// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // This file implements a standalone host process for Me2Me. #include #include "base/at_exit.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/scoped_native_library.h" #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/stringize_macros.h" #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h" #include "base/threading/thread.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/win/windows_version.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "crypto/nss_util.h" #include "ipc/ipc_channel.h" #include "ipc/ipc_channel_proxy.h" #include "ipc/ipc_listener.h" #include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h" #include "net/socket/ssl_server_socket.h" #include "remoting/base/auto_thread_task_runner.h" #include "remoting/base/breakpad.h" #include "remoting/base/constants.h" #include "remoting/host/branding.h" #include "remoting/host/chromoting_host.h" #include "remoting/host/chromoting_host_context.h" #include "remoting/host/chromoting_messages.h" #include "remoting/host/config_file_watcher.h" #include "remoting/host/curtain_mode.h" #include "remoting/host/curtaining_host_observer.h" #include "remoting/host/desktop_environment_factory.h" #include "remoting/host/desktop_resizer.h" #include "remoting/host/desktop_session_connector.h" #include "remoting/host/dns_blackhole_checker.h" #include "remoting/host/event_executor.h" #include "remoting/host/heartbeat_sender.h" #include "remoting/host/host_config.h" #include "remoting/host/host_event_logger.h" #include "remoting/host/host_exit_codes.h" #include "remoting/host/host_user_interface.h" #include "remoting/host/ipc_constants.h" #include "remoting/host/ipc_desktop_environment_factory.h" #include "remoting/host/json_host_config.h" #include "remoting/host/logging.h" #include "remoting/host/log_to_server.h" #include "remoting/host/network_settings.h" #include "remoting/host/policy_hack/policy_watcher.h" #include "remoting/host/resizing_host_observer.h" #include "remoting/host/session_manager_factory.h" #include "remoting/host/signaling_connector.h" #include "remoting/host/usage_stats_consent.h" #include "remoting/host/video_frame_capturer.h" #include "remoting/jingle_glue/xmpp_signal_strategy.h" #include "remoting/protocol/me2me_host_authenticator_factory.h" #if defined(OS_POSIX) #include #include #include "base/file_descriptor_posix.h" #include "remoting/host/pam_authorization_factory_posix.h" #include "remoting/host/posix/signal_handler.h" #endif // defined(OS_POSIX) #if defined(OS_MACOSX) #include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h" #include "base/mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h" #endif // defined(OS_MACOSX) #if defined(OS_LINUX) #include "remoting/host/audio_capturer_linux.h" #endif // defined(OS_LINUX) #if defined(OS_WIN) #include #include "base/win/scoped_handle.h" #include "remoting/host/win/session_desktop_environment_factory.h" #endif // defined(OS_WIN) #if defined(TOOLKIT_GTK) #include "ui/gfx/gtk_util.h" #endif // defined(TOOLKIT_GTK) namespace { // This is used for tagging system event logs. const char kApplicationName[] = "chromoting"; // The command line switch used to get version of the daemon. const char kVersionSwitchName[] = "version"; // The command line switch used to pass name of the pipe to capture audio on // linux. const char kAudioPipeSwitchName[] = "audio-pipe-name"; void QuitMessageLoop(MessageLoop* message_loop) { message_loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, MessageLoop::QuitClosure()); } // Returns true if GetUsername() is implemented on this platform. bool CanGetUsername() { #if defined(OS_POSIX) return true; #else // !defined(OS_POSIX) return false; #endif // defined(OS_POSIX) } // namespace // Returns the username associated with this process, or the empty string on // error. std::string GetUsername() { #if defined(OS_POSIX) long buf_size = sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX); if (buf_size <= 0) return ""; scoped_array buf(new char[buf_size]); struct passwd passwd; struct passwd* passwd_result = NULL; getpwuid_r(getuid(), &passwd, buf.get(), buf_size, &passwd_result); if (!passwd_result) return ""; return std::string(passwd_result->pw_name); #else // !defined(OS_POSIX) NOTREACHED(); return ""; #endif // defined(OS_POSIX) } } // namespace namespace remoting { class HostProcess : public ConfigFileWatcher::Delegate, public HeartbeatSender::Listener, public IPC::Listener, public base::RefCountedThreadSafe { public: HostProcess(scoped_ptr