/* * Copyright 2009, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @fileoverview This file contains various utility functions for o3d. It * puts them in the "util" module on the o3djs object. * */ o3djs.provide('o3djs.util'); o3djs.require('o3djs.io'); o3djs.require('o3djs.event'); o3djs.require('o3djs.error'); /** * A Module with various utilities. * @namespace */ o3djs.util = o3djs.util || {}; /** * The name of the o3d plugin. Used to find the plugin when checking * for its version. * @type {string} */ o3djs.util.PLUGIN_NAME = 'O3D Plugin'; /** * The version of the plugin needed to use this version of the javascript * utility libraries. * @type {string} */ o3djs.util.REQUIRED_VERSION = ''; /** * A URL at which to download the client. * @type {string} */ o3djs.util.PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_URL = 'http://tools.google.com/dlpage/o3d'; /** * The Renderer InitStatus constants so we don't need an o3d object to look * them up. * @enum {number} */ o3djs.util.rendererInitStatus = { NO_PLUGIN: -1, UNINITIALIZED: 0, SUCCESS: 1, OUT_OF_RESOURCES: 2, GPU_NOT_UP_TO_SPEC: 3, INITIALIZATION_ERROR: 4 }; /** * This implements a JavaScript version of currying. Currying allows you to * take a function and fix its initial arguments, resulting in a function * expecting only the remaining arguments when it is invoked. For example: * <pre> * function add(a, b) { * return a + b; * } * var increment = o3djs.util.curry(add, 1); * var result = increment(10); * </pre> * Now result equals 11. * @param {!function(...): *} func The function to curry. * @return {!function(...): *} The curried function. */ o3djs.util.curry = function(func) { var outerArgs = []; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) { outerArgs.push(arguments[i]); } return function() { var innerArgs = outerArgs.slice(); for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { innerArgs.push(arguments[i]); } return func.apply(this, innerArgs); } } /** * Gets the URI in which the current page is located, omitting the file name. * @return {string} The base URI of the page. If the page is * "http://some.com/folder/somepage.html" returns * "http://some.com/folder/". */ o3djs.util.getCurrentURI = function() { var path = window.location.href; var index = path.lastIndexOf('/'); return path.substring(0, index + 1); }; /** * Given a URI that is relative to the current page, returns the absolute * URI. * @param {string} uri URI relative to the current page. * @return {string} Absolute uri. If the page is * "http://some.com/folder/sompage.html" and you pass in * "images/someimage.jpg" will return * "http://some.com/folder/images/someimage.jpg". */ o3djs.util.getAbsoluteURI = function(uri) { return o3djs.util.getCurrentURI() + uri; }; /** * Searches an array for a specific value. * @param {!Array.<*>} array Array to search. * @param {*} value Value to search for. * @return {boolean} True if value is in array. */ o3djs.util.arrayContains = function(array, value) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] == value) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Searches for all transforms with a "o3d.tags" ParamString * that contains specific tag keywords assuming comma separated * words. * @param {!o3d.Transform} treeRoot Root of tree to search for tags. * @param {string} searchTags Tags to look for. eg "camera", "ogre,dragon". * @return {!Array.<!o3d.Transform>} Array of transforms. */ o3djs.util.getTransformsInTreeByTags = function(treeRoot, searchTags) { var splitTags = searchTags.split(','); var transforms = treeRoot.getTransformsInTree(); var found = []; for (var n = 0; n < transforms.length; n++) { var tagParam = transforms[n].getParam('collada.tags'); if (tagParam) { var tags = tagParam.value.split(','); for (var t = 0; t < tags.length; t++) { if (o3djs.util.arrayContains(splitTags, tags[t])) { found[found.length] = transforms[n]; break; } } } } return found; }; /** * Finds transforms in the tree by prefix. * @param {!o3d.Transform} treeRoot Root of tree to search. * @param {string} prefix Prefix to look for. * @return {!Array.