// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview * Class that wraps low-level details of interacting with the client plugin. * * This abstracts a <embed> element and controls the plugin which does * the actual remoting work. It also handles differences between * client plugins versions when it is necessary. */ 'use strict'; /** @suppress {duplicate} */ var remoting = remoting || {}; /** * @param {remoting.ViewerPlugin} plugin The plugin embed element. * @constructor * @implements {remoting.ClientPlugin} */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync = function(plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; this.desktopWidth = 0; this.desktopHeight = 0; this.desktopXDpi = 96; this.desktopYDpi = 96; /** @param {string} iq The Iq stanza received from the host. */ this.onOutgoingIqHandler = function (iq) {}; /** @param {string} message Log message. */ this.onDebugMessageHandler = function (message) {}; /** * @param {number} state The connection state. * @param {number} error The error code, if any. */ this.onConnectionStatusUpdateHandler = function(state, error) {}; /** @param {boolean} ready Connection ready state. */ this.onConnectionReadyHandler = function(ready) {}; this.onDesktopSizeUpdateHandler = function () {}; /** @type {number} */ this.pluginApiVersion_ = -1; /** @type {Array.<string>} */ this.pluginApiFeatures_ = []; /** @type {number} */ this.pluginApiMinVersion_ = -1; /** @type {boolean} */ this.helloReceived_ = false; /** @type {function(boolean)|null} */ this.onInitializedCallback_ = null; /** @type {remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats} */ this.perfStats_ = new remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats(); /** @type {remoting.ClientPluginAsync} */ var that = this; /** @param {Event} event Message event from the plugin. */ this.plugin.addEventListener('message', function(event) { that.handleMessage_(event.data); }, false); window.setTimeout(this.showPluginForClickToPlay_.bind(this), 500); }; /** * Chromoting session API version (for this javascript). * This is compared with the plugin API version to verify that they are * compatible. * * @const * @private */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.API_VERSION_ = 6; /** * The oldest API version that we support. * This will differ from the |API_VERSION_| if we maintain backward * compatibility with older API versions. * * @const * @private */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.API_MIN_VERSION_ = 5; /** * @param {string} messageStr Message from the plugin. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.handleMessage_ = function(messageStr) { var message = /** @type {{method:string, data:Object.<string,string>}} */ jsonParseSafe(messageStr); if (!message || !('method' in message) || !('data' in message)) { console.error('Received invalid message from the plugin: ' + messageStr); return; } if (message.method == 'hello') { // Reset the size in case we had to enlarge it to support click-to-play. this.plugin.width = 0; this.plugin.height = 0; if (typeof message.data['apiVersion'] != 'number' || typeof message.data['apiMinVersion'] != 'number') { console.error('Received invalid hello message: ' + messageStr); return; } this.pluginApiVersion_ = /** @type {number} */ message.data['apiVersion']; if (this.pluginApiVersion_ >= 7) { if (typeof message.data['apiFeatures'] != 'string') { console.error('Received invalid hello message: ' + messageStr); return; } this.pluginApiFeatures_ = /** @type {Array.<string>} */ message.data['apiFeatures'].split(' '); } else if (this.pluginApiVersion_ >= 6) { this.pluginApiFeatures_ = ['highQualityScaling', 'injectKeyEvent']; } else { this.pluginApiFeatures_ = ['highQualityScaling']; } this.pluginApiMinVersion_ = /** @type {number} */ message.data['apiMinVersion']; this.helloReceived_ = true; if (this.onInitializedCallback_ != null) { this.onInitializedCallback_(true); this.onInitializedCallback_ = null; } } else if (message.method == 'sendOutgoingIq') { if (typeof message.data['iq'] != 'string') { console.error('Received invalid sendOutgoingIq message: ' + messageStr); return; } this.onOutgoingIqHandler(message.data['iq']); } else if (message.method == 'logDebugMessage') { if (typeof message.data['message'] != 'string') { console.error('Received invalid logDebugMessage message: ' + messageStr); return; } this.onDebugMessageHandler(message.data['message']); } else if (message.method == 'onConnectionStatus') { if (typeof message.data['state'] != 'string' || !