context, int* exit_code_out); // ConfigFileWatcher::Delegate interface. virtual void OnConfigUpdated(const std::string& serialized_config) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnConfigWatcherError() OVERRIDE; // IPC::Listener implementation. virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnChannelError() OVERRIDE; // HeartbeatSender::Listener overrides. virtual void OnUnknownHostIdError() OVERRIDE; private: enum HostState { // Host process has just been started. Waiting for config and policies to be // read from the disk. HOST_INITIALIZING, // Host is started and running. HOST_STARTED, // Host is being stopped and will need to be started again. HOST_STOPPING_TO_RESTART, // Host is being stopped. HOST_STOPPING, // Host has been stopped. HOST_STOPPED, // Allowed state transitions: // INITIALIZING->STARTED // INITIALIZING->STOPPED // STARTED->STOPPING_TO_RESTART // STARTED->STOPPING // STOPPING_TO_RESTART->STARTED // STOPPING_TO_RESTART->STOPPING // STOPPING->STOPPED // STOPPED->STARTED // // |host_| must be NULL in INITIALIZING and STOPPED states and not-NULL in // all other states. }; friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; virtual ~HostProcess(); void StartOnNetworkThread(); #if defined(OS_POSIX) // Callback passed to RegisterSignalHandler() to handle SIGTERM events. void SigTermHandler(int signal_number); #endif // Called to initialize resources on the UI thread. void StartOnUiThread(); // Initializes IPC control channel and config file path from |cmd_line|. // Called on the UI thread. bool InitWithCommandLine(const CommandLine* cmd_line); // Called on the UI thread to start monitoring the configuration file. void StartWatchingConfigChanges(); // Called on the network thread to set the host's Authenticator factory. void CreateAuthenticatorFactory(); // Asks the daemon to inject Secure Attention Sequence to the console. void SendSasToConsole(); // Tear down resources that run on the UI thread. void ShutdownOnUiThread(); // Applies the host config, returning true if successful. bool ApplyConfig(scoped_ptr config); void OnPolicyUpdate(scoped_ptr policies); bool OnHostDomainPolicyUpdate(const std::string& host_domain); bool OnUsernamePolicyUpdate(bool username_match_required); bool OnNatPolicyUpdate(bool nat_traversal_enabled); bool OnCurtainPolicyUpdate(bool curtain_required); bool OnHostTalkGadgetPrefixPolicyUpdate(const std::string& talkgadget_prefix); void StartHost(); void OnAuthFailed(); void OnCurtainModeFailed(); void OnRemoteSessionSwitchedToConsole(); // Invoked when the user uses the Disconnect windows to terminate // the sessions, or when the local session is activated in curtain mode. void OnDisconnectRequested(); void RestartHost(); // Stops the host and shuts down the process with the specified |exit_code|. void ShutdownHost(int exit_code); void ShutdownOnNetworkThread(); // Crashes the process in response to a daemon's request. The daemon passes // the location of the code that detected the fatal error resulted in this // request. void OnCrash(const std::string& function_name, const std::string& file_name, const int& line_number); scoped_ptr context_; // Created on the UI thread but used from the network thread. scoped_ptr network_change_notifier_; // Accessed on the UI thread. scoped_ptr daemon_channel_; FilePath host_config_path_; scoped_ptr desktop_environment_factory_; // Accessed on the network thread. HostState state_; scoped_ptr config_watcher_; std::string host_id_; protocol::SharedSecretHash host_secret_hash_; HostKeyPair key_pair_; std::string oauth_refresh_token_; std::string serialized_config_; std::string xmpp_login_; std::string xmpp_auth_token_; std::string xmpp_auth_service_; scoped_ptr policy_watcher_; bool allow_nat_traversal_; std::string talkgadget_prefix_; scoped_ptr curtain_; scoped_ptr curtaining_host_observer_; bool curtain_required_; scoped_ptr desktop_resizer_; scoped_ptr resizing_host_observer_; scoped_ptr signal_strategy_; scoped_ptr signaling_connector_; scoped_ptr heartbeat_sender_; scoped_ptr log_to_server_; scoped_ptr host_event_logger_; // Created on the UI thread and used on the network thread. scoped_ptr host_user_interface_; scoped_refptr host_; // Used to keep this HostProcess alive until it is shutdown. scoped_refptr self_; #if defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) DesktopSessionConnector* desktop_session_connector_; #endif // defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) int* exit_code_out_; }; HostProcess::HostProcess(scoped_ptr