#!/usr/bin/python2.4 # Copyright 2009, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Selenium tests for the O3D plugin. Sets up a local Selenium Remote Control server and a static file server that serves files off the o3d directory. Launches browsers to test the local build of the o3d plugin and reports results back to the user. """ import os import platform import re import SimpleHTTPServer import socket import SocketServer import subprocess import sys import threading import time import unittest import gflags import javascript_unit_tests # Import custom testrunner for pulse import pulse_testrunner # TODO: figure out if we can remove this hard-coded version import rev2478_mod as selenium import samples_tests import selenium_constants import selenium_utilities if platform.system() == "Windows": default_java_exe = "java.exe" else: default_java_exe = "java" # Commands line flags FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS gflags.DEFINE_boolean("verbose", False, "verbosity") gflags.DEFINE_boolean("screenshots", False, "takes screenshots") gflags.DEFINE_string( "java", default_java_exe, "specifies the path to the java executable.") gflags.DEFINE_string( "selenium_server", "", "specifies the path to the selenium server jar.") gflags.DEFINE_string( "screencompare", "", "specifies the directory in which perceptualdiff resides.\n" "compares screenshots with reference images") gflags.DEFINE_string( "screenshotsdir", selenium_constants.DEFAULT_SCREENSHOT_PATH, "specifies the directory in which screenshots will be stored.") gflags.DEFINE_string( "referencedir", selenium_constants.DEFAULT_SCREENSHOT_PATH, "Specifies the directory where reference images will be read from.") gflags.DEFINE_string( "testprefix", "Test", "specifies the prefix of tests to run") gflags.DEFINE_string( "testsuffixes", "", "specifies the suffixes, separated by commas of tests to run") gflags.DEFINE_string( "servertimeout", "30", "Specifies the timeout value, in seconds, for the selenium server.") # Browsers to choose from (for browser flag). # use --browser $BROWSER_NAME to run # tests for that browser gflags.DEFINE_list( "browser", "*firefox", "\n".join(["comma-separated list of browsers to test", "Options:"] + selenium_constants.SELENIUM_BROWSER_SET)) gflags.DEFINE_string( "browserpath", "", "specifies the path to the browser executable " "(for platforms that don't support MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH)") TESTING_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/..") class MyRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): """Hook to handle HTTP server requests. Functions as a handler for logging and other utility functions. """ def log_message(self, format, *args): """Logging hook for HTTP server.""" # For now, just suppress logging. pass # TODO: might be nice to have a verbose option for debugging. class LocalFileHTTPServer(threading.Thread): """Minimal HTTP server that serves local files. Members: http_alive: event to signal that http server is up and running http_port: the TCP port the server is using """ START_PORT = 8100 END_PORT = 8105 def __init__(self, local_root=None): """Initializes the server. Initializes the HTTP server to serve static files from the local o3d directory Args: local_root: all files below this path are served. If not specified, the current directory is the root. """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._local_root = local_root self.http_alive = threading.Event() self.http_port = 0 def run(self): """Runs the HTTP server. Server is started on an available port in the range of START_PORT to END_PORT """ if self._local_root: os.chdir(self._local_root) for self.http_port in range(self.START_PORT, self.END_PORT): # Attempt to start the server try: httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", self.http_port), MyRequestHandler) except socket.error: # Server didn't manage to start up, try another port. pass else: self.http_alive.set() httpd.serve_forever() if not self.http_alive.isSet(): print("No available port found for HTTP server in the range %d to %d." % (self.START_PORT, self.END_PORT)) @staticmethod def StartServer(local_root=None): """Create and start a LocalFileHTTPServer on a separate thread. Args: local_root: serve all