// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "printing/pdf_ps_metafile_linux.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <cairo-pdf.h> #include <cairo-ps.h> #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" namespace printing { PdfPsMetafile::PdfPsMetafile(const FileFormat& format) : format_(format), surface_(NULL), context_(NULL), page_surface_(NULL), page_context_(NULL) { // Create an 1 by 1 Cairo surface for entire PDF/PS file. // The size for each page will be overwritten later in StartPage(). switch (format_) { case PDF: { surface_ = cairo_pdf_surface_create_for_stream(WriteCairoStream, &all_pages_, 1, 1); } break; case PS: { surface_ = cairo_ps_surface_create_for_stream(WriteCairoStream, &all_pages_, 1, 1); } break; default: NOTREACHED(); return; } // Cairo always returns a valid pointer. // Hence, we have to check if it points to a "nil" object. if (!IsSurfaceValid(surface_)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot create Cairo surface for PdfPsMetafile!"; cairo_surface_destroy(surface_); return; } // Create a context. context_ = cairo_create(surface_); if (!IsContextValid(context_)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot create Cairo context for PdfPsMetafile!"; cairo_destroy(context_); cairo_surface_destroy(surface_); return; } // Since |context_| will keep a reference of |surface_|, we can decreace // surface's reference count by one safely. cairo_surface_destroy(surface_); } PdfPsMetafile::PdfPsMetafile(const FileFormat& format, const void* src_buffer, size_t src_buffer_size) : format_(format), surface_(NULL), context_(NULL), page_surface_(NULL), page_context_(NULL) { all_pages_ = std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(src_buffer), src_buffer_size); } PdfPsMetafile::~PdfPsMetafile() { // Releases resources if we forgot to do so. Close(); } bool PdfPsMetafile::StartPage(double width_in_points, double height_in_points) { DCHECK(IsSurfaceValid(surface_)); DCHECK(IsContextValid(context_)); DCHECK(!page_surface_ && !page_context_); DCHECK_GT(width_in_points, 0.); DCHECK_GT(height_in_points, 0.); // Create a target surface for the new page. // Cairo 1.6.0 does NOT allow the first argument be NULL, // but some newer versions do support NULL pointer. switch (format_) { case PDF: { page_surface_ = cairo_pdf_surface_create_for_stream(WriteCairoStream, ¤t_page_, width_in_points, height_in_points); } break; case PS: { page_surface_ = cairo_ps_surface_create_for_stream(WriteCairoStream, ¤t_page_, width_in_points, height_in_points); } break; default: NOTREACHED(); return false; } // Cairo always returns a valid pointer. // Hence, we have to check if it points to a "nil" object. if (!IsSurfaceValid(page_surface_)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot create Cairo surface for PdfPsMetafile!"; cairo_surface_destroy(page_surface_); return false; } // Create a context. page_context_ = cairo_create(page_surface_); if (!IsContextValid(page_context_)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot create Cairo context for PdfPsMetafile!"; cairo_destroy(page_context_); cairo_surface_destroy(page_surface_); return false; } // Since |page_context_| will keep a reference of |page_surface_|, we can // decreace surface's reference count by one safely. cairo_surface_destroy(page_surface_); return true; } void PdfPsMetafile::FinishPage(float shrink) { DCHECK(IsSurfaceValid(surface_)); DCHECK(IsContextValid(context_)); DCHECK(IsSurfaceValid(page_surface_)); DCHECK(IsContextValid(page_context_)); // Flush all rendering for current page. cairo_surface_flush(page_surface_); // TODO(myhuang): Use real page settings. // We hard-coded page settings here for testing purpose. // The paper size is US Letter (8.5 in. by 11 in.). // The default margins are: // Left = 0.25 in. // Right = 0.25 in. // Top = 0.25 in. // Bottom = 0.56 in. const double kDPI = 72.0; // Dots (points) per inch. const double kWidthInInch = 8.5; const double kHeightInInch = 11.0; const double kWidthInPoint = kWidthInInch * kDPI; const double kHeightInPoint = kHeightInInch * kDPI; switch (format_) { case PDF: { cairo_pdf_surface_set_size(surface_, kWidthInPoint, kHeightInPoint); } break; case PS: { cairo_ps_surface_set_size(surface_, kWidthInPoint, kHeightInPoint); } break; default: NOTREACHED(); return; } // Save context's states. cairo_save(context_); // Copy current page onto the surface of final result. // Margins are done by coordinates transformation. // Please NOTE that we have to call cairo_scale() before we call // cairo_set_source_surface(). const double scale_factor = 1. / shrink; cairo_scale(context_, scale_factor, scale_factor); const double kLeftMarginInInch = 0.25; const double kTopMarginInInch = 0.25; const double kLeftMarginInPoint = kLeftMarginInInch * kDPI; const double kTopMarginInPoint = kTopMarginInInch * kDPI; const double kScaledLeftMarginInPoint = kLeftMarginInPoint * shrink; const double kScaledTopMarginInPoint = kTopMarginInPoint * shrink; cairo_set_source_surface(context_, page_surface_, kScaledLeftMarginInPoint, kScaledTopMarginInPoint); // In Cairo 1.6.0, if we use the following API, either the renderer will // crash, or we will get an empty page. This might be a bug in Cairo. // cairo_set_operator(context_, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE); const double kRightMarginInInch = 0.25; const double kBottomMarginInInch = 0.56; const double kPrintableWidthInInch = kWidthInInch - kLeftMarginInInch - kRightMarginInInch; const double kPrintableHeightInInch = kHeightInInch - kTopMarginInInch - kBottomMarginInInch; const double kScaledPrintableWidthInPoint = kPrintableWidthInInch * kDPI * shrink; const double kScaledPrintableHeightInPoint = kPrintableHeightInInch * kDPI * shrink; cairo_rectangle(context_, kScaledLeftMarginInPoint, kScaledTopMarginInPoint, kScaledPrintableWidthInPoint, kScaledPrintableHeightInPoint); cairo_fill(context_); // Finishing the duplication of current page. cairo_show_page(context_); cairo_surface_flush(surface_); // Destroy resoreces for current page. cairo_destroy(page_context_); page_context_ = NULL; page_surface_ = NULL; current_page_.clear(); // Restore context's states. cairo_restore(context_); } void PdfPsMetafile::Close() { if (surface_ != NULL && IsSurfaceValid(surface_)) { cairo_surface_finish(surface_); surface_ = NULL; } if (context_ != NULL && IsContextValid(context_)) { cairo_destroy(context_); context_ = NULL; } } unsigned int PdfPsMetafile::GetDataSize() const { DCHECK(!surface_ && !context_); return all_pages_.size(); } void PdfPsMetafile::GetData(void* dst_buffer, size_t dst_buffer_size) const { DCHECK(!surface_ && !context_); DCHECK(dst_buffer); size_t data_size = GetDataSize(); if (data_size < dst_buffer_size) dst_buffer_size = data_size; memcpy(dst_buffer, all_pages_.data(), dst_buffer_size); } bool PdfPsMetafile::SaveTo(const FilePath& filename) const { DCHECK(!surface_ && !context_); const unsigned int data_size = GetDataSize(); const unsigned int bytes_written = file_util::WriteFile(filename, all_pages_.data(), data_size); if (bytes_written != data_size) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to save file: " << filename.value(); return false; } return true; } cairo_status_t PdfPsMetafile::WriteCairoStream(void* dst_buffer, const unsigned char* src_data, unsigned int src_data_length) { DCHECK(dst_buffer); DCHECK(src_data); std::string* buffer = reinterpret_cast<std::string* >(dst_buffer); buffer->append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(src_data), src_data_length); return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; } bool PdfPsMetafile::IsSurfaceValid(cairo_surface_t* surface) const { return cairo_surface_status(surface) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; } bool PdfPsMetafile::IsContextValid(cairo_t* context) const { return cairo_status(context) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } // namespace printing