// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "printing/printing_context_win.h" #include #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "printing/backend/print_backend.h" #include "printing/backend/win_helper.h" #include "printing/print_settings_initializer_win.h" #include "printing/printed_document.h" #include "printing/printing_utils.h" #include "printing/units.h" #include "skia/ext/platform_device.h" #if defined(USE_AURA) #include "ui/aura/remote_window_tree_host_win.h" #include "ui/aura/window.h" #endif namespace { HWND GetRootWindow(gfx::NativeView view) { HWND window = NULL; #if defined(USE_AURA) if (view) window = view->GetHost()->GetAcceleratedWidget(); #else if (view && IsWindow(view)) { window = GetAncestor(view, GA_ROOTOWNER); } #endif if (!window) { // TODO(maruel): bug 1214347 Get the right browser window instead. return GetDesktopWindow(); } return window; } } // anonymous namespace namespace printing { // static PrintingContext* PrintingContext::Create(const std::string& app_locale) { return static_cast(new PrintingContextWin(app_locale)); } PrintingContextWin::PrintingContextWin(const std::string& app_locale) : PrintingContext(app_locale), context_(NULL), dialog_box_(NULL) {} PrintingContextWin::~PrintingContextWin() { ReleaseContext(); } void PrintingContextWin::AskUserForSettings( gfx::NativeView view, int max_pages, bool has_selection, const PrintSettingsCallback& callback) { DCHECK(!in_print_job_); dialog_box_dismissed_ = false; HWND window = GetRootWindow(view); DCHECK(window); // Show the OS-dependent dialog box. // If the user press // - OK, the settings are reset and reinitialized with the new settings. OK is // returned. // - Apply then Cancel, the settings are reset and reinitialized with the new // settings. CANCEL is returned. // - Cancel, the settings are not changed, the previous setting, if it was // initialized before, are kept. CANCEL is returned. // On failure, the settings are reset and FAILED is returned. PRINTDLGEX dialog_options = { sizeof(PRINTDLGEX) }; dialog_options.hwndOwner = window; // Disable options we don't support currently. // TODO(maruel): Reuse the previously loaded settings! dialog_options.Flags = PD_RETURNDC | PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE | PD_NOCURRENTPAGE | PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE; if (!has_selection) dialog_options.Flags |= PD_NOSELECTION; PRINTPAGERANGE ranges[32]; dialog_options.nStartPage = START_PAGE_GENERAL; if (max_pages) { // Default initialize to print all the pages. memset(ranges, 0, sizeof(ranges)); ranges[0].nFromPage = 1; ranges[0].nToPage = max_pages; dialog_options.nPageRanges = 1; dialog_options.nMaxPageRanges = arraysize(ranges); dialog_options.nMinPage = 1; dialog_options.nMaxPage = max_pages; dialog_options.lpPageRanges = ranges; } else { // No need to bother, we don't know how many pages are available. dialog_options.Flags |= PD_NOPAGENUMS; } if (ShowPrintDialog(&dialog_options) != S_OK) { ResetSettings(); callback.Run(FAILED); } // TODO(maruel): Support PD_PRINTTOFILE. callback.Run(ParseDialogResultEx(dialog_options)); } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextWin::UseDefaultSettings() { DCHECK(!in_print_job_); PRINTDLG dialog_options = { sizeof(PRINTDLG) }; dialog_options.Flags = PD_RETURNDC | PD_RETURNDEFAULT; if (PrintDlg(&dialog_options)) return ParseDialogResult(dialog_options); // No default printer configured, do we have any printers at all? DWORD bytes_needed = 0; DWORD count_returned = 0; (void)::EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL|PRINTER_ENUM_CONNECTIONS, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, &bytes_needed, &count_returned); if (bytes_needed) { DCHECK_GE(bytes_needed, count_returned * sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_2)); scoped_ptr printer_info_buffer(new BYTE[bytes_needed]); BOOL ret = ::EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL|PRINTER_ENUM_CONNECTIONS, NULL, 2, printer_info_buffer.get(), bytes_needed, &bytes_needed, &count_returned); if (ret && count_returned) { // have printers // Open the first successfully found printer. const PRINTER_INFO_2* info_2 = reinterpret_cast(printer_info_buffer.get()); const