// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "remoting/host/event_executor_win.h" #include #include "app/keyboard_codes.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "remoting/host/capturer.h" namespace remoting { // TODO(hclam): Move this method to base. // TODO(hclam): Using values look ugly, change it to something else. static app::KeyboardCode WindowsKeyCodeForPosixKeyCode(int keycode) { switch (keycode) { case 0x08: return app::VKEY_BACK; case 0x09: return app::VKEY_TAB; case 0x0C: return app::VKEY_CLEAR; case 0x0D: return app::VKEY_RETURN; case 0x10: return app::VKEY_SHIFT; case 0x11: return app::VKEY_CONTROL; case 0x12: return app::VKEY_MENU; case 0x13: return app::VKEY_PAUSE; case 0x14: return app::VKEY_CAPITAL; case 0x15: return app::VKEY_KANA; case 0x17: return app::VKEY_JUNJA; case 0x18: return app::VKEY_FINAL; case 0x19: return app::VKEY_KANJI; case 0x1B: return app::VKEY_ESCAPE; case 0x1C: return app::VKEY_CONVERT; case 0x1D: return app::VKEY_NONCONVERT; case 0x1E: return app::VKEY_ACCEPT; case 0x1F: return app::VKEY_MODECHANGE; case 0x20: return app::VKEY_SPACE; case 0x21: return app::VKEY_PRIOR; case 0x22: return app::VKEY_NEXT; case 0x23: return app::VKEY_END; case 0x24: return app::VKEY_HOME; case 0x25: return app::VKEY_LEFT; case 0x26: return app::VKEY_UP; case 0x27: return app::VKEY_RIGHT; case 0x28: return app::VKEY_DOWN; case 0x29: return app::VKEY_SELECT; case 0x2A: return app::VKEY_PRINT; case 0x2B: return app::VKEY_EXECUTE; case 0x2C: return app::VKEY_SNAPSHOT; case 0x2D: return app::VKEY_INSERT; case 0x2E: return app::VKEY_DELETE; case 0x2F: return app::VKEY_HELP; case 0x30: return app::VKEY_0; case 0x31: return app::VKEY_1; case 0x32: return app::VKEY_2; case 0x33: return app::VKEY_3; case 0x34: return app::VKEY_4; case 0x35: return app::VKEY_5; case 0x36: return app::VKEY_6; case 0x37: return app::VKEY_7; case 0x38: return app::VKEY_8; case 0x39: return app::VKEY_9; case 0x41: return app::VKEY_A; case 0x42: return app::VKEY_B; case 0x43: return app::VKEY_C; case 0x44: return app::VKEY_D; case 0x45: return app::VKEY_E; case 0x46: return app::VKEY_F; case 0x47: return app::VKEY_G; case 0x48: return app::VKEY_H; case 0x49: return app::VKEY_I; case 0x4A: return app::VKEY_J; case 0x4B: return app::VKEY_K; case 0x4C: return app::VKEY_L; case 0x4D: return app::VKEY_M; case 0x4E: return app::VKEY_N; case 0x4F: return app::VKEY_O; case 0x50: return app::VKEY_P; case 0x51: return app::VKEY_Q; case 0x52: return app::VKEY_R; case 0x53: return app::VKEY_S; case 0x54: return app::VKEY_T; case 0x55: return app::VKEY_U; case 0x56: return app::VKEY_V; case 0x57: return app::VKEY_W; case 0x58: return app::VKEY_X; case 0x59: return app::VKEY_Y; case 0x5A: return app::VKEY_Z; case 0x5B: return app::VKEY_LWIN; case 0x5C: return app::VKEY_RWIN; case 0x5D: return app::VKEY_APPS; case 0x5F: return app::VKEY_SLEEP; case 0x60: return app::VKEY_NUMPAD0; case 0x61: return app::VKEY_NUMPAD1; case 0x62: return app::VKEY_NUMPAD2; case 0x63: return app::VKEY_NUMPAD3; case 0x64: return app::VKEY_NUMPAD4; case 0x65: return app::VKEY_NUMPAD5; case 0x66: return app::VKEY_NUMPAD6; case 0x67: return app::VKEY_NUMPAD7; case 0x68: return app::VKEY_NUMPAD8; case 0x69: return app::VKEY_NUMPAD9; case 0x6A: return app::VKEY_MULTIPLY; case 0x6B: return app::VKEY_ADD; case 0x6C: return app::VKEY_SEPARATOR; case 0x6D: return app::VKEY_SUBTRACT; case 0x6E: return app::VKEY_DECIMAL; case 0x6F: return app::VKEY_DIVIDE; case 0x70: return app::VKEY_F1; case 0x71: return app::VKEY_F2; case 0x72: return app::VKEY_F3; case 0x73: return