import os import re import subprocess import unittest import sys import selenium_utilities import selenium_constants class PDiffTest(unittest.TestCase): """A perceptual diff test class, for running perceptual diffs on any number of screenshots.""" def __init__(self, name, num_screenshots, screenshot_name, pdiff_path, gen_dir, ref_dir, options): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, name) = name self.num_screenshots = num_screenshots self.screenshot_name = screenshot_name self.pdiff_path = pdiff_path self.gen_dir = gen_dir self.ref_dir = ref_dir self.options = options def shortDescription(self): """override unittest.TestCase shortDescription for our own descriptions.""" return "Screenshot comparison for: " + def PDiffTest(self): """Runs a generic Perceptual Diff test.""" # Get arguments for perceptual diff. pixel_threshold = "10" alpha_threshold = "1.0" use_colorfactor = False use_downsample = False use_edge = True edge_threshold = "5" for opt in self.options: if opt.startswith("pdiff_threshold"): pixel_threshold = selenium_utilities.GetArgument(opt) elif (opt.startswith("pdiff_threshold_mac") and sys.platform == "darwin"): pixel_threshold = selenium_utilities.GetArgument(opt) elif (opt.startswith("pdiff_threshold_win") and sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == "cygwin"): pixel_threshold = selenium_utilities.GetArgument(opt) elif (opt.startswith("pdiff_threshold_linux") and sys.platform[:5] == "linux"): pixel_threshold = selenium_utilities.GetArgument(opt) elif (opt.startswith("colorfactor")): colorfactor = selenium_utilities.GetArgument(opt) use_colorfactor = True elif (opt.startswith("downsample")): downsample_factor = selenium_utilities.GetArgument(opt) use_downsample = True elif (opt.startswith("pdiff_edge_ignore_off")): use_edge = False elif (opt.startswith("pdiff_edge_threshold")): edge_threshold = selenium_utilities.GetArgument(opt) results = [] # Loop over number of screenshots. for screenshot_no in range(self.num_screenshots): # Find reference image. shotname = self.screenshot_name + str(screenshot_no + 1) J = os.path.join platform_img_path = J(self.ref_dir, selenium_constants.PLATFORM_SCREENSHOT_DIR, shotname + '_reference.png') reg_img_path = J(self.ref_dir, selenium_constants.DEFAULT_SCREENSHOT_DIR, shotname + '_reference.png') if os.path.exists(platform_img_path): ref_img_path = platform_img_path elif os.path.exists(reg_img_path): ref_img_path = reg_img_path else:'Reference image for ' + shotname + ' not found.') # Find generated image. gen_img_path = J(self.gen_dir, shotname + '.png') diff_img_path = J(self.gen_dir, 'cmp_' + shotname + '.png') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(gen_img_path), 'Generated screenshot for ' + shotname + ' not found.\n') # Run perceptual diff arguments = [self.pdiff_path, ref_img_path, gen_img_path, "-output", diff_img_path, "-fov", "45", "-alphaThreshold", alpha_threshold, # Turn on verbose output for the percetual diff so we # can see how far off we are on the threshold. "-verbose", # Set the threshold to zero so we can get a count # of the different pixels. This causes the program # to return failure for most images, but we can compare # the values ourselves below. "-threshold", "0"] if use_colorfactor: arguments += ["-colorfactor", colorfactor] if use_downsample: arguments += ["-downsample", downsample_factor] if use_edge: arguments += ["-ignoreEdges", edge_threshold] pdiff_pipe = subprocess.Popen(arguments, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (pdiff_stdout, pdiff_stderr) = pdiff_pipe.communicate() result = pdiff_pipe.returncode # Find out how many pixels were different by looking at the output. pixel_re = re.compile("(\d+) pixels are different", re.DOTALL) pixel_match = different_pixels = "0" if pixel_match: different_pixels = results += [(shotname, int(different_pixels))] all_tests_passed = True msg = "Pixel threshold is %s. Failing screenshots:\n" % pixel_threshold for name, pixels in results: if pixels >= int(pixel_threshold): all_tests_passed = False msg += " %s, differing by %s\n" % (name, str(pixels)) self.assertTrue(all_tests_passed, msg)