// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview * Functions related to the 'client screen' for Chromoting. */ 'use strict'; /** @suppress {duplicate} */ var remoting = remoting || {}; /** * @type {remoting.SessionConnector} The connector object, set when a connection * is initiated. */ remoting.connector = null; /** * @type {remoting.ClientSession} The client session object, set once the * connector has invoked its onOk callback. */ remoting.clientSession = null; /** * Initiate an IT2Me connection. */ remoting.connectIT2Me = function() { if (!remoting.connector) { remoting.connector = new remoting.SessionConnector( document.getElementById('session-mode'), remoting.onConnected, showConnectError_); } var accessCode = document.getElementById('access-code-entry').value; remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_CONNECTING); remoting.connector.connectIT2Me(accessCode); }; /** * Update the remoting client layout in response to a resize event. * * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.onResize = function() { if (remoting.clientSession) { remoting.clientSession.onResize(); } }; /** * Handle changes in the visibility of the window, for example by pausing video. * * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.onVisibilityChanged = function() { if (remoting.clientSession) { remoting.clientSession.pauseVideo(document.webkitHidden); } } /** * Disconnect the remoting client. * * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.disconnect = function() { if (!remoting.clientSession) { return; } if (remoting.clientSession.mode == remoting.ClientSession.Mode.IT2ME) { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_SESSION_FINISHED_IT2ME); } else { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_SESSION_FINISHED_ME2ME); } remoting.clientSession.disconnect(true); remoting.clientSession = null; console.log('Disconnected.'); }; /** * Sends a Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence to the remoting client. * * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.sendCtrlAltDel = function() { if (remoting.clientSession) { console.log('Sending Ctrl-Alt-Del.'); remoting.clientSession.sendCtrlAltDel(); } }; /** * Sends a Print Screen keypress to the remoting client. * * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.sendPrintScreen = function() { if (remoting.clientSession) { console.log('Sending Print Screen.'); remoting.clientSession.sendPrintScreen(); } }; /** * Callback function called when the state of the client plugin changes. The * current state is available via the |state| member variable. * * @param {number} oldState The previous state of the plugin. * @param {number} newState The current state of the plugin. */ function onClientStateChange_(oldState, newState) { switch (newState) { case remoting.ClientSession.State.CLOSED: console.log('Connection closed by host'); if (remoting.clientSession.mode == remoting.ClientSession.Mode.IT2ME) { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_SESSION_FINISHED_IT2ME); } else { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_SESSION_FINISHED_ME2ME); } break; case remoting.ClientSession.State.FAILED: var error = remoting.clientSession.getError(); console.error('Client plugin reported connection failed: ' + error); if (error == null) { error = remoting.Error.UNEXPECTED; } showConnectError_(error); break; default: console.error('Unexpected client plugin state: ' + newState); // This should only happen if the web-app and client plugin get out of // sync, so MISSING_PLUGIN is a suitable error. showConnectError_(remoting.Error.MISSING_PLUGIN); break; } remoting.clientSession.disconnect(false); remoting.clientSession.removePlugin(); remoting.clientSession = null; } /** * Show a client-side error message. * * @param {remoting.Error} errorTag The error to be localized and * displayed. * @return {void} Nothing. */ function showConnectError_(errorTag) { console.error('Connection failed: ' + errorTag); var errorDiv = document.getElementById('connect-error-message'); l10n.localizeElementFromTag(errorDiv, /** @type {string} */ (errorTag)); remoting.accessCode = ''; var mode = remoting.clientSession ? remoting.clientSession.mode : remoting.connector.getConnectionMode(); if (mode == remoting.ClientSession.Mode.IT2ME) { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_CONNECT_FAILED_IT2ME); } else { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_CONNECT_FAILED_ME2ME); } } /** * Set the text on the buttons shown under the error message so that they are * easy to understand in the case where a successful connection failed, as * opposed to the case where a connection never succeeded. */ function setConnectionInterruptedButtonsText_() { var button1 = document.getElementById('client-reconnect-button'); l10n.localizeElementFromTag(button1, /*i18n-content*/'RECONNECT'); button1.removeAttribute('autofocus'); var button2 = document.getElementById('client-finished-me2me-button'); l10n.localizeElementFromTag(button2, /*i18n-content*/'OK'); button2.setAttribute('autofocus', 'autofocus'); } /** * Timer callback to update the statistics panel. */ function updateStatistics_() { if (!remoting.clientSession || remoting.clientSession.state != remoting.ClientSession.State.CONNECTED) { return; } var perfstats = remoting.clientSession.getPerfStats(); remoting.stats.update(perfstats); remoting.clientSession.logStatistics(perfstats); // Update the stats once per second. window.setTimeout(updateStatistics_, 1000); } /** * Entry-point for Me2Me connections, handling showing of the host-upgrade nag * dialog if necessary. * * @param {string} hostId The unique id of the host. * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.connectMe2Me = function(hostId) { var host = remoting.hostList.getHostForId(hostId); if (!host) { showConnectError_(remoting.Error.HOST_IS_OFFLINE); return; } var webappVersion = chrome.runtime.getManifest().version; if (remoting.Host.needsUpdate(host, webappVersion)) { var needsUpdateMessage = document.getElementById('host-needs-update-message'); l10n.localizeElementFromTag(needsUpdateMessage, /*i18n-content*/'HOST_NEEDS_UPDATE_TITLE', host.hostName); /** @type {Element} */ var connect = document.getElementById('host-needs-update-connect-button'); /** @type {Element} */ var cancel = document.getElementById('host-needs-update-cancel-button'); /** @param {Event} event */ var onClick = function(event) { connect.removeEventListener('click', onClick, false); cancel.removeEventListener('click', onClick, false); if (event.target == connect) { remoting.connectMe2MeHostVersionAcknowledged_(host); } else { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.HOME); } } connect.addEventListener('click', onClick, false); cancel.addEventListener('click', onClick, false); remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_HOST_NEEDS_UPGRADE); } else { remoting.connectMe2MeHostVersionAcknowledged_(host); } }; /** * Shows PIN entry screen localized to include the host name, and registers * a host-specific one-shot event handler for the form submission. * * @param {remoting.Host} host The Me2Me host to which to connect. * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.connectMe2MeHostVersionAcknowledged_ = function(host) { if (!remoting.connector) { remoting.connector = new remoting.SessionConnector( document.getElementById('session-mode'), remoting.onConnected, showConnectError_); } remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_CONNECTING); /** * @param {string} tokenUrl Token-issue URL received from the host. * @param {string} scope OAuth scope to request the token for. * @param {string} hostPublicKey Host public key (DER and Base64 encoded). * @param {function(string, string):void} onThirdPartyTokenFetched Callback. */ var fetchThirdPartyToken = function( tokenUrl, hostPublicKey, scope, onThirdPartyTokenFetched) { var thirdPartyTokenFetcher = new remoting.ThirdPartyTokenFetcher( tokenUrl, hostPublicKey, scope, host.tokenUrlPatterns, onThirdPartyTokenFetched); thirdPartyTokenFetcher.fetchToken(); }; /** * @param {boolean} supportsPairing * @param {function(string):void} onPinFetched */ var requestPin = function(supportsPairing, onPinFetched) { /** @type {Element} */ var pinForm = document.getElementById('pin-form'); /** @type {Element} */ var pinCancel = document.getElementById('cancel-pin-entry-button'); /** @type {Element} */ var rememberPin = document.getElementById('remember-pin'); /** @type {Element} */ var rememberPinCheckbox = document.getElementById('remember-pin-checkbox'); /** * Event handler for both the 'submit' and 'cancel' actions. Using * a single handler for both greatly simplifies the task of making * them one-shot. If separate handlers were used, each would have * to unregister both itself and the other. * * @param {Event} event The click or submit event. */ var onSubmitOrCancel = function(event) { pinForm.removeEventListener('submit', onSubmitOrCancel, false); pinCancel.removeEventListener('click', onSubmitOrCancel, false); var pinField = document.getElementById('pin-entry'); var pin = pinField.value; pinField.value = ''; if (event.target == pinForm) { event.preventDefault(); remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_CONNECTING); onPinFetched(pin); if (/** @type {boolean} */(rememberPinCheckbox.checked)) { remoting.connector.pairingRequested = true; } } else { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.HOME); } }; pinForm.addEventListener('submit', onSubmitOrCancel, false); pinCancel.addEventListener('click', onSubmitOrCancel, false); rememberPin.hidden = !supportsPairing; rememberPinCheckbox.checked = false; var message = document.getElementById('pin-message'); l10n.localizeElement(message, host.hostName); remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_PIN_PROMPT); }; /** @param {Object} settings */ var connectMe2MeHostSettingsRetrieved = function(settings) { /** @type {string} */ var clientId = ''; /** @type {string} */ var sharedSecret = ''; var pairingInfo = /** @type {Object} */ (settings['pairingInfo']); if (pairingInfo) { clientId = /** @type {string} */ (pairingInfo['clientId']); sharedSecret = /** @type {string} */ (pairingInfo['sharedSecret']); } remoting.connector.connectMe2Me(host, requestPin, fetchThirdPartyToken, clientId, sharedSecret); } remoting.HostSettings.load(host.hostId, connectMe2MeHostSettingsRetrieved); }; /** @param {remoting.ClientSession} clientSession */ remoting.onConnected = function(clientSession) { remoting.clientSession = clientSession; remoting.clientSession.setOnStateChange(onClientStateChange_); setConnectionInterruptedButtonsText_(); var connectedTo = document.getElementById('connected-to'); connectedTo.innerText = clientSession.hostDisplayName; remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.IN_SESSION); remoting.toolbar.center(); remoting.toolbar.preview(); remoting.clipboard.startSession(); updateStatistics_(); if (remoting.connector.pairingRequested) { /** * @param {string} clientId * @param {string} sharedSecret */ var onPairingComplete = function(clientId, sharedSecret) { var pairingInfo = { pairingInfo: { clientId: clientId, sharedSecret: sharedSecret } }; remoting.HostSettings.save(clientSession.hostId, pairingInfo); }; // TODO(jamiewalch): Since we can't get a descriptive name for the local // computer from Javascript, pass the empty string for now. clientSession.requestPairing('', onPairingComplete); } };