/* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* From ppb_console.idl modified Fri Nov 16 15:28:43 2012. */ #ifndef PPAPI_C_PPB_CONSOLE_H_ #define PPAPI_C_PPB_CONSOLE_H_ #include "ppapi/c/pp_bool.h" #include "ppapi/c/pp_instance.h" #include "ppapi/c/pp_macros.h" #include "ppapi/c/pp_stdint.h" #include "ppapi/c/pp_var.h" #define PPB_CONSOLE_INTERFACE_1_0 "PPB_Console;1.0" #define PPB_CONSOLE_INTERFACE PPB_CONSOLE_INTERFACE_1_0 /** * @file * This file defines the PPB_Console interface. */ /** * @addtogroup Enums * @{ */ typedef enum { PP_LOGLEVEL_TIP = 0, PP_LOGLEVEL_LOG = 1, PP_LOGLEVEL_WARNING = 2, PP_LOGLEVEL_ERROR = 3 } PP_LogLevel; PP_COMPILE_ASSERT_SIZE_IN_BYTES(PP_LogLevel, 4); /** * @} */ /** * @addtogroup Interfaces * @{ */ struct PPB_Console_1_0 { /** * Logs the given message to the JavaScript console associated with the * given plugin instance with the given logging level. The name of the plugin * issuing the log message will be automatically prepended to the message. * The value may be any type of Var. */ void (*Log)(PP_Instance instance, PP_LogLevel level, struct PP_Var value); /** * Logs a message to the console with the given source information rather * than using the internal PPAPI plugin name. The name must be a string var. * * The regular log function will automatically prepend the name of your * plugin to the message as the "source" of the message. Some plugins may * wish to override this. For example, if your plugin is a Python * interpreter, you would want log messages to contain the source .py file * doing the log statement rather than have "python" show up in the console. */ void (*LogWithSource)(PP_Instance instance, PP_LogLevel level, struct PP_Var source, struct PP_Var value); }; typedef struct PPB_Console_1_0 PPB_Console; /** * @} */ #endif /* PPAPI_C_PPB_CONSOLE_H_ */