context, int* exit_code_out) : context_(context.Pass()), state_(HOST_INITIALIZING), allow_nat_traversal_(true), curtain_required_(false), desktop_resizer_(DesktopResizer::Create()), #if defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) desktop_session_connector_(NULL), #endif // defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(self_(this)), exit_code_out_(exit_code_out) { // Create a NetworkChangeNotifier for use by the signalling connector. network_change_notifier_.reset(net::NetworkChangeNotifier::Create()); // Create the platform-specific curtain-mode implementation. // TODO(wez): Create this on the network thread? curtain_ = CurtainMode::Create( base::Bind(&HostProcess::OnRemoteSessionSwitchedToConsole, base::Unretained(this)), base::Bind(&HostProcess::OnCurtainModeFailed, base::Unretained(this))); StartOnUiThread(); } HostProcess::~HostProcess() { // Verify that UI components have been torn down. DCHECK(!config_watcher_); DCHECK(!daemon_channel_); DCHECK(!desktop_environment_factory_); DCHECK(!host_user_interface_); // We might be getting deleted on one of the threads the |host_context| owns, // so we need to post it back to the caller thread to safely join & delete the // threads it contains. This will go away when we move to AutoThread. // |context_release()| will null |context_| before the method is invoked, so // we need to pull out the task-runner on which to call DeleteSoon first. scoped_refptr task_runner = context_->ui_task_runner(); task_runner->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, context_.release()); } bool HostProcess::InitWithCommandLine(const CommandLine* cmd_line) { #if defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) // Parse the handle value and convert it to a handle/file descriptor. std::string channel_name = cmd_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(kDaemonPipeSwitchName); int pipe_handle = 0; if (channel_name.empty() || !base::StringToInt(channel_name, &pipe_handle)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid '" << kDaemonPipeSwitchName << "' value: " << channel_name; return false; } #if defined(OS_WIN) base::win::ScopedHandle pipe(reinterpret_cast(pipe_handle)); IPC::ChannelHandle channel_handle(pipe); #elif defined(OS_POSIX) base::FileDescriptor pipe(pipe_handle, true); IPC::ChannelHandle channel_handle(channel_name, pipe); #endif // defined(OS_POSIX) // Connect to the daemon process. daemon_channel_.reset(new IPC::ChannelProxy( channel_handle, IPC::Channel::MODE_CLIENT, this, context_->network_task_runner())); #else // !defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) // Connect to the daemon process. std::string channel_name = cmd_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(kDaemonPipeSwitchName); if (!channel_name.empty()) { daemon_channel_.reset(new IPC::ChannelProxy( channel_name, IPC::Channel::MODE_CLIENT, this, context_->network_task_runner())); } FilePath default_config_dir = remoting::GetConfigDir(); host_config_path_ = default_config_dir.Append(kDefaultHostConfigFile); if (cmd_line->HasSwitch(kHostConfigSwitchName)) { host_config_path_ = cmd_line->GetSwitchValuePath(kHostConfigSwitchName); } #endif // !defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) return true; } void HostProcess::OnConfigUpdated( const std::string& serialized_config) { if (!context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()) { context_->network_task_runner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&HostProcess::OnConfigUpdated, this, serialized_config)); return; } // Filter out duplicates. if (serialized_config_ == serialized_config) return; LOG(INFO) << "Processing new host configuration."; serialized_config_ = serialized_config; scoped_ptr config(new JsonHostConfig(FilePath())); if (!config->SetSerializedData(serialized_config)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid configuration."; ShutdownHost(kInvalidHostConfigurationExitCode); return; } if (!ApplyConfig(config.Pass())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to apply the configuration."; ShutdownHost(kInvalidHostConfigurationExitCode); return; } if (state_ == HOST_INITIALIZING) { // TODO(sergeyu): Currently OnPolicyUpdate() assumes that host config is // already loaded so PolicyWatcher has to be started here. Separate policy // loading from policy verifications and move |policy_watcher_| // initialization to StartOnNetworkThread(). policy_watcher_.reset( policy_hack::PolicyWatcher::Create(context_->file_task_runner())); policy_watcher_->StartWatching( base::Bind(&HostProcess::OnPolicyUpdate, base::Unretained(this))); } else