// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "sandbox/src/broker_services.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h" #include "base/win/scoped_handle.h" #include "base/win/scoped_process_information.h" #include "sandbox/src/sandbox_policy_base.h" #include "sandbox/src/sandbox.h" #include "sandbox/src/target_process.h" #include "sandbox/src/win2k_threadpool.h" #include "sandbox/src/win_utils.h" namespace { // Utility function to associate a completion port to a job object. bool AssociateCompletionPort(HANDLE job, HANDLE port, void* key) { JOBOBJECT_ASSOCIATE_COMPLETION_PORT job_acp = { key, port }; return ::SetInformationJobObject(job, JobObjectAssociateCompletionPortInformation, &job_acp, sizeof(job_acp))? true : false; } // Utility function to do the cleanup necessary when something goes wrong // while in SpawnTarget and we must terminate the target process. sandbox::ResultCode SpawnCleanup(sandbox::TargetProcess* target, DWORD error) { if (0 == error) error = ::GetLastError(); target->Terminate(); delete target; ::SetLastError(error); return sandbox::SBOX_ERROR_GENERIC; } // the different commands that you can send to the worker thread that // executes TargetEventsThread(). enum { THREAD_CTRL_NONE, THREAD_CTRL_REMOVE_PEER, THREAD_CTRL_QUIT, THREAD_CTRL_LAST, }; // Helper structure that allows the Broker to associate a job notification // with a job object and with a policy. struct JobTracker { HANDLE job; sandbox::PolicyBase* policy; JobTracker(HANDLE cjob, sandbox::PolicyBase* cpolicy) : job(cjob), policy(cpolicy) { } }; // Helper structure that allows the broker to track peer processes struct PeerTracker { HANDLE wait_object; base::win::ScopedHandle process; DWORD id; HANDLE job_port; PeerTracker(DWORD process_id, HANDLE broker_job_port) : wait_object(NULL), id(process_id), job_port(broker_job_port) { } }; } // namespace namespace sandbox { BrokerServicesBase::BrokerServicesBase() : thread_pool_(NULL), job_port_(NULL), no_targets_(NULL), job_thread_(NULL) { } // The broker uses a dedicated worker thread that services the job completion // port to perform policy notifications and associated cleanup tasks. ResultCode BrokerServicesBase::Init() { if ((NULL != job_port_) || (NULL != thread_pool_)) return SBOX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CALL; ::InitializeCriticalSection(&lock_); job_port_ = ::CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 0); if (NULL == job_port_) return SBOX_ERROR_GENERIC; no_targets_ = ::CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); job_thread_ = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, // Default security and stack. TargetEventsThread, this, NULL, NULL); if (NULL == job_thread_) return SBOX_ERROR_GENERIC; return SBOX_ALL_OK; } // The destructor should only be called when the Broker process is terminating. // Since BrokerServicesBase is a singleton, this is called from the CRT // termination handlers, if this code lives on a DLL it is called during // DLL_PROCESS_DETACH in other words, holding the loader lock, so we cannot // wait for threads here. BrokerServicesBase::~BrokerServicesBase() { // If there is no port Init() was never called successfully. if (!job_port_) return; // Closing the port causes, that no more Job notifications are delivered to // the worker thread and also causes the thread to exit. This is what we // want to do since we are going to close all outstanding Jobs and notifying // the policy objects ourselves. ::PostQueuedCompletionStatus(job_port_, 0, THREAD_CTRL_QUIT, FALSE); ::CloseHandle(job_port_); if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == ::WaitForSingleObject(job_thread_, 1000)) { // Cannot clean broker services. NOTREACHED(); return; } JobTrackerList::iterator it; for (it = tracker_list_.begin(); it != tracker_list_.end(); ++it) { JobTracker* tracker = (*it); FreeResources(tracker); delete tracker; } ::CloseHandle(job_thread_); delete thread_pool_; ::CloseHandle(no_targets_); // Cancel the wait events and delete remaining peer trackers. for (PeerTrackerMap::iterator it = peer_map_.begin(); it != peer_map_.end(); ++it) { // Deregistration