PRINTER_INFO_2* info_2_end = info_2 + count_returned; for (; info_2 < info_2_end; ++info_2) { ScopedPrinterHandle printer; if (!printer.OpenPrinter(info_2->pPrinterName)) continue; scoped_ptr dev_mode = CreateDevMode(printer, NULL); if (!dev_mode || !AllocateContext(info_2->pPrinterName, dev_mode.get(), &context_)) { continue; } if (InitializeSettings(*dev_mode.get(), info_2->pPrinterName, NULL, 0, false)) { return OK; } ReleaseContext(); } if (context_) return OK; } } ResetSettings(); return FAILED; } gfx::Size PrintingContextWin::GetPdfPaperSizeDeviceUnits() { // Default fallback to Letter size. gfx::SizeF paper_size(kLetterWidthInch, kLetterHeightInch); // Get settings from locale. Paper type buffer length is at most 4. const int paper_type_buffer_len = 4; wchar_t paper_type_buffer[paper_type_buffer_len] = {0}; GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_IPAPERSIZE, paper_type_buffer, paper_type_buffer_len); if (wcslen(paper_type_buffer)) { // The call succeeded. int paper_code = _wtoi(paper_type_buffer); switch (paper_code) { case DMPAPER_LEGAL: paper_size.SetSize(kLegalWidthInch, kLegalHeightInch); break; case DMPAPER_A4: paper_size.SetSize(kA4WidthInch, kA4HeightInch); break; case DMPAPER_A3: paper_size.SetSize(kA3WidthInch, kA3HeightInch); break; default: // DMPAPER_LETTER is used for default fallback. break; } } return gfx::Size( paper_size.width() * settings_.device_units_per_inch(), paper_size.height() * settings_.device_units_per_inch()); } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextWin::UpdatePrinterSettings( bool external_preview) { DCHECK(!in_print_job_); DCHECK(!external_preview) << "Not implemented"; ScopedPrinterHandle printer; if (!printer.OpenPrinter(settings_.device_name().c_str())) return OnError(); // Make printer changes local to Chrome. // See MSDN documentation regarding DocumentProperties. scoped_ptr scoped_dev_mode = CreateDevModeWithColor(printer, settings_.device_name(), settings_.color() != GRAY); if (!scoped_dev_mode) return OnError(); { DEVMODE* dev_mode = scoped_dev_mode.get(); dev_mode->dmCopies = std::max(settings_.copies(), 1); if (dev_mode->dmCopies > 1) { // do not change unless multiple copies dev_mode->dmFields |= DM_COPIES; dev_mode->dmCollate = settings_.collate() ? DMCOLLATE_TRUE : DMCOLLATE_FALSE; } switch (settings_.duplex_mode()) { case LONG_EDGE: dev_mode->dmFields |= DM_DUPLEX; dev_mode->dmDuplex = DMDUP_VERTICAL; break; case SHORT_EDGE: dev_mode->dmFields |= DM_DUPLEX; dev_mode->dmDuplex = DMDUP_HORIZONTAL; break; case SIMPLEX: dev_mode->dmFields |= DM_DUPLEX; dev_mode->dmDuplex = DMDUP_SIMPLEX; break; default: // UNKNOWN_DUPLEX_MODE break; } dev_mode->dmFields |= DM_ORIENTATION; dev_mode->dmOrientation = settings_.landscape() ? DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE : DMORIENT_PORTRAIT; const PrintSettings::RequestedMedia& requested_media = settings_.requested_media(); static const int kFromUm = 100; // Windows uses 0.1mm. int width = requested_media.size_microns.width() / kFromUm; int height = requested_media.size_microns.height() / kFromUm; unsigned id = 0; if (base::StringToUint(requested_media.vendor_id, &id) && id) { dev_mode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERSIZE; dev_mode->dmPaperSize = static_cast(id); } else if (width > 0 && height > 0) { dev_mode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERWIDTH; dev_mode->dmPaperWidth = width; dev_mode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERLENGTH; dev_mode->dmPaperLength = height; } } // Update data using DocumentProperties. scoped_dev_mode = CreateDevMode(printer, scoped_dev_mode.get()); if (!scoped_dev_mode) return OnError(); // Set printer then refresh printer settings. if (!AllocateContext(settings_.device_name(), scoped_dev_mode.get(), &context_)) { return OnError(); } PrintSettingsInitializerWin::InitPrintSettings(context_, *scoped_dev_mode.get(), &settings_); return OK; } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextWin::InitWithSettings( const PrintSettings& settings) { DCHECK(!in_print_job_); settings_ = settings; // TODO(maruel): settings_.ToDEVMODE() ScopedPrinterHandle printer; if (!printer.OpenPrinter(settings_.device_name().c_str())) { return