// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Protocol for event messages.

syntax = "proto2";

package remoting.protocol;

// Defines a keyboard event.
message KeyEvent {
  // The Windows Virtual Key code.
  //optional int32 keycode = 1;
  optional bool pressed = 2;

  // The USB key code.
  // The upper 16-bits are the USB Page (0x07 for key events).
  // The lower 16-bits are the USB Usage ID (which identifies the actual key).
  optional uint32 usb_keycode = 3;

// Defines a mouse event message on the event channel. 
message MouseEvent {

  enum MouseButton {
    BUTTON_LEFT = 1;
    BUTTON_MAX = 4;

  // Mouse position information.
  optional int32 x = 1;
  optional int32 y = 2;

  // Legacy mouse wheel information.
  // These values encode the number of wheel 'ticks' (sometimes called
  // 'clicks' although 'ticks' is the most common cross-platform term).
  // TODO(wez): Remove these when hosts no longer need them (crbug.com/155668).
  optional int32 wheel_offset_x = 3;
  optional int32 wheel_offset_y = 4;

  // Mouse button event.
  optional MouseButton button = 5;
  optional bool button_down = 6;

  // Mouse wheel information.
  // These values encode the number of pixels of movement that would result
  // from the wheel event on the client system.
  optional float wheel_delta_x = 7;
  optional float wheel_delta_y = 8;

// Defines an event that sends clipboard data between peers.
message ClipboardEvent {

  // The MIME type of the data being sent.
  optional string mime_type = 1;

  // The data being sent.
  optional bytes data = 2;