if (state_ == HOST_STARTED) { // TODO(sergeyu): Here we assume that PIN is the only part of the config // that may change while the service is running. Change ApplyConfig() to // detect other changes in the config and restart host if necessary here. CreateAuthenticatorFactory(); } } void HostProcess::OnConfigWatcherError() { DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); ShutdownHost(kInvalidHostConfigurationExitCode); } void HostProcess::StartOnNetworkThread() { DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); #if !defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) // Start watching the host configuration file. config_watcher_.reset(new ConfigFileWatcher(context_->network_task_runner(), context_->file_task_runner(), this)); config_watcher_->Watch(host_config_path_); #endif // !defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) #if defined(OS_POSIX) remoting::RegisterSignalHandler( SIGTERM, base::Bind(&HostProcess::SigTermHandler, base::Unretained(this))); #endif // defined(OS_POSIX) } #if defined(OS_POSIX) void HostProcess::SigTermHandler(int signal_number) { DCHECK(signal_number == SIGTERM); DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); LOG(INFO) << "Caught SIGTERM: Shutting down..."; ShutdownHost(kSuccessExitCode); } #endif // OS_POSIX void HostProcess::CreateAuthenticatorFactory() { DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (state_ != HOST_STARTED) return; std::string local_certificate = key_pair_.GenerateCertificate(); if (local_certificate.empty()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to generate host certificate."; ShutdownHost(kInitializationFailed); return; } scoped_ptr factory( new protocol::Me2MeHostAuthenticatorFactory( local_certificate, *key_pair_.private_key(), host_secret_hash_)); #if defined(OS_POSIX) // On Linux and Mac, perform a PAM authorization step after authentication. factory.reset(new PamAuthorizationFactory(factory.Pass())); #endif host_->SetAuthenticatorFactory(factory.Pass()); } // IPC::Listener implementation. bool HostProcess::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) { DCHECK(context_->ui_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); #if defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) bool handled = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(HostProcess, message) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ChromotingDaemonNetworkMsg_Crash, OnCrash) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ChromotingDaemonNetworkMsg_Configuration, OnConfigUpdated) IPC_MESSAGE_FORWARD( ChromotingDaemonNetworkMsg_DesktopAttached, desktop_session_connector_, DesktopSessionConnector::OnDesktopSessionAgentAttached) IPC_MESSAGE_FORWARD(ChromotingDaemonNetworkMsg_TerminalDisconnected, desktop_session_connector_, DesktopSessionConnector::OnTerminalDisconnected) IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP() return handled; #else // !defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) return false; #endif // !defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) } void HostProcess::OnChannelError() { DCHECK(context_->ui_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); // Shutdown the host if the daemon process disconnects the IPC channel. context_->network_task_runner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&HostProcess::ShutdownHost, this, kSuccessExitCode)); } void HostProcess::StartOnUiThread() { DCHECK(context_->ui_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (!InitWithCommandLine(CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess())) { OnConfigWatcherError(); return; } #if defined(OS_LINUX) // TODO(sergeyu): Pass configuration parameters to the Linux-specific version // of DesktopEnvironmentFactory when we have it. remoting::VideoFrameCapturer::EnableXDamage(true); // If an audio pipe is specific on the command-line then initialize // AudioCapturerLinux to capture from it. FilePath audio_pipe_name = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()-> GetSwitchValuePath(kAudioPipeSwitchName); if (!audio_pipe_name.empty()) { remoting::AudioCapturerLinux::InitializePipeReader( context_->audio_task_runner(), audio_pipe_name); } #endif // defined(OS_LINUX) // Create a desktop environment factory appropriate to the build type & // platform. #if defined(OS_WIN) #if defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) IpcDesktopEnvironmentFactory* desktop_environment_factory = new