shouldn't fail, but we leak rather than crash if it does. if (::UnregisterWaitEx(it->second->wait_object, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { delete it->second; } else { NOTREACHED(); } } // If job_port_ isn't NULL, assumes that the lock has been initialized. if (job_port_) ::DeleteCriticalSection(&lock_); } TargetPolicy* BrokerServicesBase::CreatePolicy() { // If you change the type of the object being created here you must also // change the downcast to it in SpawnTarget(). return new PolicyBase; } void BrokerServicesBase::FreeResources(JobTracker* tracker) { if (NULL != tracker->policy) { BOOL res = ::TerminateJobObject(tracker->job, SBOX_ALL_OK); DCHECK(res); // Closing the job causes the target process to be destroyed so this // needs to happen before calling OnJobEmpty(). res = ::CloseHandle(tracker->job); DCHECK(res); // In OnJobEmpty() we don't actually use the job handle directly. tracker->policy->OnJobEmpty(tracker->job); tracker->policy->Release(); tracker->policy = NULL; } } // The worker thread stays in a loop waiting for asynchronous notifications // from the job objects. Right now we only care about knowing when the last // process on a job terminates, but in general this is the place to tell // the policy about events. DWORD WINAPI BrokerServicesBase::TargetEventsThread(PVOID param) { if (NULL == param) return 1; base::PlatformThread::SetName("BrokerEvent"); BrokerServicesBase* broker = reinterpret_cast(param); HANDLE port = broker->job_port_; HANDLE no_targets = broker->no_targets_; int target_counter = 0; ::ResetEvent(no_targets); while (true) { DWORD events = 0; ULONG_PTR key = 0; LPOVERLAPPED ovl = NULL; if (!::GetQueuedCompletionStatus(port, &events, &key, &ovl, INFINITE)) // this call fails if the port has been closed before we have a // chance to service the last packet which is 'exit' anyway so // this is not an error. return 1; if (key > THREAD_CTRL_LAST) { // The notification comes from a job object. There are nine notifications // that jobs can send and some of them depend on the job attributes set. JobTracker* tracker = reinterpret_cast(key); switch (events) { case JOB_OBJECT_MSG_ACTIVE_PROCESS_ZERO: { // The job object has signaled that the last process associated // with it has terminated. Assuming there is no way for a process // to appear out of thin air in this job, it safe to assume that // we can tell the policy to destroy the target object, and for // us to release our reference to the policy object. FreeResources(tracker); break; } case JOB_OBJECT_MSG_NEW_PROCESS: { ++target_counter; if (1 == target_counter) { ::ResetEvent(no_targets); } break; } case JOB_OBJECT_MSG_EXIT_PROCESS: case JOB_OBJECT_MSG_ABNORMAL_EXIT_PROCESS: { { AutoLock lock(&broker->lock_); broker->child_process_ids_.erase(reinterpret_cast(ovl)); } --target_counter; if (0 == target_counter) ::SetEvent(no_targets); DCHECK(target_counter >= 0); break; } case JOB_OBJECT_MSG_ACTIVE_PROCESS_LIMIT: { break; } default: { NOTREACHED(); break; } } } else if (THREAD_CTRL_REMOVE_PEER == key) { // Remove a process from our list of peers. AutoLock lock(&broker->lock_); PeerTrackerMap::iterator it = broker->peer_map_.find(reinterpret_cast(ovl)); // This shouldn't fail, but if it does leak the memory rather than crash. if (::UnregisterWaitEx(it->second->wait_object, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { delete it->second; broker->peer_map_.erase(it); } else { NOTREACHED(); } } else if (THREAD_CTRL_QUIT == key) { // The broker object is being destroyed so the thread needs to exit. return 0; } else { // We have not implemented more commands. NOTREACHED(); } } NOTREACHED(); return 0; } // SpawnTarget does all the interesting sandbox setup and creates the target // process inside the sandbox. ResultCode BrokerServicesBase::SpawnTarget(const wchar_t* exe_path, const wchar_t* command_line, TargetPolicy* policy, PROCESS_INFORMATION* target_info) { if (!exe_path) return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; if (!policy) return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; // Even though the resources