/* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

 * This file defines the <code>PPB_VideoDecoder_Dev</code> interface.
label Chrome {
  M14 = 0.16

 * Video decoder interface.
 * Typical usage:
 * - Use Create() to create & configure a new PPB_VideoDecoder_Dev resource.
 * - Call Decode() to decode some video data.
 * - Receive ProvidePictureBuffers callback
 *   - Supply the decoder with textures using AssignPictureBuffers.
 * - Receive PictureReady callbacks
 *   - Hand the textures back to the decoder using ReusePictureBuffer.
 * - To signal EOS to the decoder: call Flush() and wait for NotifyFlushDone
 *   callback.
 * - To reset the decoder (e.g. to implement Seek): call Reset() and wait for
 *   NotifyResetDone callback.
 * - To tear down the decoder call Destroy().
 * See PPP_VideoDecoder_Dev for the notifications the decoder may send the
 * plugin.
interface PPB_VideoDecoder_Dev {
   * Creates & initializes a video decoder.
   * Parameters:
   *   |instance| pointer to the plugin instance.
   *   |context| a PPB_Graphics3D resource in which decoding will happen.
   *   |profile| the video stream's format profile.
   * The created decoder is returned as PP_Resource. 0 means failure.
  PP_Resource Create(
      [in] PP_Instance instance,
      [in] PP_Resource context,
      [in] PP_VideoDecoder_Profile profile);

   * Tests whether |resource| is a video decoder created through Create
   * function of this interface.
   * Parameters:
   *   |resource| is handle to resource to test.
   * Returns true if is a video decoder, false otherwise.
  PP_Bool IsVideoDecoder(
      [in] PP_Resource resource);

   * Dispatches bitstream buffer to the decoder.
   * Parameters:
   *   |video_decoder| is the previously created handle to the decoder resource.
   *   |bitstream_buffer| is the bitstream buffer that contains at most one
   *   input frame.
   *   |callback| will be called when |bitstream_buffer| has been processed by
   *   the decoder.
   * Returns an error code from pp_errors.h.
  int32_t Decode(
      [in] PP_Resource video_decoder,
      [in] PP_VideoBitstreamBuffer_Dev bitstream_buffer,
      [in] PP_CompletionCallback callback);

   * Provides the decoder with texture-backed picture buffers for video
   * decoding.
   * This function should be called when the plugin has its
   * ProvidePictureBuffers method called.  The decoder will stall until it has
   * received all the buffers it's asked for.
   * Parameters:
   *   |video_decoder| is the previously created handle to the decoder resource.
   *   |no_of_buffers| how many buffers are behind picture buffer pointer.
   *   |buffers| contains the reference to the picture buffer that was
   *   allocated.
  void AssignPictureBuffers(
      [in] PP_Resource video_decoder,
      [in] uint32_t no_of_buffers,
      [in, size_as=no_of_buffers] PP_PictureBuffer_Dev[] buffers);

   * Tells the decoder to reuse the given picture buffer. Typical use of this
   * function is to call from PictureReady callback to recycle picture buffer
   * back to the decoder after blitting the image so that decoder can use the
   * image for output again.
   * Parameters:
   *   |video_decoder| is the previously created handle to the decoder resource.
   *   |picture_buffer_id| contains the id of the picture buffer that was
   *   processed.
  void ReusePictureBuffer(
      [in] PP_Resource video_decoder,
      [in] int32_t picture_buffer_id);

   * Flush input and output buffers in the decoder.  Any pending inputs are
   * decoded and pending outputs are delivered to the plugin.  Once done
   * flushing, the decoder will call |callback|.
   * Parameters:
   *   |video_decoder| is the previously created handle to the decoder resource.
   *   |callback| is one-time callback that will be called once the flushing
   *   request has been completed.
   * Returns an error code from pp_errors.h.
  int32_t Flush(
      [in] PP_Resource video_decoder,
      [in] PP_CompletionCallback callback);

   * Reset the decoder as quickly as possible.  Pending inputs and outputs are
   * dropped and the decoder is put back into a state ready to receive further
   * Decode() calls.  |callback| will be called when the reset is done.
   * Parameters:
   *   |video_decoder| is the previously created handle to the decoder resource.
   *   |callback| is one-time callback that will be called once the reset
   *   request has been completed.
   * Returns an error code from pp_errors.h.
  int32_t Reset(
      [in] PP_Resource video_decoder,
      [in] PP_CompletionCallback callback);

   * Tear down the decoder as quickly as possible.  Pending inputs and outputs
   * are dropped and the decoder frees all of its resources.  Although resources
   * may be freed asynchronously, after this method returns no more callbacks
   * will be made on the client.  Any resources held by the client at that point
   * may be freed.
   * Parameters:
   *   |video_decoder| is the previously created handle to the decoder resource.
  void Destroy(
      [in] PP_Resource video_decoder);