<!-- Copyright 2009, Google Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --> <!-- Scatter Chart Example This sample demonstrates how to plot a 3d scatter chart and how to rotate and zoom it --> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title> 3D Scatter Chart </title> <script type="text/javascript" src="o3djs/base.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/teapot_vertices.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" id="o3dscript"> o3djs.require('o3djs.util'); o3djs.require('o3djs.math'); o3djs.require('o3djs.quaternions'); o3djs.require('o3djs.rendergraph'); o3djs.require('o3djs.material'); o3djs.require('o3djs.primitives'); o3djs.require('o3djs.arcball'); o3djs.require('o3djs.event'); // The initClient() function runs when the page has finished loading. window.onload = initClient; // global variables var g_o3dElement; var g_client; var g_o3d; var g_math; var g_quaternions; var g_pack; var g_viewInfo; var g_modelRoot; var g_eyeView; var g_cubeShape; var g_material; var g_aball; var g_thisRot; var g_lastRot; var g_zoomFactor; var g_dragging; var g_finished = false; // for selenium testing. /** * Creates the client area. */ function initClient() { o3djs.util.makeClients(main); } /** * Initializes global variables, positions camera, draws the 3D chart. * @param {Array} clientElements Array of o3d object elements. */ function main(clientElements) { // Init global variables. initGlobals(clientElements); // Set up the view and projection transformations. initContext(); // Setup rendering on demand only. g_client.renderMode = g_o3d.Client.RENDERMODE_ON_DEMAND; // Add the 3D chart model to the transform hierarchy. create3dChartModel(); // Start rendering. g_client.render(); // Execute keyPressed(..) when we detect a keypress on the window or // on the o3d object. window.document.onkeypress = keyPressed; g_o3dElement.onkeypress = keyPressed; o3djs.event.addEventListener(g_o3dElement, 'mousedown', startDragging); o3djs.event.addEventListener(g_o3dElement, 'mousemove', drag); o3djs.event.addEventListener(g_o3dElement, 'mouseup', stopDragging); o3djs.event.addEventListener(g_o3dElement, 'wheel', scrollMe); g_finished = true; // for selenium testing. } /** * Initializes global variables and libraries. */ function initGlobals(clientElements) { // init o3d globals. g_o3dElement = clientElements[0]; g_client = g_o3dElement.client; g_o3d = g_o3dElement.o3d; g_math = o3djs.math; g_quaternions = o3djs.quaternions; // Create an arcball. g_aball = o3djs.arcball.create(g_o3dElement.clientWidth, g_o3dElement.clientHeight); // Create a pack to manage the objects created. g_pack = g_client.createPack(); // Create a transform node to act as the 'root' of the model. // Attach it to the root of the transform graph. g_modelRoot = g_pack.createObject('Transform'); g_modelRoot.parent = g_client.root; // Create the render graph for the view. var clearColor = [.98, .98, .98, 1]; g_viewInfo = o3djs.rendergraph.createBasicView( g_pack, g_client.root, g_client.renderGraphRoot, clearColor); // Create a material for the objects rendered. g_material = o3djs.material.createBasicMaterial( g_pack, g_viewInfo, [1, 1, 1, 1]); // Create a cube shape to simulate the scatter points. g_cubeShape = o3djs.primitives.createCube( g_pack, g_material, 1); } /** * Initialize the original view of the model. */ function initContext() { g_eyeView = [-35, 60, 140]; g_zoomFactor = 1.03; g_dragging = false; g_modelRoot.identity(); g_lastRot = g_math.matrix4.identity(); g_thisRot = g_math.matrix4.identity(); // Set up a perspective transformation for the projection. g_viewInfo.drawContext.projection = g_math.matrix4.perspective( g_math.degToRad(40), // 30 degree frustum. g_o3dElement.clientWidth / g_o3dElement.clientHeight, // Aspect ratio. 1, // Near plane. 10000); // Far plane. // Set up our view transformation to look towards the axes origin. g_viewInfo.drawContext.view = g_math.matrix4.lookAt( g_eyeView, // eye [0, 0, 0], // target [0, 1, 0]); // up } /** * Reset to the original view of the model. */ function resetView() { initContext(); g_client.render(); } /** * Create a 3D Scatter object by plotting each data point on a 3D model. */ function createScatterObject() { // size of a scatter point (represented as a small cube). var pointSize = 0.5; for (var i = 0; i < g_teapotVertices.length; i += 3) { var varX = g_teapotVertices[i]; var varY = g_teapotVertices[i+2]; var varZ = g_teapotVertices[i+1]; // create the transform for the cube. var transform = g_pack.createObject('Transform'); transform.parent = g_modelRoot; transform.addShape(g_cubeShape); // translate and scale the point correctly relative to origin transform.translate(varX, varY, varZ); transform.scale(pointSize, pointSize, pointSize); transform.createParam('diffuse', 'ParamFloat4').value = [1, 0, 0, 1]; } } /** * Creates a 3D chart model. */ function create3dChartModel() { // create the x,y,z axes - use the cylinder primitive. var cylinder_length = 90; var cylinder_radius = 0.15; var cylinder_subdivisions = 6; var cylinder = o3djs.primitives.createCylinder( g_pack, g_material, cylinder_radius, // Radius. cylinder_length, // Depth. cylinder_subdivisions, // Number of subdivisions. 1); var cylinder_x = g_pack.createObject('Transform'); cylinder_x.parent = g_modelRoot; cylinder_x.addShape(cylinder); cylinder_x.createParam('diffuse', 'ParamFloat4').value = [1, 0.2, 0.2, 1]; cylinder_x.rotateZ(Math.PI / 2); var cylinder_y = g_pack.createObject('Transform'); cylinder_y.parent = g_modelRoot; cylinder_y.addShape(cylinder); cylinder_y.createParam('diffuse', 'ParamFloat4').value = [0.2, 1, 0.2, 1]; cylinder_y.rotateX(Math.PI / 2); var cylinder_z = g_pack.createObject('Transform'); cylinder_z.parent = g_modelRoot; cylinder_z.addShape(cylinder); cylinder_z.createParam('diffuse', 'ParamFloat4').value = [0.2, 0.2, 1, 1]; // Create the scatter object. createScatterObject(); } /** * Callback for the keypress event. * Rotates the 3D model along the x, y or z-axes based on key pressed. * Zooms in and out by moving the viewpoint. * @param {event} event keyPress event passed to us by javascript. */ function keyPressed(event) { event = event || window.event; // Ignore accelerator key messages. if (event.metaKey) return; var keyChar = String.fromCharCode(o3djs.event.getEventKeyChar(event)); keyChar = keyChar.toLowerCase(); var delta = 0.03; // rotation delta. // Create an array associating the keystroke to an axis about which to rotate. // Then dereference that array to get the axis. switch(keyChar) { case 'a': g_modelRoot.localMatrix = g_math.matrix4.mul(g_modelRoot.localMatrix, g_math.matrix4.rotationY(-delta)); break; case 'd': g_modelRoot.localMatrix = g_math.matrix4.mul(g_modelRoot.localMatrix, g_math.matrix4.rotationY(delta)); break; case 'w': g_modelRoot.localMatrix = g_math.matrix4.mul(g_modelRoot.localMatrix, g_math.matrix4.rotationX(-delta)); break; case 's': g_modelRoot.localMatrix = g_math.matrix4.mul(g_modelRoot.localMatrix, g_math.matrix4.rotationX(delta)); break; case 'l': g_modelRoot.localMatrix = g_math.matrix4.mul(g_modelRoot.localMatrix, g_math.matrix4.rotationZ(-delta)); break; case 'k': g_modelRoot.localMatrix = g_math.matrix4.mul(g_modelRoot.localMatrix, g_math.matrix4.rotationZ(delta)); break; case 'i': ZoomInOut(g_zoomFactor); break; case 'o': ZoomInOut(1.0 / g_zoomFactor); break; } o3djs.event.cancel(event); g_client.render(); } /** * Zooms the model in / out by changing the viewpoint. * @param {number} zoom zooming factor. */ function ZoomInOut(zoom) { for (i = 0; i < g_eyeView.length; i += 1) { g_eyeView[i] = g_eyeView[i] / zoom; } g_viewInfo.drawContext.view = g_math.matrix4.lookAt( g_eyeView, // eye [0, 0, 0], // target [0, 1, 0]); // up } /** * Start mouse dragging. * @param {event} e event. */ function startDragging(e) { g_lastRot = g_thisRot; g_aball.click([e.x, e.y]); g_dragging = true; } /** * Use the arcball to rotate the model. * Computes the rotation matrix. * @param {event} e event. */ function drag(e) { if (g_dragging) { var rotationQuat = g_aball.drag([e.x, e.y]); var rot_mat = g_quaternions.quaternionToRotation(rotationQuat); g_thisRot = g_math.matrix4.mul(g_lastRot, rot_mat); var m = g_modelRoot.localMatrix; g_math.matrix4.setUpper3x3(m, g_thisRot); g_modelRoot.localMatrix = m; g_client.render(); } } /** * Stop dragging. * @param {event} e event. */ function stopDragging(e) { g_dragging = false; } /** * Using the mouse wheel zoom in and out of the model. * @param {event} e event. */ function scrollMe(e) { var zoom = (e.deltaY < 0) ? 1 / g_zoomFactor : g_zoomFactor; ZoomInOut(zoom); g_client.render(); } </script> </head> <body> <h2>Scatter Chart - rotate & zoom with mouse or keyboard</h2> <!-- Start of O3D plugin --> <div id="o3d" style="width: 600px; height: 600px;"></div> <!-- End of O3D plugin --> <form name="default_form" action="#" method="get" > <div style="font-size:10"> Rotate: (W, S), (A, D), (K, L) Zoom: (I, O) <input type="button" value="Reset View" onclick="resetView()" style="font-size:10"/> </div> </form> </body> </html>