<!o3d.Transform>} Array of transforms matching prefix. */ o3djs.util.getTransformsInTreeByPrefix = function(treeRoot, prefix) { var found = []; var transforms = treeRoot.getTransformsInTree(); for (var ii = 0; ii < transforms.length; ii++) { var transform = transforms[ii]; if (transform.name.indexOf(prefix) == 0) { found[found.length] = transform; } } return found; }; /** * Finds the bounding box of all primitives in the tree, in the local space of * the tree root. This will use existing bounding boxes on transforms and * elements, but not create new ones. * @param {!o3d.Transform} treeRoot Root of tree to search. * @return {!o3d.BoundingBox} The boundinding box of the tree. */ o3djs.util.getBoundingBoxOfTree = function(treeRoot) { // If we already have a bounding box, use that one. var box = treeRoot.boundingBox; if (box.valid) { return box; } var o3d = o3djs.base.o3d; // Otherwise, create it as the union of all the children bounding boxes and // all the shape bounding boxes. var transforms = treeRoot.children; for (var i = 0; i < transforms.length; ++i) { var transform = transforms[i]; var childBox = o3djs.util.getBoundingBoxOfTree(transform); if (childBox.valid) { // transform by the child local matrix. childBox = childBox.mul(transform.localMatrix); if (box.valid) { box = box.add(childBox); } else { box = childBox; } } } var shapes = treeRoot.shapes; for (var i = 0; i < shapes.length; ++i) { var elements = shapes[i].elements; for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; ++j) { var elementBox = elements[j].boundingBox; if (!elementBox.valid) { elementBox = elements[j].getBoundingBox(0); } if (box.valid) { box = box.add(elementBox); } else { box = elementBox; } } } return box; }; /** * Returns the smallest power of 2 that is larger than or equal to size. * @param {number} size Size to get power of 2 for. * @return {number} smallest power of 2 that is larger than or equal to size. */ o3djs.util.getPowerOfTwoSize = function(size) { var powerOfTwo = 1; while (size) { size = size >> 1; powerOfTwo = powerOfTwo << 1; } return powerOfTwo; }; /** * Gets the version of the installed plugin. * @return {?string} version string in 'major.minor.revision.build' format. * If the plugin does not exist returns null. */ o3djs.util.getPluginVersion = function() { var version = null; var description = null; if (navigator.plugins != null && navigator.plugins.length > 0) { var plugin = navigator.plugins[o3djs.util.PLUGIN_NAME]; if (plugin) { description = plugin.description; } } else if (o3djs.base.IsMSIE()) { try { var activeXObject = new ActiveXObject('o3d_host.O3DHostControl'); description = activeXObject.description; } catch (e) { // O3D plugin was not found. } } if (description) { var re = /.*version:(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+).*/; // Parse the version out of the description. var parts = re.exec(description); if (parts && parts.length == 5) { // make sure the format is #.#.#.# no whitespace, no trailing comments version = '' + parseInt(parts[1], 10) + '.' + parseInt(parts[2], 10) + '.' + parseInt(parts[3], 10) + '.' + parseInt(parts[4], 10); } } return version; }; /** * Checks if the required version of the plugin in available. * @param {string} requiredVersion version string in * "major.minor.revision.build" format. You can leave out any non-important * numbers for example "3" = require major version 3, "2.4" = require major * version 2, minor version 4. * @return {boolean} True if the required version is available. */ o3djs.util.requiredVersionAvailable = function(requiredVersion) { var version = o3djs.util.getPluginVersion(); if (!version) { return false; } var haveParts = version.split('.'); var requiredParts = requiredVersion.split('.'); if (requiredParts.length > 4) { throw Error('requiredVersion has more than 4 parts!'); } for (var pp = 0; pp < requiredParts.length; ++pp) { var have = parseInt(haveParts[pp], 10); var required = parseInt(requiredParts[pp], 10); if (have < required) { return false; } if (have > required) { return true; } } return true; }; /** * Offers the user the option to download the plugin. * * Finds all divs with the id "^o3d" and inserts a message and link * inside to download the plugin. If no areas exist OR if none of them are * large enough for the message then displays an alert. * * @param {string} opt_id The id to look for. This can be a regular * expression. The default is "^o3d". * @param {string} opt_tag The type of tag to look for. The default is "div". */ o3djs.util.offerPlugin = function(opt_id, opt_tag) { var tag = opt_tag || 'div'; var id = opt_id || '^o3d'; var havePlugin = o3djs.util.requiredVersionAvailable(''); var elements = document.getElementsByTagName(tag); var addedMessage = false; // TODO: This needs to be localized OR we could insert a html like // <script src="http://google.com/o3d_plugin_dl"></script> // in which case google could serve the message localized and update the // link. var subMessage = (havePlugin ? 