app::VKEY_F4; case 0x74: return app::VKEY_F5; case 0x75: return app::VKEY_F6; case 0x76: return app::VKEY_F7; case 0x77: return app::VKEY_F8; case 0x78: return app::VKEY_F9; case 0x79: return app::VKEY_F10; case 0x7A: return app::VKEY_F11; case 0x7B: return app::VKEY_F12; case 0x7C: return app::VKEY_F13; case 0x7D: return app::VKEY_F14; case 0x7E: return app::VKEY_F15; case 0x7F: return app::VKEY_F16; case 0x80: return app::VKEY_F17; case 0x81: return app::VKEY_F18; case 0x82: return app::VKEY_F19; case 0x83: return app::VKEY_F20; case 0x84: return app::VKEY_F21; case 0x85: return app::VKEY_F22; case 0x86: return app::VKEY_F23; case 0x87: return app::VKEY_F24; case 0x90: return app::VKEY_NUMLOCK; case 0x91: return app::VKEY_SCROLL; case 0xA0: return app::VKEY_LSHIFT; case 0xA1: return app::VKEY_RSHIFT; case 0xA2: return app::VKEY_LCONTROL; case 0xA3: return app::VKEY_RCONTROL; case 0xA4: return app::VKEY_LMENU; case 0xA5: return app::VKEY_RMENU; case 0xA6: return app::VKEY_BROWSER_BACK; case 0xA7: return app::VKEY_BROWSER_FORWARD; case 0xA8: return app::VKEY_BROWSER_REFRESH; case 0xA9: return app::VKEY_BROWSER_STOP; case 0xAA: return app::VKEY_BROWSER_SEARCH; case 0xAB: return app::VKEY_BROWSER_FAVORITES; case 0xAC: return app::VKEY_BROWSER_HOME; case 0xAD: return app::VKEY_VOLUME_MUTE; case 0xAE: return app::VKEY_VOLUME_DOWN; case 0xAF: return app::VKEY_VOLUME_UP; case 0xB0: return app::VKEY_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK; case 0xB1: return app::VKEY_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK; case 0xB2: return app::VKEY_MEDIA_STOP; case 0xB3: return app::VKEY_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE; case 0xB4: return app::VKEY_MEDIA_LAUNCH_MAIL; case 0xB5: return app::VKEY_MEDIA_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT; case 0xB6: return app::VKEY_MEDIA_LAUNCH_APP1; case 0xB7: return app::VKEY_MEDIA_LAUNCH_APP2; case 0xBA: return app::VKEY_OEM_1; case 0xBB: return app::VKEY_OEM_PLUS; case 0xBC: return app::VKEY_OEM_COMMA; case 0xBD: return app::VKEY_OEM_MINUS; case 0xBE: return app::VKEY_OEM_PERIOD; case 0xBF: return app::VKEY_OEM_2; case 0xC0: return app::VKEY_OEM_3; case 0xDB: return app::VKEY_OEM_4; case 0xDC: return app::VKEY_OEM_5; case 0xDD: return app::VKEY_OEM_6; case 0xDE: return app::VKEY_OEM_7; case 0xDF: return app::VKEY_OEM_8; case 0xE2: return app::VKEY_OEM_102; case 0xE5: return app::VKEY_PROCESSKEY; case 0xE7: return app::VKEY_PACKET; case 0xF6: return app::VKEY_ATTN; case 0xF7: return app::VKEY_CRSEL; case 0xF8: return app::VKEY_EXSEL; case 0xF9: return app::VKEY_EREOF; case 0xFA: return app::VKEY_PLAY; case 0xFB: return app::VKEY_ZOOM; case 0xFC: return app::VKEY_NONAME; case 0xFD: return app::VKEY_PA1; case 0xFE: return app::VKEY_OEM_CLEAR; default: return app::VKEY_UNKNOWN; } } EventExecutorWin::EventExecutorWin(Capturer* capturer) : EventExecutor(capturer) { } EventExecutorWin::~EventExecutorWin() { } void EventExecutorWin::HandleInputEvents(ClientMessageList* messages) { for (ClientMessageList::iterator it = messages->begin(); it != messages->end(); ++it) { ChromotingClientMessage* msg = *it; if (msg->has_mouse_set_position_event()) { HandleMouseSetPosition(msg); } else if (msg->has_mouse_move_event()) { HandleMouseMove(msg); } else if (msg->has_mouse_wheel_event()) { HandleMouseWheel(msg); } else if (msg->has_mouse_down_event()) { HandleMouseButtonDown(msg); } else if (msg->has_mouse_up_event()) { HandleMouseButtonUp(msg); } else if (msg->has_key_event()) { HandleKey(msg); } } // We simply delete all messages. // TODO(hclam): Delete messages