// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "remoting/protocol/fake_authenticator.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "net/socket/stream_socket.h" #include "remoting/base/constants.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/xmlelement.h" namespace remoting { namespace protocol { FakeChannelAuthenticator::FakeChannelAuthenticator(bool accept, bool async) : accept_(accept), async_(async), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(weak_factory_(this)) { } FakeChannelAuthenticator::~FakeChannelAuthenticator() { } void FakeChannelAuthenticator::SecureAndAuthenticate( scoped_ptr socket, const DoneCallback& done_callback) { net::Error error; if (accept_) { error = net::OK; } else { error = net::ERR_FAILED; socket.reset(); } if (async_) { MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &FakeChannelAuthenticator::CallCallback, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), done_callback, error, base::Passed(&socket))); } else { done_callback.Run(error, socket.Pass()); } } void FakeChannelAuthenticator::CallCallback( const DoneCallback& done_callback, net::Error error, scoped_ptr socket) { done_callback.Run(error, socket.Pass()); } FakeAuthenticator::FakeAuthenticator( Type type, int round_trips, Action action, bool async) : type_(type), round_trips_(round_trips), action_(action), async_(async), messages_(0) { } FakeAuthenticator::~FakeAuthenticator() { } Authenticator::State FakeAuthenticator::state() const{ EXPECT_LE(messages_, round_trips_ * 2); if (messages_ >= round_trips_ * 2) { if (action_ == REJECT) { return REJECTED; } else { return ACCEPTED; } } // Don't send the last message if this is a host that wants to // reject a connection. if (messages_ == round_trips_ * 2 - 1 && type_ == HOST && action_ == REJECT) { return REJECTED; } // We are not done yet. process next message. if ((messages_ % 2 == 0 && type_ == CLIENT) || (messages_ % 2 == 1 && type_ == HOST)) { return MESSAGE_READY; } else { return WAITING_MESSAGE; } } Authenticator::RejectionReason FakeAuthenticator::rejection_reason() const { EXPECT_EQ(REJECTED, state()); return INVALID_CREDENTIALS; } void FakeAuthenticator::ProcessMessage(const buzz::XmlElement* message) { EXPECT_EQ(WAITING_MESSAGE, state()); std::string id = message->TextNamed(buzz::QName(kChromotingXmlNamespace, "id")); EXPECT_EQ(id, base::IntToString(messages_)); ++messages_; } scoped_ptr FakeAuthenticator::GetNextMessage() { EXPECT_EQ(MESSAGE_READY, state()); scoped_ptr result(new buzz::XmlElement( buzz::QName(kChromotingXmlNamespace, "authentication"))); buzz::XmlElement* id = new buzz::XmlElement( buzz::QName(kChromotingXmlNamespace, "id")); id->AddText(base::IntToString(messages_)); result->AddElement(id); ++messages_; return result.Pass(); } scoped_ptr FakeAuthenticator::CreateChannelAuthenticator() const { EXPECT_EQ(ACCEPTED, state()); return scoped_ptr( new FakeChannelAuthenticator(action_ != REJECT_CHANNEL, async_)); } FakeHostAuthenticatorFactory::FakeHostAuthenticatorFactory( int round_trips, FakeAuthenticator::Action action, bool async) : round_trips_(round_trips), action_(action), async_(async) { } FakeHostAuthenticatorFactory::~FakeHostAuthenticatorFactory() { } scoped_ptr FakeHostAuthenticatorFactory::CreateAuthenticator( const std::string& remote_jid, const buzz::XmlElement* first_message) { return scoped_ptr(new FakeAuthenticator( FakeAuthenticator::HOST, round_trips_, action_, async_)); } } // namespace protocol } // namespace remoting