static files below this directory. If not specified, the current directory is the root. Returns: http_server: LocalFileHTTPServer() object """ # Start up the Selenium Remote Control server http_server = LocalFileHTTPServer(local_root) http_server.setDaemon(True) http_server.start() # Wait till the Selenium RC Server is up http_server.http_alive.wait() print "LocalFileHTTPServer started on port %d" % http_server.http_port return http_server class SeleniumRemoteControl(threading.Thread): """A thread that launches the Selenium Remote Control server. The Remote Control server allows us to launch a browser and remotely control it from a script. Members: selenium_alive: event to signal that selenium server is up and running selenium_port: the TCP port the server is using process: the subprocess.Popen instance for the server """ START_PORT = 5430 END_PORT = 5535 def __init__(self, verbose, java_path, selenium_server, server_timeout): """Initializes the SeleniumRemoteControl class. Args: verbose: boolean verbose flag java_path: path to java used to run selenium. selenium_server: path to jar containing selenium server. server_timeout: server timeout value, in seconds. """ self.selenium_alive = threading.Event() self.selenium_port = 0 self.verbose = verbose self.java_path = java_path self.selenium_server = selenium_server self.timeout = server_timeout threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): """Starts the selenium server. Server is started on an available port in the range of START_PORT to END_PORT """ for self.selenium_port in range(self.START_PORT, self.END_PORT): # Attempt to start the selenium RC server from java self.process = subprocess.Popen( [self.java_path, "-jar", self.selenium_server, "-multiWindow", "-port", str(self.selenium_port), "-timeout", self.timeout], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) for unused_i in range(1, 10): server_msg = self.process.stdout.readline() if self.verbose and server_msg is not None: # log if verbose flag is on print "sel_serv:" + server_msg # This status message indicates that the server has done # a bind to the port self.selenium_port successfully. if server_msg.find("INFO - Started SocketListener") != -1: self.selenium_alive.set() break # Error starting server on this port, try the next port. if not self.selenium_alive.isSet(): continue # Loop and read from stdout while self.process.poll() is None: server_msg = self.process.stdout.readline() if self.verbose and server_msg is not None: # log if verbose flag is on print "sel_serv:" + server_msg # Finish. break if not self.selenium_alive.isSet(): print("No available port found for Selenium RC Server " "in the range %d to %d." % (self.START_PORT, self.END_PORT)) @staticmethod def StartServer(verbose, java_path, selenium_server, server_timeout): """Create and start the Selenium RC Server on a separate thread. Args: verbose: boolean verbose flag java_path: path to java used to run selenium. selenium_server: path to jar containing selenium server. server_timeout: server timeout value, in seconds Returns: selenium_server: SeleniumRemoteControl() object """ # Start up the Selenium Remote Control server selenium_server = SeleniumRemoteControl(verbose, java_path, selenium_server, server_timeout) selenium_server.setDaemon(True) selenium_server.start() # Wait till the Selenium RC Server is up selenium_server.selenium_alive.wait() print("Selenium RC server started on port %d" % selenium_server.selenium_port) return selenium_server class SeleniumSession(object): """A selenium browser session, with support servers. The support servers include a Selenium Remote Control server, and a local HTTP server to serve static test files. Members: session: a selenium() instance selenium_server: a SeleniumRemoteControl() instance http_server: a LocalFileHTTPServer() instance runner: a TestRunner() instance """ def __init__(self, verbose, java_path, selenium_server, server_timeout): """Initializes a Selenium Session. Args: verbose: boolean verbose flag java_path: path to java used to run selenium. selenium_server: path to jar containing selenium server. server_timeout: server timeout value, in seconds """ # Start up a static file server, to serve the test pages. # Serve from the o3d directory self.http_server = LocalFileHTTPServer.StartServer( TESTING_ROOT + "/../") # Start up the Selenium Remote Control Server self.selenium_server = SeleniumRemoteControl.StartServer(verbose, java_path, selenium_server, server_timeout) # Set up a testing runner self.runner = pulse_testrunner.PulseTestRunner() # Set up a phantom selenium session so we can call shutdown if needed. self.session = selenium.selenium( "localhost", self.selenium_server.selenium_port, "*firefox", "http://" + socket.gethostname() + ":" + str(self.http_server.http_port)) def StartSession(self, browser): """Starts the Selenium Session and connects to the HTTP server. Args: browser: selenium browser name """ if browser == "*googlechrome": # TODO: Replace socket.gethostname() with "localhost" # once Chrome local proxy fix is in. server_url = "http://" + socket.gethostname() + ":" else: server_url = "http://localhost:" server_url += str(self.http_server.http_port) browser_path_with_space = FLAGS.browserpath # TODO: This is a hack to figure out if we're on 64-bit # Windows. If we are, then we have to run the 32-bit Internet # Explorer so that our plugin will work (indeed, even Microsoft # has even made it impossible to use 64-bit Internet Explorer as # your default browser). We need to find a better way to # determine if we're on 64-bit Windows, so that it will work on # foreign machines (which don't use the strings below for "Program # Files" and "Internet Explorer"). if (not browser_path_with_space and browser == "*iexplore"): program_files_x86 = "C:\\Program Files (x86)" if os.path.isdir(program_files_x86): browser_path_with_space = os.path.join(program_files_x86, "Internet Explorer", "iexplore.exe") if browser_path_with_space: browser_path_with_space = " " + browser_path_with_space self.session = selenium.selenium("localhost", self.selenium_server.selenium_port, browser + browser_path_with_space, server_url) self.session.start() def CloseSession(self): """Closes the selenium sesssion.""" self.session.stop() def TearDown(self): """Stops the selenium server.""" self.session.do_command("shutDown", []) # Sync with selenium_server thread self.selenium_server.join() def TestBrowser(self, browser, test_list, test_prefix, test_suffixes, server_timeout): """Runs Selenium tests for a specific browser. Args: browser: selenium browser name (eg. *iexplore, *firefox). test_list: list to add tests to. test_prefix: prefix of tests to run. test_suffixes: comma separated suffixes of tests to run. server_timeout: server timeout value, in milliseconds Returns: result: result of test runner. """ print "Testing %s..." % browser self.StartSession(browser) self.session.set_timeout(server_timeout) self.runner.setBrowser(browser) try: result = self.runner.run( SeleniumSuite(self.session, browser, test_list, test_prefix, test_suffixes)) finally: self.CloseSession() return result class LocalTestSuite(unittest.TestSuite): """Wrapper for unittest.TestSuite so we can collect the tests.""" def __init__(self): unittest.TestSuite.__init__(self) self.test_list = [] def addTest(self, name, test): """Adds a test to the TestSuite and records its name and test_path. Args: name: name of test. test: test to pass to unittest.TestSuite. """ unittest.TestSuite.addTest(self, test) try: self.test_list.append((name, test.options)) except AttributeError: self.test_list.append((name, [])) def MatchesSuffix(name, suffixes): """Checks if a name ends in one of the suffixes. Args: name: Name to test. suffixes: list of suffixes to test for. Returns: True if name ends in one of the suffixes or if suffixes is empty. """ if suffixes: name_lower = name.lower() for suffix in suffixes: if name_lower.endswith(suffix): return True return False else: return True def AddTests(test_suite, session, browser, module, filename, prefix, test_prefix_filter, test_suffixes): """Add tests defined in filename. Assumes module has a method "GenericTest" that uses self.args to run. Args: test_suite: A Selenium test_suite to add tests to. session: a Selenium instance. browser: browser name. module: module which will have method GenericTest() called to run each test. filename: filename of file with list of tests. prefix: prefix to add to the beginning of each test. test_prefix_filter: Only adds a test if it starts with