# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

  'variables': {
    # TODO(dmaclach): can we pick this up some other way? Right now it's
    # duplicated from chrome.gyp
    'chromium_code': 1,
    # Use consistent strings across all platforms. Note that the plugin name
    # is brand-dependent and is defined further down.
    # Must match host/plugin/constants.h
    'host_plugin_mime_type': 'application/vnd.chromium.remoting-host',
    'host_plugin_description': 'Allow another user to access your computer securely over the Internet.',

    'conditions': [
      ['OS=="mac"', {
        'conditions': [
          ['branding=="Chrome"', {
            'mac_bundle_id': 'com.google.Chrome',
            'mac_creator': 'rimZ',
          }, {  # else: branding!="Chrome"
            'mac_bundle_id': 'org.chromium.Chromium',
            'mac_creator': 'Cr24',
          }],  # branding
        ],  # conditions
        'host_plugin_extension': 'plugin',
        'host_plugin_prefix': '',
      ['os_posix == 1 and OS != "mac" and target_arch == "ia32"', {
        # linux 32 bit
        'host_plugin_extension': 'ia32.so',
        'host_plugin_prefix': 'lib',
      ['os_posix == 1 and OS != "mac" and target_arch == "x64"', {
        # linux 64 bit
        'host_plugin_extension': 'x64.so',
        'host_plugin_prefix': 'lib',
      ['os_posix == 1 and OS != "mac" and target_arch == "arm"', {
        # linux 64 bit
        'host_plugin_extension': 'arm.so',
        'host_plugin_prefix': 'lib',
      ['OS=="win"', {
        'host_plugin_extension': 'dll',
        'host_plugin_prefix': '',
      ['branding=="Chrome"', {
        # Must match host/plugin/constants.h
        'host_plugin_name': 'Chrome Remote Desktop Host',
        'remoting_webapp_locale_files': [
      }, {  # else: branding!="Chrome"
        # Must match host/plugin/constants.h
        'host_plugin_name': 'Chromoting Host',
        'remoting_webapp_locale_files': [
    'remoting_webapp_files': [

  'target_defaults': {
    'defines': [
    'include_dirs': [
      '..',  # Root of Chrome checkout

  'conditions': [
    ['os_posix == 1', {
      'targets': [
        # Simple webserver for testing remoting client plugin.
          'target_name': 'remoting_client_test_webserver',
          'type': 'executable',
          'sources': [
      ],  # end of target 'remoting_client_test_webserver'
    }],  # 'os_posix == 1'
    ['OS=="linux"', {
      'targets': [
        # Linux breakpad processing
          'target_name': 'remoting_linux_symbols',
          'type': 'none',
          'conditions': [
            ['linux_dump_symbols==1', {
              'actions': [
                  'action_name': 'dump_symbols',
                  'variables': {
                    'plugin_file': '<(host_plugin_prefix)remoting_host_plugin.<(host_plugin_extension)',
                  'inputs': [
                  'outputs': [
                  'action': ['<(DEPTH)/build/linux/dump_app_syms',
                  'message': 'Dumping breakpad symbols to <(_outputs)',
                  'process_outputs_as_sources': 1,
              'dependencies': [
            }],  # 'linux_dump_symbols==1'
          ],  # end of 'conditions'
        },  # end of target 'linux_symbols'

          'target_name': 'remoting_me2me_host',
          'type': 'executable',
          'dependencies': [
          'sources': [
            # TODO(lambroslambrou): Remove the dependencies on the Disconnect
            # and Continue windows for the Me2Me case - crbug.com/104377.
        },  # end of target 'remoting_me2me_host'

      ],  # end of 'targets'
    }],  # 'OS=="linux"'
  ],  # end of 'conditions'

  'targets': [
      'target_name': 'remoting_client_plugin',
      'type': 'static_library',
      'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
      'defines': [
        'HAVE_STDINT_H',  # Required by on2_integer.h
      'dependencies': [

        # TODO(sergeyu): This is a hack: plugin should not depend on
        # webkit glue. Skia is needed here to add include path webkit glue
        # depends on. See comments in chromoting_instance.cc for details.
        # crbug.com/74951
      'sources': [
    },  # end of target 'remoting_client_plugin'

      'target_name': 'remoting_host_plugin',
      'type': 'loadable_module',
      'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
      'product_extension': '<(host_plugin_extension)',
      'product_prefix': '<(host_plugin_prefix)',
      'dependencies': [
      'sources': [
      'conditions': [
        ['OS=="mac"', {
          'mac_bundle': 1,
          'xcode_settings': {
            'CHROMIUM_BUNDLE_ID': '<(mac_bundle_id)',
            'INFOPLIST_FILE': 'host/plugin/host_plugin-Info.plist',
            # TODO(maruel): Use INFOPLIST_PREFIX_HEADER to remove the need to
            # duplicate string once
            # http://code.google.com/p/gyp/issues/detail?id=243 is fixed.
            'INFOPLIST_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS': 'HOST_PLUGIN_MIME_TYPE="<(host_plugin_mime_type)" HOST_PLUGIN_NAME="<(host_plugin_name)" HOST_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION="<(host_plugin_description)"',
          # TODO(mark): Come up with a fancier way to do this.  It should
          # only be necessary to list host_plugin-Info.plist once, not the
          # three times it is listed here.
          'mac_bundle_resources': [
          'mac_bundle_resources!': [
          'conditions': [
            ['mac_breakpad==1', {
              'variables': {
                # A real .dSYM is needed for dump_syms to operate on.
                'mac_real_dsym': 1,
          ],  # conditions
        }],  # OS=="mac"
        ['OS!="win"', {
          'sources!': [
    },  # end of target 'remoting_host_plugin'

