// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef REMOTING_TEST_REMOTE_HOST_INFO_H_ #define REMOTING_TEST_REMOTE_HOST_INFO_H_ #include #include "remoting/test/connection_setup_info.h" namespace remoting { namespace test { enum RemoteHostStatus { kRemoteHostStatusReady, kRemoteHostStatusPending, kRemoteHostStatusUnknown }; // Holds the information needed to establish a connection with a remote host. struct RemoteHostInfo { RemoteHostInfo(); ~RemoteHostInfo(); // Returns true if the remote host is ready to accept connections. bool IsReadyForConnection() const; // Sets the |remote_host_status| based on the caller supplied string. void SetRemoteHostStatusFromString(const std::string& status_string); // Generates connection information to establish a chromoting connection. ConnectionSetupInfo GenerateConnectionSetupInfo( const std::string& access_token, const std::string& user_name) const; // Data used to establish a connection with a remote host. RemoteHostStatus remote_host_status; std::string application_id; std::string host_id; std::string host_jid; std::string authorization_code; std::string shared_secret; }; } // namespace test } // namespace remoting #endif // REMOTING_TEST_REMOTE_HOST_INFO_H_