// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef REMOTING_HOST_CHROMOTING_HOST_H_ #define REMOTING_HOST_CHROMOTING_HOST_H_ #include #include #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/observer_list.h" #include "base/threading/thread.h" #include "net/base/backoff_entry.h" #include "remoting/host/client_session.h" #include "remoting/host/host_key_pair.h" #include "remoting/host/host_status_observer.h" #include "remoting/host/mouse_move_observer.h" #include "remoting/protocol/authenticator.h" #include "remoting/protocol/session_manager.h" #include "remoting/protocol/connection_to_client.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSize.h" namespace base { class SingleThreadTaskRunner; } // namespace base namespace remoting { namespace protocol { class InputStub; class SessionConfig; class CandidateSessionConfig; } // namespace protocol class DesktopEnvironmentFactory; // A class to implement the functionality of a host process. // // Here's the work flow of this class: // 1. We should load the saved GAIA ID token or if this is the first // time the host process runs we should prompt user for the // credential. We will use this token or credentials to authenicate // and register the host. // // 2. We listen for incoming connection using libjingle. We will create // a ConnectionToClient object that wraps around linjingle for transport. // A VideoScheduler is created with an Encoder and a media::ScreenCapturer. // A ConnectionToClient is added to the ScreenRecorder for transporting // the screen captures. An InputStub is created and registered with the // ConnectionToClient to receive mouse / keyboard events from the remote // client. // After we have done all the initialization we'll start the ScreenRecorder. // We'll then enter the running state of the host process. // // 3. When the user is disconnected, we will pause the ScreenRecorder // and try to terminate the threads we have created. This will allow // all pending tasks to complete. After all of that completed we // return to the idle state. We then go to step (2) if there a new // incoming connection. class ChromotingHost : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe, public ClientSession::EventHandler, public protocol::SessionManager::Listener, public MouseMoveObserver { public: // The caller must ensure that |signal_strategy| and // |desktop_environment_factory| remain valid at least until the // |shutdown_task| supplied to Shutdown() has been notified. ChromotingHost( SignalStrategy* signal_strategy, DesktopEnvironmentFactory* desktop_environment_factory, scoped_ptr session_manager, scoped_refptr audio_task_runner, scoped_refptr input_task_runner, scoped_refptr video_capture_task_runner, scoped_refptr video_encode_task_runner, scoped_refptr network_task_runner, scoped_refptr ui_task_runner); // Asynchronously start the host process. // // After this is invoked, the host process will connect to the talk // network and start listening for incoming connections. // // This method can only be called once during the lifetime of this object. void Start(const std::string& xmpp_login); // Asynchronously shutdown the host process. |shutdown_task| is // called after shutdown is completed. void Shutdown(const base::Closure& shutdown_task); // Add/Remove |observer| to/from the list of status observers. Both // methods can be called on the network thread only. void AddStatusObserver(HostStatusObserver* observer); void RemoveStatusObserver(HostStatusObserver* observer); // This method may be called only from // HostStatusObserver::OnClientAuthenticated() to reject the new // client. void RejectAuthenticatingClient(); // Sets the authenticator factory to use for incoming // connections. Incoming connections are rejected until // authenticator factory is set. Must be called on the network // thread after the host is started. Must not be called more than // once per host instance because it may not be safe to delete // factory before all authenticators it created are deleted. void SetAuthenticatorFactory( scoped_ptr authenticator_factory); // Sets the maximum duration of any session. By default, a session has no // maximum duration. void SetMaximumSessionDuration(const base::TimeDelta& max_session_duration); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ClientSession::EventHandler implementation. virtual void OnSessionAuthenticated(ClientSession* client) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnSessionChannelsConnected(ClientSession* client) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnSessionAuthenticationFailed(ClientSession* client) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnSessionClosed(ClientSession* session) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnSessionSequenceNumber(ClientSession* session, int64 sequence_number) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnSessionRouteChange( ClientSession* session, const std::string& channel_name, const protocol::TransportRoute& route) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnClientResolutionChanged(ClientSession* session, const SkISize& size, const SkIPoint& dpi) OVERRIDE; // SessionManager::Listener implementation. virtual void OnSessionManagerReady() OVERRIDE; virtual void OnIncomingSession( protocol::Session* session, protocol::SessionManager::IncomingSessionResponse* response) OVERRIDE; // MouseMoveObserver interface. virtual void OnLocalMouseMoved(const SkIPoint& new_pos) OVERRIDE; // Sets desired configuration for the protocol. Must be called before Start(). void set_protocol_config(scoped_ptr config); // Pause or unpause the session. While the session is paused, remote input // is ignored. Can be called from any thread. void PauseSession(bool pause); // Disconnects all active clients. Clients are disconnected // asynchronously when this method is called on a thread other than // the network thread. Potentically this may cause disconnection of // clients that were not connected when this method is called. void DisconnectAllClients(); private: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; friend class ChromotingHostTest; typedef std::vector > ClientList; enum State { kInitial, kStarted, kStopping, kStopped, }; virtual ~ChromotingHost(); // Called from Shutdown() to finish shutdown. void ShutdownFinish(); // Unless specified otherwise all members of this class must be // used on the network thread only. // Parameters specified when the host was created. DesktopEnvironmentFactory* desktop_environment_factory_; scoped_ptr session_manager_; scoped_refptr audio_task_runner_; scoped_refptr input_task_runner_; scoped_refptr video_capture_task_runner_; scoped_refptr video_encode_task_runner_; scoped_refptr network_task_runner_; scoped_refptr ui_task_runner_; // Connection objects. SignalStrategy* signal_strategy_; // Must be used on the network thread only. ObserverList status_observers_; // The connections to remote clients. ClientList clients_; // Tracks the internal state of the host. State state_; // Configuration of the protocol. scoped_ptr protocol_config_; // Login backoff state. net::BackoffEntry login_backoff_; // Flags used for RejectAuthenticatingClient(). bool authenticating_client_; bool reject_authenticating_client_; // Stores list of tasks that should be executed when we finish // shutdown. Used only while |state_| is set to kStopping. std::vector shutdown_tasks_; // The maximum duration of any session. base::TimeDelta max_session_duration_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ChromotingHost); }; } // namespace remoting #endif // REMOTING_HOST_CHROMOTING_HOST_H_