// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "remoting/host/event_executor.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" #include "remoting/host/clipboard.h" #include "remoting/proto/internal.pb.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPoint.h" namespace remoting { namespace { using protocol::ClipboardEvent; using protocol::KeyEvent; using protocol::MouseEvent; // USB to XKB keycode map table. #define USB_KEYMAP(usb, xkb, win, mac) {usb, xkb} #include "ui/base/keycodes/usb_keycode_map.h" #undef USB_KEYMAP // Pixel-to-wheel-ticks conversion ratio used by GTK. // From Source/WebKit/chromium/src/gtk/WebInputFactory.cc. const float kWheelTicksPerPixel = 3.0f / 160.0f; // A class to generate events on Linux. class EventExecutorLinux : public EventExecutor { public: explicit EventExecutorLinux( scoped_refptr task_runner); virtual ~EventExecutorLinux(); bool Init(); // Clipboard stub interface. virtual void InjectClipboardEvent(const ClipboardEvent& event) OVERRIDE; // InputStub interface. virtual void InjectKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& event) OVERRIDE; virtual void InjectMouseEvent(const MouseEvent& event) OVERRIDE; // EventExecutor interface. virtual void Start( scoped_ptr client_clipboard) OVERRIDE; private: // The actual implementation resides in EventExecutorWin::Core class. class Core : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe, public EventExecutor { public: explicit Core(scoped_refptr task_runner); bool Init(); // Clipboard stub interface. virtual void InjectClipboardEvent(const ClipboardEvent& event) OVERRIDE; // InputStub interface. virtual void InjectKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& event) OVERRIDE; virtual void InjectMouseEvent(const MouseEvent& event) OVERRIDE; // EventExecutor interface. virtual void Start( scoped_ptr client_clipboard) OVERRIDE; void Stop(); private: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; virtual ~Core(); void InitClipboard(); // |mode| is one of the AutoRepeatModeOn, AutoRepeatModeOff, // AutoRepeatModeDefault constants defined by the XChangeKeyboardControl() // API. void SetAutoRepeatForKey(int keycode, int mode); void InjectScrollWheelClicks(int button, int count); // Compensates for global button mappings and resets the XTest device // mapping. void InitMouseButtonMap(); int MouseButtonToX11ButtonNumber(MouseEvent::MouseButton button); int HorizontalScrollWheelToX11ButtonNumber(int dx); int VerticalScrollWheelToX11ButtonNumber(int dy); scoped_refptr task_runner_; std::set pressed_keys_; SkIPoint latest_mouse_position_; float wheel_ticks_x_; float wheel_ticks_y_; // X11 graphics context. Display* display_; Window root_window_; int test_event_base_; int test_error_base_; // Number of buttons we support. // Left, Right, Middle, VScroll Up/Down, HScroll Left/Right. static const int kNumPointerButtons = 7; int pointer_button_map_[kNumPointerButtons]; scoped_ptr clipboard_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Core); }; scoped_refptr core_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(EventExecutorLinux); }; EventExecutorLinux::EventExecutorLinux( scoped_refptr task_runner) { core_ = new Core(task_runner); } EventExecutorLinux::~EventExecutorLinux() { core_->Stop(); } bool EventExecutorLinux::Init() { return core_->Init(); } void EventExecutorLinux::InjectClipboardEvent(const ClipboardEvent& event) { core_->InjectClipboardEvent(event); } void EventExecutorLinux::InjectKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& event) { core_->InjectKeyEvent(event); } void EventExecutorLinux::InjectMouseEvent(const MouseEvent& event) { core_->InjectMouseEvent(event); } void EventExecutorLinux::Start( scoped_ptr client_clipboard) { core_->Start(client_clipboard.Pass()); } EventExecutorLinux::Core::Core( scoped_refptr task_runner) : task_runner_(task_runner), latest_mouse_position_(SkIPoint::Make(-1, -1)), wheel_ticks_x_(0.0f), wheel_ticks_y_(0.0f), display_(XOpenDisplay(NULL)), root_window_(BadValue) { } bool EventExecutorLinux::Core::Init() { CHECK(display_); #if defined(REMOTING_HOST_LINUX_CLIPBOARD) if (!task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()) task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&Core::InitClipboard, this)); #endif // REMOTING_HOST_LINUX_CLIPBOARD root_window_ = RootWindow(display_, DefaultScreen(display_)); if (root_window_ == BadValue) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get the root window"; return false; } // TODO(ajwong): Do we want to check the major/minor version at all for XTest? int major = 0; int minor = 0; if (!XTestQueryExtension(display_, &test_event_base_, &test_error_base_, &major, &minor)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Server does not support XTest."; return false; } InitMouseButtonMap(); return