// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview * Connect set-up state machine for Me2Me and IT2Me */ 'use strict'; /** @suppress {duplicate} */ var remoting = remoting || {}; /** * @param {Element} pluginParent The node under which to add the client plugin. * @param {function(remoting.ClientSession):void} onOk Callback on success. * @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError Callback on error. * @constructor */ remoting.SessionConnector = function(pluginParent, onOk, onError) { /** * @type {Element} * @private */ this.pluginParent_ = pluginParent; /** * @type {function(remoting.ClientSession):void} * @private */ this.onOk_ = onOk; /** * @type {function(remoting.Error):void} * @private */ this.onError_ = onError; /** * @type {string} * @private */ this.clientJid_ = ''; /** * @type {remoting.ClientSession.Mode} * @private */ this.connectionMode_ = remoting.ClientSession.Mode.ME2ME; /** * A timer that polls for an updated access token. * * @type {number} * @private */ this.wcsAccessTokenRefreshTimer_ = 0; // Initialize/declare per-connection state. this.reset(); // Pre-load WCS to improve connection time. remoting.identity.callWithToken(this.loadWcs_.bind(this), this.onError_); }; /** * Reset the per-connection state so that the object can be re-used for a * second connection. Note the none of the shared WCS state is reset. */ remoting.SessionConnector.prototype.reset = function() { /** * Set to true to indicate that the user requested pairing when entering * their PIN for a Me2Me connection. * * @type {boolean} */ this.pairingRequested = false; /** * String used to identify the host to which to connect. For IT2Me, this is * the first 7 digits of the access code; for Me2Me it is the host identifier. * * @type {string} * @private */ this.hostId_ = ''; /** * For paired connections, the client id of this device, issued by the host. * * @type {string} * @private */ this.clientPairingId_ = ''; /** * For paired connections, the paired secret for this device, issued by the * host. * * @type {string} * @private */ this.clientPairedSecret_ = ''; /** * String used to authenticate to the host on connection. For IT2Me, this is * the access code; for Me2Me it is the PIN. * * @type {string} * @private */ this.passPhrase_ = ''; /** * @type {string} * @private */ this.hostJid_ = ''; /** * @type {string} * @private */ this.hostPublicKey_ = ''; /** * @type {boolean} * @private */ this.refreshHostJidIfOffline_ = true; /** * @type {remoting.ClientSession} * @private */ this.clientSession_ = null; /** * @type {XMLHttpRequest} * @private */ this.pendingXhr_ = null; /** * Function to interactively obtain the PIN from the user. * @type {function(boolean, function(string):void):void} * @private */ this.fetchPin_ = function(onPinFetched) {}; /** * @type {function(string, string, string, * function(string, string):void): void} * @private */ this.fetchThirdPartyToken_ = function( tokenUrl, scope, onThirdPartyTokenFetched) {}; /** * Host 'name', as displayed in the client tool-bar. For a Me2Me connection, * this is the name of the host; for an IT2Me connection, it is the email * address of the person sharing their computer. * * @type {string} * @private */ this.hostDisplayName_ = ''; }; /** * Initiate a Me2Me connection. * * @param {remoting.Host} host The Me2Me host to which to connect. * @param {function(boolean, function(string):void):void} fetchPin Function to * interactively obtain the PIN from the user. * @param {function(string, string, string, * function(string, string): void): void} * fetchThirdPartyToken Function to obtain a token from a third party * authenticaiton server. * @param {string} clientPairingId The client id issued by the host when * this device was paired, if it is already paired. * @param {string} clientPairedSecret The shared secret issued by the host when * this device was paired, if it is already paired. * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.SessionConnector.prototype.connectMe2Me = function(host, fetchPin, fetchThirdPartyToken, clientPairingId, clientPairedSecret) { // Cancel any existing connect operation. this.cancel(); this.hostId_ = host.hostId; this.clientPairingId_ = clientPairingId; this.clientPairedSecret_ = clientPairedSecret; this.hostJid_ = host.jabberId; this.hostPublicKey_ = host.publicKey; this.fetchPin_ = fetchPin; this.fetchThirdPartyToken_ = fetchThirdPartyToken; this.hostDisplayName_ = host.hostName; this.connectionMode_ = remoting.ClientSession.Mode.ME2ME; this.createSessionIfReady_(); }; /** * Initiate an IT2Me connection. * * @param {string} accessCode The access code as entered by the user. * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.SessionConnector.prototype.connectIT2Me = function(accessCode) { var kSupportIdLen = 7; var kHostSecretLen = 5; var kAccessCodeLen = kSupportIdLen + kHostSecretLen; // Cancel any existing connect operation. this.cancel(); var normalizedAccessCode = this.normalizeAccessCode_(accessCode); if (normalizedAccessCode.length != kAccessCodeLen) { this.onError_(remoting.Error.INVALID_ACCESS_CODE); return; } this.hostId_ = normalizedAccessCode.substring(0, kSupportIdLen); this.passPhrase_ = normalizedAccessCode; this.connectionMode_ = remoting.ClientSession.Mode.IT2ME; remoting.identity.callWithToken(this.connectIT2MeWithToken_.bind(this), this.onError_); }; /** * Reconnect a closed connection. * * @return {void} Nothing. */ remoting.SessionConnector.prototype.reconnect = function() { if (this.connectionMode_ == remoting.ClientSession.Mode.IT2ME) { console.error('reconnect not supported for IT2Me.'); return; } this.createSessionIfReady_(); }; /** * Cancel a connection-in-progress. */ remoting.SessionConnector.prototype.cancel = function() { if (this.clientSession_) { this.clientSession_.removePlugin(); this.clientSession_ = null; } if (this.pendingXhr_) { this.pendingXhr_.abort(); this.pendingXhr_ = null; } this.reset(); }; /** * Get the connection mode (Me2Me or IT2Me) * * @return {remoting.ClientSession.Mode} */ remoting.SessionConnector.prototype.getConnectionMode = function() { return this.connectionMode_; }; /** * Continue an IT2Me connection once an access token has been obtained. * * @param {string} token An OAuth2 access token. * @return {void} Nothing. * @private */ remoting.SessionConnector.prototype.connectIT2MeWithToken_ = function(token) { // Resolve the host id to get the host JID. this.pendingXhr_ = remoting.xhr.get( remoting.settings.DIRECTORY_API_BASE_URL + '/support-hosts/' + encodeURIComponent(this.hostId_), this.onIT2MeHostInfo_.bind(this), '', { 'Authorization': 'OAuth ' + token }); }; /** * Continue an IT2Me connection once the host JID has been looked up. * * @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr The server response to the support-hosts query. * @return {void} Nothing. * @private */ remoting.SessionConnector.prototype.onIT2MeHostInfo_ = function(xhr) { this.pendingXhr_ = null; if (xhr.status == 200) { var host = /** @type {{data: {jabberId: string, publicKey: string}}} */ jsonParseSafe(xhr.responseText); if (host && host.data && host.data.jabberId && host.data.publicKey) { this.hostJid_ = host.data.jabberId; this.hostPublicKey_ = host.data.publicKey; this.hostDisplayName_ = this.hostJid_.split('/')[0]; this.createSessionIfReady_(); return; } else { console.error('Invalid "support-hosts" response from server.'); } } else { this.onError_(this.translateSupportHostsError(xhr.status)); } }; /** * Load the WCS driver script. * * @param {string} token An OAuth2 access token. * @return {void} Nothing. * @private */ remoting.SessionConnector.prototype.loadWcs_ = function(token) { remoting.wcsSandbox.setOnLocalJid(this.onLocalJid_.bind(this)); remoting.wcsSandbox.setOnError(this.onError_); remoting.wcsSandbox.setAccessToken(token); this.startAccessTokenRefreshTimer_(); }; /** * Continue an IT2Me or Me2Me connection once WCS has been loaded. * * @param {string} clientJid The full JID of the WCS client. * @return {void} Nothing. * @private */ remoting.SessionConnector.prototype.onLocalJid_ = function(clientJid) { this.clientJid_ = clientJid; this.createSessionIfReady_(); }; /** * If both the client and host JIDs are available, create a session and connect. * * @return {void} Nothing. * @private */ remoting.SessionConnector.prototype.createSessionIfReady_ = function() { if (!this.clientJid_ || !this.hostJid_) { return; } // In some circumstances, the WCS