// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. 'use strict'; /** @suppress {duplicate} */ var remoting = remoting || {}; /** * @param {Array.} sequence Sequence of * steps for the flow. * @constructor */ remoting.HostSetupFlow = function(sequence) { this.sequence_ = sequence; this.currentStep_ = 0; this.state_ = sequence[0]; this.pin = ''; }; /** @enum {number} */ remoting.HostSetupFlow.State = { NONE: 0, // Dialog states. ASK_PIN: 1, // Used on Mac OS X to prompt the user to manually install a .dmg package. INSTALL_HOST: 2, // Processing states. STARTING_HOST: 3, UPDATING_PIN: 4, STOPPING_HOST: 5, // Done states. HOST_STARTED: 6, UPDATED_PIN: 7, HOST_STOPPED: 8, // Failure states. REGISTRATION_FAILED: 9, START_HOST_FAILED: 10, UPDATE_PIN_FAILED: 11, STOP_HOST_FAILED: 12 }; /** @return {remoting.HostSetupFlow.State} Current state of the flow. */ remoting.HostSetupFlow.prototype.getState = function() { return this.state_; }; /** * @param {remoting.HostController.AsyncResult} result Result of the * current step. * @return {remoting.HostSetupFlow.State} New state. */ remoting.HostSetupFlow.prototype.switchToNextStep = function(result) { if (this.state_ == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.NONE) { return this.state_; } if (result == remoting.HostController.AsyncResult.OK) { // If the current step was successful then switch to the next // step in the sequence. if (this.currentStep_ < this.sequence_.length - 1) { this.currentStep_ += 1; this.state_ = this.sequence_[this.currentStep_]; } else { this.state_ = remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.NONE; } } else if (result == remoting.HostController.AsyncResult.CANCELLED) { // Stop the setup flow if user rejected one of the actions. this.state_ = remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.NONE; } else { // Current step failed, so switch to corresponding error state. if (this.state_ == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.STARTING_HOST) { if (result == remoting.HostController.AsyncResult.FAILED_DIRECTORY) { this.state_ = remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.REGISTRATION_FAILED; } else { this.state_ = remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.START_HOST_FAILED; } } else if (this.state_ == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.UPDATING_PIN) { this.state_ = remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.UPDATE_PIN_FAILED; } else if (this.state_ == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.STOPPING_HOST) { this.state_ = remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.STOP_HOST_FAILED; } else { // TODO(sergeyu): Add other error states and use them here. this.state_ = remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.START_HOST_FAILED; } } return this.state_; }; /** * @param {remoting.HostController} hostController The HostController * responsible for the host daemon. * @constructor */ remoting.HostSetupDialog = function(hostController) { this.hostController_ = hostController; this.pinEntry_ = document.getElementById('daemon-pin-entry'); this.pinConfirm_ = document.getElementById('daemon-pin-confirm'); this.pinErrorDiv_ = document.getElementById('daemon-pin-error-div'); this.pinErrorMessage_ = document.getElementById('daemon-pin-error-message'); /** @type {remoting.HostSetupFlow} */ this.flow_ = new remoting.HostSetupFlow([remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.NONE]); /** @type {remoting.HostSetupDialog} */ var that = this; /** @param {Event} event The event. */ var onPinSubmit = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); that.onPinSubmit_(); }; var form = document.getElementById('ask-pin-form'); form.addEventListener('submit', onPinSubmit, false); /** @param {Event} event The event. */ var onDaemonPinEntryKeyPress = function(event) { if (event.which == 13) { document.getElementById('daemon-pin-confirm').focus(); event.preventDefault(); } }; /** @param {Event} event A keypress event. */ var noDigitsInPin = function(event) { if (event.which == 13) { return; // Otherwise the "submit" action can't be triggered by Enter. } if ((event.which >= 48) && (event.which <= 57)) { return; } event.preventDefault(); }; this.pinEntry_.addEventListener('keypress', onDaemonPinEntryKeyPress, false); this.pinEntry_.addEventListener('keypress', noDigitsInPin, false); this.pinConfirm_.addEventListener('keypress', noDigitsInPin, false); }; /** * Show the dialog in order to get a PIN prior to starting the daemon. When the * user clicks OK, the dialog shows a spinner until the daemon has started. * * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.HostSetupDialog.prototype.showForStart = function() { var flow = [ remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.ASK_PIN, remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.STARTING_HOST, remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.HOST_STARTED]; if (navigator.platform.indexOf('Mac') != -1 && this.hostController_.state() == remoting.HostController.State.NOT_INSTALLED) { flow.unshift(remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.INSTALL_HOST); } this.startNewFlow_(flow); }; /** * Show the dialog in order to change the PIN associated with a running daemon. * * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.HostSetupDialog.prototype.showForPin = function() { this.startNewFlow_( [remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.ASK_PIN, remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.UPDATING_PIN, remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.UPDATED_PIN]); }; /** * Show the dialog in order to stop the daemon. * * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.HostSetupDialog.prototype.showForStop = function() { // TODO(sergeyu): Add another step to unregister the host, crubg.com/121146 . this.startNewFlow_( [remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.STOPPING_HOST, remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.HOST_STOPPED]); }; /** * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.HostSetupDialog.prototype.hide = function() { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.HOME); }; /** * Starts new flow with the specified sequence of steps. * @param {Array.} sequence Sequence of steps. * @private */ remoting.HostSetupDialog.prototype.startNewFlow_ = function(sequence) { this.flow_ = new remoting.HostSetupFlow(sequence); this.pinEntry_.value = ''; this.pinConfirm_.value = ''; this.pinErrorDiv_.hidden = true; this.updateState_(); }; /** * Updates current UI mode according to the current state of the setup * flow and start the action corresponding to the current step (if * any). * @private */ remoting.HostSetupDialog.prototype.updateState_ = function() { remoting.hostController.updateDom(); /** @param {string} tag */ function showProcessingMessage(tag) { var messageDiv = document.getElementById('host-setup-processing-message'); l10n.localizeElementFromTag(messageDiv, tag); remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.HOST_SETUP_PROCESSING); } /** @param {string} tag1 * @param {string=} opt_tag2 */ function showDoneMessage(tag1, opt_tag2) { var messageDiv = document.getElementById('host-setup-done-message'); l10n.localizeElementFromTag(messageDiv, tag1); messageDiv = document.getElementById('host-setup-done-message-2'); if (opt_tag2) { l10n.localizeElementFromTag(messageDiv, opt_tag2); } else { messageDiv.innerText = ''; } remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.HOST_SETUP_DONE); } /** @param {string} tag */ function showErrorMessage(tag) { var errorDiv = document.getElementById('host-setup-error-message'); l10n.localizeElementFromTag(errorDiv, tag); remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.HOST_SETUP_ERROR); } var state = this.flow_.getState(); if (state == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.NONE) { this.hide(); } else if (state == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.ASK_PIN) { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.HOST_SETUP_ASK_PIN); } else if (state == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.INSTALL_HOST) { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.HOST_SETUP_INSTALL); window.location = 'http://dl.google.com/chrome-remote-desktop/chromeremotedesktop.dmg'; } else if (state == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.STARTING_HOST) { showProcessingMessage(/*i18n-content*/'HOST_SETUP_STARTING'); this.startHost_(); } else if (state == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.UPDATING_PIN) { showProcessingMessage(/*i18n-content*/'HOST_SETUP_UPDATING_PIN'); this.updatePin_(); } else if (state == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.STOPPING_HOST) { showProcessingMessage(/*i18n-content*/'HOST_SETUP_STOPPING'); this.stopHost_(); } else if (state == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.HOST_STARTED) { // TODO(jamiewalch): Only display the second string if the computer's power // management settings indicate that it's necessary. showDoneMessage(/*i18n-content*/'HOST_SETUP_STARTED', /*i18n-content*/'HOST_SETUP_STARTED_DISABLE_SLEEP'); } else if (state == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.UPDATED_PIN) { showDoneMessage(/*i18n-content*/'HOST_SETUP_UPDATED_PIN'); } else