      # This is a deprecated target that has been replaced with remoting_webapp.
      # It is kept here because there are some pieces that still depend on
      # this target.
      # TODO(sergeyu): Remove this target. http://crbug.com/109948
      'target_name': 'webapp_it2me',
      'type': 'none',
      'dependencies': [
      'sources': [
      'actions': [
          'action_name': 'Build Remoting WebApp',
          'output_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/remoting/it2me.webapp',
          'plugin_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(host_plugin_prefix)remoting_host_plugin.<(host_plugin_extension)',
          'zip_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/remoting-it2me.zip',
          'inputs': [
          'outputs': [
          'action': [
            'python', 'webapp/build-webapp.py',
    }, # end of target 'webapp_it2me'

      'target_name': 'remoting_webapp',
      'type': 'none',
      'dependencies': [
      'sources': [
      # Can't use a 'copies' because we need to manipulate
      # the manifest file to get the right plugin name.
      # Also we need to move the plugin into the me2mom
      # folder, which means 2 copies, and gyp doesn't
      # seem to guarantee the ordering of 2 copies statements
      # when the actual project is generated.
      'actions': [
          'action_name': 'Verify Remoting WebApp i18n',
          'inputs': [
          'outputs': [
          'action': [
          'action_name': 'Build Remoting WebApp',
          'output_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/remoting/remoting.webapp',
          'plugin_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(host_plugin_prefix)remoting_host_plugin.<(host_plugin_extension)',
          'zip_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/remoting-webapp.zip',
          'inputs': [
          'outputs': [
          'action': [
            'python', 'webapp/build-webapp.py',
    }, # end of target 'remoting_webapp'

      'target_name': 'remoting_base',
      'type': 'static_library',
      'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
      'dependencies': [
      'export_dependent_settings': [
      # This target needs a hard dependency because dependent targets
      # depend on chromotocol_proto_lib for headers.
      'hard_dependency': 1,
      'sources': [
    },  # end of target 'remoting_base'

      'target_name': 'remoting_host',
      'type': 'static_library',
      'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
      'dependencies': [
      'sources': [
      'conditions': [
        ['toolkit_uses_gtk == 1', {
          'dependencies': [
          'sources': [
          'link_settings': {
            'libraries': [
        ['OS=="mac"', {
          'sources': [
          'include_dirs': [
          'link_settings': {
            'libraries': [
    },  # end of target 'remoting_host'

      'target_name': 'remoting_client',
      'type': 'static_library',
      'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
      'dependencies': [
      'sources': [
    },  # end of target 'remoting_client'

      'target_name': 'remoting_simple_host',
      'type': 'executable',
      'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
      'dependencies': [
      'sources': [
    },  # end of target 'remoting_simple_host'

      'target_name': 'remoting_host_keygen',
      'type': 'executable',
      'dependencies': [
      'sources': [
    },  # end of target 'remoting_host_keygen'

      'target_name': 'remoting_jingle_glue',
      'type': 'static_library',
      'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
      'dependencies': [
      'export_dependent_settings': [
      'sources': [
    },  # end of target 'remoting_jingle_glue'

      'target_name': 'remoting_protocol',
      'type': 'static_library',
      'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
      'dependencies': [
      'export_dependent_settings': [
      'sources': [
    },  # end of target 'remoting_protocol'

      'target_name': 'differ_block',
      'type': 'static_library',
      'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
      'dependencies': [
      'conditions': [
        [ 'target_arch == "ia32" or target_arch == "x64"', {
          'dependencies': [
      'sources': [
    }, # end of target differ_block

      'target_name': 'differ_block_sse2',
      'type': 'static_library',
      'conditions': [
        [ 'os_posix == 1 and OS != "mac"', {
          'cflags': [
      'sources': [
    }, # end of target differ_block_sse2

    # Remoting unit tests
      'target_name': 'remoting_unittests',
      'type': 'executable',
      'dependencies': [
      'include_dirs': [
      'sources': [
      'conditions': [
        ['toolkit_uses_gtk == 1', {
          'dependencies': [
            # Needed for the following #include chain:
            #   base/run_all_unittests.cc
            #   ../base/test_suite.h
            #   gtk/gtk.h
          'conditions': [
            [ 'linux_use_tcmalloc==1', {
                'dependencies': [
      ],  # end of 'conditions'
    },  # end of target 'remoting_unittests'
  ],  # end of targets