1, 0]); // purple but with zero alpha ** * The code above sets the particle to start red, change to green then * fade out while changing to purple. * * @param {!Array.