// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. 'use strict'; /** @suppress {duplicate} */ var remoting = remoting || {}; /** @type {remoting.HostSession} */ remoting.hostSession = null; /** * Show the authorization consent UI and register a one-shot event handler to * continue the authorization process. * * @param {function():void} authContinue Callback to invoke when the user * clicks "Continue". */ function consentRequired_(authContinue) { /** @type {HTMLElement} */ var dialog = document.getElementById('auth-dialog'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ var button = document.getElementById('auth-button'); var consentGranted = function(event) { dialog.hidden = true; button.removeEventListener('click', consentGranted, false); authContinue(); }; dialog.hidden = false; button.addEventListener('click', consentGranted, false); } /** * @enum {string} The start-up mode of the web-app */ remoting.TabType = { REGULAR: 'REGULAR', PINNED: 'PINNED', WINDOWED: 'WINDOWED', FULLSCREEN: 'FULLSCREEN', UNKNOWN: 'UNKNOWN' }; /** * Entry point for app initialization. */ remoting.init = function() { // TODO(jamiewalch): Remove this when we migrate to apps v2 // (http://crbug.com/ 134213). remoting.initMockStorage(); remoting.logExtensionInfo_(); l10n.localize(); // Create global objects. remoting.settings = new remoting.Settings(); remoting.oauth2 = new remoting.OAuth2(); // TODO(jamiewalch): Reinstate this when we migrate to apps v2 // (http://crbug.com/ 134213). // remoting.identity = new remoting.Identity(consentRequired_); remoting.identity = remoting.oauth2; remoting.stats = new remoting.ConnectionStats( document.getElementById('statistics')); remoting.formatIq = new remoting.FormatIq(); remoting.hostList = new remoting.HostList( document.getElementById('host-list'), document.getElementById('host-list-empty'), document.getElementById('host-list-error-message'), document.getElementById('host-list-refresh-failed-button')); remoting.toolbar = new remoting.Toolbar( document.getElementById('session-toolbar')); remoting.clipboard = new remoting.Clipboard(); var sandbox = /** @type {HTMLIFrameElement} */ document.getElementById('wcs-sandbox'); remoting.wcsSandbox = new remoting.WcsSandboxContainer(sandbox.contentWindow); remoting.identity.getEmail(remoting.onEmail, remoting.showErrorMessage); remoting.showOrHideIT2MeUi(); remoting.showOrHideMe2MeUi(); // The plugin's onFocus handler sends a paste command to |window|, because // it can't send one to the plugin element itself. window.addEventListener('paste', pluginGotPaste_, false); window.addEventListener('copy', pluginGotCopy_, false); remoting.initModalDialogs(); if (isHostModeSupported_()) { var noShare = document.getElementById('chrome-os-no-share'); noShare.parentNode.removeChild(noShare); } else { var button = document.getElementById('share-button'); button.disabled = true; } var onLoad = function() { // Parse URL parameters. var urlParams = getUrlParameters_(); if ('mode' in urlParams) { if (urlParams['mode'] == 'me2me') { var hostId = urlParams['hostId']; remoting.connectMe2Me(hostId); return; } } // No valid URL parameters, start up normally. remoting.initDaemonUi(); } remoting.hostList.load(onLoad); // Show the tab-type warnings if necessary. /** @param {remoting.TabType} tabType */ var onTabTypeKnown = function(tabType) { if (tabType != remoting.TabType.WINDOWED) { document.getElementById('startup-mode-box-me2me').hidden = false; document.getElementById('startup-mode-box-it2me').hidden = false; } }; getTabType_(onTabTypeKnown); }; /** * Display the user's email address and allow access to the rest of the app, * including parsing URL parameters. * * @param {string} email The user's email address. * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.onEmail = function(email) { document.getElementById('current-email').innerText = email; document.getElementById('get-started-it2me').disabled = false; document.getElementById('get-started-me2me').disabled = false; }; /** initDaemonUi is called if the app is not starting up in session mode, and * also if the user cancels pin entry or the connection in session mode. */ remoting.initDaemonUi = function() { remoting.hostController = new remoting.HostController(); document.getElementById('share-button').disabled = !remoting.hostController.isPluginSupported(); remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.HOME); if (!remoting.oauth2.isAuthenticated()) { document.getElementById('auth-dialog').hidden = false; } remoting.hostSetupDialog = new remoting.HostSetupDialog(remoting.hostController); // Display the cached host list, then asynchronously update and re-display it. remoting.updateLocalHostState(); remoting.hostList.refresh(remoting.updateLocalHostState); }; /** * Fetches local host state and updates host list accordingly. */ remoting.updateLocalHostState = function() { /** * @param {remoting.HostController.State} state Host state. * @param {string?