processed. STLDeleteElements(messages); } void EventExecutorWin::HandleMouseSetPosition(ChromotingClientMessage* msg) { int x = msg->mouse_set_position_event().x(); int y = msg->mouse_set_position_event().y(); int width = msg->mouse_set_position_event().width(); int height = msg->mouse_set_position_event().height(); // Get width and height from the capturer if they are missing from the // message. if (width == 0 || height == 0) { width = capturer_->width(); height = capturer_->height(); } if (width == 0 || height == 0) { return; } INPUT input; input.type = INPUT_MOUSE; input.mi.time = 0; input.mi.dx = static_cast((x * 65535) / width); input.mi.dy = static_cast((y * 65535) / height); input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE | MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE; SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(INPUT)); } void EventExecutorWin::HandleMouseMove(ChromotingClientMessage* msg) { INPUT input; input.type = INPUT_MOUSE; input.mi.time = 0; input.mi.dx = msg->mouse_move_event().offset_x(); input.mi.dy = msg->mouse_move_event().offset_y(); input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE; SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(INPUT)); } void EventExecutorWin::HandleMouseWheel(ChromotingClientMessage* msg) { INPUT input; input.type = INPUT_MOUSE; input.mi.time = 0; int dx = msg->mouse_wheel_event().offset_x(); int dy = msg->mouse_wheel_event().offset_y(); if (dx != 0) { input.mi.mouseData = dx; input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_HWHEEL; SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(INPUT)); } if (dy != 0) { input.mi.mouseData = dy; input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL; SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(INPUT)); } } void EventExecutorWin::HandleMouseButtonDown(ChromotingClientMessage* msg) { INPUT input; input.type = INPUT_MOUSE; input.mi.time = 0; input.mi.dx = 0; input.mi.dy = 0; MouseButton button = msg->mouse_down_event().button(); if (button == MouseButtonLeft) { input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN; } else if (button == MouseButtonMiddle) { input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN; } else if (button == MouseButtonRight) { input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN; } else { input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN; } SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(INPUT)); } void EventExecutorWin::HandleMouseButtonUp(ChromotingClientMessage* msg) { INPUT input; input.type = INPUT_MOUSE; input.mi.time = 0; input.mi.dx = 0; input.mi.dy = 0; MouseButton button = msg->mouse_down_event().button(); if (button == MouseButtonLeft) { input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP; } else if (button == MouseButtonMiddle) { input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP; } else if (button == MouseButtonRight) { input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP; } else { input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP; } SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(INPUT)); } void EventExecutorWin::HandleKey(ChromotingClientMessage* msg) { INPUT input; input.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; input.ki.time = 0; input.ki.wVk = 0; input.ki.wScan = msg->key_event().key(); input.ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_UNICODE; if (!msg->key_event().pressed()) { input.ki.dwFlags |= KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; } SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(INPUT)); } } // namespace remoting