// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> // FIXME(brettw) erase me. #ifndef _WIN32 #include <sys/time.h> #else #include <windows.h> #endif #include <time.h> #include <algorithm> #include "ppapi/c/dev/ppb_console_dev.h" #include "ppapi/c/dev/ppb_cursor_control_dev.h" #include "ppapi/c/dev/ppp_printing_dev.h" #include "ppapi/c/pp_errors.h" #include "ppapi/c/pp_rect.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/completion_callback.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/dev/memory_dev.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/dev/scriptable_object_deprecated.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/graphics_2d.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/image_data.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/input_event.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/private/instance_private.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/module.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/private/var_private.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/rect.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/url_loader.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/url_request_info.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/var.h" static const int kStepsPerCircle = 800; void FlushCallback(void* data, int32_t result); void FillRect(pp::ImageData* image, int left, int top, int width, int height, uint32_t color) { for (int y = std::max(0, top); y < std::min(image->size().height() - 1, top + height); y++) { for (int x = std::max(0, left); x < std::min(image->size().width() - 1, left + width); x++) *image->GetAddr32(pp::Point(x, y)) = color; } } class MyScriptableObject : public pp::deprecated::ScriptableObject { public: explicit MyScriptableObject(pp::InstancePrivate* instance) : instance_(instance) {} virtual bool HasMethod(const pp::Var& method, pp::Var* exception) { return method.AsString() == "toString"; } virtual bool HasProperty(const pp::Var& name, pp::Var* exception) { if (name.is_string() && name.AsString() == "blah") return true; return false; } virtual pp::Var GetProperty(const pp::Var& name, pp::Var* exception) { if (name.is_string() && name.AsString() == "blah") return pp::VarPrivate(instance_, new MyScriptableObject(instance_)); return pp::Var(); } virtual void GetAllPropertyNames(std::vector<pp::Var>* names, pp::Var* exception) { names->push_back("blah"); } virtual pp::Var Call(const pp::Var& method, const std::vector<pp::Var>& args, pp::Var* exception) { if (method.AsString() == "toString") return pp::Var("hello world"); return pp::Var(); } private: pp::InstancePrivate* instance_; }; class MyFetcherClient { public: virtual void DidFetch(bool success, const std::string& data) = 0; }; class MyFetcher { public: MyFetcher() : client_(NULL) { callback_factory_.Initialize(this); } void Start(pp::InstancePrivate& instance, const pp::Var& url, MyFetcherClient* client) { pp::URLRequestInfo request(&instance); request.SetURL(url); request.SetMethod("GET"); loader_ = pp::URLLoader(instance); client_ = client; pp::CompletionCallback callback = callback_factory_.NewOptionalCallback(&MyFetcher::DidOpen); int rv = loader_.Open(request, callback); if (rv != PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING) callback.Run(rv); } void StartWithOpenedLoader(const pp::URLLoader& loader, MyFetcherClient* client) { loader_ = loader; client_ = client; ReadMore(); } private: void ReadMore() { pp::CompletionCallback callback = callback_factory_.NewOptionalCallback(&MyFetcher::DidRead); int rv = loader_.ReadResponseBody(buf_, sizeof(buf_), callback); if (rv != PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING) callback.Run(rv); } void DidOpen(int32_t result) { if (result == PP_OK) { ReadMore(); } else { DidFinish(result); } } void DidRead(int32_t result) { if (result > 0) { data_.append(buf_, result); ReadMore(); } else { DidFinish(result); } } void DidFinish(int32_t result) { if (client_) client_->DidFetch(result == PP_OK, data_); } pp::CompletionCallbackFactory<MyFetcher> callback_factory_; pp::URLLoader loader_; MyFetcherClient* client_; char buf_[4096]; std::string data_; }; class MyInstance : public pp::InstancePrivate, public MyFetcherClient { public: MyInstance(PP_Instance instance) : pp::InstancePrivate(instance), time_at_last_check_(0.0), fetcher_(NULL), width_(0), height_(0), animation_counter_(0), print_settings_valid_(false), showing_custom_cursor_(false), cursor_dimension_(50), expanding_cursor_(false) { RequestInputEvents(PP_INPUTEVENT_CLASS_MOUSE); } virtual ~MyInstance() { if (fetcher_) { delete fetcher_; fetcher_ = NULL; } } virtual bool Init(uint32_t argc, const char* argn[], const char* argv[]) { return true; } void Log(PP_LogLevel_Dev level, const pp::Var& value) { const PPB_Console_Dev* console = reinterpret_cast<const PPB_Console_Dev*>( pp::Module::Get()->GetBrowserInterface(PPB_CONSOLE_DEV_INTERFACE)); if (!console) return; console->Log(pp_instance(), level, value.pp_var()); } virtual bool HandleDocumentLoad(const pp::URLLoader& loader) { fetcher_ = new MyFetcher(); fetcher_->StartWithOpenedLoader(loader, this); return true; } virtual bool HandleInputEvent(const pp::InputEvent& event) { switch (event.GetType()) { case PP_INPUTEVENT_TYPE_MOUSEDOWN: SayHello(); ToggleCursor(); return true; case PP_INPUTEVENT_TYPE_MOUSEMOVE: return true; case PP_INPUTEVENT_TYPE_KEYDOWN: return true; default: return false; } } virtual pp::Var GetInstanceObject() { return pp::VarPrivate(this, new MyScriptableObject(this)); } pp::ImageData PaintImage(int width, int height) { pp::ImageData image(this, PP_IMAGEDATAFORMAT_BGRA_PREMUL, pp::Size(width, height), false); if (image.is_null()) { printf("Couldn't allocate the image data: %d, %d\n", width, height); return image; } // Fill with semitransparent gradient. for (int y = 0; y < image.size().height(); y++) { char* row = &static_cast<char*>(image.data())[y * image.stride()]; for (int x = 0; x < image.size().width(); x++) { row[x * 4 + 0] = y; row[x * 4 + 1] = y; row[x * 4 + 2] = 0; row[x * 4 + 3] = y; } } // Draw the orbiting box. float radians = static_cast<float>(animation_counter_) / kStepsPerCircle * 2 * 3.14159265358979F; float radius = static_cast<float>(std::min(width, height)) / 2.0f - 3.0f; int x = static_cast<int>(cos(radians) * radius + radius + 2); int y = static_cast<int>(sin(radians) * radius + radius + 2); const uint32_t box_bgra = 0x80000000; // Alpha 50%. FillRect(&image, x - 3, y - 3, 7, 7, box_bgra); return image; } void Paint() { pp::ImageData image = PaintImage(width_, height_); if (!image.is_null()) { device_context_.ReplaceContents(&image); device_context_.Flush(pp::CompletionCallback(&FlushCallback, this)); } else { printf("NullImage: %d, %d\n", width_, height_); } } virtual void DidChangeView(const pp::Rect& position, const pp::Rect& clip) { Log(PP_LOGLEVEL_LOG, "DidChangeView"); if (position.size().width() == width_ && position.size().height() == height_) return; // We don't care about the position, only the size. width_ = position.size().width(); height_ = position.size().height(); printf("DidChangeView relevant change: width=%d height:%d\n", width_, height_); device_context_ = pp::Graphics2D(this, pp::Size(width_, height_), false); if (!BindGraphics(device_context_)) { printf("Couldn't bind the device context\n"); return; } Paint(); } #if defined(_WIN32) struct timeval { long tv_sec; long tv_usec; }; struct timezone { long x; long y; }; #define EPOCHFILETIME (116444736000000000i64) int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone*) { FILETIME ft; ::GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); LARGE_INTEGER li = {ft.dwLowDateTime, ft.dwHighDateTime}; __int64 t = li.QuadPart - EPOCHFILETIME; tv->tv_sec = static_cast<long>(t / 10000000); tv->tv_usec = static_cast<long>(t % 10000000); return 0; } #endif // if defined(_WIN32) void UpdateFps() { pp::VarPrivate window = GetWindowObject(); if (window.is_undefined()) return; pp::VarPrivate doc = window.GetProperty("document"); pp::VarPrivate fps = doc.Call("getElementById", "fps"); struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz = {0, 0}; gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); double time_now = tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0; if (animation_counter_ > 0) { char fps_text[64]; sprintf(fps_text, "%g fps", kStepsPerCircle / (time_now - time_at_last_check_)); fps.SetProperty("innerHTML", fps_text); } time_at_last_check_ = time_now; } // Print interfaces. virtual