/* Created By: Chris Campbell Modified By: Noah Winecoff (http://www.findmotive.com) Website: http://particletree.com Date: 2/1/2006 Inspired by the lightbox implementation found at http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox/ */ /*-------------------------------GLOBAL VARIABLES------------------------------------*/ var detect = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var OS,browser,version,total,thestring; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //Browser detect script origionally created by Peter Paul Koch at http://www.quirksmode.org/ function getBrowserInfo() { if (checkIt('konqueror')) { browser = "Konqueror"; OS = "Linux"; } else if (checkIt('safari')) browser = "Safari" else if (checkIt('omniweb')) browser = "OmniWeb" else if (checkIt('opera')) browser = "Opera" else if (checkIt('webtv')) browser = "WebTV"; else if (checkIt('icab')) browser = "iCab" else if (checkIt('msie')) browser = "Internet Explorer" else if (!checkIt('compatible')) { browser = "Netscape Navigator" version = detect.charAt(8); } else browser = "An unknown browser"; if (!version) version = detect.charAt(place + thestring.length); if (!OS) { if (checkIt('linux')) OS = "Linux"; else if (checkIt('x11')) OS = "Unix"; else if (checkIt('mac')) OS = "Mac" else if (checkIt('win')) OS = "Windows" else OS = "an unknown operating system"; } } function checkIt(string) { place = detect.indexOf(string) + 1; thestring = string; return place; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Event.observe(window, 'load', initialize, false); Event.observe(window, 'load', getBrowserInfo, false); Event.observe(window, 'unload', Event.unloadCache, false); var lightbox = Class.create(); lightbox.prototype = { yPos : 0, xPos : 0, initialize: function(ctrl) { this.content = ctrl.href; Event.observe(ctrl, 'click', this.activate.bindAsEventListener(this), false); ctrl.onclick = function(){return false;}; }, // Turn everything on - mainly the IE fixes activate: function(){ if (browser == 'Internet Explorer'){ this.getScroll(); this.prepareIE('100%', 'hidden'); this.setScroll(0,0); this.hideSelects('hidden'); } this.displayLightbox("block"); }, // Ie requires height to 100% and overflow hidden or else you can scroll down past the lightbox prepareIE: function(height, overflow){ bod = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; bod.style.height = height; bod.style.overflow = overflow; htm = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]; htm.style.height = height; htm.style.overflow = overflow; }, // In IE, select elements hover on top of the lightbox hideSelects: function(visibility){ selects = document.getElementsByTagName('select'); for(i = 0; i < selects.length; i++) { selects[i].style.visibility = visibility; } }, // Taken from lightbox implementation found at http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox/ getScroll: function(){ if (self.pageYOffset) { this.yPos = self.pageYOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop){ this.yPos = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if (document.body) { this.yPos = document.body.scrollTop; } }, setScroll: function(x, y){ window.scrollTo(x, y); }, displayLightbox: function(display){ $('overlay').style.display = display; $('lightbox').style.display = display; if(display != 'none') this.loadInfo(); }, // Write an iFrame instead of using an AJAX call to pull the content loadInfo: function() { info = "
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