'This page requires a newer version of the O3D plugin.' : 'This page requires the O3D plugin to be installed.'); var message = '<div style="background: lightblue; width: 100%; height: 100%; ' + 'text-align:center;">' + '<br/><br/>' + subMessage + '<br/>' + '<a href="' + o3djs.util.PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_URL + '">Click here to download.</a>' + '</div>' for (var ee = 0; ee < elements.length; ++ee) { var element = elements[ee]; if (element.id && element.id.match(id)) { if (element.clientWidth >= 200 && element.clientHeight >= 200 && element.style.display.toLowerCase() != 'none' && element.style.visibility.toLowerCase() != 'hidden') { addedMessage = true; element.innerHTML = message; } } } if (!addedMessage) { if (confirm(subMessage + '\n\nClick OK to download.')) { window.location = o3djs.util.PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_URL; } } }; /** * Tells the user their graphics card is not able to run the plugin or is out * of resources etc. * * Finds all divs with the id "^o3d" and inserts a message. If no areas * exist OR if none of them are large enough for the message then displays an * alert. * * @param {!o3d.Renderer.InitStatus} initStatus The initializaion status of * the renderer. * @param {string} error An error message. Will be '' if there is no message. * @param {string} opt_id The id to look for. This can be a regular * expression. The default is "^o3d". * @param {string} opt_tag The type of tag to look for. The default is "div". */ o3djs.util.informNoGraphics = function(initStatus, error, opt_id, opt_tag) { var tag = opt_tag || 'div'; var id = opt_id || '^o3d'; var elements = document.getElementsByTagName(tag); var addedMessage = false; var subMessage; var message; var alertMessage = ''; var alertFunction = function() { }; var moreInfo = function(error) { var html = ''; if (error.length > 0) { html = '' + '<br/><br/><div>More Info:<br/>' + error + '</div>'; } return html; }; // TODO: This needs to be localized OR we could insert a html like // <script src="http://google.com/o3d_plugin_dl"></script> // in which case google could serve the message localized and update the // link. if (initStatus == o3djs.util.rendererInitStatus.GPU_NOT_UP_TO_SPEC) { subMessage = 'We are terribly sorry but it appears your graphics card is not ' + 'able to run o3d. We are working on a solution.'; message = '<div style="background: lightgray; width: 100%; height: 100%; ' + 'text-align: center;">' + '<br/><br/>' + subMessage + '<br/><br/><a href="' + o3djs.util.PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_URL + '">Click Here to go the O3D website</a>' + moreInfo(error) + '</div>'; alertMessage = '\n\nClick OK to go to the o3d website.'; alertFunction = function() { window.location = o3djs.util.PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_URL; }; } else if (initStatus == o3djs.util.rendererInitStatus.OUT_OF_RESOURCES) { subMessage = 'Your graphics system appears to be out of resources. Try closing ' + 'some applications and then refreshing this page.'; message = '<div style="background: lightgray; width: 100%; height: 100%; ' + 'text-align: center;">' + '<br/><br/>' + subMessage + moreInfo(error) + '</div>'; } else { subMessage = 'A unknown error has prevented O3D from starting. Try downloading ' + 'new drivers or checking for OS updates.'; message = '<div style="background: lightgray; width: 100%; height: 100%; ' + 'text-align: center;">' + '<br/><br/>' + subMessage + moreInfo(error) + '</div>'; } for (var ee = 0; ee < elements.length; ++ee) { var element = elements[ee]; if (element.id && element.id.match(id)) { if (element.clientWidth >= 200 && element.clientHeight >= 200 && element.style.display.toLowerCase() != 'none' && element.style.visibility.toLowerCase() != 'hidden') { addedMessage = true; element.innerHTML = message; } } } if (!addedMessage) { if (confirm(subMessage + alertMessage)) { alertFunction(); } } }; /** * Handles failure to create the plugin. * * @param {!o3d.Renderer.InitStatus} initStatus The initializaion status of * the renderer. * @param {string} error An error message. Will be '' if there is no message. * @param {string} opt_id The id to look for. This can be a regular * expression. The default is "^o3d". * @param {string} opt_tag The type of tag to look for. The default is "div". */ o3djs.util.informPluginFailure = function(initStatus, error, opt_id, opt_tag) { if (initStatus == o3djs.util.rendererInitStatus.NO_PLUGIN) { o3djs.util.offerPlugin(opt_id, opt_tag); } else { o3djs.util.informNoGraphics(initStatus, error, opt_id, opt_tag); } }; /** * Utility to get the text contents of a DOM element with a particular ID. * Currently only