FAILED; } Result status = OK; if (!GetPrinterSettings(printer, settings_.device_name())) status = FAILED; if (status != OK) ResetSettings(); return status; } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextWin::NewDocument( const base::string16& document_name) { DCHECK(!in_print_job_); if (!context_) return OnError(); // Set the flag used by the AbortPrintJob dialog procedure. abort_printing_ = false; in_print_job_ = true; // Register the application's AbortProc function with GDI. if (SP_ERROR == SetAbortProc(context_, &AbortProc)) return OnError(); DCHECK(SimplifyDocumentTitle(document_name) == document_name); DOCINFO di = { sizeof(DOCINFO) }; di.lpszDocName = document_name.c_str(); // Is there a debug dump directory specified? If so, force to print to a file. base::string16 debug_dump_path = PrintedDocument::CreateDebugDumpPath(document_name, FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".prn")).value(); if (!debug_dump_path.empty()) di.lpszOutput = debug_dump_path.c_str(); // No message loop running in unit tests. DCHECK(!base::MessageLoop::current() || !base::MessageLoop::current()->NestableTasksAllowed()); // Begin a print job by calling the StartDoc function. // NOTE: StartDoc() starts a message loop. That causes a lot of problems with // IPC. Make sure recursive task processing is disabled. if (StartDoc(context_, &di) <= 0) return OnError(); return OK; } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextWin::NewPage() { if (abort_printing_) return CANCEL; DCHECK(context_); DCHECK(in_print_job_); // Intentional No-op. NativeMetafile::SafePlayback takes care of calling // ::StartPage(). return OK; } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextWin::PageDone() { if (abort_printing_) return CANCEL; DCHECK(in_print_job_); // Intentional No-op. NativeMetafile::SafePlayback takes care of calling // ::EndPage(). return OK; } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextWin::DocumentDone() { if (abort_printing_) return CANCEL; DCHECK(in_print_job_); DCHECK(context_); // Inform the driver that document has ended. if (EndDoc(context_) <= 0) return OnError(); ResetSettings(); return OK; } void PrintingContextWin::Cancel() { abort_printing_ = true; in_print_job_ = false; if (context_) CancelDC(context_); if (dialog_box_) { DestroyWindow(dialog_box_); dialog_box_dismissed_ = true; } } void PrintingContextWin::ReleaseContext() { if (context_) { DeleteDC(context_); context_ = NULL; } } gfx::NativeDrawingContext PrintingContextWin::context() const { return context_; } // static BOOL PrintingContextWin::AbortProc(HDC hdc, int nCode) { if (nCode) { // TODO(maruel): Need a way to find the right instance to set. Should // leverage PrintJobManager here? // abort_printing_ = true; } return true; } bool PrintingContextWin::InitializeSettings(const DEVMODE& dev_mode, const std::wstring& new_device_name, const PRINTPAGERANGE* ranges, int number_ranges, bool selection_only) { skia::InitializeDC(context_); DCHECK(GetDeviceCaps(context_, CLIPCAPS)); DCHECK(GetDeviceCaps(context_, RASTERCAPS) & RC_STRETCHDIB); DCHECK(GetDeviceCaps(context_, RASTERCAPS) & RC_BITMAP64); // Some printers don't advertise these. // DCHECK(GetDeviceCaps(context_, RASTERCAPS) & RC_SCALING); // DCHECK(GetDeviceCaps(context_, SHADEBLENDCAPS) & SB_CONST_ALPHA); // DCHECK(GetDeviceCaps(context_, SHADEBLENDCAPS) & SB_PIXEL_ALPHA); // StretchDIBits() support is needed for printing. if (!(GetDeviceCaps(context_, RASTERCAPS) & RC_STRETCHDIB) || !(GetDeviceCaps(context_, RASTERCAPS) & RC_BITMAP64)) { NOTREACHED(); ResetSettings(); return false; } DCHECK(!in_print_job_); DCHECK(context_); PageRanges ranges_vector; if (!selection_only) { // Convert the PRINTPAGERANGE array to a PrintSettings::PageRanges vector. ranges_vector.reserve(number_ranges); for (int i = 0; i < number_ranges; ++i) { PageRange range; // Transfer from 1-based to 0-based. range.from = ranges[i].nFromPage - 1; range.to = ranges[i].nToPage - 1; ranges_vector.push_back(range); } } settings_.set_ranges(ranges_vector); settings_.set_device_name(new_device_name); settings_.set_selection_only(selection_only); PrintSettingsInitializerWin::InitPrintSettings(context_, dev_mode, &settings_); return