this. test_suffixes: list of suffixes to filter by. An empty list = pass all. """ # See comments in that file for the expected format. # skip lines that are blank or have "#" or ";" as their first non whitespace # character. test_list_file = open(filename, "r") samples = test_list_file.readlines() test_list_file.close() for sample in samples: sample = sample.strip() if not sample or sample[0] == ";" or sample[0] == "#": continue arguments = sample.split() test_type = arguments[0].lower() test_path = arguments[1] options = arguments[2:] # TODO: Add filter based on test_type name = ("Test" + prefix + re.sub("\W", "_", test_path) + test_type.capitalize()) # Only execute this test if the current browser is not in the list # of skipped browsers. test_skipped = False for option in options: if option.startswith("except"): skipped_platforms = selenium_utilities.GetArgument(option) if not skipped_platforms is None: skipped_platforms = skipped_platforms.split(",") if browser in skipped_platforms: test_skipped = True if not test_skipped: # Check if there is already a test function by this name in the module. if (test_path.startswith(test_prefix_filter) and hasattr(module, test_path) and callable(getattr(module, test_path))): test_suite.addTest(test_path, module(test_path, session, browser, options=options)) elif (name.startswith(test_prefix_filter) and MatchesSuffix(name, test_suffixes)): # no, so add a method that will run a test generically. setattr(module, name, module.GenericTest) test_suite.addTest(name, module(name, session, browser, test_type, test_path, options)) def SeleniumSuite(session, browser, test_list, test_prefix, test_suffixes): """Creates a test suite to run the unit tests. Args: session: a selenium() instance browser: browser name test_list: list to add tests to. test_prefix: prefix of tests to run. test_suffixes: A comma separated string of suffixes to filter by. Returns: A selenium test suite. """ test_suite = LocalTestSuite() suffixes = test_suffixes.split(",") # add sample tests. filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tests", "selenium", "sample_list.txt") AddTests(test_suite, session, browser, samples_tests.SampleTests, filename, "Sample", test_prefix, suffixes) # add javascript tests. filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tests", "selenium", "javascript_unit_test_list.txt") AddTests(test_suite, session, browser, javascript_unit_tests.JavaScriptUnitTests, filename, "UnitTest", test_prefix, suffixes) test_list += test_suite.test_list return test_suite def CompareScreenshots(browser, test_list, screencompare, screenshotsdir, screencompare_tool, verbose): """Performs the image validation for test-case frame captures. Args: browser: selenium browser name test_list: list of tests that ran. screencompare: True to actually run tests. screenshotsdir: path of directory containing images to compare. screencompare_tool: path to image diff tool. verbose: If True then outputs verbose info. Returns: A Results object. """ print "Validating captured frames against reference data..." class Results(object): """An object to return results of screenshot compares. Similar to unittest.TestResults. """ def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) self.tests_run = 0 self.current_test = None self.errors = [] self.failures = [] self.start_time = 0 def StartTest(self, test): """Adds a test. Args: test: name of test. """ self.start_time = time.time() self.tests_run += 1 self.current_test = test def TimeTaken(self): """Returns the time since the last call to StartTest.""" return time.time() - self.start_time def AddFailure(self, test, browser, message): """Adds a failure. Args: test: name of the test. browser: name of the browser. message: error message to print """ self.failures.append(test) print "ERROR: ", message print("SELENIUMRESULT %s <%s> [%.3fs]: FAIL" % (test, browser, self.TimeTaken())) def AddSuccess(self, test): """Adds a success. Args: test: name of the test. """ print("SELENIUMRESULT %s <%s> [%.3fs]: PASS" % (test, browser, self.TimeTaken())) def WasSuccessful(self): """Returns true if all tests were successful.""" return not self.errors and not self.failures results = Results() if not screencompare: return results base_path = os.getcwd() reference_files = os.listdir(os.path.join( base_path, selenium_constants.REFERENCE_SCREENSHOT_PATH)) generated_files = os.listdir(os.path.join(base_path, screenshotsdir)) # Prep the test list for matching temp = [] for (test, options) in test_list: test = selenium_utilities.StripTestTypeSuffix(test) temp.append((test.lower(), options)) test_list = temp # Create regex object for filename # file is in format "FILENAME_reference.png" reference_file_name_regex = re.compile(r"^(.