supports textarea and script nodes. * @param {string} id The Node id. * @return {string} The text content. */ o3djs.util.getElementContentById = function(id) { // DOM manipulation is not currently supported in IE. o3djs.BROWSER_ONLY = true; var node = document.getElementById(id); if (!node) { throw 'getElementContentById could not find node with id ' + id; } switch (node.tagName) { case 'TEXTAREA': return node.value; case 'SCRIPT': return node.text; default: throw 'getElementContentById does not no how to get content from a ' + node.tagName + ' element'; } }; /** * Utility to get an element from the DOM by ID. This must be used from V8 * in preference to document.getElementById because we do not currently * support invoking methods on DOM objects in IE. * @param {string} id The Node id. * @return {Node} The node or null if not found. */ o3djs.util.getElementById = function(id) { o3djs.BROWSER_ONLY = true; return document.getElementById(id); }; /** * Identifies a JavaScript engine. */ o3djs.util.Engine = { /** * The JavaScript engine provided by the browser. */ BROWSER: 0, /** * The V8 JavaScript engine embedded in the plugin. */ V8: 1 }; /** * The engine selected as the main engine (the one the makeClients callback * will be invoked on). * @private * @type {o3djs.util.Engine} */ o3djs.util.mainEngine_ = o3djs.util.Engine.BROWSER; /** * Select an engine to use as the main engine (the one the makeClients * callback will be invoked on). If an embedded engine is requested, one * element must be identified with the id 'o3d'. The callback will be invoked * in this element. * @param {o3djs.util.Engine} engine The engine. */ o3djs.util.setMainEngine = function(engine) { o3djs.util.mainEngine_ = engine; }; /** * A regex used to cleanup the string representation of a function before * it is evaled. * @private * @type {!RegExp} */ o3djs.util.fixFunctionString_ = /^\s*function\s+[^\s]+\s*\(([^)]*)\)/ /** * Evaluate a callback function in the V8 engine. * @param {!Object} clientElement The plugin containing the V8 engine. * @param {!function(...): *} callback A function to call. * @param {!Object} thisArg The value to be bound to "this". * @param {!Array.<*>} args The arguments to pass to the callback. * @return {*} The result of calling the callback. */ o3djs.util.callV8 = function(clientElement, callback, thisArg, args) { // Sometimes a function will be converted to a string like this: // function foo(a, b) { ... } // In this case, convert to this form: // function(a, b) { ... } var functionString = callback.toString(); functionString = functionString.replace(o3djs.util.fixFunctionString_, 'function($1)'); // Make a V8 function that will invoke the callback. var v8Code = 'function(thisArg, args) {\n' + ' var localArgs = [];\n' + ' var numArgs = args.length;\n' + ' for (var i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) {\n' + ' localArgs.push(args[i]);\n' + ' }\n' + ' var func = ' + functionString + ';\n' + ' return func.apply(thisArg, localArgs);\n' + '}\n'; // Evaluate the function in V8. var v8Function = clientElement.eval(v8Code); return v8Function(thisArg, args); }; /** * A regex to remove .. from a URI. * @private * @type {!RegExp} */ o3djs.util.stripDotDot_ = /\/[^\/]+\/\.\./; /** * Turn a URI into an absolute URI. * @param {string} uri The URI. * @return {string} The absolute URI. */ o3djs.util.toAbsoluteUri = function(uri) { if (uri.indexOf('://') == -1) { var baseUri = document.location.toString(); var lastSlash = baseUri.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastSlash != -1) { baseUri = baseUri.substring(0, lastSlash); } uri = baseUri + '/' + uri; } do { var lastUri = uri; uri = uri.replace(o3djs.util.stripDotDot_, ''); } while (lastUri !== uri); return uri; }; /** * The script URIs. * @type {!Array.<string>} */ o3djs.util.scriptUris_ = []; /** * Add a script URI. Scripts that are referenced from script tags that are * within this URI are automatically loaded into the alternative JavaScript * main JavaScript engine. Do not include directories of scripts that are * included with o3djs.require. These are always available. This mechanism * is not able to load scripts in a different domain from the document. * @param {string} uri The URI. */ o3djs.util.addScriptUri = function(uri) { o3djs.util.scriptUris_.push(o3djs.util.toAbsoluteUri(uri)); }; /** * Determine whether a URI is a script URI that should be loaded into the * alternative main JavaScript engine. * @param {string} uri The URI. * @return {boolean} Whether it is a script URI. */ o3djs.util.isScriptUri = function(uri) { uri = o3djs.util.toAbsoluteUri(uri); for (var i = 0; i < o3djs.util.scriptUris_.length; ++i) { var scriptUri = o3djs.util.scriptUris_[i]; if (uri.substring(0, scriptUri.length) === scriptUri) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Concatenate the text of all the script tags in the document and invokes * the callback when complete. This function is asynchronous if any of the * script tags reference JavaScript through a URI. * @return {string} The script tag text. */ o3djs.util.getScriptTagText_ = function() { var scriptTagText = ''; var scriptElements = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (var i = 0; i < scriptElements.length; ++i) { var scriptElement = scriptElements[i]; if (scriptElement.type === '' || scriptElement.type === 'text/javascript') { if ('text' in scriptElement && scriptElement.text) { scriptTagText += scriptElement.text; } if ('src' in scriptElement && scriptElement.src && o3djs.util.isScriptUri(scriptElement.src)) { // It would be better to make this an asynchronous load but the script // file is very likely to be in the browser cache because it should // have just been loaded via the browser script tag. scriptTagText += o3djs.io.loadTextFileSynchronous(scriptElement.src); } } } return scriptTagText; }; /** * Creates a client element. In other words it creates an <OBJECT> tag for * o3d. Note that the browser may not have initialized the plugin before * returning. * @param {!Element} element The DOM element under which the client element * will be appended. * @param {string} opt_features A comma separated list of the * features you need for your application. The current list of features: * <li>FloatingPointTextures: Includes the formats R32F, ABGR16F and * ABGR32F</li> * The features are case sensitive. * @param {string} opt_requestVersion version string in * "major.minor.revision.build" format. You can leave out any non-important * numbers for example "3" = request major version 3, "2.4" = request major * version 2, minor version 4. If no string is passed in the newest version * of the plugin will be created. * @return {Element} O3D element or null if requested version is not * available. */ o3djs.util.createClient = function(element, opt_features, opt_requestVersion) { opt_features = opt_features || ''; opt_requestVersion = opt_requestVersion || o3djs.util.REQUIRED_VERSION; if (!o3djs.util.requiredVersionAvailable(opt_requestVersion)) { return null; } opt_features += (opt_features ? ',' : '') + 'APIVersion=' + opt_requestVersion; var objElem; // TODO: Use opt_requiredVersion to set a version so the plugin // can make sure it offers that version of the API. // Note: The IE version of the plug-in does not receive attributes during // construction, unless the innerHTML construction style is used. if (o3djs.base.IsMSIE()) { element.innerHTML = '<OBJECT ' + 'WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%"' + 'CLASSID="CLSID:9666A772-407E-4F90-BC37-982E8160EB2D">' + '<PARAM name="o3d_features" value="' + opt_features + '"/>' + '</OBJECT>'; objElem = element.childNodes[0]; } else { objElem = document.createElement('object'); objElem.type = 'application/vnd.o3d.auto'; objElem.style.width = '100%'; objElem.style.height = '100%'; objElem.setAttribute('o3d_features', opt_features); element.appendChild(objElem); } return objElem; }; /** * Finds all divs with the an id that starts with "o3d" and inserts a client * area inside. * * NOTE: the size of the client area is always set to 100% which means the div * must have its size set or managed by the browser. Examples: * * -- A div of a specific size -- * <div id="o3d" style="width:800px; height:600px"></div> * * -- A div that fills its containing element -- * <div id="o3d" style="width:100%; height:100%"></div> * * In both cases, a DOCTYPE is probably required. * * You can also request certain features by adding the attribute * 'o3d_features' as in * * <div id="o3d" o3d_features="FloatingPointTextures"></div> * * This allows you to specify different features per area. Otherwise you can * request features as an argument to this function. * * @param {!function(Array.<!Element>): void} callback Function to call when * client objects have been created. * @param {string} opt_features A comma separated list of the * features you need for your application. The current list of features: * * <li>FloatingPointTextures: Includes the formats R32F, ABGR16F and * ABGR32F</li> * <li>LargeGeometry: Allows buffers to have more than 65534 elements.