IpcDesktopEnvironmentFactory( daemon_channel_.get(), context_->input_task_runner(), context_->network_task_runner(), context_->ui_task_runner(), context_->video_capture_task_runner()); desktop_session_connector_ = desktop_environment_factory; #else // !defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) DesktopEnvironmentFactory* desktop_environment_factory = new SessionDesktopEnvironmentFactory( context_->input_task_runner(), context_->ui_task_runner(), base::Bind(&HostProcess::SendSasToConsole, this)); #endif // !defined(REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS) #else // !defined(OS_WIN) DesktopEnvironmentFactory* desktop_environment_factory = new DesktopEnvironmentFactory( context_->input_task_runner(), context_->ui_task_runner()); #endif // !defined(OS_WIN) desktop_environment_factory_.reset(desktop_environment_factory); // The host UI should be created on the UI thread. bool want_user_interface = true; #if defined(OS_LINUX) want_user_interface = false; #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) // Don't try to display any UI on top of the system's login screen as this // is rejected by the Window Server on OS X 10.7.4, and prevents the // capturer from working (http://crbug.com/140984). // TODO(lambroslambrou): Use a better technique of detecting whether we're // running in the LoginWindow context, and refactor this into a separate // function to be used here and in CurtainMode::ActivateCurtain(). want_user_interface = getuid() != 0; #endif // OS_MACOSX if (want_user_interface) { host_user_interface_.reset( new HostUserInterface(context_->network_task_runner(), context_->ui_task_runner())); host_user_interface_->Init(); } context_->network_task_runner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&HostProcess::StartOnNetworkThread, this)); } void HostProcess::SendSasToConsole() { DCHECK(context_->ui_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (daemon_channel_) daemon_channel_->Send(new ChromotingNetworkDaemonMsg_SendSasToConsole()); } void HostProcess::ShutdownOnUiThread() { DCHECK(context_->ui_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); // Tear down resources that need to be torn down on the UI thread. network_change_notifier_.reset(); daemon_channel_.reset(); desktop_environment_factory_.reset(); host_user_interface_.reset(); // It is now safe for the HostProcess to be deleted. self_ = NULL; #if defined(OS_LINUX) // Cause the global AudioPipeReader to be freed, otherwise the audio // thread will remain in-use and prevent the process from exiting. // TODO(wez): DesktopEnvironmentFactory should own the pipe reader. // See crbug.com/161373 and crbug.com/104544. AudioCapturerLinux::InitializePipeReader(NULL, FilePath()); #endif } // Overridden from HeartbeatSender::Listener void HostProcess::OnUnknownHostIdError() { LOG(ERROR) << "Host ID not found."; ShutdownHost(kInvalidHostIdExitCode); } // Applies the host config, returning true if successful. bool HostProcess::ApplyConfig(scoped_ptr config) { DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (!config->GetString(kHostIdConfigPath, &host_id_)) { LOG(ERROR) << "host_id is not defined in the config."; return false; } if (!key_pair_.Load(*config)) { return false; } std::string host_secret_hash_string; if (!config->GetString(kHostSecretHashConfigPath, &host_secret_hash_string)) { host_secret_hash_string = "plain:"; } if (!host_secret_hash_.Parse(host_secret_hash_string)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid host_secret_hash."; return false; } // Use an XMPP connection to the Talk network for session signalling. if (!config->GetString(kXmppLoginConfigPath, &xmpp_login_) || !(config->GetString(kXmppAuthTokenConfigPath, &xmpp_auth_token_) || config->GetString(kOAuthRefreshTokenConfigPath, &oauth_refresh_token_))) { LOG(ERROR) << "XMPP credentials are not defined in the config."; return false; } if (!oauth_refresh_token_.empty()) { xmpp_auth_token_ = ""; // This will be set to the access token later. xmpp_auth_service_ = "oauth2"; } else if (!config->GetString(kXmppAuthServiceConfigPath, &xmpp_auth_service_)) { // For the me2me host, we default to ClientLogin token for chromiumsync // because earlier versions of the host had no HTTP stack with which to // request an OAuth2 access token. xmpp_auth_service_ = kChromotingTokenDefaultServiceName; } return true; } void HostProcess::OnPolicyUpdate(scoped_ptr policies) { // TODO(rmsousa): Consolidate all On*PolicyUpdate methods into this one. // TODO(sergeyu): Currently polices are verified only when they are loaded. // Separate policy