// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#pragma once

#include <objidl.h>
#include <winspool.h>
#include <prntvpt.h>
#include <xpsprint.h>

#include "base/string16.h"

// These are helper functions for dealing with Windows Printing.
namespace printing {

// Wrapper class to wrap the XPS APIs (PTxxx APIs). This is needed because these
// APIs are not available by default on XP. We could delayload prntvpt.dll but
// this would mean having to add that to every binary that links with
// printing.lib (which is a LOT of binaries). So choosing the GetProcAddress
// route instead).
class XPSModule {
  // All the other methods can ONLY be called after a successful call to Init.
  // Init can be called many times and by multiple threads.
  static bool Init();
  static HRESULT OpenProvider(const string16& printer_name,
                              DWORD version,
                              HPTPROVIDER *provider);
  static HRESULT GetPrintCapabilities(HPTPROVIDER provider,
                                      IStream *print_ticket,
                                      IStream *capabilities,
                                      BSTR* error_message);
  static HRESULT ConvertDevModeToPrintTicket(HPTPROVIDER provider,
                                             ULONG devmode_size_in_bytes,
                                             PDEVMODE devmode,
                                             EPrintTicketScope scope,
                                             IStream* print_ticket);
  static HRESULT ConvertPrintTicketToDevMode(
      HPTPROVIDER provider,
      IStream* print_ticket,
      EDefaultDevmodeType base_devmode_type,
      EPrintTicketScope scope,
      ULONG* devmode_byte_count,
      PDEVMODE *devmode,
      BSTR* error_message);
  static HRESULT MergeAndValidatePrintTicket(HPTPROVIDER provider,
                                             IStream* base_ticket,
                                             IStream* delta_ticket,
                                             EPrintTicketScope scope,
                                             IStream* result_ticket,
                                             BSTR* error_message);
  static HRESULT ReleaseMemory(PVOID buffer);
  static HRESULT CloseProvider(HPTPROVIDER provider);
  XPSModule() { }
  static bool InitImpl();

// See comments in cc file explaining why we need this.
class ScopedXPSInitializer {

  bool initialized() const { return initialized_; }

  bool initialized_;

// Wrapper class to wrap the XPS Print APIs (these are different from the PTxxx
// which deal with the XML Print Schema). This is needed because these
// APIs are only available on Windows 7 and higher.
class XPSPrintModule {
  // All the other methods can ONLY be called after a successful call to Init.
  // Init can be called many times and by multiple threads.
  static bool Init();
  static HRESULT StartXpsPrintJob(
      const LPCWSTR printer_name,
      const LPCWSTR job_name,
      const LPCWSTR output_file_name,
      HANDLE progress_event,
      HANDLE completion_event,
      UINT8 *printable_pages_on,
      UINT32 printable_pages_on_count,
      IXpsPrintJob **xps_print_job,
      IXpsPrintJobStream **document_stream,
      IXpsPrintJobStream **print_ticket_stream);
  XPSPrintModule() { }
  static bool InitImpl();

}  // namespace printing