// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "remoting/base/decoder.h"

namespace remoting {

class Decompressor;

class DecoderRowBased : public Decoder {
  virtual ~DecoderRowBased();

  static DecoderRowBased* CreateZlibDecoder();
  static DecoderRowBased* CreateVerbatimDecoder();

  // Decoder implementation.
  virtual void Reset();
  virtual bool IsReadyForData();
  virtual void Initialize(scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> frame,
                          const gfx::Rect& clip, int bytes_per_src_pixel);
  virtual void DecodeBytes(const std::string& encoded_bytes);
  virtual UpdateStreamEncoding Encoding() { return encoding_; }

  // TODO(hclam): Should make this into the Decoder interface.
  // TODO(ajwong): Before putting into the interface, we should decide if the
  // Host should normalize the coordinate system.
  void set_reverse_rows(bool reverse) { reverse_rows_ = reverse; }

  DecoderRowBased(Decompressor* decompressor, UpdateStreamEncoding encoding);

  enum State {

  // The internal state of the decoder.
  State state_;

  // Keeps track of the updating rect.
  gfx::Rect clip_;

  // The video frame to write to.
  scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> frame_;

  // The compression for the input byte stream.
  scoped_ptr<Decompressor> decompressor_;

  // The encoding of the incoming stream.
  UpdateStreamEncoding encoding_;

  // Number of bytes per pixel from source stream.
  int bytes_per_src_pixel_;

  // The position in the row that we are updating.
  int row_pos_;

  // The current row in the rect that we are updaing.
  int row_y_;

  // True if we should decode the image upside down.
  bool reverse_rows_;


}  // namespace remoting