/* Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

/* Defines the URL loader API. */

/* The interface for loading URLs.
 * Typical steps for loading an URL:
 * 1- Create an URLLoader object.
 * 2- Create an URLRequestInfo object and set properties on it.
 * 3- Call URLLoader's Open method passing the URLRequestInfo.
 * 4- When Open completes, call GetResponseInfo to examine the response headers.
 * 5- Then call ReadResponseBody to stream the data for the response.
 * Alternatively, if PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_STREAMTOFILE was set on the
 * URLRequestInfo, then call FinishStreamingToFile at step #5 to wait for the
 * downloaded file to be complete. The downloaded file may be accessed via the
 * GetBody method of the URLResponseInfo returned in step #4.
interface PPB_URLLoader_0_1 {
  /* Create a new URLLoader object. Returns 0 if the instance is invalid. The
   * URLLoader is associated with a particular instance, so that any UI dialogs
   * that need to be shown to the user can be positioned relative to the window
   * containing the instance. It is also important for security reasons to
   * know the origin of the URL request.
  PP_Resource Create(
      [in] PP_Instance instance);

  /* Returns PP_TRUE if the given resource is an URLLoader. Returns PP_FALSE if
   * the resource is invalid or some type other than an URLLoader.
  PP_Bool IsURLLoader(
      [in] PP_Resource resource);

  /* Begins loading the URLRequestInfo. Completes when response headers are
   * received or when an error occurs. Use the GetResponseInfo method to
   * access the response headers.
  int32_t Open(
      [in] PP_Resource loader,
      [in] PP_Resource request_info,
      [in] PP_CompletionCallback callback);

  /* If the current URLResponseInfo object corresponds to a redirect, then call
   * this method to follow the redirect.
  int32_t FollowRedirect(
      [in] PP_Resource loader,
      [in] PP_CompletionCallback callback);

  /* Returns the current upload progress, which is meaningful after Open has
   * been called. Progress only refers to the request body and does not include
   * the headers.
   * This data is only available if the URLRequestInfo passed to Open() had the
   * This method returns PP_FALSE if upload progress is not available.
  PP_Bool GetUploadProgress(
      [in] PP_Resource loader,
      [out] int64_t bytes_sent,
      [out] int64_t total_bytes_to_be_sent);

  /* Returns the current download progress, which is meaningful after Open has
   * been called. Progress only refers to the response body and does not
   * include the headers.
   * This data is only available if the URLRequestInfo passed to Open() had the
   * The total bytes to be received may be unknown, in which case
   * total_bytes_to_be_received will be set to -1. This method returns PP_FALSE
   * if download progress is not available.
  PP_Bool GetDownloadProgress(
      [in] PP_Resource loader,
      [out] int64_t bytes_received,
      [out] int64_t total_bytes_to_be_received);

  /* Returns the current URLResponseInfo object. */
  PP_Resource GetResponseInfo(
      [in] PP_Resource loader);

  /* Call this method to read the response body. The size of the buffer must
   * be large enough to hold the specified number of bytes to read. May
   * perform a partial read. Returns the number of bytes read or an error
   * code.
  int32_t ReadResponseBody(
      [in] PP_Resource loader,
      [out] mem_t buffer,
      [in] int32_t bytes_to_read,
      [in] PP_CompletionCallback callback);

  /* If PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_STREAMTOFILE was set on the URLRequestInfo passed
   * to the Open method, then this method may be used to wait for the response
   * body to be completely downloaded to the file provided by URLResponseInfo's
   * GetBody method.
  int32_t FinishStreamingToFile(
      [in] PP_Resource loader,
      [in] PP_CompletionCallback callback);

  /* Cancels any IO that may be pending, and closes the URLLoader object. Any
   * pending callbacks will still run, reporting PP_ERROR_ABORTED if pending IO
   * was interrupted. It is NOT valid to call Open again after a call to this
   * method. Note: If the URLLoader object is destroyed, and it is still open,
   * then it will be implicitly closed, so you are not required to call the
   * Close method.
  void Close(
      [in] PP_Resource loader);