loading from policy verifications - this will allow to // check policies again later, e.g. when host config changes. if (!context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()) { context_->network_task_runner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &HostProcess::OnPolicyUpdate, this, base::Passed(&policies))); return; } bool restart_required = false; bool bool_value; std::string string_value; if (policies->GetString(policy_hack::PolicyWatcher::kHostDomainPolicyName, &string_value)) { restart_required |= OnHostDomainPolicyUpdate(string_value); } if (policies->GetBoolean( policy_hack::PolicyWatcher::kHostMatchUsernamePolicyName, &bool_value)) { restart_required |= OnUsernamePolicyUpdate(bool_value); } if (policies->GetBoolean(policy_hack::PolicyWatcher::kNatPolicyName, &bool_value)) { restart_required |= OnNatPolicyUpdate(bool_value); } if (policies->GetString( policy_hack::PolicyWatcher::kHostTalkGadgetPrefixPolicyName, &string_value)) { restart_required |= OnHostTalkGadgetPrefixPolicyUpdate(string_value); } if (policies->GetBoolean( policy_hack::PolicyWatcher::kHostRequireCurtainPolicyName, &bool_value)) { restart_required |= OnCurtainPolicyUpdate(bool_value); } if (state_ == HOST_INITIALIZING) { StartHost(); } else if (state_ == HOST_STARTED && restart_required) { RestartHost(); } } bool HostProcess::OnHostDomainPolicyUpdate(const std::string& host_domain) { // Returns true if the host has to be restarted after this policy update. DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); LOG(INFO) << "Policy sets host domain: " << host_domain; if (!host_domain.empty() && !EndsWith(xmpp_login_, std::string("@") + host_domain, false)) { ShutdownHost(kInvalidHostDomainExitCode); } return false; } bool HostProcess::OnUsernamePolicyUpdate(bool host_username_match_required) { // Returns false: never restart the host after this policy update. DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (host_username_match_required) { LOG(INFO) << "Policy requires host username match."; bool shutdown = !CanGetUsername() || !StartsWithASCII(xmpp_login_, GetUsername() + std::string("@"), false); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // On Mac, we run as root at the login screen, so the username won't match. // However, there's no need to enforce the policy at the login screen, as // the client will have to reconnect if a login occurs. if (shutdown && getuid() == 0) { shutdown = false; } #endif if (shutdown) { ShutdownHost(kUsernameMismatchExitCode); } } else { LOG(INFO) << "Policy does not require host username match."; } return false; } bool HostProcess::OnNatPolicyUpdate(bool nat_traversal_enabled) { // Returns true if the host has to be restarted after this policy update. DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (allow_nat_traversal_ != nat_traversal_enabled) { if (nat_traversal_enabled) LOG(INFO) << "Policy enables NAT traversal."; else LOG(INFO) << "Policy disables NAT traversal."; allow_nat_traversal_ = nat_traversal_enabled; return true; } return false; } bool HostProcess::OnCurtainPolicyUpdate(bool curtain_required) { // Returns true if the host has to be restarted after this policy update. DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) if (curtain_required) { // When curtain mode is in effect on Mac, the host process runs in the // user's switched-out session, but launchd will also run an instance at // the console login screen. Even if no user is currently logged-on, we // can't support remote-access to the login screen because the current host // process model disconnects the client during login, which would leave // the logged in session un-curtained on the console until they reconnect. // // TODO(jamiewalch): Fix this once we have implemented the multi-process // daemon architecture (crbug.com/134894) if (getuid() == 0) { ShutdownHost(kLoginScreenNotSupportedExitCode); return false; } } #endif if (curtain_required_ != curtain_required) { if (curtain_required) LOG(ERROR) << "Policy requires curtain-mode."; else LOG(ERROR) << "Policy does not require curtain-mode."; curtain_required_ = curtain_required; if (curtaining_host_observer_) curtaining_host_observer_->SetEnableCurtaining(curtain_required_); return true; } return false; } bool HostProcess::OnHostTalkGadgetPrefixPolicyUpdate( const std::string& talkgadget_prefix) { // Returns true if the host has to be restarted after this policy update. DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (talkgadget_prefix != talkgadget_prefix_) { LOG(INFO) << "Policy sets