/* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
/* From ppb_messaging.idl modified Fri Jun 13 15:28:26 2014. */
#include "ppapi/c/pp_bool.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_instance.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_macros.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_resource.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_stdint.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_var.h"
#include "ppapi/c/ppp_message_handler.h"
#define PPB_MESSAGING_INTERFACE_1_0 "PPB_Messaging;1.0"
#define PPB_MESSAGING_INTERFACE_1_1 "PPB_Messaging;1.1" /* dev */
* @file
* This file defines the PPB_Messaging
interface implemented
* by the browser for sending messages to DOM elements associated with a
* specific module instance.
* @addtogroup Interfaces
* @{
* The PPB_Messaging
interface is implemented by the browser
* and is related to sending messages to JavaScript message event listeners on
* the DOM element associated with specific module instance.
struct PPB_Messaging_1_1 { /* dev */
* PostMessage() asynchronously invokes any listeners for message events on
* the DOM element for the given module instance. A call to PostMessage()
* will not block while the message is processed.
* @param[in] instance A PP_Instance
identifying one instance
* of a module.
* @param[in] message A PP_Var
containing the data to be sent to
* JavaScript.
* message
can be any PP_Var
type except
. Array/Dictionary types are supported from
* Chrome M29 onward. All var types are copied when passing them to
* JavaScript.
* When passing array or dictionary PP_Var
s, the entire reference
* graph will be converted and transferred. If the reference graph has cycles,
* the message will not be sent and an error will be logged to the console.
* Listeners for message events in JavaScript code will receive an object
* conforming to the HTML 5 MessageEvent
* Specifically, the value of message will be contained as a property called
* data in the received MessageEvent
* This messaging system is similar to the system used for listening for
* messages from Web Workers. Refer to
* http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-workers/current-work/
* further information.
* Example:
* @code
* The function calls will be dispatched via message_loop
. This
* means that the functions will be invoked on the thread to which
* message_loop
is attached, when message_loop
* run. It is illegal to pass the main thread message loop;
* RegisterMessageHandler will return PP_ERROR_WRONG_THREAD in that case.
* If you quit message_loop
before calling Unregister(),
* the browser will not be able to call functions in the plugin's message
* handler any more. That could mean missing some messages or could cause a
* leak if you depend on Destroy() to free hander data. So you should,
* whenever possible, Unregister() the handler prior to quitting its event
* loop.
* Attempting to register a message handler when one is already registered
* will cause the current MessageHandler to be unregistered and replaced. In
* that case, no messages will be sent to the "default" message handler
* (PPP_Messaging). Messages will stop arriving at the prior message handler
* and will begin to be dispatched at the new message handler.
* @param[in] instance A PP_Instance
identifying one instance
* of a module.
* @param[in] user_data A pointer the plugin may choose to use when handling
* calls to functions within PPP_MessageHandler. The browser will pass this
* same pointer when invoking functions within PPP_MessageHandler.
* @param[in] handler The plugin-provided set of functions for handling
* messages.
* @param[in] message_loop Represents the message loop on which
* PPP_MessageHandler functions should be invoked.
* @return PP_OK on success, or an error from pp_errors.h.
int32_t (*RegisterMessageHandler)(
PP_Instance instance,
void* user_data,
const struct PPP_MessageHandler_0_1* handler,
PP_Resource message_loop);
* Unregisters the current message handler for instance
if one
* is registered. After this call, the message handler (if one was
* registered) will have "Destroy" called on it and will receive no further
* messages after that point. After that point, all messages sent from
* JavaScript using postMessage() will be dispatched to PPP_Messaging (if
* the plugin supports PPP_MESSAGING_INTERFACE). Attempts to call
* postMessageAndAwaitResponse() from JavaScript will fail.
* Attempting to unregister a message handler when none is registered has no
* effect.
* @param[in] instance A PP_Instance
identifying one instance
* of a module.
void (*UnregisterMessageHandler)(PP_Instance instance);
struct PPB_Messaging_1_0 {
void (*PostMessage)(PP_Instance instance, struct PP_Var message);
typedef struct PPB_Messaging_1_0 PPB_Messaging;
* @}