To use Chrome Remote Desktop, you'll need to add a Google Account to your device.
Remote Desktop
Leaving this page will end your Chrome Remote Desktop session.
The remote host requires you to authenticate to a third-party website. To continue, you must grant Chrome Remote Desktop additional permissions to access this address:
Chrome Remote Desktop allows you to securely share your computer over the Web. Both users must be running the Chrome Remote Desktop app, which can be found at $1<a href=></a>.
Authentication failed. Please sign in to Chrome again.
Policy settings do not permit sharing this computer as a Chrome Remote Desktop host. Contact your system administrator for assistance.
You are not signed in to Chrome. Please sign in and try again.
You may securely access this computer using Chrome Remote Desktop.
You must enable remote connections if you want to use Chrome Remote Desktop to access this computer.
To enable remote connections to a different computer, install Chrome Remote Desktop there and click “$1Enable remote connections”.
You have no computers registered. To enable remote connections to a computer, install Chrome Remote Desktop there and click “$1Enable remote connections”.
You have previously signed in as $1John Doe ($ To access your computers in that account, $3<a href="">sign in to Google Chrome$4</a> with that account and re-install Chrome Remote Desktop.
Help us improve Chrome Remote Desktop by allowing us to collect usage statistics and crash reports.
Chrome is downloading the Chrome Remote Desktop Host installer. Once the download is complete, please run the installer before continuing.
Your Chrome Remote Desktop session has ended.
Chrome Remote Desktop
Chrome App Streaming
NOTE: To ensure that all keyboard shortcuts are available, you can configure Chrome Remote Desktop to ‘Open as window’.
Chrome Remote Desktop on $1My Linux desktop is out-of-date and needs to be updated.
Want to help improve Chrome Remote Desktop? $1<a href=>Take the survey.$2</a>
Google Inc.
Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chrome Remote Desktop Service
This service enables incoming connections from Chrome Remote Desktop clients.
Chrome Remote Desktop Host Controller
Please confirm your account and PIN below to allow access by Chrome Remote Desktop.
Chrome Remote Desktop Host Preferences
Chrome Remote
Desktop Host
Chrome Remote Desktop Host Uninstaller
To use Chromoting, you'll need to add a Google Account to your device.
Leaving this page will end your Chromoting session.
The remote host requires you to authenticate to a third-party website. To continue, you must grant Chromoting additional permissions to access this address:
Chromoting allows you to securely share your computer over the Web. Both users must be running the Chromoting app, which can be found at $1<a href=></a>.
Authentication failed. Please sign in to Chromium again.
Policy settings do not permit sharing this computer as a Chromoting host. Contact your system administrator for assistance.
You are not signed in to Chromium. Please sign in and try again.
You may securely access this computer using Chromoting.
You must enable remote connections if you want to use Chromoting to access this computer.
To enable remote connections to a different computer, install Chromoting there and click “$1Enable remote connections”.
You have no computers registered. To enable remote connections to a computer, install Chromoting there and click “$1Enable remote connections”.
You have previously signed in as $1John Doe ($ To access your computers in that account, $3<a href="">sign in to Chromium$4</a> with that account and re-install Chromoting.
Help us improve Chromoting by allowing us to collect usage statistics and crash reports.
Chrome is downloading the Chromoting Host installer. Once the download is complete, please run the installer before continuing.
Your Chromoting session has ended.
Chromium App Streaming
NOTE: To ensure that all keyboard shortcuts are available, you can configure Chromoting to ‘Open as window’.
Chromoting on $1My Linux desktop is out-of-date and needs to be updated.
Want to help improve Chromoting? $1<a href=>Take the survey.$2</a>
The Chromium Authors
Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Chromoting Service
This service enables incoming connections from Chromoting clients.
Chromoting Host Controller
Please confirm your account and PIN below to allow access by Chromoting.
Chromoting Host Preferences
Chromoting Host Uninstaller
An incompatible protocol version was detected. Please make sure that you have the latest version of the software installed on both computers and try again.
To continue you must first grant extended access permissions to your computer. You only have to do this once.
Some required components are missing. Please make sure you have installed the latest version of the software and try again.
Some required components are missing. Please make sure you're running the latest version of Chrome and try again.
You do not have permission to perform that action.
The requested object does not exist.
You do not have permission to run this application.
Show statistics
Show statistics (connection: $1Good)
Report an issue…
Report an issue
To allow us to contact you for further information, your email address will be included in any feedback you submit.
Reset the application. You will lose any unsaved work.
Include application logs to help us resolve your problem (logs may include private information).
Learn more.
Application logs may include private information, including your identity (email address) and the names and properties of files and folders in Google Drive.
This information is used only for diagnosing the problem you are reporting, is available only to someone investigating your report, and is retained for no more than 30 days.
Could not reset the application. You can still send a bug report.
Keyboard layouts
Connection failed
Desktop integration is not supported on this platform. You can still use the application, but the user experience will be degraded.
Your $1SampleApp Streaming session has been inactive for a while and will be disconnected shortly.
Disconnect now
Show/hide keyboard.
You have no computers registered.
Learn how to set up a computer for remote access.
Authenticate to host
Help & feedback
View in Google Play Store
Add account
A network error occurred. Please check that your device is on-line and try again.
Host is offline.
Failed to connect to Cast device.