*)_reference\.png") generated_file_name_regex = re.compile(r"^(.*)\.png") # check that there is a reference file for each generated file. for file_name in generated_files: match = generated_file_name_regex.search(file_name) if match is None: # no matches continue # Generated file name without png extension actual_name = match.group(1) # Get full paths to reference and generated files reference_file = os.path.join( base_path, selenium_constants.REFERENCE_SCREENSHOT_PATH, actual_name + "_reference.png") generated_file = os.path.join( base_path, screenshotsdir, actual_name + ".png") test_name = "TestReferenceScreenshotExists_" + actual_name results.StartTest(test_name) if not os.path.exists(reference_file): # reference file does not exist results.AddFailure( test_name, browser, "Missing reference file %s for generated file %s." % (reference_file, generated_file)) else: results.AddSuccess(test_name) # Assuming both the result and reference image sets are the same size, # verify that corresponding images are similar within tolerance. for file_name in reference_files: match = reference_file_name_regex.search(file_name) if match is None: # no matches continue # Generated file name without png extension actual_name = match.group(1) # Get full paths to reference and generated files reference_file = os.path.join( base_path, selenium_constants.REFERENCE_SCREENSHOT_PATH, file_name) platform_specific_reference_file = os.path.join( base_path, selenium_constants.PLATFORM_SPECIFIC_REFERENCE_SCREENSHOT_PATH, actual_name + "_reference.png") generated_file = os.path.join( base_path, screenshotsdir, actual_name + ".png") # Generate a test case name test_name = "TestScreenCompare_" + actual_name # skip the reference file if the test is not in the test list. basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name))[0] basename = re.sub("\d+_reference", "", basename).lower() basename = re.sub("\W", "_", basename) test_was_run = False test_options = [] for (test, options) in test_list: if test.endswith(basename): test_was_run = True test_options = options or [] break if test_was_run: results.StartTest(test_name) else: # test was not planned to run for this reference image. if os.path.exists(generated_file): # a generated file exists? The test name does not match the screenshot. results.StartTest(test_name) results.AddFailure(test_name, browser, "Test name and screenshot name do not match.") continue # Check if there is a platform specific version of the reference image if os.path.exists(platform_specific_reference_file): reference_file = platform_specific_reference_file # Check if perceptual diff exists pdiff_path = os.path.join(base_path, screencompare_tool) if not os.path.exists(pdiff_path): # Perceptualdiff.exe does not exist, fail. results.AddFailure( test_name, browser, "Perceptual diff %s does not exist." % pdiff_path) continue pixel_threshold = "10" use_colorfactor = False use_downsample = False # Find out if the test specified any options relating to perceptual diff # that will override the defaults. for opt in test_options: if opt.startswith("pdiff_threshold"): pixel_threshold = selenium_utilities.GetArgument(opt) elif (opt.startswith("pdiff_threshold_mac") and platform.system() == "Darwin"): pixel_threshold = selenium_utilities.GetArgument(opt) elif (opt.startswith("pdiff_threshold_win") and platform.system() == "Microsoft"): pixel_threshold = selenium_utilities.GetArgument(opt) elif (opt.startswith("pdiff_threshold_linux") and platform.system() == "Linux"): pixel_threshold = selenium_utilities.GetArgument(opt) elif (opt.startswith("colorfactor")): colorfactor = selenium_utilities.GetArgument(opt) use_colorfactor = True elif (opt.startswith("downsample")): downsample_factor = selenium_utilities.GetArgument(opt) use_downsample = True # Check if