// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "remoting/host/native_messaging/native_messaging_reader.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "base/platform_file.h" #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "remoting/host/setup/test_util.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace remoting { class NativeMessagingReaderTest : public testing::Test { public: NativeMessagingReaderTest(); virtual ~NativeMessagingReaderTest(); virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE; virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE; // Starts the reader and runs the MessageLoop to completion. void Run(); // MessageCallback passed to the Reader. Stores |message| so it can be // verified by tests. void OnMessage(scoped_ptr message); // Writes a message (header+body) to the write-end of the pipe. void WriteMessage(std::string message); // Writes some data to the write-end of the pipe. void WriteData(const char* data, int length); protected: scoped_ptr reader_; base::PlatformFile read_handle_; base::PlatformFile write_handle_; scoped_ptr message_; private: // MessageLoop declared here, since the NativeMessageReader ctor requires a // MessageLoop to have been created. base::MessageLoopForIO message_loop_; base::RunLoop run_loop_; }; NativeMessagingReaderTest::NativeMessagingReaderTest() { } NativeMessagingReaderTest::~NativeMessagingReaderTest() {} void NativeMessagingReaderTest::SetUp() { ASSERT_TRUE(MakePipe(&read_handle_, &write_handle_)); reader_.reset(new NativeMessagingReader(read_handle_)); } void NativeMessagingReaderTest::TearDown() { // |read_handle_| is owned by NativeMessagingReader's FileStream, so don't // try to close it here. Also, |write_handle_| gets closed by Run(). } void NativeMessagingReaderTest::Run() { // Close the write-end, so the reader doesn't block waiting for more data. base::ClosePlatformFile(write_handle_); // base::Unretained is safe since no further tasks can run after // RunLoop::Run() returns. reader_->Start( base::Bind(&NativeMessagingReaderTest::OnMessage, base::Unretained(this)), run_loop_.QuitClosure()); run_loop_.Run(); } void NativeMessagingReaderTest::OnMessage(scoped_ptr message) { message_ = message.Pass(); } void NativeMessagingReaderTest::WriteMessage(std::string message) { uint32 length = message.length(); WriteData(reinterpret_cast(&length), 4); WriteData(message.data(), length); } void NativeMessagingReaderTest::WriteData(const char* data, int length) { int written = base::WritePlatformFileAtCurrentPos(write_handle_, data, length); ASSERT_EQ(length, written); } TEST_F(NativeMessagingReaderTest, GoodMessage) { WriteMessage("{\"foo\": 42}"); Run(); EXPECT_TRUE(message_); base::DictionaryValue* message_dict; EXPECT_TRUE(message_->GetAsDictionary(&message_dict)); int result; EXPECT_TRUE(message_dict->GetInteger("foo", &result)); EXPECT_EQ(42, result); } TEST_F(NativeMessagingReaderTest, InvalidLength) { uint32 length = 0xffffffff; WriteData(reinterpret_cast(&length), 4); Run(); EXPECT_FALSE(message_); } TEST_F(NativeMessagingReaderTest, EmptyFile) { Run(); EXPECT_FALSE(message_); } TEST_F(NativeMessagingReaderTest, ShortHeader) { // Write only 3 bytes - the message length header is supposed to be 4 bytes. WriteData("xxx", 3); Run(); EXPECT_FALSE(message_); } TEST_F(NativeMessagingReaderTest, EmptyBody) { uint32 length = 1; WriteData(reinterpret_cast(&length), 4); Run(); EXPECT_FALSE(message_); } TEST_F(NativeMessagingReaderTest, ShortBody) { uint32 length = 2; WriteData(reinterpret_cast(&length), 4); // Only write 1 byte, where the header indicates there should be 2 bytes. WriteData("x", 1); Run(); EXPECT_FALSE(message_); } TEST_F(NativeMessagingReaderTest, InvalidJSON) { std::string text = "{"; WriteMessage(text); Run(); EXPECT_FALSE(message_); } TEST_F(NativeMessagingReaderTest, SecondMessage) { WriteMessage("{}"); WriteMessage("{\"foo\": 42}"); Run(); EXPECT_TRUE(message_); base::DictionaryValue* message_dict; EXPECT_TRUE(message_->GetAsDictionary(&message_dict)); int result; EXPECT_TRUE(message_dict->GetInteger("foo", &result)); EXPECT_EQ(42, result); } } // namespace remoting