if (state == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.HOST_STOPPED) { showDoneMessage(/*i18n-content*/'HOST_SETUP_STOPPED'); } else if (state == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.REGISTRATION_FAILED) { showErrorMessage(/*i18n-content*/'HOST_SETUP_REGISTRATION_FAILED'); } else if (state == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.START_HOST_FAILED) { showErrorMessage(/*i18n-content*/'HOST_SETUP_HOST_FAILED'); } else if (state == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.UPDATE_PIN_FAILED) { showErrorMessage(/*i18n-content*/'HOST_SETUP_UPDATE_PIN_FAILED'); } else if (state == remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.STOP_HOST_FAILED) { showErrorMessage(/*i18n-content*/'HOST_SETUP_STOP_FAILED'); } }; /** * Registers and starts the host. */ remoting.HostSetupDialog.prototype.startHost_ = function() { /** @type {remoting.HostSetupDialog} */ var that = this; /** @type {remoting.HostSetupFlow} */ var flow = this.flow_; /** @param {remoting.HostController.AsyncResult} result */ function onHostStarted(result) { if (flow !== that.flow_ || flow.getState() != remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.STARTING_HOST) { console.error('Host setup was interrupted when starting the host'); return; } flow.switchToNextStep(result); that.updateState_(); } this.hostController_.start(this.flow_.pin, onHostStarted); }; remoting.HostSetupDialog.prototype.updatePin_ = function() { /** @type {remoting.HostSetupDialog} */ var that = this; /** @type {remoting.HostSetupFlow} */ var flow = this.flow_; /** @param {remoting.HostController.AsyncResult} result */ function onPinUpdated(result) { if (flow !== that.flow_ || flow.getState() != remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.UPDATING_PIN) { console.error('Host setup was interrupted when updating PIN'); return; } flow.switchToNextStep(result); that.updateState_(); } this.hostController_.updatePin(flow.pin, onPinUpdated); } /** * Stops the host. */ remoting.HostSetupDialog.prototype.stopHost_ = function() { /** @type {remoting.HostSetupDialog} */ var that = this; /** @type {remoting.HostSetupFlow} */ var flow = this.flow_; /** @param {remoting.HostController.AsyncResult} result */ function onHostStopped(result) { if (flow !== that.flow_ || flow.getState() != remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.STOPPING_HOST) { console.error('Host setup was interrupted when stopping the host'); return; } flow.switchToNextStep(result); that.updateState_(); } this.hostController_.stop(onHostStopped); }; /** @private */ remoting.HostSetupDialog.prototype.onPinSubmit_ = function() { if (this.flow_.getState() != remoting.HostSetupFlow.State.ASK_PIN) { console.error('PIN submitted in an invalid state', this.flow_.getState()); return; } var pin1 = this.pinEntry_.value; var pin2 = this.pinConfirm_.value; if (pin1 != pin2) { l10n.localizeElementFromTag( this.pinErrorMessage_, /*i18n-content*/'PINS_NOT_EQUAL'); this.pinErrorDiv_.hidden = false; this.prepareForPinEntry_(); return; } if (!remoting.HostSetupDialog.validPin_(pin1)) { l10n.localizeElementFromTag( this.pinErrorMessage_, /*i18n-content*/'INVALID_PIN'); this.pinErrorDiv_.hidden = false; this.prepareForPinEntry_(); return; } this.pinErrorDiv_.hidden = true; this.flow_.pin = pin1; this.flow_.switchToNextStep(remoting.HostController.AsyncResult.OK); this.updateState_(); }; /** @private */ remoting.HostSetupDialog.prototype.prepareForPinEntry_ = function() { this.pinEntry_.value = ''; this.pinConfirm_.value = ''; this.pinEntry_.focus(); }; /** * Returns whether a PIN is valid. * * @private * @param {string} pin A PIN. * @return {boolean} Whether the PIN is valid. */ remoting.HostSetupDialog.validPin_ = function(pin) { if (pin.length < 4) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < pin.length; i++) { var c = pin.charAt(i); if ((c < '0') || (c > '9')) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.HostSetupDialog.prototype.onInstallDialogOk = function() { var state = this.hostController_.state(); if (state == remoting.HostController.State.STOPPED) { this.flow_.switchToNextStep(remoting.HostController.AsyncResult.OK); this.updateState_(); } else { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.HOST_SETUP_INSTALL_PENDING); } } /** * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.HostSetupDialog.prototype.onInstallDialogRetry = function() { remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.HOST_SETUP_INSTALL); } /** @type {remoting.HostSetupDialog} */ remoting.hostSetupDialog = null;