// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/process.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_channel_proxy.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_instance.h"
#include "ppapi/proxy/dispatcher.h"

struct PPB_Proxy_Private;

namespace ppapi {

struct Preferences;

namespace proxy {

class PPAPI_PROXY_EXPORT HostDispatcher : public Dispatcher {
  // This interface receives notifications about sync messages being sent by
  // the dispatcher to the plugin process. It is used to detect a hung plugin.
  // Note that there can be nested sync messages, so the begin/end status
  // actually represents a stack of blocking messages.
  class SyncMessageStatusReceiver : public IPC::ChannelProxy::MessageFilter {
    // Notification that a sync message is about to be sent out.
    virtual void BeginBlockOnSyncMessage() = 0;

    // Notification that a sync message reply was received and the dispatcher
    // is no longer blocked on a sync message.
    virtual void EndBlockOnSyncMessage() = 0;

    virtual ~SyncMessageStatusReceiver() {}

  // Constructor for the renderer side. This will take a reference to the
  // SyncMessageStatusReceiver.
  // You must call InitHostWithChannel after the constructor.
  HostDispatcher(PP_Module module,
                 PP_GetInterface_Func local_get_interface,
                 SyncMessageStatusReceiver* sync_status);

  // You must call this function before anything else. Returns true on success.
  // The delegate pointer must outlive this class, ownership is not
  // transferred.
  virtual bool InitHostWithChannel(Delegate* delegate,
                                   const IPC::ChannelHandle& channel_handle,
                                   bool is_client,
                                   const Preferences& preferences);

  // The host side maintains a mapping from PP_Instance to Dispatcher so
  // that we can send the messages to the right channel.
  static HostDispatcher* GetForInstance(PP_Instance instance);
  static void SetForInstance(PP_Instance instance,
                             HostDispatcher* dispatcher);
  static void RemoveForInstance(PP_Instance instance);

  // Returns the host's notion of our PP_Module. This will be different than
  // the plugin's notion of its PP_Module because the plugin process may be
  // used by multiple renderer processes.
  // Use this value instead of a value from the plugin whenever talking to the
  // host.
  PP_Module pp_module() const { return pp_module_; }

  // Dispatcher overrides.
  virtual bool IsPlugin() const;
  virtual bool Send(IPC::Message* msg);

  // IPC::Listener.
  virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnChannelError() OVERRIDE;

  // Proxied version of calling GetInterface on the plugin. This will check
  // if the plugin supports the given interface (with caching) and returns the
  // pointer to the proxied interface if it is supported. Returns NULL if the
  // given interface isn't supported by the plugin or the proxy.
  const void* GetProxiedInterface(const std::string& iface_name);

  // See the value below. Call this when processing a scripting message from
  // the plugin that can be reentered. This is set to false at the beginning
  // of processing of each message from the plugin.
  void set_allow_plugin_reentrancy() {
    allow_plugin_reentrancy_ = true;

  // Returns the proxy interface for talking to the implementation.
  const PPB_Proxy_Private* ppb_proxy() const { return ppb_proxy_; }

  // Overridden from Dispatcher.
  virtual void OnInvalidMessageReceived();

  void OnHostMsgLogWithSource(PP_Instance instance,
                              int int_log_level,
                              const std::string& source,
                              const std::string& value);

  scoped_refptr<SyncMessageStatusReceiver> sync_status_;

  PP_Module pp_module_;

  // Maps interface name to whether that interface is supported. If an interface
  // name is not in the map, that implies that we haven't queried for it yet.
  typedef base::hash_map<std::string, bool> PluginSupportedMap;
  PluginSupportedMap plugin_supported_;

  // Guaranteed non-NULL.
  const PPB_Proxy_Private* ppb_proxy_;

  // Set to true when the plugin is in a state that it can be reentered by a
  // sync message from the host. We allow reentrancy only when we're processing
  // a sync message from the renderer that is a scripting command. When the
  // plugin is in this state, it needs to accept reentrancy since scripting may
  // ultimately call back into the plugin.
  bool allow_plugin_reentrancy_;


// Create this object on the stack to prevent the module (and hence the
// dispatcher) from being deleted out from under you. This is necessary when
// calling some scripting functions that may delete the plugin.
// This class does nothing if used on the plugin side.
class ScopedModuleReference {
  explicit ScopedModuleReference(Dispatcher* dispatcher);

  HostDispatcher* dispatcher_;


}  // namespace proxy
}  // namespace ppapi