true; } bool PrintingContextWin::GetPrinterSettings(HANDLE printer, const std::wstring& device_name) { DCHECK(!in_print_job_); scoped_ptr dev_mode = CreateDevMode(printer, NULL); if (!dev_mode || !AllocateContext(device_name, dev_mode.get(), &context_)) { ResetSettings(); return false; } return InitializeSettings(*dev_mode.get(), device_name, NULL, 0, false); } // static bool PrintingContextWin::AllocateContext(const std::wstring& device_name, const DEVMODE* dev_mode, gfx::NativeDrawingContext* context) { *context = CreateDC(L"WINSPOOL", device_name.c_str(), NULL, dev_mode); DCHECK(*context); return *context != NULL; } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextWin::ParseDialogResultEx( const PRINTDLGEX& dialog_options) { // If the user clicked OK or Apply then Cancel, but not only Cancel. if (dialog_options.dwResultAction != PD_RESULT_CANCEL) { // Start fresh. ResetSettings(); DEVMODE* dev_mode = NULL; if (dialog_options.hDevMode) { dev_mode = reinterpret_cast(GlobalLock(dialog_options.hDevMode)); DCHECK(dev_mode); } std::wstring device_name; if (dialog_options.hDevNames) { DEVNAMES* dev_names = reinterpret_cast(GlobalLock(dialog_options.hDevNames)); DCHECK(dev_names); if (dev_names) { device_name = reinterpret_cast(dev_names) + dev_names->wDeviceOffset; GlobalUnlock(dialog_options.hDevNames); } } bool success = false; if (dev_mode && !device_name.empty()) { context_ = dialog_options.hDC; PRINTPAGERANGE* page_ranges = NULL; DWORD num_page_ranges = 0; bool print_selection_only = false; if (dialog_options.Flags & PD_PAGENUMS) { page_ranges = dialog_options.lpPageRanges; num_page_ranges = dialog_options.nPageRanges; } if (dialog_options.Flags & PD_SELECTION) { print_selection_only = true; } success = InitializeSettings(*dev_mode, device_name, page_ranges, num_page_ranges, print_selection_only); } if (!success && dialog_options.hDC) { DeleteDC(dialog_options.hDC); context_ = NULL; } if (dev_mode) { GlobalUnlock(dialog_options.hDevMode); } } else { if (dialog_options.hDC) { DeleteDC(dialog_options.hDC); } } if (dialog_options.hDevMode != NULL) GlobalFree(dialog_options.hDevMode); if (dialog_options.hDevNames != NULL) GlobalFree(dialog_options.hDevNames); switch (dialog_options.dwResultAction) { case PD_RESULT_PRINT: return context_ ? OK : FAILED; case PD_RESULT_APPLY: return context_ ? CANCEL : FAILED; case PD_RESULT_CANCEL: return CANCEL; default: return FAILED; } } HRESULT PrintingContextWin::ShowPrintDialog(PRINTDLGEX* options) { // Note that this cannot use ui::BaseShellDialog as the print dialog is // system modal: opening it from a background thread can cause Windows to // get the wrong Z-order which will make the print dialog appear behind the // browser frame (but still being modal) so neither the browser frame nor // the print dialog will get any input. See http://crbug.com/342697 // http://crbug.com/180997 for details. base::MessageLoop::ScopedNestableTaskAllower allow( base::MessageLoop::current()); return PrintDlgEx(options); } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextWin::ParseDialogResult( const PRINTDLG& dialog_options) { // If the user clicked OK or Apply then Cancel, but not only Cancel. // Start fresh. ResetSettings(); DEVMODE* dev_mode = NULL; if (dialog_options.hDevMode) { dev_mode = reinterpret_cast(GlobalLock(dialog_options.hDevMode)); DCHECK(dev_mode); } std::wstring device_name; if (dialog_options.hDevNames) { DEVNAMES* dev_names = reinterpret_cast(GlobalLock(dialog_options.hDevNames)); DCHECK(dev_names); if (dev_names) { device_name = reinterpret_cast( reinterpret_cast(dev_names) + dev_names->wDeviceOffset); GlobalUnlock(dialog_options.hDevNames); } } bool success = false; if (dev_mode && !device_name.empty()) { context_ = dialog_options.hDC; success = InitializeSettings(*dev_mode, device_name, NULL, 0, false); } if (!success && dialog_options.hDC) { DeleteDC(dialog_options.hDC); context_ = NULL; } if (dev_mode) { GlobalUnlock(dialog_options.hDevMode); } if (dialog_options.hDevMode != NULL) GlobalFree(dialog_options.hDevMode); if (dialog_options.hDevNames != NULL) GlobalFree(dialog_options.hDevNames); return context_ ? OK : FAILED; } } // namespace printing