// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ppapi/tests/test_var_deprecated.h" #include #include #include "ppapi/c/pp_var.h" #include "ppapi/c/dev/ppb_var_deprecated.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/dev/scriptable_object_deprecated.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/instance.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/module.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/private/var_private.h" #include "ppapi/cpp/var.h" #include "ppapi/tests/testing_instance.h" namespace { uint32_t kInvalidLength = static_cast(-1); static const char kSetValueFunction[] = "SetValue"; // ScriptableObject used by the var tests. class VarScriptableObject : public pp::deprecated::ScriptableObject { public: VarScriptableObject(TestVarDeprecated* v) : test_var_deprecated_(v) {} // pp::deprecated::ScriptableObject overrides. bool HasMethod(const pp::Var& name, pp::Var* exception); pp::Var Call(const pp::Var& name, const std::vector& args, pp::Var* exception); private: TestVarDeprecated* test_var_deprecated_; }; bool VarScriptableObject::HasMethod(const pp::Var& name, pp::Var* exception) { if (!name.is_string()) return false; return name.AsString() == kSetValueFunction; } pp::Var VarScriptableObject::Call(const pp::Var& method_name, const std::vector& args, pp::Var* exception) { if (!method_name.is_string()) return false; std::string name = method_name.AsString(); if (name == kSetValueFunction) { if (args.size() != 1) *exception = pp::Var("Bad argument to SetValue()"); else test_var_deprecated_->set_var_from_page(pp::VarPrivate(args[0])); } return pp::Var(); } } // namespace REGISTER_TEST_CASE(VarDeprecated); bool TestVarDeprecated::Init() { var_interface_ = static_cast( pp::Module::Get()->GetBrowserInterface(PPB_VAR_DEPRECATED_INTERFACE)); return var_interface_ && CheckTestingInterface(); } void TestVarDeprecated::RunTests(const std::string& filter) { RUN_TEST(BasicString, filter); RUN_TEST(InvalidAndEmpty, filter); RUN_TEST(InvalidUtf8, filter); RUN_TEST(NullInputInUtf8Conversion, filter); RUN_TEST(ValidUtf8, filter); RUN_TEST(Utf8WithEmbeddedNulls, filter); RUN_TEST(VarToUtf8ForWrongType, filter); RUN_TEST(HasPropertyAndMethod, filter); RUN_TEST(PassReference, filter); } pp::deprecated::ScriptableObject* TestVarDeprecated::CreateTestObject() { return new VarScriptableObject(this); } std::string TestVarDeprecated::TestBasicString() { uint32_t before_object = testing_interface_->GetLiveObjectsForInstance( instance_->pp_instance()); { const char kStr[] = "Hello"; const uint32_t kStrLen(sizeof(kStr) - 1); PP_Var str = var_interface_->VarFromUtf8(pp::Module::Get()->pp_module(), kStr, kStrLen); ASSERT_EQ(PP_VARTYPE_STRING, str.type); // Reading back the string should work. uint32_t len = 0; const char* result = var_interface_->VarToUtf8(str, &len); ASSERT_EQ(kStrLen, len); ASSERT_EQ(0, strncmp(kStr, result, kStrLen)); // Destroy the string, readback should now fail. var_interface_->Release(str); result = var_interface_->VarToUtf8(str, &len); ASSERT_EQ(0, len); ASSERT_EQ(NULL, result); } // Make sure nothing leaked. ASSERT_TRUE(testing_interface_->GetLiveObjectsForInstance( instance_->pp_instance()) == before_object); PASS(); } std::string TestVarDeprecated::TestInvalidAndEmpty() { PP_Var invalid_string; invalid_string.type = PP_VARTYPE_STRING; invalid_string.value.as_id = 31415926; // Invalid strings should give NULL as the return value. uint32_t len = std::numeric_limits::max(); const char* result = var_interface_->VarToUtf8(invalid_string, &len); ASSERT_EQ(0, len); ASSERT_EQ(NULL, result); // Same with vars that are not strings. len = std::numeric_limits::max(); pp::Var int_var(42); result = var_interface_->VarToUtf8(int_var.pp_var(), &len); ASSERT_EQ(0, len); ASSERT_EQ(NULL, result); // Empty strings should return non-NULL. pp::Var empty_string(""); len = std::numeric_limits::max(); result = var_interface_->VarToUtf8(empty_string.pp_var(), &len); ASSERT_EQ(0, len); ASSERT_NE(NULL, result); PASS(); } std::string TestVarDeprecated::TestInvalidUtf8() { // utf8じゃăȘい (japanese for "is not utf8") in shift-jis encoding. static const char kSjisString[] = "utf8\x82\xb6\x82\xe1\x82\xc8\x82\xa2"; pp::Var sjis(kSjisString); if (!sjis.is_null()) return "Non-UTF8 string was permitted erroneously."; PASS(); } std::string TestVarDeprecated::TestNullInputInUtf8Conversion() { // This test talks directly to the C interface to access edge cases that // cannot be exercised via the C++ interface. PP_Var converted_string; // 0-length string should not dereference input string, and should produce // an empty string. converted_string = var_interface_->VarFromUtf8( pp::Module::Get()->pp_module(), NULL, 0); if (converted_string.type != PP_VARTYPE_STRING) { return "Expected 0 length to return empty string."; } // Now convert it back. uint32_t length = kInvalidLength; const char* result = NULL; result = var_interface_->VarToUtf8(converted_string, &length); if (length != 0) { return "Expected 0 length string on conversion."; } if (result == NULL) { return "Expected a non-null result for 0-lengthed string from VarToUtf8."; } var_interface_->Release(converted_string); // Should not crash, and make an empty string. const char* null_string = NULL; pp::Var null_var(null_string); if (!null_var.is_string() || null_var.AsString() != "") { return "Expected NULL input to make an empty string Var."; } PASS(); } std::string TestVarDeprecated::TestValidUtf8() { // From UTF8 string -> PP_Var. // Chinese for "I am utf8." static const char kValidUtf8[] = "\xe6\x88\x91\xe6\x98\xafutf8."; pp::Var converted_string(kValidUtf8); if (converted_string.is_null()) return "Unable to convert valid utf8 to var."; // Since we're already here, test PP_Var back to UTF8 string. std::string returned_string = converted_string.AsString(); // We need to check against 1 less than sizeof because the resulting string // is technically not NULL terminated by API design. if (returned_string.size() != sizeof(kValidUtf8) - 1) { return "Unable to convert utf8 string back from var."; } if (returned_string != kValidUtf8) { return "String mismatches on conversion back from PP_Var."; } PASS(); } std::string TestVarDeprecated::TestUtf8WithEmbeddedNulls() { // From UTF8 string with embedded nulls -> PP_Var. // Chinese for "also utf8." static const char kUtf8WithEmbededNull[] = "\xe6\xb9\x9f\xe6\x98\xaf\0utf8."; std::string orig_string(kUtf8WithEmbededNull, sizeof(kUtf8WithEmbededNull) -1); pp::Var converted_string(orig_string); if (converted_string.is_null()) return "Unable to convert utf8 with embedded nulls to var."; // Since we're already here, test PP_Var back to UTF8 string. std::string returned_string = converted_string.AsString(); if (returned_string.size() != orig_string.size()) { return "Unable to convert utf8 with embedded nulls back from var."; } if (returned_string != orig_string) { return "String mismatches on conversion back from PP_Var."; } PASS(); } std::string TestVarDeprecated::TestVarToUtf8ForWrongType() { uint32_t length = kInvalidLength; const char* result = NULL; result = var_interface_->VarToUtf8(PP_MakeUndefined(), &length); if (length != 0) { return "Expected 0 on string conversion from Void var."; } if (result != NULL) { return "Expected NULL on string conversion from Void var."; } length = kInvalidLength; result = NULL; result = var_interface_->VarToUtf8(PP_MakeNull(), &length); if (length != 0) { return "Expected 0 on string conversion from Null var."; } if (result != NULL) { return "Expected NULL on string conversion from Null var."; } length = kInvalidLength; result = NULL; result = var_interface_->VarToUtf8(PP_MakeBool(PP_TRUE), &length); if (length != 0) { return "Expected 0 on string conversion from Bool var."; } if (result != NULL) { return "Expected NULL on string conversion from Bool var."; } length = kInvalidLength; result = NULL; result = var_interface_->VarToUtf8(PP_MakeInt32(1), &length); if (length != 0) { return "Expected 0 on string conversion from Int32 var."; } if (result != NULL) { return "Expected NULL on string conversion from Int32 var."; } length = kInvalidLength; result = NULL; result = var_interface_->VarToUtf8(PP_MakeDouble(1.0), &length); if (length != 0) { return "Expected 0 on string conversion from Double var."; } if (result != NULL) { return "Expected NULL on string conversion from Double var."; } PASS(); } std::string TestVarDeprecated::TestHasPropertyAndMethod() { pp::VarPrivate window = instance_->GetWindowObject(); ASSERT_TRUE(window.is_object()); // Regular property. pp::Var exception; ASSERT_TRUE(window.HasProperty("scrollX", &exception)); ASSERT_TRUE(exception.is_undefined()); ASSERT_FALSE(window.HasMethod("scrollX", &exception)); ASSERT_TRUE(exception.is_undefined()); // Regular method (also counts as HasProperty). ASSERT_TRUE(window.HasProperty("find", &exception)); ASSERT_TRUE(exception.is_undefined()); ASSERT_TRUE(window.HasMethod("find", &exception)); ASSERT_TRUE(exception.is_undefined()); // Nonexistant ones should return false and not set the exception. ASSERT_FALSE(window.HasProperty("superEvilBit", &exception)); ASSERT_TRUE(exception.is_undefined()); ASSERT_FALSE(window.HasMethod("superEvilBit", &exception)); ASSERT_TRUE(exception.is_undefined()); // Check exception and return false on invalid property name. ASSERT_FALSE(window.HasProperty(3.14159, &exception)); ASSERT_FALSE(exception.is_undefined()); exception = pp::Var(); exception = pp::Var(); ASSERT_FALSE(window.HasMethod(3.14159, &exception)); ASSERT_FALSE(exception.is_undefined()); // Try to use something not an object. exception = pp::Var(); pp::VarPrivate string_object("asdf"); ASSERT_FALSE(string_object.HasProperty("find", &exception)); ASSERT_FALSE(exception.is_undefined()); exception = pp::Var(); ASSERT_FALSE(string_object.HasMethod("find", &exception)); ASSERT_FALSE(exception.is_undefined()); // Try to use an invalid object (need to use the C API). PP_Var invalid_object; invalid_object.type = PP_VARTYPE_OBJECT; invalid_object.value.as_id = static_cast(-1234567); PP_Var exception2 = PP_MakeUndefined(); ASSERT_FALSE(var_interface_->HasProperty(invalid_object, pp::Var("find").pp_var(), &exception2)); ASSERT_NE(PP_VARTYPE_UNDEFINED, exception2.type); var_interface_->Release(exception2); exception2 = PP_MakeUndefined(); ASSERT_FALSE(var_interface_->HasMethod(invalid_object, pp::Var("find").pp_var(), &exception2)); ASSERT_NE(PP_VARTYPE_UNDEFINED, exception2.type); var_interface_->Release(exception2); // Getting a valid property/method when the exception is set returns false. exception = pp::Var("Bad something-or-other exception"); ASSERT_FALSE(window.HasProperty("find", &exception)); ASSERT_FALSE(exception.is_undefined()); ASSERT_FALSE(window.HasMethod("find", &exception)); ASSERT_FALSE(exception.is_undefined()); PASS(); } // Tests that when the page sends an object to the plugin via a function call, // that the refcounting works properly (bug 79813). std::string TestVarDeprecated::TestPassReference() { var_from_page_ = pp::Var(); // Send a JS object from the page to the plugin. pp::Var exception; pp::Var ret = instance_->ExecuteScript( "document.getElementById('plugin').SetValue(function(arg) {" "return 'works' + arg;" "})", &exception); ASSERT_TRUE(exception.is_undefined()); // We should have gotten an object set for our var_from_page. ASSERT_TRUE(var_from_page_.is_object()); // If the reference counting works, the object should be valid. We can test // this by executing it (it was a function we defined above) and it should // return "works" concatenated with the argument. pp::VarPrivate function(var_from_page_); pp::Var result = var_from_page_.Call(pp::Var(), "nice"); ASSERT_TRUE(result.is_string()); ASSERT_TRUE(result.AsString() == "worksnice"); // Reset var_from_page_ so it doesn't seem like a leak to the var leak // checking code. var_from_page_ = pp::Var(); PASS(); }