// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "remoting/client/plugin/chromoting_scriptable_object.h" #include "remoting/client/client_config.h" #include "remoting/client/plugin/chromoting_instance.h" #include "third_party/ppapi/cpp/var.h" using pp::Var; namespace remoting { const char kStatusAttribute[] = "status"; const char kQualityAttribute[] = "quality"; ChromotingScriptableObject::ChromotingScriptableObject( ChromotingInstance* instance) : instance_(instance) { } ChromotingScriptableObject::~ChromotingScriptableObject() { } void ChromotingScriptableObject::Init() { // Property addition order should match the interface description at the // top of chromoting_scriptable_object.h. // Connection status. AddAttribute(kStatusAttribute, Var(STATUS_UNKNOWN)); // Connection status values. AddAttribute("STATUS_UNKNOWN", Var(STATUS_UNKNOWN)); AddAttribute("STATUS_CONNECTING", Var(STATUS_CONNECTING)); AddAttribute("STATUS_INITIALIZING", Var(STATUS_INITIALIZING)); AddAttribute("STATUS_CONNECTED", Var(STATUS_CONNECTED)); AddAttribute("STATUS_CLOSED", Var(STATUS_CLOSED)); AddAttribute("STATUS_FAILED", Var(STATUS_FAILED)); // Connection quality. AddAttribute(kQualityAttribute, Var(QUALITY_UNKNOWN)); // Connection quality values. AddAttribute("QUALITY_UNKNOWN", Var(QUALITY_UNKNOWN)); AddAttribute("QUALITY_GOOD", Var(QUALITY_GOOD)); AddAttribute("QUALITY_BAD", Var(QUALITY_BAD)); AddAttribute("connectionInfoUpdate", Var()); AddMethod("connect", &ChromotingScriptableObject::DoConnect); AddMethod("disconnect", &ChromotingScriptableObject::DoDisconnect); } bool ChromotingScriptableObject::HasProperty(const Var& name, Var* exception) { // TODO(ajwong): Check if all these name.is_string() sentinels are required. if (!name.is_string()) { *exception = Var("HasProperty expects a string for the name."); return false; } PropertyNameMap::const_iterator iter = property_names_.find(name.AsString()); if (iter == property_names_.end()) { return false; } // TODO(ajwong): Investigate why ARM build breaks if you do: // properties_[iter->second].method == NULL; // Somehow the ARM compiler is thinking that the above is using NULL as an // arithmetic expression. return properties_[iter->second].method == 0; } bool ChromotingScriptableObject::HasMethod(const Var& name, Var* exception) { // TODO(ajwong): Check if all these name.is_string() sentinels are required. if (!name.is_string()) { *exception = Var("HasMethod expects a string for the name."); return false; } PropertyNameMap::const_iterator iter = property_names_.find(name.AsString()); if (iter == property_names_.end()) { return false; } // See comment from HasProperty about why to use 0 instead of NULL here. return properties_[iter->second].method != 0; } Var ChromotingScriptableObject::GetProperty(const Var& name, Var* exception) { // TODO(ajwong): Check if all these name.is_string() sentinels are required. if (!name.is_string()) { *exception = Var("GetProperty expects a string for the name."); return Var(); } PropertyNameMap::const_iterator iter = property_names_.find(name.AsString()); // No property found. if (iter == property_names_.end()) { return ScriptableObject::GetProperty(name, exception); } // TODO(ajwong): This incorrectly return a null object if a function // property is requested. return properties_[iter->second].attribute; } void ChromotingScriptableObject::GetAllPropertyNames( std::vector* properties, Var* exception) { for (size_t i = 0; i < properties_.size(); i++) { properties->push_back(Var(properties_[i].name)); } } void ChromotingScriptableObject::SetProperty(const Var& name, const Var& value, Var* exception) { // TODO(ajwong): Check if all these name.is_string() sentinels are required. 120 // No externally settable properties for Chromoting. if (!name.is_string()) { *exception = Var("SetProperty expects a string for the name."); return; } // Only allow writing to onreadystatechange. See top of // chromoting_scriptable_object.h for the object interface definition. std::string property_name = name.AsString(); if (property_name != "connectionInfoUpdate") { *exception = Var("Cannot set property " + property_name + " on this object."); return; } // Since we're whitelisting the propertie that are settable above, we can // assume that the property exists in the map. properties_[property_names_[property_name]].attribute = value; } Var ChromotingScriptableObject::Call(const Var& method_name, const std::vector& args, Var* exception) { PropertyNameMap::const_iterator iter = property_names_.find(method_name.AsString()); if (iter == property_names_.end()) { return pp::deprecated::ScriptableObject::Call(method_name, args, exception); } return (this->*(properties_[iter->second].method))(args, exception); } void ChromotingScriptableObject::SetConnectionInfo(ConnectionStatus status, ConnectionQuality quality) { int status_index = property_names_[kStatusAttribute]; int quality_index = property_names_[kQualityAttribute]; if (properties_[status_index].attribute.AsInt() != status || properties_[quality_index].attribute.AsInt() != quality) { // Update the connection state properties.. properties_[status_index].attribute = Var(status); properties_[quality_index].attribute = Var(quality); // Signal the Chromoting Tab UI to get the update connection state values. SignalConnectionInfoChange(); } } void ChromotingScriptableObject::AddAttribute(const std::string& name, Var attribute) { property_names_[name] = properties_.size(); properties_.push_back(PropertyDescriptor(name, attribute)); } void ChromotingScriptableObject::AddMethod(const std::string& name, MethodHandler handler) { property_names_[name] = properties_.size(); properties_.push_back(PropertyDescriptor(name, handler)); } void ChromotingScriptableObject::SignalConnectionInfoChange() { pp::Var exception; // The JavaScript callback function is the 'callback' property on the // 'connectionInfoUpdate' object. Var cb = GetProperty(Var("connectionInfoUpdate"), &exception); // Var() means call the object directly as a function rather than calling // a method in the object. cb.Call(Var(), 0, NULL, &exception); if (!exception.is_undefined()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Exception when invoking JS callback" << exception.AsString(); } } pp::Var ChromotingScriptableObject::DoConnect(const std::vector& args, Var* exception) { if (args.size() != 3) { *exception = Var("Usage: connect(username, host_jid, auth_token)"); return Var(); } ClientConfig config; if (!args[0].is_string()) { *exception = Var("The username must be a string."); return Var(); } config.username = args[0].AsString(); if (!args[1].is_string()) { *exception = Var("The host_jid must be a string."); return Var(); } config.host_jid = args[1].AsString(); if (!args[2].is_string()) { *exception = Var("The auth_token must be a string."); return Var(); } config.auth_token = args[2].AsString(); instance_->Connect(config); return Var(); } pp::Var ChromotingScriptableObject::DoDisconnect(const std::vector& args, Var* exception) { instance_->Disconnect(); return Var(); } } // namespace remoting