Closed connection to Cast device.
Open navigation drawer
Close navigation drawer
Chrome Remote Desktop
Securely access your computers from your Android device.
Securely access your computers from your Android device.
• On each of your computers, set up remote access using the Chrome Remote Desktop app from Chrome Web Store:
• On your Android device, open the app and tap on any of your online computers to connect.
For information about privacy, please see the Google Privacy Policy ( and the Chrome Privacy Policy (
Securely access your computers from your Android device.
• On each of your computers, set up remote access using the Chrome Remote Desktop app from Chrome Web Store:
• On your Android device, open the app and tap on any of your online computers to connect.
Remote computers with non US-English keyboards may receive incorrect text input. Support for other keyboard layouts is coming soon!
For information about privacy, please see the Google Privacy Policy ( and the Chrome Privacy Policy (
• User interface improvements.
• Reduced network usage when running in the background.
Access your computer securely over the Internet
last online $11/6/13
Touch mode
Trackpad mode
Access code
This access code will expire in $10:30
All connections
Re-type PIN
Clear history
Connect anyway
Are you sure you want to disable remote connections to $1My Linux desktop? If you change your mind, you'll need to visit that computer to re-enable connections.
Connection History
You are currently sharing this machine with another user. Do you want to continue sharing?
Ask the user whose computer you wish to access to click ‘Share Now’ and give you the access code.
Connections to the remote computer are temporarily blocked because somebody was trying to connect to it with invalid PIN. Please try again later.
The remote computer is not responding to connection requests. Please verify that it is online and try again.
The access code is invalid. Please try again.
Unable to reach the host. This is probably due to the configuration of the network you are using.
Could not connect to the network. Please check that your device is on-line.
The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.
An unexpected error occurred. Please report this problem to the developers.
waiting for connection…
Full screen
Exit full screen
Close window
Maximize window
Minimize window
Restore window
Get started
See and control a shared computer.
Change PIN
Disable remote connections
Enable remote connections
This computer is currently shared under a different account.
To protect access to this computer, please choose a PIN of $1<b>at least six digits$2</b>. This PIN will be required when connecting from another location.
Failed to start remote access service.
Please run the installer before continuing.
Failed to register this computer.
Remote connections for this computer have been enabled.
Please check your computer's power management settings and ensure that it is not configured to sleep when idle.
Enabling remote connections for this computer…
Failed to disable remote access to this computer. Please try again later.
Remote connections for this computer have been disabled.
Disabling remote connections for this computer…
Your PIN has been updated.
The PIN for this computer is being updated…
Failed to update the PIN. Please try again later.
Share this computer for another user to see and control.
(this feature is not yet available for your computer)
To this computer
To begin sharing your desktop, give the access code below to the person who will be assisting you.
Once they enter the code your sharing session will begin.
Please enter a PIN consisting of six or more digits.
User-to-user screen sharing, perfect for remote technical support.
Access your own computer from anywhere.
Generating access code…
Your desktop is currently shared with $
Remote Assistance
My Computers
$1My Linux desktop (offline)
$1My Linux desktop (last online $21/6/2013 or 11:23:32 AM)
Host initialization failed.
Invalid host configuration.
Invalid host id.
Host is configured with invalid OAuth credentials.
Invalid host owner domain.
Host running at the console logic screen has shutdown to support curtain mode by switching to a host running in a user-specific session.
Host failed to read the policy.
Host is restarting, to take into account a policy change.
Host has shut down.
Invalid host owner.
Unrecognized host error: %1$sEXIT_CODE_FROM_HOST_NEWER_THAN_CLIENT.
Unrecognized host error: $1EXIT_CODE_FROM_HOST_NEWER_THAN_CLIENT.
$1My Linux desktop (out-of-date)
Software updates usually happen automatically, but can fail in some rare cases. Updating the software should take no more than a few minutes and can be done while connected to your computer remotely.
From this computer
Please enter your PIN for $1My Linux desktop.
Please enter your PIN for the remote computer.
Please enter the same PIN in both boxes.
Access other computers or allow another user to access your computer securely over the Internet.
Start Recording
Stop Recording
Resize desktop to fit
Screen options
Send Ctrl-Alt-Del
Send keys
Send PrtScn
Shrink to fit
Sign in
Sign out
Stop Sharing
Connect to $1My Linux desktop
Disable remote connections to this computer
Refresh the list of hosts
Edit computer name
NOTE: Policy settings permit connections only between computers within your network.
Learn how.
Why is this safe?
Don't ask for a PIN again when connecting to this host from this device.
Core Library
Desktop Integration Process
Host Process
Native messaging host for remoting host management
Native messaging host for remote assistance
Application to issue commands to Chrome remote desktop host.
Client connected:
Client disconnected:
Access denied for client:
Channel IP for client: ip='%2127.0.0.1:1000' host_ip='%3127.0.0.1:2000' channel='%4mux' connection='%5direct'.
Host started for user:
Host stopped.
Delete all
All paired clients have been deleted.
This computer is configured to allow one or more clients to connect without entering a PIN.
The following clients have been paired with this computer and can connect without supplying a PIN. You can revoke this permission at any time, either individually, or for all clients.
Pairing date
New connection
New window…
Would you like to share this computer for another user to see and control?
This setting is managed by your domain policy.