file exists if os.path.exists(generated_file): diff_file = os.path.join(base_path, screenshotsdir, "compare_%s.png" % actual_name) # Run perceptual diff arguments = [pdiff_path, reference_file, generated_file, "-output", diff_file, "-fov", "45", # Turn on verbose output for the percetual diff so we # can see how far off we are on the threshold. "-verbose", # Set the threshold to zero so we can get a count # of the different pixels. This causes the program # to return failure for most images, but we can compare # the values ourselves below. "-threshold", "0"] if use_colorfactor: arguments += ["-colorfactor", colorfactor] if use_downsample: arguments += ["-downsample", downsample_factor] # Print the perceptual diff command line so we can debug easier. if verbose: print " ".join(arguments) # diff tool should return 0 on success expected_result = 0 pdiff_pipe = subprocess.Popen(arguments, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (pdiff_stdout, pdiff_stderr) = pdiff_pipe.communicate() result = pdiff_pipe.returncode # Find out how many pixels were different by looking at the output. pixel_re = re.compile("(\d+) pixels are different", re.DOTALL) pixel_match = pixel_re.search(pdiff_stdout) different_pixels = "0" if pixel_match: different_pixels = pixel_match.group(1) if (result == expected_result or (pixel_match and int(different_pixels) <= int(pixel_threshold))): # The perceptual diff passed. pass_re = re.compile("PASS: (.*?)\n", re.DOTALL) pass_match = pass_re.search(pdiff_stdout) reason = "Images are not perceptually different." if pass_match: reason = pass_match.group(1) print ("%s PASSED with %s different pixels " "(threshold %s) because: %s" % (test_name, different_pixels, pixel_threshold, reason)) results.AddSuccess(test_name) else: # The perceptual diff failed. if pixel_match and int(different_pixels) > int(pixel_threshold): results.AddFailure( test_name, browser, ("Reference framebuffer (%s) does not match generated " "file (%s): it differed by %s pixels with a threshold of %s." % (reference_file, generated_file, different_pixels, pixel_threshold))) else: # The perceptual diff failed for some reason other than # pixel differencing. fail_re = re.compile("FAIL: (.*?)\n", re.DOTALL) fail_match = fail_re.search(pdiff_stdout) reason = "Unknown failure" if fail_match: reason = fail_match.group(1) results.AddFailure( test_name, browser, ("Perceptual diff of reference (%s) and generated (%s) files " "failed because: %s" % (reference_file, generated_file, reason))) else: # Generated file does not exist results.AddFailure(test_name, browser, "File %s does not exist." % generated_file) return results def main(unused_argv): # Boolean to record if all tests passed. all_tests_passed = True selenium_constants.REFERENCE_SCREENSHOT_PATH = os.path.join( FLAGS.referencedir, "reference", "") selenium_constants.PLATFORM_SPECIFIC_REFERENCE_SCREENSHOT_PATH = os.path.join( FLAGS.referencedir, selenium_constants.PLATFORM_SCREENSHOT_DIR, "") # Open a new session to Selenium Remote Control selenium_session = SeleniumSession(FLAGS.verbose, FLAGS.java, FLAGS.selenium_server, FLAGS.servertimeout) for browser in FLAGS.browser: if browser in set(selenium_constants.SELENIUM_BROWSER_SET): test_list = [] result = selenium_session.TestBrowser(browser, test_list, FLAGS.testprefix, FLAGS.testsuffixes, int(FLAGS.servertimeout) * 1000) # Compare screenshots compare_result = CompareScreenshots(browser, test_list, FLAGS.screenshots, FLAGS.screenshotsdir, FLAGS.screencompare, FLAGS.verbose) if not result.wasSuccessful() or not compare_result.WasSuccessful(): all_tests_passed = False # Log results print "Results for %s:" % browser print " %d tests run." % (result.testsRun + compare_result.tests_run) print " %d errors." % (len(result.errors) + len(compare_result.errors)) print " %d failures.\n" % (len(result.failures) + len(compare_result.failures)) else: print "ERROR: Browser %s is invalid." % browser print "Run with --help to view list of supported browsers.\n" all_tests_passed = False # Wrap up session selenium_session.TearDown() if all_tests_passed: # All tests successful. return 0 else: # Return error code 1. return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": remaining_argv = FLAGS(sys.argv) main(remaining_argv)