// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. 'use strict'; /** @suppress {duplicate} */ var remoting = remoting || {}; function onLoad() { var goHome = function() { window.location.replace(chrome.extension.getURL('main.html')); }; var goEnterAccessCode = function() { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_UNCONNECTED); }; var goFinishedIt2Me = function() { if (remoting.currentMode == remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_CONNECT_FAILED_IT2ME) { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_UNCONNECTED); } else { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.HOME); } }; var reload = function() { window.location.reload(); }; /** @param {Event} event The event. */ var sendAccessCode = function(event) { remoting.connectIt2Me(); event.preventDefault(); }; /** @param {Event} event The event. */ var connectHostWithPin = function(event) { remoting.connectMe2MeWithPin(); event.preventDefault(); }; var cancelPinEntry = function() { remoting.initDaemonUi(); } var doAuthRedirect = function() { remoting.oauth2.doAuthRedirect(); }; var stopDaemon = function() { remoting.daemonPlugin.stop(); remoting.daemonPlugin.updateDom(); }; /** @type {Array.<{event: string, id: string, fn: function(Event):void}>} */ var actions = [ { event: 'click', id: 'clear-oauth', fn: remoting.clearOAuth2 }, { event: 'click', id: 'toolbar-disconnect', fn: remoting.disconnect }, { event: 'click', id: 'auth-button', fn: doAuthRedirect }, { event: 'click', id: 'share-button', fn: remoting.tryShare }, { event: 'click', id: 'access-mode-button', fn: goEnterAccessCode }, { event: 'click', id: 'cancel-share-button', fn: remoting.cancelShare }, { event: 'click', id: 'stop-sharing-button', fn: remoting.cancelShare }, { event: 'click', id: 'host-finished-button', fn: goHome }, { event: 'click', id: 'client-finished-it2me-button', fn: goFinishedIt2Me }, { event: 'click', id: 'client-finished-me2me-button', fn: goHome }, { event: 'click', id: 'cancel-pin-entry-button', fn: cancelPinEntry }, { event: 'click', id: 'client-reconnect-button', fn: reload }, { event: 'click', id: 'cancel-access-code-button', fn: remoting.cancelConnect }, { event: 'click', id: 'cancel-connect-button', fn: remoting.cancelConnect }, { event: 'click', id: 'toolbar-stub', fn: function() { remoting.toolbar.toggle(); } }, { event: 'click', id: 'start-daemon', fn: function() { remoting.hostSetupDialog.showForStart(); } }, { event: 'click', id: 'change-daemon-pin', fn: function() { remoting.hostSetupDialog.showForPin(); } }, { event: 'click', id: 'stop-daemon', fn: stopDaemon }, { event: 'submit', id: 'access-code-form', fn: sendAccessCode }, { event: 'submit', id: 'pin-form', fn: connectHostWithPin }, { event: 'click', id: 'get-started-it2me', fn: remoting.showIt2MeUiAndSave }, { event: 'click', id: 'get-started-me2me', fn: remoting.showMe2MeUiAndSave } ]; for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; ++i) { var action = actions[i]; var element = document.getElementById(action.id); if (element) { element.addEventListener(action.event, action.fn, false); } else { console.error('Could not set ' + action.event + ' event handler on element ' + action.id + ': element not found.'); } } remoting.init(); } function onBeforeUnload() { return remoting.promptClose(); } window.addEventListener('load', onLoad, false); window.addEventListener('beforeunload', onBeforeUnload, false); window.addEventListener('resize', remoting.onResize, false); window.addEventListener('unload', remoting.disconnect, false);