/* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

 * This file defines the <code>PPB_UMA_Private</code> interface.


label Chrome {
  M35 = 0.3

 * Contains functions for plugins to report UMA usage stats.
interface PPB_UMA_Private {
   * HistogramCustomTimes is a pointer to a function which records a time
   * sample given in milliseconds in the histogram given by |name|, possibly
   * creating the histogram if it does not exist.
  void HistogramCustomTimes([in] PP_Instance instance,
                            [in] PP_Var name,
                            [in] int64_t sample,
                            [in] int64_t min,
                            [in] int64_t max,
                            [in] uint32_t bucket_count);

   * HistogramCustomCounts is a pointer to a function which records a sample
   * in the histogram given by |name|, possibly creating the histogram if it
   * does not exist.
  void HistogramCustomCounts([in] PP_Instance instance,
                             [in] PP_Var name,
                             [in] int32_t sample,
                             [in] int32_t min,
                             [in] int32_t max,
                             [in] uint32_t bucket_count);

   * HistogramEnumeration is a pointer to a function which records a sample
   * in the histogram given by |name|, possibly creating the histogram if it
   * does not exist.  The sample represents a value in an enumeration bounded
   * by |boundary_value|, that is, sample < boundary_value always.
  void HistogramEnumeration([in] PP_Instance instance,
                            [in] PP_Var name,
                            [in] int32_t sample,
                            [in] int32_t boundary_value);

   * IsCrashReportingEnabled returns PP_OK to the completion callback to
   * indicate that the current user has opted-in to crash reporting, or
   * PP_ERROR_* on failure or when a user has not opted-in.  This can be used to
   * gate other reporting processes such as analytics and crash reporting.
   int32_t IsCrashReportingEnabled([in] PP_Instance instance,
                                   [in] PP_CompletionCallback callback);