// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h" #include "base/threading/thread.h" #include "ipc/ipc_message.h" #include "ppapi/c/pp_errors.h" #include "ppapi/host/host_message_context.h" #include "ppapi/host/resource_host.h" #include "ppapi/host/resource_message_filter.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace ppapi { namespace host { namespace { base::WaitableEvent g_handler_completion(true, false); enum TestMessageTypes { MSG1_TYPE = 1, MSG2_TYPE, MSG3_TYPE, REPLY_MSG1_TYPE, REPLY_MSG2_TYPE, REPLY_MSG3_TYPE, }; // Dummy resource host which simply stores a copy of messages it handles. // |SendReply| is overridden to store a copy of the outgoing message and the // message loop on which it was sent. class MyResourceHost : public ResourceHost { public: // Messages of type |msg_type| will be handled (simply by replying with a // message of type |reply_msg_type|). MyResourceHost(PpapiHost* host, PP_Instance instance, PP_Resource resource, uint32_t msg_type, uint32_t reply_msg_type) : ResourceHost(host, instance, resource), msg_type_(msg_type), reply_msg_type_(reply_msg_type), last_reply_message_loop_(NULL) {} const IPC::Message& last_handled_msg() const { return last_handled_msg_; } const IPC::Message& last_reply_msg() const { return last_reply_msg_; } base::MessageLoop* last_reply_message_loop() const { return last_reply_message_loop_; } void AddMessageFilter(scoped_refptr filter) { AddFilter(filter); } int32_t OnResourceMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg, HostMessageContext* context) override { last_handled_msg_ = msg; if (msg.type() == msg_type_) { context->reply_msg = IPC::Message(0, reply_msg_type_, IPC::Message::PRIORITY_NORMAL); return PP_OK; } return PP_ERROR_FAILED; } void SendReply(const ReplyMessageContext& context, const IPC::Message& msg) override { last_reply_msg_ = msg; last_reply_message_loop_ = base::MessageLoop::current(); g_handler_completion.Signal(); } private: uint32_t msg_type_; uint32_t reply_msg_type_; IPC::Message last_handled_msg_; IPC::Message last_reply_msg_; base::MessageLoop* last_reply_message_loop_; }; // Dummy message filter which simply stores a copy of messages it handles. // The message loop on which the message is handled is also stored for checking // later. class MyResourceFilter : public ResourceMessageFilter { public: // Messages of type |msg_type| will be handled (simply by replying with a // message of type |reply_msg_type|). |io_thread| is the thread on which // replies should be sent. |bg_thread| is the thread on which the message // should be handled. MyResourceFilter(const base::Thread& io_thread, const base::Thread& bg_thread, uint32_t msg_type, uint32_t reply_msg_type) : ResourceMessageFilter(io_thread.task_runner()), task_runner_(bg_thread.task_runner()), msg_type_(msg_type), reply_msg_type_(reply_msg_type), last_message_loop_(NULL) {} const IPC::Message& last_handled_msg() const { return last_handled_msg_; } base::MessageLoop* last_message_loop() const { return last_message_loop_; } scoped_refptr OverrideTaskRunnerForMessage( const IPC::Message& msg) override { if (msg.type() == msg_type_) return task_runner_; return NULL; } int32_t OnResourceMessageReceived( const IPC::Message& msg, HostMessageContext* context) override { last_handled_msg_ = msg; last_message_loop_ = base::MessageLoop::current(); if (msg.type() == msg_type_) { context->reply_msg = IPC::Message(0, reply_msg_type_, IPC::Message::PRIORITY_NORMAL); return PP_OK; } return PP_ERROR_FAILED; } private: scoped_refptr task_runner_; uint32_t msg_type_; uint32_t reply_msg_type_; IPC::Message last_handled_msg_; base::MessageLoop* last_message_loop_; }; } // namespace class ResourceMessageFilterTest : public testing::Test { public: void TestHandleMessageImpl() { base::Thread io_thread("test_io_thread"); ASSERT_TRUE(io_thread.Start()); base::Thread bg_thread1("test_background_thread1"); ASSERT_TRUE(bg_thread1.Start()); scoped_refptr filter1 = new MyResourceFilter(io_thread, bg_thread1, MSG1_TYPE, REPLY_MSG1_TYPE); base::Thread bg_thread2("test_background_thread2"); ASSERT_TRUE(bg_thread2.Start()); scoped_refptr filter2 = new MyResourceFilter(io_thread, bg_thread2, MSG2_TYPE, REPLY_MSG2_TYPE); PP_Instance instance = 12345; PP_Resource resource = 67890; MyResourceHost host(NULL, instance, resource, MSG3_TYPE, REPLY_MSG3_TYPE); host.AddMessageFilter(filter1); host.AddMessageFilter(filter2); proxy::ResourceMessageCallParams params(resource, 1); params.set_has_callback(); HostMessageContext context(params); IPC::Message message1(0, MSG1_TYPE, IPC::Message::PRIORITY_NORMAL); IPC::Message message2(0, MSG2_TYPE, IPC::Message::PRIORITY_NORMAL); IPC::Message message3(0, MSG3_TYPE, IPC::Message::PRIORITY_NORMAL); // Message 1 handled by the first filter. host.HandleMessage(message1, &context); g_handler_completion.Wait(); EXPECT_EQ(filter1->last_handled_msg().type(), message1.type()); EXPECT_EQ(filter1->last_message_loop(), bg_thread1.message_loop()); EXPECT_EQ(host.last_reply_msg().type(), static_cast(REPLY_MSG1_TYPE)); EXPECT_EQ(host.last_reply_message_loop(), io_thread.message_loop()); g_handler_completion.Reset(); // Message 2 handled by the second filter. host.HandleMessage(message2, &context); g_handler_completion.Wait(); EXPECT_EQ(filter2->last_handled_msg().type(), message2.type()); EXPECT_EQ(filter2->last_message_loop(), bg_thread2.message_loop()); EXPECT_EQ(host.last_reply_msg().type(), static_cast(REPLY_MSG2_TYPE)); EXPECT_EQ(host.last_reply_message_loop(), io_thread.message_loop()); g_handler_completion.Reset(); // Message 3 handled by the resource host. host.HandleMessage(message3, &context); EXPECT_EQ(host.last_handled_msg().type(), message3.type()); EXPECT_EQ(host.last_reply_msg().type(), static_cast(REPLY_MSG3_TYPE)); io_thread.Stop(); bg_thread1.Stop(); bg_thread2.Stop(); } }; // Test that messages are filtered correctly and handlers are run on the correct // threads. TEST_F(ResourceMessageFilterTest, TestHandleMessage) { // ResourceMessageFilter instances need to be created on a thread with message // loop. Therefore, we create a message loop and run the testing logic as a // task on it. base::MessageLoop main_message_loop; // It should be safe to use base::Unretained() because the object won't be // destroyed before the task is run. main_message_loop.task_runner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ResourceMessageFilterTest::TestHandleMessageImpl, base::Unretained(this))); base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); } } // namespace proxy } // namespace ppapi