} localHostId */ var onHostState = function(state, localHostId) { remoting.hostList.setLocalHostStateAndId(state, localHostId); remoting.hostList.display(); }; remoting.hostController.getLocalHostStateAndId(onHostState); }; /** * Log information about the current extension. * The extension manifest is parsed to extract this info. */ remoting.logExtensionInfo_ = function() { var manifest = chrome.runtime.getManifest(); if (manifest && manifest.version) { var name = chrome.i18n.getMessage('PRODUCT_NAME'); console.log(name + ' version: ' + manifest.version); } else { console.error('Failed to get product version. Corrupt manifest?'); } }; /** * If an IT2Me client or host is active then prompt the user before closing. * If a Me2Me client is active then don't bother, since closing the window is * the more intuitive way to end a Me2Me session, and re-connecting is easy. * * @return {?string} The prompt string if a connection is active. */ remoting.promptClose = function() { if (!remoting.clientSession || remoting.clientSession.mode == remoting.ClientSession.Mode.ME2ME) { return null; } switch (remoting.currentMode) { case remoting.AppMode.CLIENT_CONNECTING: case remoting.AppMode.HOST_WAITING_FOR_CODE: case remoting.AppMode.HOST_WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION: case remoting.AppMode.HOST_SHARED: case remoting.AppMode.IN_SESSION: return chrome.i18n.getMessage(/*i18n-content*/'CLOSE_PROMPT'); default: return null; } }; /** * Sign the user out of Chromoting by clearing (and revoking, if possible) the * OAuth refresh token. * * Also clear all local storage, to avoid leaking information. */ remoting.signOut = function() { remoting.oauth2.clear(); chrome.storage.local.clear(); remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.HOME); document.getElementById('auth-dialog').hidden = false; }; /** * Returns whether the app is running on ChromeOS. * * @return {boolean} True if the app is running on ChromeOS. */ remoting.runningOnChromeOS = function() { return !!navigator.userAgent.match(/\bCrOS\b/); } /** * Callback function called when the browser window gets a paste operation. * * @param {Event} eventUncast * @return {void} Nothing. */ function pluginGotPaste_(eventUncast) { var event = /** @type {remoting.ClipboardEvent} */ eventUncast; if (event && event.clipboardData) { remoting.clipboard.toHost(event.clipboardData); } } /** * Callback function called when the browser window gets a copy operation. * * @param {Event} eventUncast * @return {void} Nothing. */ function pluginGotCopy_(eventUncast) { var event = /** @type {remoting.ClipboardEvent} */ eventUncast; if (event && event.clipboardData) { if (remoting.clipboard.toOs(event.clipboardData)) { // The default action may overwrite items that we added to clipboardData. event.preventDefault(); } } } /** * Returns whether Host mode is supported on this platform. * * @return {boolean} True if Host mode is supported. */ function isHostModeSupported_() { // Currently, sharing on Chromebooks is not supported. return !remoting.runningOnChromeOS(); } /** * @return {Object.} The URL parameters. */ function getUrlParameters_() { var result = {}; var parts = window.location.search.substring(1).split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { var pair = parts[i].split('='); result[pair[0]] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); } return result; } /** * @param {string} jsonString A JSON-encoded string. * @return {*} The decoded object, or undefined if the string cannot be parsed. */ function jsonParseSafe(jsonString) { try { return JSON.parse(jsonString); } catch (err) { return undefined; } } /** * Return the current time as a formatted string suitable for logging. * * @return {string} The current time, formatted as [mmdd/hhmmss.xyz] */ remoting.timestamp = function() { /** * @param {number} num A number. * @param {number} len The required length of the answer. * @return {string} The number, formatted as a string of the specified length * by prepending zeroes as necessary. */ var pad = function(num, len) { var result = num.toString(); if (result.length < len) { result = new Array(len - result.length + 1).join('0') + result; } return result; }; var now = new Date(); var timestamp = pad(now.getMonth() + 1, 2) + pad(now.getDate(), 2) + '/' + pad(now.getHours(), 2) + pad(now.getMinutes(), 2) + pad(now.getSeconds(), 2) + '.' + pad(now.getMilliseconds(), 3); return '[' + timestamp + ']'; }; /** * Show an error message, optionally including a short-cut for signing in to * Chromoting again. * * @param {remoting.Error} error * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.showErrorMessage = function(error) { l10n.localizeElementFromTag( document.getElementById('token-refresh-error-message'), error); var auth_failed = (error == remoting.Error.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED); document.getElementById('token-refresh-auth-failed').hidden = !auth_failed; document.getElementById('token-refresh-other-error').hidden = auth_failed; remoting.setMode(remoting.AppMode.TOKEN_REFRESH_FAILED); }; /** * Get the start-up mode of the application. * @param {function(remoting.TabType):void} callback Callback to receive the * type start-up mode of the application (the type of the current tab). */ function getTabType_(callback) { /** @param {chrome.Window} win The current window. */ var windowCallback = function(win) { switch (win.state) { case 'fullscreen': callback(remoting.TabType.FULLSCREEN); return; case 'normal': switch (win.type) { case 'normal': callback(remoting.TabType.REGULAR); return; case 'popup': case 'app': callback(remoting.TabType.WINDOWED); return; } } // TODO(jamiewalch): Decide what to do about "panel". callback(remoting.TabType.UNKNOWN); }; /** @param {chrome.Tab} tab The current tab. */ var tabCallback = function(tab) { if (tab.pinned) { callback(remoting.TabType.PINNED); } else { chrome.windows.get(tab.windowId, null, windowCallback); } }; chrome.tabs.getCurrent(tabCallback); }