uint32_t QuerySupportedPrintOutputFormats() { return PP_PRINTOUTPUTFORMAT_RASTER; } virtual int32_t PrintBegin(const PP_PrintSettings_Dev& print_settings) { if (print_settings_.format != PP_PRINTOUTPUTFORMAT_RASTER) return 0; print_settings_ = print_settings; print_settings_valid_ = true; return 1; } virtual pp::Resource PrintPages( const PP_PrintPageNumberRange_Dev* page_ranges, uint32_t page_range_count) { if (!print_settings_valid_) return pp::Resource(); if (page_range_count != 1) return pp::Resource(); // Check if the page numbers are valid. We returned 1 in PrintBegin so we // only have 1 page to print. if (page_ranges[0].first_page_number || page_ranges[0].last_page_number) { return pp::Resource(); } int width = static_cast<int>( (print_settings_.printable_area.size.width / 72.0) * print_settings_.dpi); int height = static_cast<int>( (print_settings_.printable_area.size.height / 72.0) * print_settings_.dpi); return PaintImage(width, height); } virtual void PrintEnd() { print_settings_valid_ = false; } virtual bool IsScalingDisabled() { return false; } void OnFlush() { if (animation_counter_ % kStepsPerCircle == 0) UpdateFps(); animation_counter_++; Paint(); if (showing_custom_cursor_) SetCursor(); } private: void SayHello() { pp::VarPrivate window = GetWindowObject(); pp::VarPrivate doc = window.GetProperty("document"); pp::VarPrivate body = doc.GetProperty("body"); pp::VarPrivate obj(this, new MyScriptableObject(this)); // Our object should have its toString method called. Log(PP_LOGLEVEL_LOG, "Testing MyScriptableObject::toString():"); Log(PP_LOGLEVEL_LOG, obj); // body.appendChild(body) should throw an exception Log(PP_LOGLEVEL_LOG, "Calling body.appendChild(body):"); pp::Var exception; body.Call("appendChild", body, &exception); Log(PP_LOGLEVEL_LOG, exception); Log(PP_LOGLEVEL_LOG, "Enumeration of window properties:"); std::vector<pp::Var> props; window.GetAllPropertyNames(&props); for (size_t i = 0; i < props.size(); ++i) Log(PP_LOGLEVEL_LOG, props[i]); pp::VarPrivate location = window.GetProperty("location"); pp::VarPrivate href = location.GetProperty("href"); if (!fetcher_) { fetcher_ = new MyFetcher(); fetcher_->Start(*this, href, this); } } void DidFetch(bool success, const std::string& data) { Log(PP_LOGLEVEL_LOG, "Downloaded location.href:"); if (success) { Log(PP_LOGLEVEL_LOG, data); } else { Log(PP_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Failed to download."); } delete fetcher_; fetcher_ = NULL; } void ToggleCursor() { showing_custom_cursor_ = !showing_custom_cursor_; SetCursor(); } void SetCursor() { const PPB_CursorControl_Dev* cursor_control = reinterpret_cast<const PPB_CursorControl_Dev*>( pp::Module::Get()->GetBrowserInterface( PPB_CURSOR_CONTROL_DEV_INTERFACE)); if (!cursor_control) return; if (!showing_custom_cursor_) { cursor_control->SetCursor(pp_instance(), PP_CURSORTYPE_POINTER, 0, NULL); } else { pp::ImageData image_data(this, pp::ImageData::GetNativeImageDataFormat(), pp::Size(cursor_dimension_, cursor_dimension_), false); FillRect(&image_data, 0, 0, cursor_dimension_, cursor_dimension_, image_data.format() == PP_IMAGEDATAFORMAT_BGRA_PREMUL ? 0x80800000 : 0x80000080); pp::Point hot_spot(cursor_dimension_ / 2, cursor_dimension_ / 2); cursor_control->SetCursor(pp_instance(), PP_CURSORTYPE_CUSTOM, image_data.pp_resource(), &hot_spot.pp_point()); if (expanding_cursor_) { if (++cursor_dimension_ >= 50) expanding_cursor_ = false; } else { if (--cursor_dimension_ <= 5) expanding_cursor_ = true; } } } pp::Var console_; pp::Graphics2D device_context_; double time_at_last_check_; MyFetcher* fetcher_; int width_; int height_; // Incremented for each flush we get. int animation_counter_; bool print_settings_valid_; PP_PrintSettings_Dev print_settings_; bool showing_custom_cursor_; int cursor_dimension_; bool expanding_cursor_; }; void FlushCallback(void* data, int32_t result) { static_cast<MyInstance*>(data)->OnFlush(); } class MyModule : public pp::Module { public: MyModule() : pp::Module() {} virtual ~MyModule() {} virtual pp::Instance* CreateInstance(PP_Instance instance) { return new MyInstance(instance); } }; namespace pp { // Factory function for your specialization of the Module object. Module* CreateModule() { return new MyModule(); } } // namespace pp