</li> * <li>NotAntiAliased: Turns off anti-aliasing</li> * <li>InitStatus=X: Where X is a number. Allows simulatation of the plugin * failing</li> * * The features are case sensitive. * @param {string} opt_requiredVersion version string in * "major.minor.revision.build" format. You can leave out any * non-important numbers for example "3" = require major version 3, * "2.4" = require major version 2, minor version 4. If no string is * passed in the version of the needed by this version of the javascript * libraries will be created. * @param {!function(!o3d.Renderer.InitStatus, string, string, string): void} * opt_failureCallback Function to call if the plugin does not exist, if the * required version is not installed, or if for some other reason the plugin * can not start. If this function is not specified or is null the default * behavior of leading the user to the download page will be provided. * @param {string} opt_id The id to look for. This can be a regular * expression. The default is "^o3d". * @param {string} opt_tag The type of tag to look for. The default is "div". */ o3djs.util.makeClients = function(callback, opt_features, opt_requiredVersion, opt_failureCallback, opt_id, opt_tag) { var tag = opt_tag || 'div'; var id = opt_id || '^o3d'; opt_failureCallback = opt_failureCallback || o3djs.util.informPluginFailure; opt_requiredVersion = opt_requiredVersion || o3djs.util.REQUIRED_VERSION; if (!o3djs.util.requiredVersionAvailable(opt_requiredVersion)) { opt_failureCallback(o3djs.util.rendererInitStatus.NO_PLUGIN, '', id, tag); } else { var clientElements = []; var elements = document.getElementsByTagName(tag); var mainClientElement = null; for (var ee = 0; ee < elements.length; ++ee) { var element = elements[ee]; if (element.id && element.id.match(id)) { var features = opt_features; if (!features) { var o3d_features = element.getAttribute('o3d_features'); if (o3d_features) { features = o3d_features; } else { features = ''; } } var objElem = o3djs.util.createClient(element, features); clientElements.push(objElem); // If the callback is to be invoked in an embedded JavaScript engine, // one element must be identified with the id 'o3d'. This callback // will be invoked in the element identified as such. if (element.id === 'o3d') { mainClientElement = objElem; } } } // Chrome 1.0 sometimes doesn't create the plugin instance. To work // around this, force a re-layout by changing the plugin size until it // is loaded. We toggle between 1 pixel and 100% until the plugin has // loaded. var chromeWorkaround = o3djs.base.IsChrome10(); { // Wait for the browser to initialize the clients. var clearId = window.setInterval(function() { var initStatus = 0; var error = ''; var o3d; for (var cc = 0; cc < clientElements.length; ++cc) { var element = clientElements[cc]; o3d = element.o3d; if (!o3d) { if (chromeWorkaround) { if (element.style.width != '100%') { element.style.width = '100%'; } else { element.style.width = '1px'; } } return; } if (chromeWorkaround && element.style.width != '100%') { // The plugin has loaded but it may not be the right size yet. element.style.width = '100%'; return; } var status = clientElements[cc].client.rendererInitStatus; // keep the highest status. This is the worst status. if (status > initStatus) { initStatus = status; error = clientElements[cc].client.lastError; } } window.clearInterval(clearId); // If the plugin could not initialize the graphics delete all of // the plugin objects if (initStatus > 0 && initStatus != o3d.Renderer.SUCCESS) { for (var cc = 0; cc < clientElements.length; ++cc) { var clientElement = clientElements[cc]; clientElement.parentNode.removeChild(clientElement); } opt_failureCallback(initStatus, error, id, tag); } else { o3djs.base.snapshotProvidedNamespaces(); // TODO: Is this needed with the new event code? for (var cc = 0; cc < clientElements.length; ++cc) { o3djs.base.initV8(clientElements[cc]); o3djs.event.startKeyboardEventSynthesis(clientElements[cc]); o3djs.error.setDefaultErrorHandler(clientElements[cc].client); } o3djs.base.init(clientElements[0]); switch (o3djs.util.mainEngine_) { case o3djs.util.Engine.BROWSER: callback(clientElements); break; case o3djs.util.Engine.V8: if (!mainClientElement) { throw 'V8 engine was requested but there is no element with' + ' the id "o3d"'; } // Retreive the code from the script tags and eval it in V8 to // duplicate the browser environment. var scriptTagText = o3djs.util.getScriptTagText_(); mainClientElement.eval(scriptTagText); // Invoke the vallback in V8. o3djs.util.callV8(mainClientElement, callback, o3djs.global, [clientElements]); break; default: throw 'Unknown engine ' + o3djs.util.mainEngine_; } } }, 10); } } };