(message.data['state'] in remoting.ClientSession.State) || typeof message.data['error'] != 'string') { console.error('Received invalid onConnectionState message: ' + messageStr); return; } /** @type {remoting.ClientSession.State} */ var state = remoting.ClientSession.State[message.data['state']]; var error; if (message.data['error'] in remoting.ClientSession.ConnectionError) { error = /** @type {remoting.ClientSession.ConnectionError} */ remoting.ClientSession.ConnectionError[message.data['error']]; } else { error = remoting.ClientSession.ConnectionError.UNKNOWN; } this.onConnectionStatusUpdateHandler(state, error); } else if (message.method == 'onDesktopSize') { if (typeof message.data['width'] != 'number' || typeof message.data['height'] != 'number') { console.error('Received invalid onDesktopSize message: ' + messageStr); return; } this.desktopWidth = /** @type {number} */ message.data['width']; this.desktopHeight = /** @type {number} */ message.data['height']; this.desktopXDpi = (typeof message.data['x_dpi'] == 'number') ? /** @type {number} */ (message.data['x_dpi']) : 96; this.desktopYDpi = (typeof message.data['y_dpi'] == 'number') ? /** @type {number} */ (message.data['y_dpi']) : 96; this.onDesktopSizeUpdateHandler(); } else if (message.method == 'onPerfStats') { if (typeof message.data['videoBandwidth'] != 'number' || typeof message.data['videoFrameRate'] != 'number' || typeof message.data['captureLatency'] != 'number' || typeof message.data['encodeLatency'] != 'number' || typeof message.data['decodeLatency'] != 'number' || typeof message.data['renderLatency'] != 'number' || typeof message.data['roundtripLatency'] != 'number') { console.error('Received incorrect onPerfStats message: ' + messageStr); return; } this.perfStats_ = /** @type {remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats} */ message.data; } else if (message.method == 'injectClipboardItem') { if (typeof message.data['mimeType'] != 'string' || typeof message.data['item'] != 'string') { console.error('Received incorrect injectClipboardItem message.'); return; } if (remoting.clipboard) { remoting.clipboard.fromHost(message.data['mimeType'], message.data['item']); } } else if (message.method == 'onFirstFrameReceived') { if (remoting.clientSession) { remoting.clientSession.onFirstFrameReceived(); } } else if (message.method == 'onConnectionReady') { if (typeof message.data['ready'] != 'boolean') { console.error('Received incorrect onConnectionReady message.'); return; } var ready = /** @type {boolean} */ message.data['ready']; this.onConnectionReadyHandler(ready); } } /** * Deletes the plugin. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.cleanup = function() { this.plugin.parentNode.removeChild(this.plugin); }; /** * @return {HTMLEmbedElement} HTML element that correspods to the plugin. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.element = function() { return this.plugin; }; /** * @param {function(boolean): void} onDone */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.initialize = function(onDone) { if (this.helloReceived_) { onDone(true); } else { this.onInitializedCallback_ = onDone; } }; /** * @return {boolean} True if the plugin and web-app versions are compatible. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.isSupportedVersion = function() { if (!this.helloReceived_) { console.error( "isSupportedVersion() is called before the plugin is initialized."); return false; } return this.API_VERSION_ >= this.pluginApiMinVersion_ && this.pluginApiVersion_ >= this.API_MIN_VERSION_; }; /** * @param {remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature} feature The feature to test for. * @return {boolean} True if the plugin supports the named feature. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.hasFeature = function(feature) { if (!this.helloReceived_) { console.error( "hasFeature() is called before the plugin is initialized."); return false; } return this.pluginApiFeatures_.indexOf(feature) > -1; }; /** * @return {boolean} True if the plugin supports the injectKeyEvent API. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.isInjectKeyEventSupported = function() { return this.pluginApiVersion_ >= 6; }; /** * @param {string} iq Incoming IQ stanza. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.onIncomingIq = function(iq) { if (this.plugin && this.plugin.postMessage) { this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify( { method: 'incomingIq', data: { iq: iq } })); } else { // plugin.onIq may not be set after the plugin has been shut // down. Particularly this happens when we receive response to // session-terminate stanza. console.warn('plugin.onIq is not set so dropping incoming message.'); } }; /** * @param {string} hostJid The jid of the host to connect to. * @param {string} hostPublicKey The base64 encoded version of the host's * public key. * @param {string} localJid Local jid. * @param {string} sharedSecret The access code for IT2Me or the PIN * for Me2Me. * @param {string} authenticationMethods Comma-separated list of * authentication methods the client should attempt to use. * @param {string} authenticationTag A host-specific tag to mix into * authentication hashes. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.connect = function( hostJid, hostPublicKey, localJid, sharedSecret, authenticationMethods, authenticationTag) { this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify( { method: 'connect', data: { hostJid: hostJid, hostPublicKey: hostPublicKey, localJid: localJid, sharedSecret: sharedSecret, authenticationMethods: authenticationMethods, authenticationTag: authenticationTag } })); }; /** * Release all currently pressed keys. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.releaseAllKeys = function() { this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify( { method: 'releaseAllKeys', data: {} })); }; /** * Send a key event to the host. * * @param {number} usbKeycode The USB-style code of the key to inject. * @param {boolean} pressed True to inject a key press, False for a release. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.injectKeyEvent = function(usbKeycode, pressed) { this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify( { method: 'injectKeyEvent', data: { 'usbKeycode': usbKeycode, 'pressed': pressed} })); }; /** * Remap one USB keycode to another in all subsequent key events. * * @param {number} fromKeycode The USB-style code of the key to remap. * @param {number} toKeycode The USB-style code to remap the key to. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.remapKey = function(fromKeycode, toKeycode) { this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify( { method: 'remapKey', data: { 'fromKeycode': fromKeycode, 'toKeycode': toKeycode} })); }; /** * Returns an associative array with a set of stats for this connecton. * * @return {remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats} The connection statistics. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.getPerfStats = function() { return this.perfStats_; }; /** * Sends a clipboard item to the host. * * @param {string} mimeType The MIME type of the clipboard item. * @param {string} item The clipboard item. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.sendClipboardItem = function(mimeType, item) { if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.SEND_CLIPBOARD_ITEM)) return; this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify( { method: 'sendClipboardItem', data: { mimeType: mimeType, item: item }})); }; /** * Notifies the host that the client has the specified dimensions. * * @param {number} width The available client width. * @param {number} height The available client height. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.notifyClientDimensions = function(width, height) { if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.NOTIFY_CLIENT_DIMENSIONS)) return; this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify( { method: 'notifyClientDimensions', data: { width: width, height: height }})); }; /** * Requests that the host pause or resume sending video updates. * * @param {boolean} pause True to suspend video updates, false otherwise. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.pauseVideo = function(pause) { if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.PAUSE_VIDEO)) return; this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify( { method: 'pauseVideo', data: { pause: pause }})); }; /** * Requests that the host pause or resume sending audio updates. * * @param {boolean} pause True to suspend audio updates, false otherwise. */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.pauseAudio = function(pause) { if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.PAUSE_AUDIO)) return; this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify( { method: 'pauseAudio', data: { pause: pause }})); }; /** * If we haven't yet received a "hello" message from the plugin, change its * size so that the user can confirm it if click-to-play is enabled, or can * see the "this plugin is disabled" message if it is actually disabled. * @private */ remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.showPluginForClickToPlay_ = function() { if (!this.helloReceived_) { var width = 200; var height = 200; this.plugin.width = width; this.plugin.height = height; // Center the plugin just underneath the "Connnecting..." dialog. var parentNode = this.plugin.parentNode; var dialog = document.getElementById('client-dialog'); var dialogRect = dialog.getBoundingClientRect(); parentNode.style.top = (dialogRect.bottom + 16) + 'px'; parentNode.style.left = (window.innerWidth - width) / 2 + 'px'; } };