talkgadget prefix: " << talkgadget_prefix; talkgadget_prefix_ = talkgadget_prefix; return true; } return false; } void HostProcess::StartHost() { DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); DCHECK(!host_); DCHECK(!signal_strategy_.get()); DCHECK(state_ == HOST_INITIALIZING || state_ == HOST_STOPPING_TO_RESTART || state_ == HOST_STOPPED) << state_; state_ = HOST_STARTED; signal_strategy_.reset( new XmppSignalStrategy(context_->url_request_context_getter(), xmpp_login_, xmpp_auth_token_, xmpp_auth_service_)); scoped_ptr dns_blackhole_checker( new DnsBlackholeChecker(context_->url_request_context_getter(), talkgadget_prefix_)); signaling_connector_.reset(new SignalingConnector( signal_strategy_.get(), context_->url_request_context_getter(), dns_blackhole_checker.Pass(), base::Bind(&HostProcess::OnAuthFailed, this))); if (!oauth_refresh_token_.empty()) { scoped_ptr oauth_credentials( new SignalingConnector::OAuthCredentials( xmpp_login_, oauth_refresh_token_)); signaling_connector_->EnableOAuth(oauth_credentials.Pass()); } NetworkSettings network_settings( allow_nat_traversal_ ? NetworkSettings::NAT_TRAVERSAL_ENABLED : NetworkSettings::NAT_TRAVERSAL_DISABLED); if (!allow_nat_traversal_) { network_settings.min_port = NetworkSettings::kDefaultMinPort; network_settings.max_port = NetworkSettings::kDefaultMaxPort; } host_ = new ChromotingHost( signal_strategy_.get(), desktop_environment_factory_.get(), CreateHostSessionManager(network_settings, context_->url_request_context_getter()), context_->audio_task_runner(), context_->video_capture_task_runner(), context_->video_encode_task_runner(), context_->network_task_runner()); // TODO(simonmorris): Get the maximum session duration from a policy. #if defined(OS_LINUX) host_->SetMaximumSessionDuration(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(20)); #endif heartbeat_sender_.reset(new HeartbeatSender( this, host_id_, signal_strategy_.get(), &key_pair_)); log_to_server_.reset( new LogToServer(host_, ServerLogEntry::ME2ME, signal_strategy_.get())); host_event_logger_ = HostEventLogger::Create(host_, kApplicationName); #if defined(OS_LINUX) // Desktop resizing is implemented on all three platforms, but may not be // the right thing to do for non-virtual desktops. Disable it until we can // implement a configuration UI. resizing_host_observer_.reset( new ResizingHostObserver(desktop_resizer_.get(), host_)); #endif // Create a host observer to enable/disable curtain mode as clients connect // and disconnect. curtaining_host_observer_.reset(new CurtainingHostObserver( curtain_.get(), host_)); curtaining_host_observer_->SetEnableCurtaining(curtain_required_); if (host_user_interface_.get()) { host_user_interface_->Start( host_, base::Bind(&HostProcess::OnDisconnectRequested, this)); } host_->Start(xmpp_login_); CreateAuthenticatorFactory(); } void HostProcess::OnAuthFailed() { ShutdownHost(kInvalidOauthCredentialsExitCode); } void HostProcess::OnCurtainModeFailed() { DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); DCHECK(host_); LOG(ERROR) << "Curtain mode failed to activate. Closing connection."; host_->RejectAuthenticatingClient(); } void HostProcess::OnRemoteSessionSwitchedToConsole() { LOG(INFO) << "The remote session switched was to the console." " Closing connection."; OnDisconnectRequested(); } // Invoked when the user uses the Disconnect windows to terminate // the sessions, or when the local session is activated in curtain mode. void HostProcess::OnDisconnectRequested() { if (!context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()) { context_->network_task_runner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&HostProcess::OnDisconnectRequested, this)); return; } if (host_) { host_->DisconnectAllClients(); } } void HostProcess::RestartHost() { DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); DCHECK_EQ(state_, HOST_STARTED); state_ = HOST_STOPPING_TO_RESTART; host_->Shutdown(base::Bind(&HostProcess::ShutdownOnNetworkThread, this)); } void HostProcess::ShutdownHost(int exit_code) { DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); *exit_code_out_ = exit_code; switch (state_) { case HOST_INITIALIZING: state_ = HOST_STOPPED; ShutdownOnNetworkThread(); break; case HOST_STARTED: state_ = HOST_STOPPING; host_->Shutdown(base::Bind(&HostProcess::ShutdownOnNetworkThread, this)); break; case HOST_STOPPING_TO_RESTART: state_ = HOST_STOPPING; break; case HOST_STOPPING: case HOST_STOPPED: // Host is already stopped or being stopped. No action is required. break; } } void