// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview * ButterBar class that is used to show the butter bar with various * notifications. */ 'use strict'; /** @suppress {duplicate} */ var remoting = remoting || {}; /** * @constructor */ remoting.ButterBar = function() { this.storageKey_ = ''; /** @type{remoting.ButterBar} */ var that = this; /** @param {Object} syncValues */ var onSyncDataLoaded = function(syncValues) { chrome.storage.local.get( remoting.kIT2MeVisitedStorageKey, that.onStateLoaded_.bind(that, syncValues)); }; chrome.storage.sync.get( [remoting.ButterBar.kSurveyStorageKey_, remoting.ButterBar.kHangoutsStorageKey_], onSyncDataLoaded); } /** * Shows butter bar with the specified |message| and updates |storageKey| after * the bar is dismissed. * * @param {string} messageId * @param {string|Array} substitutions * @param {string} storageKey * @private */ remoting.ButterBar.prototype.show_ = function(messageId, substitutions, storageKey) { this.storageKey_ = storageKey; var messageElement = document.getElementById(remoting.ButterBar.kMessageId_); l10n.localizeElementFromTag(messageElement, messageId, substitutions, true); var acceptLink = /** @type{Element} */ messageElement.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; acceptLink.addEventListener( 'click', this.dismiss.bind(this, true), false); document.getElementById(remoting.ButterBar.kDismissId_).addEventListener( 'click', this.dismiss.bind(this, false), false); document.getElementById(remoting.ButterBar.kId_).hidden = false; } /** * @param {Object} syncValues * @param {Object} localValues * @private */ remoting.ButterBar.prototype.onStateLoaded_ = function(syncValues, localValues) { /** @type {boolean} */ var surveyDismissed = !!syncValues[remoting.ButterBar.kSurveyStorageKey_]; /** @type {boolean} */ var hangoutsDismissed = !!syncValues[remoting.ButterBar.kHangoutsStorageKey_]; /** @type {boolean} */ var it2meExpanded = !!localValues[remoting.kIT2MeVisitedStorageKey]; var showSurvey = !surveyDismissed; var showHangouts = it2meExpanded && !hangoutsDismissed; // If both messages can be shown choose only one randomly. if (showSurvey && showHangouts) { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { showSurvey = false; } else { showHangouts = false; } } if (showSurvey) { this.show_(/*i18n-content*/'SURVEY_INVITATION', ['', ''], remoting.ButterBar.kSurveyStorageKey_); } else if (showHangouts) { this.show_(/*i18n-content*/'HANGOUTS_INVITATION', ['', ''], remoting.ButterBar.kHangoutsStorageKey_); } }; /** @const @private */ remoting.ButterBar.kId_ = 'butter-bar'; /** @const @private */ remoting.ButterBar.kMessageId_ = 'butter-bar-message'; /** @const @private */ remoting.ButterBar.kDismissId_ = 'butter-bar-dismiss'; /** @const @private */ remoting.ButterBar.kSurveyStorageKey_ = 'feedback-survey-dismissed'; /** @const @private */ remoting.ButterBar.kHangoutsStorageKey_ = 'hangouts-notice-dismissed'; /** * Hide the butter bar request and record some basic information about the * current state of the world in synced storage. This may be useful in the * future if we want to show the request again. At the moment, the data itself * is ignored; only its presence or absence is important. * * @param {boolean} accepted True if the user clicked the "accept" link; * false if they clicked the close icon. */ remoting.ButterBar.prototype.dismiss = function(accepted) { var value = {}; value[this.storageKey_] = { optIn: accepted, date: new Date(), version: chrome.runtime.getManifest().version }; chrome.storage.sync.set(value); document.getElementById(remoting.ButterBar.kId_).hidden = true; };