touched by SpawnTarget can be accessed in // multiple threads, the method itself cannot be called from more than // 1 thread. This is to protect the global variables used while setting up // the child process. static DWORD thread_id = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); DCHECK(thread_id == ::GetCurrentThreadId()); AutoLock lock(&lock_); // This downcast is safe as long as we control CreatePolicy() PolicyBase* policy_base = static_cast(policy); // Construct the tokens and the job object that we are going to associate // with the soon to be created target process. base::win::ScopedHandle lockdown_token; base::win::ScopedHandle initial_token; DWORD win_result = policy_base->MakeTokens(initial_token.Receive(), lockdown_token.Receive()); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != win_result) return SBOX_ERROR_GENERIC; base::win::ScopedHandle job; win_result = policy_base->MakeJobObject(job.Receive()); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != win_result) return SBOX_ERROR_GENERIC; if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == ::GetLastError()) return SBOX_ERROR_GENERIC; // Construct the thread pool here in case it is expensive. // The thread pool is shared by all the targets if (NULL == thread_pool_) thread_pool_ = new Win2kThreadPool(); // Create the TargetProces object and spawn the target suspended. Note that // Brokerservices does not own the target object. It is owned by the Policy. base::win::ScopedProcessInformation process_info; TargetProcess* target = new TargetProcess(initial_token.Take(), lockdown_token.Take(), job, thread_pool_); std::wstring desktop = policy_base->GetAlternateDesktop(); win_result = target->Create(exe_path, command_line, desktop.empty() ? NULL : desktop.c_str(), &process_info); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != win_result) return SpawnCleanup(target, win_result); // Now the policy is the owner of the target. if (!policy_base->AddTarget(target)) { return SpawnCleanup(target, 0); } // We are going to keep a pointer to the policy because we'll call it when // the job object generates notifications using the completion port. policy_base->AddRef(); scoped_ptr tracker(new JobTracker(job.Take(), policy_base)); if (!AssociateCompletionPort(tracker->job, job_port_, tracker.get())) return SpawnCleanup(target, 0); // Save the tracker because in cleanup we might need to force closing // the Jobs. tracker_list_.push_back(tracker.release()); child_process_ids_.insert(process_info.process_id()); *target_info = process_info.Take(); return SBOX_ALL_OK; } ResultCode BrokerServicesBase::WaitForAllTargets() { ::WaitForSingleObject(no_targets_, INFINITE); return SBOX_ALL_OK; } bool BrokerServicesBase::IsActiveTarget(DWORD process_id) { AutoLock lock(&lock_); return child_process_ids_.find(process_id) != child_process_ids_.end() || peer_map_.find(process_id) != peer_map_.end(); } VOID CALLBACK BrokerServicesBase::RemovePeer(PVOID parameter, BOOLEAN) { PeerTracker* peer = reinterpret_cast(parameter); // Don't check the return code because we this may fail (safely) at shutdown. ::PostQueuedCompletionStatus(peer->job_port, 0, THREAD_CTRL_REMOVE_PEER, reinterpret_cast(peer->id)); } ResultCode BrokerServicesBase::AddTargetPeer(HANDLE peer_process) { scoped_ptr peer(new PeerTracker(::GetProcessId(peer_process), job_port_)); if (!peer->id) return SBOX_ERROR_GENERIC; if (!::DuplicateHandle(::GetCurrentProcess(), peer_process, ::GetCurrentProcess(), peer->process.Receive(), SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, 0)) { return SBOX_ERROR_GENERIC; } AutoLock lock(&lock_); if (!peer_map_.insert(std::make_pair(peer->id, peer.get())).second) return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; if (!::RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&peer->wait_object, peer->process, RemovePeer, peer.get(), INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE | WT_EXECUTEINWAITTHREAD)) { peer_map_.erase(peer->id); return SBOX_ERROR_GENERIC; } // Leak the pointer since it will be cleaned up by the callback. peer.release(); return SBOX_ALL_OK; } } // namespace sandbox