/** * @defgroup CPP C++ API (Use This) * Description of C++ API goes here. * Mention the pp::Instance and pp::Resource classes. * * @defgroup CAPI C API (Refer to This) * These APIs define the implementation of PPAPI; * they are the contract. * However, you should use the @ref CPP "C++ API" whenever possible. * * @defgroup PP PP: Data Types * @ingroup CAPI * Pepper data types begin with the prefix PP_. * * @defgroup PPB PPB: How the Nexe Calls the Browser * @ingroup CAPI * Browser functions that a nexe can call * begin with the prefix PPB_. * * @defgroup PPP PPP: How the Browser Calls the Nexe * @ingroup CAPI * Nexe functions that the browser can call * begin with the prefix PPP_. */