true; } void EventExecutorLinux::Core::InjectClipboardEvent( const ClipboardEvent& event) { #if defined(REMOTING_HOST_LINUX_CLIPBOARD) if (!task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()) { task_runner_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&Core::InjectClipboardEvent, this, event)); return; } clipboard_->InjectClipboardEvent(event); #endif // REMOTING_HOST_LINUX_CLIPBOARD } void EventExecutorLinux::Core::InjectKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& event) { // HostEventDispatcher should filter events missing the pressed field. DCHECK(event.has_pressed()); DCHECK(event.has_usb_keycode()); if (!task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()) { task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&Core::InjectKeyEvent, this, event)); return; } int keycode = UsbKeycodeToNativeKeycode(event.usb_keycode()); VLOG(3) << "Converting USB keycode: " << std::hex << event.usb_keycode() << " to keycode: " << keycode << std::dec; // Ignore events which can't be mapped. if (keycode == kInvalidKeycode) return; if (event.pressed()) { if (pressed_keys_.find(keycode) != pressed_keys_.end()) { // Key is already held down, so lift the key up to ensure this repeated // press takes effect. XTestFakeKeyEvent(display_, keycode, False, CurrentTime); } else { // Key is not currently held down, so disable auto-repeat for this // key to avoid repeated presses in case network congestion delays the // key-released event from the client. SetAutoRepeatForKey(keycode, AutoRepeatModeOff); } pressed_keys_.insert(keycode); } else { pressed_keys_.erase(keycode); // Reset the AutoRepeatMode for the key that has been lifted. In the IT2Me // case, this ensures that key-repeating will continue to work normally // for the local user of the host machine. "ModeDefault" is used instead // of "ModeOn", since some keys (such as Shift) should not auto-repeat. SetAutoRepeatForKey(keycode, AutoRepeatModeDefault); } XTestFakeKeyEvent(display_, keycode, event.pressed(), CurrentTime); XFlush(display_); } EventExecutorLinux::Core::~Core() { CHECK(pressed_keys_.empty()); } void EventExecutorLinux::Core::InitClipboard() { DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); clipboard_ = Clipboard::Create(); } void EventExecutorLinux::Core::SetAutoRepeatForKey(int keycode, int mode) { XKeyboardControl control; control.key = keycode; control.auto_repeat_mode = mode; XChangeKeyboardControl(display_, KBKey | KBAutoRepeatMode, &control); } void EventExecutorLinux::Core::InjectScrollWheelClicks(int button, int count) { if (button < 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring unmapped scroll wheel button"; return; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Generate a button-down and a button-up to simulate a wheel click. XTestFakeButtonEvent(display_, button, true, CurrentTime); XTestFakeButtonEvent(display_, button, false, CurrentTime); } } void EventExecutorLinux::Core::InjectMouseEvent(const MouseEvent& event) { if (!task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()) { task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&Core::InjectMouseEvent, this, event)); return; } if (event.has_x() && event.has_y()) { // Injecting a motion event immediately before a button release results in // a MotionNotify even if the mouse position hasn't changed, which confuses // apps which assume MotionNotify implies movement. See crbug.com/138075. bool inject_motion = true; SkIPoint new_mouse_position(SkIPoint::Make(event.x(), event.y())); if (event.has_button() && event.has_button_down() && !event.button_down()) { if (new_mouse_position == latest_mouse_position_) inject_motion = false; } latest_mouse_position_ = new_mouse_position; if (inject_motion) { VLOG(3) << "Moving mouse to " << event.x() << "," << event.y(); XTestFakeMotionEvent(display_, DefaultScreen(display_), event.x(), event.y(), CurrentTime); } } if (event.has_button() && event.has_button_down()) { int button_number = MouseButtonToX11ButtonNumber(event.button()); if (button_number < 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring unknown button type: " << event.button(); return; } VLOG(3) << "Button " << event.button() << " received, sending " << (event.button_down() ? "down " : "up ") << button_number; XTestFakeButtonEvent(display_, button_number, event.button_down(), CurrentTime); } int ticks_y = 0; if (event.has_wheel_delta_y()) { wheel_ticks_y_ += event.wheel_delta_y() * kWheelTicksPerPixel; ticks_y = static_cast(wheel_ticks_y_); wheel_ticks_y_ -= ticks_y; } else if (event.has_wheel_offset_y()) { ticks_y = event.wheel_offset_y(); } if (ticks_y != 0) { InjectScrollWheelClicks(VerticalScrollWheelToX11ButtonNumber(ticks_y), abs(ticks_y)); } int ticks_x = 0; if (event.has_wheel_delta_x()) { wheel_ticks_x_ += event.wheel_delta_x() * kWheelTicksPerPixel; ticks_x = static_cast(wheel_ticks_x_); wheel_ticks_x_ -= ticks_x; } else if (event.has_wheel_offset_x()) { ticks_x = event.wheel_offset_x(); } if (ticks_x != 0) { InjectScrollWheelClicks(HorizontalScrollWheelToX11ButtonNumber(ticks_x), abs(ticks_x)); } XFlush(display_); } void EventExecutorLinux::Core::InitMouseButtonMap() { // TODO(rmsousa): Run this on global/device mapping change events. // Do not touch global pointer mapping, since this may affect the local user. // Instead, try to work around it by reversing the mapping. // Note that if a user has a global mapping that completely disables a button // (by assigning 0 to it), we won't be able to inject it. int num_buttons = XGetPointerMapping(display_, NULL, 0); scoped_array pointer_mapping(new unsigned char[num_buttons]); num_buttons = XGetPointerMapping(display_, pointer_mapping.get(), num_buttons); for (int i = 0; i < kNumPointerButtons; i++) { pointer_button_map_[i] = -1; } for (int i = 0; i < num_buttons; i++) { // Reverse the mapping. if (pointer_mapping[i] > 0 && pointer_mapping[i] <= kNumPointerButtons) { pointer_button_map_[pointer_mapping[i] - 1] = i + 1; } } for (int i = 0; i < kNumPointerButtons; i++) { if (pointer_button_map_[i] == -1) LOG(ERROR) << "Global pointer mapping does not support button " << i + 1; } int opcode, event, error; if (!XQueryExtension(display_, "XInputExtension", &opcode, &event, &error)) { // If XInput is not available, we're done. But it would be very unusual to // have a server that supports XTest but not XInput, so log it as an error. LOG(ERROR) << "X Input extension not available: " << error; return; } // Make sure the XTEST XInput pointer device mapping is trivial. It should be // safe to reset this mapping, as it won't affect the user's local devices. // In fact, the reason why we do this is because an old gnome-settings-daemon // may have mistakenly applied left-handed preferences to the XTEST device. XID device_id = 0; bool device_found = false; int num_devices; XDeviceInfo* devices; devices = XListInputDevices(display_, &num_devices); for (int i = 0; i < num_devices; i++) { XDeviceInfo* device_info = &devices[i]; if (device_info->use == IsXExtensionPointer && strcmp(device_info->name, "Virtual core XTEST pointer") == 0) { device_id = device_info->id; device_found = true; break; } } XFreeDeviceList(devices); if (!device_found) { LOG(INFO) << "Cannot find XTest device."; return; } XDevice* device = XOpenDevice(display_, device_id); if (!device) { LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot open XTest device."; return; } int num_device_buttons = XGetDeviceButtonMapping(display_, device, NULL, 0); scoped_array button_mapping(new unsigned char[num_buttons]); for (int i = 0; i < num_device_buttons; i++) { button_mapping[i] = i + 1; } error = XSetDeviceButtonMapping(display_, device, button_mapping.get(), num_device_buttons); if (error != Success) LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set XTest device button mapping: " << error; XCloseDevice(display_, device); } int EventExecutorLinux::Core::MouseButtonToX11ButtonNumber( MouseEvent::MouseButton button) { switch (button) { case MouseEvent::BUTTON_LEFT: return pointer_button_map_[0]; case MouseEvent::BUTTON_RIGHT: return pointer_button_map_[2]; case MouseEvent::BUTTON_MIDDLE: return pointer_button_map_[1]; case MouseEvent::BUTTON_UNDEFINED: default: return -1; } } int EventExecutorLinux::Core::HorizontalScrollWheelToX11ButtonNumber(int dx) { return (dx > 0 ? pointer_button_map_[5] : pointer_button_map_[6]); } int EventExecutorLinux::Core::VerticalScrollWheelToX11ButtonNumber(int dy) { // Positive y-values are wheel scroll-up events (button 4), negative y-values // are wheel scroll-down events (button 5). return (dy > 0 ? pointer_button_map_[3] : pointer_button_map_[4]); } void EventExecutorLinux::Core::Start( scoped_ptr client_clipboard) { if (!task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()) { task_runner_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&Core::Start, this, base::Passed(&client_clipboard))); return; } InitMouseButtonMap(); #if defined(REMOTING_HOST_LINUX_CLIPBOARD) clipboard_->Start(client_clipboard.Pass()); #endif // REMOTING_HOST_LINUX_CLIPBOARD } void EventExecutorLinux::Core::Stop() { #if defined(REMOTING_HOST_LINUX_CLIPBOARD) if (!task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()) { task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&Core::Stop, this)); return; } clipboard_->Stop(); #endif // REMOTING_HOST_LINUX_CLIPBOARD } } // namespace scoped_ptr EventExecutor::Create( scoped_refptr main_task_runner, scoped_refptr ui_task_runner) { scoped_ptr executor( new EventExecutorLinux(main_task_runner)); if (!executor->Init()) return scoped_ptr(NULL); return executor.PassAs(); } } // namespace remoting