HostProcess::ShutdownOnNetworkThread() { DCHECK(context_->network_task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); host_ = NULL; curtaining_host_observer_.reset(); host_event_logger_.reset(); log_to_server_.reset(); heartbeat_sender_.reset(); signaling_connector_.reset(); signal_strategy_.reset(); resizing_host_observer_.reset(); if (state_ == HOST_STOPPING_TO_RESTART) { StartHost(); } else if (state_ == HOST_STOPPING) { state_ = HOST_STOPPED; if (policy_watcher_.get()) { base::WaitableEvent done_event(true, false); policy_watcher_->StopWatching(&done_event); done_event.Wait(); policy_watcher_.reset(); } config_watcher_.reset(); // Complete the rest of shutdown on the main thread. context_->ui_task_runner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&HostProcess::ShutdownOnUiThread, this)); } else { // This method is used as a callback for ChromotingHost::Shutdown() which is // called only in STOPPING_TO_RESTART and STOPPING states. NOTREACHED(); } } void HostProcess::OnCrash(const std::string& function_name, const std::string& file_name, const int& line_number) { CHECK(false); } } // namespace remoting int main(int argc, char** argv) { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // Needed so we don't leak objects when threads are created. base::mac::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool pool; #endif CommandLine::Init(argc, argv); // Initialize Breakpad as early as possible. On Windows, this happens in // WinMain(), so it shouldn't also be done here. The command-line needs to be // initialized first, so that the preference for crash-reporting can be looked // up in the config file. #if defined(MAC_BREAKPAD) if (remoting::IsUsageStatsAllowed()) { remoting::InitializeCrashReporting(); } #endif // MAC_BREAKPAD // This object instance is required by Chrome code (for example, // LazyInstance, MessageLoop). base::AtExitManager exit_manager; if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(kVersionSwitchName)) { printf("%s\n", STRINGIZE(VERSION)); return 0; } remoting::InitHostLogging(); #if defined(TOOLKIT_GTK) // Required for any calls into GTK functions, such as the Disconnect and // Continue windows, though these should not be used for the Me2Me case // (crbug.com/104377). const CommandLine* cmd_line = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); gfx::GtkInitFromCommandLine(*cmd_line); #endif // TOOLKIT_GTK // Enable support for SSL server sockets, which must be done while still // single-threaded. net::EnableSSLServerSockets(); // Create the main message loop and start helper threads. MessageLoop message_loop(MessageLoop::TYPE_UI); scoped_ptr context = remoting::ChromotingHostContext::Create( new remoting::AutoThreadTaskRunner(message_loop.message_loop_proxy(), MessageLoop::QuitClosure())); if (!context) return remoting::kInitializationFailed; // Create & start the HostProcess using these threads. // TODO(wez): The HostProcess holds a reference to itself until Shutdown(). // Remove this hack as part of the multi-process refactoring. int exit_code = remoting::kSuccessExitCode; new remoting::HostProcess(context.Pass(), &exit_code); // Run the main (also UI) message loop until the host no longer needs it. message_loop.Run(); return exit_code; } #if defined(OS_WIN) HMODULE g_hModule = NULL; int CALLBACK WinMain(HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE previous_instance, LPSTR command_line, int show_command) { #if defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD) if (remoting::IsUsageStatsAllowed()) { remoting::InitializeCrashReporting(); } #endif // OFFICIAL_BUILD g_hModule = instance; // Register and initialize common controls. INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX info; info.dwSize = sizeof(info); info.dwICC = ICC_STANDARD_CLASSES; InitCommonControlsEx(&info); // Mark the process as DPI-aware, so Windows won't scale coordinates in APIs. // N.B. This API exists on Vista and above. if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_VISTA) { FilePath path(base::GetNativeLibraryName(UTF8ToUTF16("user32"))); base::ScopedNativeLibrary user32(path); CHECK(user32.is_valid()); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * SetProcessDPIAwareFn)(); SetProcessDPIAwareFn set_process_dpi_aware = static_cast( user32.GetFunctionPointer("SetProcessDPIAware")); set_process_dpi_aware(); } // CommandLine::Init() ignores the passed |argc| and |argv| on Windows getting // the command line from GetCommandLineW(), so we can safely pass NULL here. return main(0, NULL); } #endif // defined(OS_WIN)