// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO(ajwong): We need to come up with a better description of the
// responsibilities for each thread.


#include <string>

#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_instance.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_rect.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_resource.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/var.h"

// Windows defines 'PostMessage', so we have to undef it before we
// include instance_private.h
#if defined(PostMessage)
#undef PostMessage

#include "ppapi/cpp/private/instance_private.h"
#include "remoting/base/scoped_thread_proxy.h"
#include "remoting/client/client_context.h"
#include "remoting/client/plugin/pepper_plugin_thread_delegate.h"
#include "remoting/proto/event.pb.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/clipboard_stub.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/connection_to_host.h"

namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
}  // namespace base

namespace pp {
class InputEvent;
class Module;
}  // namespace pp

namespace remoting {

namespace protocol {
class ConnectionToHost;
class InputEventTracker;
}  // namespace protocol

class ChromotingClient;
class ChromotingScriptableObject;
class ChromotingStats;
class ClientContext;
class FrameConsumerProxy;
class MouseInputFilter;
class PepperInputHandler;
class PepperView;
class PepperXmppProxy;
class RectangleUpdateDecoder;

struct ClientConfig;

class ChromotingInstance :
      public protocol::ClipboardStub,
      public pp::InstancePrivate,
      public base::SupportsWeakPtr<ChromotingInstance> {
  // These state values are duplicated in the JS code. Remember to
  // update both copies when making changes.
  enum ConnectionState {

  // These values are duplicated in the JS code. Remember to update
  // both copies when making changes.
  enum ConnectionError {
    ERROR_NONE = 0,

  // Plugin API version. This should be incremented whenever the API
  // interface changes.
  static const int kApiVersion = 7;

  // Plugin API features. This allows orthogonal features to be supported
  // without bumping the API version.
  static const char kApiFeatures[];

  // Backward-compatibility version used by for the messaging
  // interface. Should be updated whenever we remove support for
  // an older version of the API.
  static const int kApiMinMessagingVersion = 5;

  // Backward-compatibility version used by for the ScriptableObject
  // interface. Should be updated whenever we remove support for
  // an older version of the API.
  static const int kApiMinScriptableVersion = 2;

  // Helper method to parse authentication_methods parameter.
  static bool ParseAuthMethods(const std::string& auth_methods,
                               ClientConfig* config);

  explicit ChromotingInstance(PP_Instance instance);
  virtual ~ChromotingInstance();

  // pp::Instance interface.
  virtual void DidChangeView(const pp::Rect& position,
                             const pp::Rect& clip) OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool Init(uint32_t argc, const char* argn[],
                    const char* argv[]) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void HandleMessage(const pp::Var& message) OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool HandleInputEvent(const pp::InputEvent& event) OVERRIDE;

  // pp::InstancePrivate interface.
  virtual pp::Var GetInstanceObject() OVERRIDE;

  // ClipboardStub implementation.
  virtual void InjectClipboardEvent(const protocol::ClipboardEvent& event)

  // Called by PepperView.
  void SetDesktopSize(int width, int height);
  void SetConnectionState(ConnectionState state, ConnectionError error);

  // Convenience wrapper to get the ChromotingScriptableObject.
  ChromotingScriptableObject* GetScriptableObject();

  // Message handlers for messages that come from JavaScript. Called
  // from HandleMessage() and ChromotingScriptableObject.
  void Connect(const ClientConfig& config);
  void Disconnect();
  void OnIncomingIq(const std::string& iq);
  void ReleaseAllKeys();
  void InjectKeyEvent(const protocol::KeyEvent& event);
  void SendClipboardItem(const std::string& mime_type, const std::string& item);

  // Return statistics record by ChromotingClient.
  // If no connection is currently active then NULL will be returned.
  ChromotingStats* GetStats();

  // Registers a global log message handler that redirects the log output to
  // our plugin instance.
  // This is called by the plugin's PPP_InitializeModule.
  // Note that no logging will be processed unless a ChromotingInstance has been
  // registered for logging (see RegisterLoggingInstance).
  static void RegisterLogMessageHandler();

  // Registers this instance so it processes messages sent by the global log
  // message handler. This overwrites any previously registered instance.
  void RegisterLoggingInstance();

  // Unregisters this instance so that debug log messages will no longer be sent
  // to it. If this instance is not the currently registered logging instance,
  // then the currently registered instance will stay in effect.
  void UnregisterLoggingInstance();

  // A Log Message Handler that is called after each LOG message has been
  // processed. This must be of type LogMessageHandlerFunction defined in
  // base/logging.h.
  static bool LogToUI(int severity, const char* file, int line,
                      size_t message_start, const std::string& str);

  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ChromotingInstanceTest, TestCaseSetup);

  // Helper method to post messages to the webapp.
  void PostChromotingMessage(const std::string& method,
                             scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> data);

  // Callback for PepperXmppProxy.
  void SendOutgoingIq(const std::string& iq);

  void SendPerfStats();

  void ProcessLogToUI(const std::string& message);

  bool initialized_;

  PepperPluginThreadDelegate plugin_thread_delegate_;
  scoped_refptr<PluginMessageLoopProxy> plugin_message_loop_;
  ClientContext context_;
  scoped_ptr<protocol::ConnectionToHost> host_connection_;
  scoped_ptr<PepperView> view_;

  scoped_refptr<RectangleUpdateDecoder> rectangle_decoder_;
  scoped_ptr<MouseInputFilter> mouse_input_filter_;
  scoped_ptr<protocol::InputEventTracker> input_tracker_;
  scoped_ptr<PepperInputHandler> input_handler_;
  scoped_ptr<ChromotingClient> client_;

  // XmppProxy is a refcounted interface used to perform thread-switching and
  // detaching between objects whose lifetimes are controlled by pepper, and
  // jingle_glue objects. This is used when if we start a sandboxed jingle
  // connection.
  scoped_refptr<PepperXmppProxy> xmpp_proxy_;

  // JavaScript interface to control this instance.
  // This wraps a ChromotingScriptableObject in a pp::Var.
  pp::Var instance_object_;

  scoped_ptr<ScopedThreadProxy> thread_proxy_;


}  // namespace remoting