/* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /** * This file defines the <code>PPB_Flash_Menu</code> interface. */ label Chrome { M14 = 0.2 }; /* Menu item type. * * TODO(viettrungluu): Radio items not supported yet. Will also probably want * special menu items tied to clipboard access. */ [assert_size(4)] enum PP_Flash_MenuItem_Type { PP_FLASH_MENUITEM_TYPE_NORMAL = 0, PP_FLASH_MENUITEM_TYPE_CHECKBOX = 1, PP_FLASH_MENUITEM_TYPE_SEPARATOR = 2, PP_FLASH_MENUITEM_TYPE_SUBMENU = 3 }; struct PP_Flash_MenuItem { PP_Flash_MenuItem_Type type; str_t name; int32_t id; PP_Bool enabled; PP_Bool checked; [ref] PP_Flash_Menu submenu; }; struct PP_Flash_Menu { uint32_t count; [size_is(count)] PP_Flash_MenuItem[] items; }; interface PPB_Flash_Menu { PP_Resource Create([in] PP_Instance instance_id, [in] PP_Flash_Menu menu_data); PP_Bool IsFlashMenu(PP_Resource resource_id); /* Display a context menu at the given location. If the user selects an item, * |selected_id| will be set to its |id| and the callback called with |PP_OK|. * If the user dismisses the menu without selecting an item, * |PP_ERROR_USERCANCEL| will be indicated. */ int32_t Show([in] PP_Resource menu_id, [in] PP_Point location, [out] int32_t selected_id, [in] PP_CompletionCallback callback); };